Lap band yay or nay?



  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I am on the nay side more then the yay side. As I know that you can gain the weight back and that it's not a solution. My sister is the one that suggested it because she has never been a big girl. She eats whatever she wants and doesn't have to deal with it like I do. She doesn't understand it. My dad calls me fat every chance he gets so getting this done I don't see it working for me. I just wanted to prove my point. Thank you all for responding. I am on this site and I love the support from my MFP friends. I just find this hard real hard. Going to bed hungry and with clenthed fists is hard. An emotional roller coaster.
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    My vote is no.

    My Aunt had it done. She did lose weight but she looked terrible. She says now she wished she did it on her own so that she could have toned while she lost. Plus she had some minor problems w/ the band to begin with.

    Also, if you still eat as-is and do not look at a healthier diet then you are likely to eat right through the band which could cause even MORE problems for you.

    Ultimately, you are the only one who can say what is best for you. Good luck.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    You know what, I used to be VERY against it... but after struggling myself, I have considered it.

    What a lot of people on this site don't realize is that not EVERYONE can lose with just diet and exercise! ... it doesn't work with everyone..

    I honestly gave it 100% and lost only 30lbs, I went to my doctor and explained my frustrations (they had been advising me for years to get Lapband) and she gave me an appetite suppressant to help... even with that I am not losing great!! Some people's bodies just are different...

    I'm going 6 more months on my own and being weighed monthly by my doctor, if at the end weight hasn't came off... we are moving to surgery!

    I think you know what is best for you. Give it your 100% effort and than decide.
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    You know what, I used to be VERY against it... but after struggling myself, I have considered it.

    What a lot of people on this site don't realize is that not EVERYONE can lose with just diet and exercise! ... it doesn't work with everyone..

    I honestly gave it 100% and lost only 30lbs, I went to my doctor and explained my frustrations (they had been advising me for years to get Lapband) and she gave me an appetite suppressant to help... even with that I am not losing great!! Some people's bodies just are different...

    I'm going 6 more months on my own and being weighed monthly by my doctor, if at the end weight hasn't came off... we are moving to surgery!

    I think you know what is best for you. Give it your 100% effort and than decide.

    I aggree not everyone is the same and everyone's bodies are different....
  • sarahlong09
    as far as boosting your willpower... you have to get in the right mindset. I have terrible will power.... i mean terrrible!!!!!!! and i am naturally a girl that gains weight easily... I gained 40lbs in 2 months without even eating that badly. I always do.. but usually I am constantly on some type of diet so it comes and goes. thats Yo-Yoing i guess.

    anyways... this site has helped me because...

    When I track my food, I see what I am doing to myself. I see that I cant just take bites of this and bites of that without it actually being on my body. I used to think that if it wasnt a meal... it didnt count. Now i know better.

    Also it shows me that I can have a nice meal with friends and its not the end of the world. Its just one day and not everyday has to be like that.

    It really shows me that its a life thing.. not a diet. I can do whatever, whenever... i just have to be responsible and know that i am in control. I have weak moments, but i think about it for a while and if i still want it... i eat it... i track it... and then do what i have to so that im not constantly doing that and gainging weight. right now i am maintaing... which.. even though i would rather be loosing... its so much better than gaining!
  • kysassyblonde1
    This is a decision you have to make for yourself, but the way I understand it you still have to exercise and change all your eating habits so without willpower you are going to struggle....... I wish you the very best and just my point of view but next time your dad calls you fat I think I would punch him square in the nose!!!!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    My family is advising me that I should get the lap band surgery. I just want to know if anyone out there has had this done and what are your thoughts??? I am kinda nervous about it. I have sent away for more info from the clinic here. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :flowerforyou:
    IMO, it doesn't teach you how to eat responsibly. It forces you to reduce food intake because of how you body will physically react. But once it's gone and you're body won't react to large amounts of food again, what's to stop you from overeating?
  • futurekilousky
    Nay. My aunt got it done and seriously regrets it.

    You need to be strong and eat healthier and do some kind of exercise.
  • prettyash76
    I vote not. There are too many side effects. I know a lady who I use to work with who gained most of her weight back. Just use diet and exercise. Good luck with your decision!
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Personally, I'd rather do it the proper way. For certain people who are severely overweight, like 400 plus, I don't think it's a bad idea because it can be hard for some of them to get proper exercise if they have joint problems. However, if the person is physically able to exercise and eat correctly, I find it to be taking the easy way out (no offense meant toward you!) I know someone who thinks that she can get the lap band and then continue eating however she wants and continue on with the junk food. Keep in mind it doesn't work that way. Your doctor will put you on a "diet" most likely, anyway. I would personally say nay.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Double post, whoops.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233

    willpower I do not have... I find it for a few months and it's gone and I gain back the weight... probably why my family is concerned.

    you have to have willpower for the lap band procedure to work, I think.

    My sister in law had that done, and it's worked great for her. But damn...her diet is so restrictive it makes mine look completely gluttonous.

    Personally, I'd give the natural way a good shot first. But that's just me, I'm certainly not you and do not know what you have tried/havent tried/etc....basically my post may sound as if I'm throwing stones or something, which is not what I mean to do.
  • PJoy6
    PJoy6 Posts: 38 Member
    It depends.

    I have it & often egret doing it. I have done a lot of thinking about why it hasn't really worked for me and I have come up with some philosophies.

    I have a friend who lost a TON of weight with Lap Band and looks great, she was a thin child but gained much of her weight after having children, and NEVER EVER ever dieted until she did the Lap Band & a year and a 100 #s later she is thin! With absolutely no effort.

