

  • All this nonsense is a load of crap. McDonald's food is actually high quality. they use real and safe ingredients and are making alot of changes to incorporate a healthy menu variety. I know this for a fact. Yes it does have sodium and the fries have greese, but all fries have grease and if you season your food at home..…
  • drool... 1. Dark Chocolate Toasted Coconut Pie witha large side of whip cream 2. Olive Garden Chicken Stuffed Marsala with mashed potatoes 3. Oreos with a huge glass of milk 4. Junction Pizza 5. Wendys baconator with doritos
  • hate - his loud belches & phobia about raw or expired foods love- his body heat at night and his ability to make me laugh in every situation.
  • ""go to clubs at night and people are like hey, who's wearing the cole-slaw? Do you know how hard it is to get laid if you smell like cole-slaw? Not hard...""" - Susanna from Dinner for Schumcks hahah love that!
  • Well I've always had a list and prayed for it... and hey guess what... I got it all the first try and married it! Extra Tall -(Hubby is 6'6) <----Nice smile Strong & Sexy Neck and Shoulders <---Blue Eyes Little Body Hair!!! ( hairy men are gross lol ....My father in law and brother in law are two of the hairyest men I…
  • Logging all of my cheats helps me stay on track. it lets me see that even if i do cheat.. the rest of my day isnt ruined as long as i eat better for the remainder. one mess up is only one mess up... dont let it get you down and dont turn it into 2 or 3. stop being so hard on yourself. enjoy something bad occasionally and…
  • I am wondering the same!
  • Aww congrats!!! My Niece to be is due on Nov. 20th!
  • I use broccoli and Cheese mixed in with brown rice. Not really that healthy but kinda.... and an idea. I also use steamed veggies sometimes. I am bumping this because i need more ideas as well!
  • I have not taken my measurements yet, I know i should be... but i keep forgetting to get a tape. And I am just walking for exercise or swimming. I started doing a workout video this morning, slim in 6. And i drink about 8-15 glasses a day of water. and i finally saw a drop this morning!!! yay!!
  • does your machince ask for your weight? MFP totals are based on your weight.
  • I just have a simple one from walmart... its digital and i only use it for ounces... but i think you can use it for more. It works great tho!
  • as far as boosting your willpower... you have to get in the right mindset. I have terrible will power.... i mean terrrible!!!!!!! and i am naturally a girl that gains weight easily... I gained 40lbs in 2 months without even eating that badly. I always do.. but usually I am constantly on some type of diet so it comes and…
  • and i only track my weight once a week.
  • I weigh about 3 times a day, ( i know thats probably not a good thing.. but i just like to do it.. the number keeps me motivated to make healthier eating choices and workout more). Usually.. it varies by .8lbs a day from morning till night. That particular day, I was about a 1.8lbs lighter the first 2 times and then it…
  • I think it can be a good thing, but also has a few down sides. I was considering getting it but i am terrified of being cut open (even tho its tiny) and my insurance wouldnt pay for it so it was gonna cost me over 15,000 for the surgery alone!! I know about 10 women who have had it and have lost a ton of weight, but they…
  • alot of groups have theme days... Cleavage Monday, Tummy Tuesday, Bicep Wednesday, Thigh Thursday, etc... and they post pic of thier parts lol
  • I usually buy the simple tasting ones.. less could go wrong with flavor haha! I personally like the Broccoli Cheddar Potato, & Three Cheese Zitini. Some of the sandwhiches are good as well. Smart Ones has one called Santa Fe Rice and Beans thats yummy and thier version of the flavors mentioned above. I only eat them when I…
  • try upping your caloric intake by 100-300 calories a day during that week. I know I stay very hungry and if I dont enough I get extremely moody.
  • if they have a website you can possibly get a nutritional menu. it always helps me to look at that before i go so i am in the mind frame that my favorite dishes arent worth the calories. Also to see what i have room for. if no website you may can call the restaurant and ask if they have one. you may have to go it it, or…
  • type it in google and it will bring up a few sites that will calculate it for you depending on weight. or get a heart rate monitor and wear it ... because they are so sexy!!! haha
  • I have this problem. I cant make it stop. my shoes are always loose, my socks arent tight, and i have purchased new expensive shoes for this problem. Still happens!!! The only thing that helps is to try and move my feet often while im doing the eliptical. Also if i do it in 10-15 minute intervals. u just gotta find what…
  • I am wondering as well. I havent lost all my weight yet, but i know i will have a very saggy stomach pouch and I am so worried about it.... but i am more worried about being healthy.
  • When i work out on an eliptical at the gym with a monitor... My heart rate gets up to 190 tops and then evens out at 180 when im at a steady speed. Ive wondered the same thing about if its dangerous. I feel fine though. I am 21 and 299 now.. i was 318. but even when i was 275 it was the same rate.
  • hahah awesome!!!!
  • Get em killer!!!!
  • HRM - heart rate monitor
  • Hi Dear!!! You have definately come to the right place!!! This community is awesome to say the least. Find you a few buddies, track everything and have fun! Feel free to friend me! its all about support and encouragement and this is a great place to get it. Good luck to you!
  • Awesome!!!