Lap band yay or nay?

My family is advising me that I should get the lap band surgery. I just want to know if anyone out there has had this done and what are your thoughts??? I am kinda nervous about it. I have sent away for more info from the clinic here. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :flowerforyou:


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    nay.... eat less & exercise more.

    i dont mean to be harsh, but simply put, thats all you need to do, with a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE amount of willpower.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    You'd be better off losing the "right" and exercise. Long-term effects of any weight loss surgery are far more dangerous than general healthy lifestyle.
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    nay.... eat less & exercise more.

    i dont mean to be harsh, but simply put, thats all you need to do, with a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE amount of willpower.

    willpower I do not have... I find it for a few months and it's gone and I gain back the weight... probably why my family is concerned.
  • Stagezz
    Stagezz Posts: 124 Member
    My sister is having it down in October...there is alot that goes into even getting approved for it. Many times they make you lose up to 50 pounds on your own to prove you are dedicated enough to do it! I say try to diet and exercise on your own...

    The only thing you have to lose is pounds...
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I wish I could, but I never weighed enough to qualify, even though I'm technically obese.
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I guess I should have mentioned that i have lost 60 lbs in the past and only to have put it back on... then lost 40lbs again only to have it back and then some... I guess my family is scared of the yo yo dieting.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    Lapband will give you faster results.
    Traditional (ie. eat less, move more) changes will give you slower, but probably more lasting results.

    I personally would advocate the more traditional route. I know that it takes longer to see results, but that gives your body time to adjust so you're less likely to have skin issues. That gives you time to exercise and strengthen your muscles so you can be more toned as you slim down. That gives you time for your brain to change along with your body, which I really think is the key to keeping the weight off. If your brain doesn't change, then you'll end up right back where you started.

    Honestly, it's your body, and you're free to make up your own mind. Don't let family, friends, or an internet forum tell you what you should do. If you want to have the surgery, then do it. If you don't, don't.
    I guess my family is scared of the yo yo dieting.

    Tough love ... but ... if you don't have the willpower to keep off the weight you've lost over and over, then how are you going to have the willpower to keep the weight off once the band comes off? You actually earned that 60# & 40# losses, but couldn't maintain them. What's it going to be like when the weight is just melting off? I'm not trying to sound harsh. I would probably wait for the surgery until you're at a point where you can control yourself. It's hard, I know. Everybody has bad days. But you gotta muster up the strength to pull yourself back together after a bad day and not let it turn into a bad week or a bad month. No surgery is going to do that for you.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    nay.... eat less & exercise more.

    i dont mean to be harsh, but simply put, thats all you need to do, with a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE amount of willpower.

    willpower I do not have... I find it for a few months and it's gone and I gain back the weight... probably why my family is concerned.

    I think you'd do better by spending time and money investigating your willpower rather than a lapband surgery. Lapband isn't a permanent fix, it takes willpower to live within the guidelines after the surgery. It's entirely possible to reverse the "benefits" of a lapband and stretch the stomach out again by overeating. It's a huge decision to make.

    Personally, I would look into support groups in your area that will help you overcome the hurdles.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i have just taken myself off of the lap band surgery list as i am doing so well.
    several things you should keep in mind before saying yes...
    1.there will be some foods you can not ever eat again(you won't find this out until you get it done everyone if different)! can never eat a meal past the size of 1/2 a tea plate again! will be along wait if you are going nhs.(years 2 +)
    4.the band will not make you loose all your weight only 70/80% of your EXECESS body fat! will have to loose 10+% of your body weight now before they will say yes to you! will have to take vitimans for the rest of you life!
    i could go on and on but i won't boar you to death...
    the band is a tool to HELP you loose weight NOT make you loose weight,you still have to do the hard work yourself...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    my understanding of the lap band is that if you do constantly eat more than you should, it will just stretch back anyway, meaning its been surgery for nothing... if you have no willpower, how will he lapband make a difference in the long run?
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    nay.... eat less & exercise more.

    i dont mean to be harsh, but simply put, thats all you need to do, with a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE amount of willpower.

    willpower I do not have... I find it for a few months and it's gone and I gain back the weight... probably why my family is concerned.

    I looked into it years ago and even had a consultation with the doctor who did it in my area. He said if a person is not ready or willing to follow a restricted diet and exercise that it won't work. He said he had many patients who were not successful because they weren't making the effort. Even though you physically have put less in your body or you'll get sick, there is nothing stopping you from eating for drinking the wrong things. This doctor told me that some of his clients who weren't emotionally ready to be thinner actually started to drink gravey and eat straight icing sugar - hence why no weight loss even with restrictions on "how much" you can eat.

