

  • emi_esp
    emi_esp Posts: 24
    Catching up on some of the daily questions~

    QOTD #1: What is your favorite kind of exercise and why?

    I don't know if I have a favorite type of exercise, I like to mix it up a lot. Probably my favorite workout would be to play badminton though :)

    QOTD #2: How did you find MFP, and how do you like it compared to other programs/sites/diets/etc you've tried in the past?

    MFP is the first website I've used in my weight loss journey. Before I was keeping track of my calories in a book, but MFP is just so much easier and that database is simple to use.

    QOTD #3: What was your "a-ha" moment, meaning was there a specific moment that made you decide that it was time to lose the weight?

    When I hit my highest weight during Winter Break AFTER I thought I was trying to lose weight. I had no idea what sort of calories I was consuming unthinkingly and I just wasn't pushing myself physically either. I had to realize that I was in denial and that I wasn't really being consistent or eating healthy. Since then I've stopped a lot of the binging and high sugar/high fat snacks

    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like?

    I used to think that I hated tomatoes unless they were cooked in something, but now I LOVE tomatoes raw-in a caprese salad, or just on any salad, sometimes all alone. I also like mustard and brussel sprouts now apparently :D
  • lyyzza
    lyyzza Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in... I'm new to the board and would love to some friendly support.

    NAME: Lisa
    AGE: 40
    HEIGHT: 5'5''
    START PANTS SIZE: 22/24 (US)
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: I just try to eat healthy, watch my calorie intake and purposely eat items that are better for me.
    DIET GOALS: experiment more with foods I'm "scared" to try.
    EXERCISE GOALS: Increase!
    OTHER GOALS: to continue on the healthy path and feel better about me!
    FUN FACT: I love karaoke.
  • someonelikemyself
    OH MY GOD. You life saverr!! i'm feeling HORRIBLE right now because i committed a sugary crime :(
    this is what i need... I WILL BEHAVEE may God help me!! ughh ugly cravings and dumb choices..

    AGE: 18
    HEIGHT: 5'4
    GOAL PANTS SIZE: 4/ 6 (US) maximum 6 :(
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: i try to be healthy moderate in my choices and i like the blood type diet ideas + i count calories.
    DIET GOALS: more natural foods,stopping binge eating whenever../avoiding carbs/and drinking more water and less of other drinks.
    EXERCISE GOALS: to be able to do 50 pushups in a day WITH ease like i used to ... and exercise vigorously whenever i can i want biceps and stronger abs with less back fat. lol
    OTHER GOALS: toning the butt,thighs, and abs
  • brandinecole
    Ok sounds good, I have been w MFP for about a year but this is my first time on the message boards :smile:
    Good luck everyone and keep up all the good work :flowerforyou:

    NAME: Brandi
    AGE: 31
    HEIGHT: 5'5''
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: I do not eat Pork/Beef/Lamb etc more of an earth friendly animal friendly thing :heart:
    DIET GOALS: more vegetables,fruit, and water
    EXERCISE GOALS: to be able to maybe actually run either around the block or on the treadmill without being winded
    OTHER GOALS: more firm and toned everywhere
  • MLStoMLK
    MLStoMLK Posts: 28 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    QOTD #10: How are you tracking your food right now? Do you pre-track or track as you go? Do you track everything you eat, or only certain foods? Do you eat your exercise calories or not?

    I just started MFP about 4 weeks ago and I have been obsessive compulsive about tracking everything (even when I screw up, binge on sweets and go way over!). I usually track as I go, but sometimes by dinner time I'll pre-track and figure out how much I can eat to stay within the guidelines. Then for a night time snack I'll definitely pre-track to see what I should eat. I definitely eat all of my exercise calories and some days I'll even exercise just so I can eat more! I know it's probably not supposed to be that way. But it seems like I'm feeling hungry every 2 hours after a meal! Eek! 1200 calories seems pretty low, but that's what MFP recommended for me and I am happy with the results thus far.
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 245 Member
    Hi Leah, Thanks for starting this! I too started to get a little discouraged by all of the CLOSED groups!!

    NAME: Jessica
    AGE: 29
    HEIGHT: 5'9"
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: counting calories and not eating after 8:30pm
    DIET GOALS: To eat more smaller meals and more raw food
    EXERCISE GOALS: To walk briskly 30- 45 min at least 4 times weekly and interval training the other 2 days
    OTHER GOALS: Toned tummy and arms
    FUN FACT: I play drums and piano and in my spare time I mime at events! :)
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 245 Member
    Catching up on my QOTD's!!!

    QOTD #1: What is your favorite kind of exercise and why? My favorite excercise is jumping rope or jumping jacks... I guess I like to jump! LOL

    QOTD #2: How did you find MFP, and how do you like it compared to other programs/sites/diets/etc you've tried in the past? My husband and cousins got me started here and I became totally hooked!

    QOTD #3: What was your "a-ha" moment, meaning was there a specific moment that made you decide that it was time to lose the weight? When I went to put on my pregnancy pants for work and they totally fit as if I were still pregnant... :(

    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like? I realized that I actually do like Rice Cakes! SO I much on them if I get a little 'snacky' between lunch and dinner.