    I on the other hand, was a chubby child and have dieted All of My Life!!! Lost and regained weight over and over again. SO even with the Lab Band it is the same thing, I have to actually "diet" to lose weight. There is restriction, but not that much & the things that go down the easiest are the things you are not supposed to eat:::: soft sugary creamy gravy fatty milky, etc. etc.. The whole proteins, make me choke usually.

    Basically, you still have to "diet" to lose weight, and that has been my problem my whole life. My metabolism is still screwed up from years of dieting, Lab Band hasn't changed that. I still crave sugar, Lab Band hasn't changed that.

    But on the other hand, I am losing weight:::: but it's just incredibly slow, maybe a pound ( 1/2 to 1#) a month!!!
    It's better than gaining weight though.

    I would suggest that a person looking into Lab Band take into consideration that your food additions do not go away, you still have to really work at losing weight. My doctor suggested to stop eating carbs... Well If i could stop eating carbs, then I wouldn't need the Lab Band in the first place.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member

    I let my mother pressure me into getting one first so she could see if she would like it. I've had it for nearly six years and still fighting with my weight loss.

    I finally got it completely unfilled when I was pregnant the first time and have lost 100lbs by myself.
  • PJS323
    PJS323 Posts: 115
    Ok- I hope this comes across right. I started in October of 2010 @ 289.9lbs. Something had to change inside of me. I had to stop being a quitter, and start holding myself accountable. I needed to face why I was turning to food, and why I hated myself enough to get to that point. This is not a one day journey, this is days, weeks, months & years. Lap band is a band aid. It will not solve the problem of why you chose to eat instead of taking better care of yourself. This is not judgement, this is the way I see it. There were days when I didn't go to the gym, had soda, or ate Christmas cookies. But I reminded myself why I wanted this time to be different. 10 months later & I've lost 105lbs. YOU HAVE TO DO THIS THE RIGHT WAY OR IT WILL ALWAYS COME BACK.

    There isn't a magic pill, band, surgery, or dvd that is going to solve this. It takes 99% mental toughness, and work to get to where you want to be. Until you get to the root of why you do what you do, you will not be successful.

    We all have a past that shapes our future, and situations that can give us reasonable excuses to quit. But until you believe that you are worth it, and you can do it, you will stay stuck.

    I hope for the very best for you. Being overweight plenty of times throughout my life, yo yo dieting, and having a weight that ranged from 135-293, I can empathize with your situation. Good luck! If you want to message or friend me, feel free. I'd be happy to support you.
  • kaffmc
    kaffmc Posts: 20
    I`m actually concidering gastric bypass but i have to lose 10% of my body weight and i am about 7lb away from that now. People keep tellig me not to do it but once i lose weight i do not want it back, it is a drastic decision but it will be my decision. Good luck with whatever you decide x
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
    I`m actually concidering gastric bypass but i have to lose 10% of my body weight and i am about 7lb away from that now. People keep tellig me not to do it but once i lose weight i do not want it back, it is a drastic decision but it will be my decision. Good luck with whatever you decide x

    you can gain your weight back after you had the gastric bypass, my step father had gained all his weight back plus some! All it does is shrink your stomach it doesnt tell you how to eat. If you have already lost 10% of your body weight and is keeping it off, why not continue on your journey the healthy way?
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I am going to ask you if you are physically unable to exercise and you may answer with yes, even though you probably can exercises as good as the rest of us. If you have bones of glass and skin made of paper which means you cant move, then go for it but if you can change your lifestyle and enjoy your body then I would recommend that route. Add so fun activities to you weekly or monthly routine. Join a bowling, curling, baseball, swimming, hockey, walking, couching, workout, anything were you are moving around league. :) It will be fun and you will burn calories without trying.
  • ashesoh1234
    ashesoh1234 Posts: 132 Member
    I know someone who had it done a couple months ago and afterward, her doctor told her, "OK, eat 1200 calories a day and workout at least an hour a day 5-6 days a week." Yes, she's losing weight, but would she have lost weight anyway just following those instructions? She also can't eat ANY sweets, according to her doctor. I hear what you're saying about traditional methods not working for you, and I'm not suggesting or saying that you just haven't been trying. But if you're going to have to restrict calories and work out anyway...?
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    I am on the nay side more then the yay side. As I know that you can gain the weight back and that it's not a solution. My sister is the one that suggested it because she has never been a big girl. She eats whatever she wants and doesn't have to deal with it like I do. She doesn't understand it. My dad calls me fat every chance he gets so getting this done I don't see it working for me. I just wanted to prove my point. Thank you all for responding. I am on this site and I love the support from my MFP friends. I just find this hard real hard. Going to bed hungry and with clenthed fists is hard. An emotional roller coaster.

    You know what ... screw your family. Screw your sister. Before you decide to undergo elective surgery, consider getting the heck out of that house. That move alone may be the thing you need to really kick start you into sustained loss.

    I feel for ya, I do. My folks would sing "Fatty fatty 2x4, can't fit through the bathroom door" to me, make comments about how they didn't even need a trash can because I would eat anything. Barbs from family hurt the most, and they sting the longest. I really hope that you're able to get out of your seemingly toxic situation so you can focus your energy on being positive and loving yourself. Chances are good that your family just isn't going to be supportive of your efforts. Mine aren't. I've only lost 20# and my mom is already telling me to stop and that I'll be too skinny. I'm 228# - not skinny.

    They'll bring you down if you let 'em. The key is to not let 'em win. You're bigger than that. You're better than that. And you DESERVE better than that.

    If it's at all possible, take the money you would spend on this surgery, and get yourself an apartment or something. Good luck.