    After hearing that it became evident to me that you need to be able to control your food and exercise to take weight off successfully with a lapband. And IF I was able to do that....then I didn't need the lapband.

    So I opted to do it the hard by safe way.
  • sarahlong09
    I think it can be a good thing, but also has a few down sides. I was considering getting it but i am terrified of being cut open (even tho its tiny) and my insurance wouldnt pay for it so it was gonna cost me over 15,000 for the surgery alone!!

    I know about 10 women who have had it and have lost a ton of weight, but they all say they pretty much became belimic! And its just as hard to loose weight on it as it is just dieting and exercising. You have to be really committed and focused. To me it seems a little extreme just to have a full feeling.

    It does work though, I have seen it.

    But If you have been on here long enough, you can see that support, hard work, and just getting out there and doing something about it will do it too. and you can be more proud of your hard work if you do it on your own.

    I know its hard though... i have been in the same boat as you... one month on, one month off.... and so on. its a never ending cycle. But this site helps alot. it keeps you motivated, focused, and inspired.

    I'd say go ahead and try this site for a while if you havent... and if you still cant get a grasp on it... consider lap-band.

    Best of Luck to you!
  • gademast
    Bariatric surgery will not give you will power. It is just a tool to help you eat less. There are plenty of other tools in a dieter's toolbox which can do the same thing without the risk of elective surgery. Stick to your diet and exercise plan. If will power is your problem, look into support groups, counseling (CBT), etc.
  • SpaceMarkus
    I know several people that have had it and all wish they could reverse it. They find that they lose weight, but only because they can't eat as much. They still crave junk food, but have to eat like birds. They're constantly embarrassed when they go out to eat with friends because they can't enjoy the same foods.

    You want to change your life for the better. If you think about becoming healthy then the weight will come off. Weight loss shouldn't be your main goal, it should be a result of changing your life.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I guess I should have mentioned that i have lost 60 lbs in the past and only to have put it back on... then lost 40lbs again only to have it back and then some... I guess my family is scared of the yo yo dieting.

    This decision is really not one that anyone here can make for you. You need to consult a good doctor with experience in lap band and a psychologist who also has exeperience with lap band patients. If you get the lap band but do not treat the underlying reason you abuse your body with food, you will lose weight (it's pretty much impossible not to with a lap band), but you will likely just gain it back. You, the doctor and the psychologist should make a joint decision as to whether this is the right option for you. Whatever the decision, I wish you luck and success with it.
  • nekosimba
    nekosimba Posts: 239 Member
    I almost got lap band surgery a few years ago. To get approved for insurance to cover it, I had to see the doctor once a month for six months, and lose 30 pounds before I could do it. I also had to see a therapist once a month to make sure I was of sound mind to do it as well. In the end, my insurance still denied me because I wasn't obese enough (even though I haven't been under 250 pounds in years).

    I could have fought it and got it anyway, but I'm glad I didn't. My cousin got lap band a few years ago and she is still struggling with her weight. She thought it was going to be a quick fix, but didn't realize how sick she could get if she ate the wrong things or ate too much.

    I know it's difficult for your family to see you yo-yo diet, but my advice to you is just to ask for the encouragement and support as you change you lifestyle. Take baby steps for now. Use the resources on MFP to track you calories and start walking. I joined Curves and love it! It's only 30 minutes a day and the ladies there are so supportive of each other.

    There are so many different ways to lose weight out there...make sure you do your research before you decide to have the lap band done. I won't say yay or nay...just think about it strongly. Weigh out the pros and cons. It's not a fly by night decision.

    And you are always welcome to add me as a friend if you need someone to talk to! Take care!
  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    nay.... eat less & exercise more.

    i dont mean to be harsh, but simply put, thats all you need to do, with a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE amount of willpower.

    willpower I do not have... I find it for a few months and it's gone and I gain back the weight... probably why my family is concerned.

    If you do not have willpower, what do you expect to do after the surgery?
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
    my step dad had the gastric bypass and he lost a lot of weight but then he gained it all back plus some. It almost killed him and it also made him bi polar.

    I would suggest for you to do your research and make sure that YOU want to do this!!
  • pippyrlz23
    pippyrlz23 Posts: 40 Member
    I have seen surgeries like this work for people, but it's usually in the case where changing their diet and exercising wasn't making a difference. It's not an "easy" road, but if you do your research, consult with a physician and weigh the pros and cons, you are going to make the decision that's right for you. I don't think it will help your will power issue, so I think you should really consider that before doing it. Either way, it's your choice and as long as it's an educated one, it will be the right one for you! Good luck!
  • meliturtlee
    If you don't have good eating habits..then nay. You will lose weight but only to gain it back and some. My uncle has gained his weight and some after his lap band. The only one I recommend is gastric but that would be in extreme cases.