MLStoMLK Member


  • Thousand Oaks, CA
  • Well, I did okay yesterday until about 11 p.m. when I binged on Oatmeal cookies (4 - 5) and Hershey kisses (4). Planning to go to bed earlier tonite so as to not repeat that!
  • Hello. Thank you for the warm welcomes. Haven't done too well so far. I started on Oct. 6th and I believe my scores are as follows: Me = 2, LNS =4. I have much room for improvement. Thanks for the accountability. Are we supposed to enter our score daily?
  • I'd like to join. It's going to be a killer, but I totally need it! I'm going to stick with the list for now. It will be challenging enough for me! Thanks for the accountability!
  • I totally need this! I do pretty well during the day with my eating, but then at night I go way off the deep end! I'll try and start tonight. Thank you for the accountability!
  • Sounds yummy! I'll have to try it!
  • ROLL CALL!!! Who's still here and working towards their Fit By October goals? QOTD: At this point in the challenge, there are about two weeks left. Do you feel that you will make your FBO goals by then, or have to modified your goals a bit? I'm still here, but the last two weeks hasn't been pretty (food wise). I am 5 lbs.…
  • Wow! Spectacular! Good work! It has really paid off! Will you continue to do another 30DS? Makes me want to get back on it, too!
  • Hey there! I weighed in yesterday and lost a pound. I am stoked to be half way to my goal weight! Woo hoo! QOTD #14: What is your goal (doesn't have to be weight) for this week? My goal for this week is to stop the late night snacking and to simply go to bed when I am tired! That is my worst time for eating and I tend to…
  • So sorry to hear about your car accident Leah; never a good thing. Thankful that it wasn't any worse and hope you recover quickly. Hang in there. Thanks Bonnie for doing the spreadsheet. I was at 130 when I started the challenge on 8/11/11 and I was 126 last Monday, 9/5/11. I'll weigh again in a couple of days. Hopefully I…
  • QOTD #12: What are your goals (weight, food, exercise, other) for September? My Goals are similar to others who have posted: Weight - to lose a pound or more a week! 5 lbs would be awesome! Exercise - continue with Jillian's 30 Day Shred and walking Food - focus on moderation and cont. to track my food on MFP. It may be a…
  • Great job! Excellent! Hope your sore back and shoulder heal quickly. It's good that you're trying to take care of yourself!
  • Hey Betsy! Welcome! I like to scrapbook, too! Haven't done it for awhile and way behind, but hope to get back to it again soon!
  • Just thought of something to add. Also, I think I have found that drinking diet soda definitely makes me want to eat...salty kinds of things. So I try to limit my diet dew to when I'm eating a meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner...Yes, I sometimes drink it for breakfast if I am having eggs or something salty! I know...that's…
  • QOTD #11: Do you drink diet soda and/or other drinks with artificial sweeteners? Why or why not? YES! Unfortunately I'm addicted to it...specifically to Diet Mt. Dew. I know all the chemicals and junk in it are horrible for me, but I definitely don't want to drink reg. soda b/c of all the calories & all the sugar in the…
  • I'm not sure if we're supposed to report weekly our weight loss in this group, but I noticed some have. I weighed myself yesterday and was happy to have lost 1.5 pounds since last Sunday. I didn't have any losses the week before so I'm happy the numbers are going down slowly...rather than going up...which was what they…
  • Fabulous! Excellent work!:smile:
  • Hello Everyone! QOTD #10: How are you tracking your food right now? Do you pre-track or track as you go? Do you track everything you eat, or only certain foods? Do you eat your exercise calories or not? I just started MFP about 4 weeks ago and I have been obsessive compulsive about tracking everything (even when I screw…
  • QOTD #8: What's your workout plan this week? List it! Well, I don't have a very specific workout plan in this is a great question for me; so I will be motivated to come up with one. I have two little ones 2 & 4 yrs.) so I am often chasing after them and cleaning up clutter, etc. So I have been entering that as…
  • My weigh in is on Sunday. I hope to lose some weight...but will understand if I don't as I have gone over on my calories twice this week! Eek!
  • Fantastic! I would be tempted to buy the food and consume it too! Excellent self-control!
  • QOTD #6: What is your main motivation to get in shape right now? I have eating issues that I want to deal with...I'm addicted to sugar & chocolate and diet soda (specifically Dt. Mt. Dew). I know they are not good for me and when I start eating sugar I just want to keep eating it (& often do - gluttony ...blah!). So, those…
  • QOTD #5: What do you do to keep yourself on track while traveling or on vacation? I try to get some exercise in - even if it's just walking. This summer on vacation I tried to swim some laps when in the pool with the kids. Also, I try not to eat too much or go too far off the deep end on desserts. I wasn't on MFP at the…
  • QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like? It has been purely accidental, not related to the weight loss thing...but we started eating Quinoa around the same time that I started. It's really good and high in…
  • Gotta love the dollar store! I like your verses from Proverbs...definitely need to Trust in the Lord and get help from Him with this whole "get healthy and lose weight" thing!
  • QOTD #1: What is your favorite kind of exercise and why? Running or fast walking. I haven't started running again since I became pregnant 3 years ago and had to stop. I like it b/c it seems to burn calories much faster than walking. Hoping to get back into running. QOTD #2: How did you find MFP, and how do you like it…
  • Would love to join! Thanks Leah! NAME: Marcy AGE: 42 HEIGHT: 5'4'' START WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 130 GOAL WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 120 START PANTS SIZE: 8/10 (US) GOAL PANTS SIZE: 6/8 (US) FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: No...just try to stay under 1200 cal/day DIET GOALS: eat healthy, limit sugar and end the sugar addiction EXERCISE…
  • I'd like to join as well, if possible. Thanks so much.