    QOTD #5: What do you do to keep yourself on track while traveling or on vacation? I buy varieties of different things so that I don't feel let out... So if my fam gets icecream, I'll eat frozen yogurt!

    QOTD #6: What is your main motivation to get in shape right now? Right now, I have a closet full of fabulous clothes that I cannot wear! :( I need to be able to wear them! So my new wardrobe is my motivation!

    QOTD #7: Other than working out and losing weight, what have you done to improve your self esteem? I have spent a little more time in the beauty parlor to get my hair done! ;)

    QOTD #8: What's your workout plan this week? List it! This week I will be doing weigth training, brisk walking and jumprope.... mixed with interval training on 3 out of the 5 day week...

    QOTD #9: How do you stay on track with diet and exercise in times of severe stress? The excercise actually helps me to destress. I also have found alternatives of my favorite foods to eat, when I am stressing out.

    QOTD #10: How are you tracking your food right now? Do you pre-track or track as you go? Do you track everything you eat, or only certain foods? Do you eat your exercise calories or not? I wanna know everything, hahaha. I sometimes pre-track or track as I go, depending on how much time in the morning I have to prepare.
  • julidav
    julidav Posts: 188 Member
    QOTD #10: How are you tracking your food right now? Do you pre-track or track as you go? Do you track everything you eat, or only certain foods? Do you eat your exercise calories or not? I wanna know everything, hahaha.

    I track my food as I go. I track everthing I eat. Sometimes I just use the quick tool to add the calories. Sometimes I eat my calories back,sometimes just part of them and then at other times I eat them all.
  • healermoon
    healermoon Posts: 74 Member
    Leah, I think it is awesome that you are making this open group! Thanks so much!

    NAME: Kendra
    AGE: 37
    HEIGHT: 5'2"
    DIET GOALS: keep track of my calories as I have been pretty lazy about that
    EXERCISE GOALS: complete homework assigned by trainer daily, been lazy about that
    OTHER GOALS: flatten the belly
    FUN FACT: I like to play video games, and guitar equally
  • healermoon
    healermoon Posts: 74 Member
    QOTD #1: What is your favorite kind of exercise and why?

    My favorite exercise is treading water, I am not big on swimming and really not crazy about water, but for some reason, I love to be in 5 feet of water and tread. I feel like I can feel my body toning up, when I work out in the water. I try for 45 minutes at a time. I now have to think about something to do when the winter sets in the pools are no longer heated. Any Suggestions?

    QOTD #2: How did you find MFP, and how do you like it compared to other programs/sites/diets/etc you've tried in the past?

    I love MFP because it is free, and it has the application for my phone and IPad. Then it is easier to keep up on. This site has the best support and the friendliest members.

    QOTD #3: What was your "a-ha" moment, meaning was there a specific moment that made you decide that it was time to lose the weight?

    My a-ha moment was when I stepped on the scale in January and realized I weighed more than I did when I was 9 months pregnant with my son. I felt so awful it occurred to me that I had really let myself go. My goal right now is to make it back to the weight I was when my husband and I started dating before his birthday (end of October). My next goal will be by the end of the year I think.

    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like?

    I am eating more onions, and salads...I am finding that I really like Lentils and Kidney/Red beans and I enjoy substituting them for meat in soup recipes. I used to dread red beans in my food.

    QOTD #5: What do you do to keep yourself on track while traveling or on vacation?
    I try to walk more on vacations and not just sit, and try not to eat to much of the great foods at the Vegas Buffets (where I go on vacation the most)
  • hanaibo
    hanaibo Posts: 42
    QOTD #8: What's your workout plan this week? List it!
    - I'm finally getting to trying new forms of exercise (outside of cycling everywhere)! I'm so excited! I set up an old calisthenics(SP?) routine that works for me and plan to do it on a daily basis. It takes about 25 minutes and works different parts of my body. I'll list what I can explain:
    20 reps each of these abdominal exercises I learned about on some Japanese health show (lol)
    10 push-ups
    15 sit-ups
    some weight lifting
    2 min mild stretching
    short bursts of circuit training...take a look at my exercise diary for more info..it's just weird to list everything!
    I also started to power walk for cardio. I love it!

    QOTD #9: How do you stay on track with diet and exercise in times of severe stress?
    Exercise helps alleviate stress for me..diet is a lot harder. I'm working on it now, but I try to keep reminding myself that feeling guilty or crappy about junk food adds to stress, so its best to avoid it.

    QOTD #10: How are you tracking your food right now? Do you pre-track or track as you go? Do you track everything you eat, or only certain foods? Do you eat your exercise calories or not? I wanna know everything, hahaha.
    I track everything I eat and drink! Sometimes I pre-track, but I usually log my food as I eat it if I'm at home. If not, I'll write down or try to remember what I ate and track afterwards. If I pack a lunch for the following day, I will log it in advance. Occasionally I will not track things that are less than 100 cal and are too complicated to input, like a bite of okara croquette or something weird like that haha. I'll then compensate with some light cleaning :D. I eat my exercise calories (usually really want to) unless I burned way too much and I'm not hungry. This doesn't happen often. If I burn a lot of calories in a day...like on days I ride to school (which takes about 3 hours there and back) then I pack calorie-dense, but healthy food like PB&J.
  • julidav
    julidav Posts: 188 Member
    Today was weigh in day for me ... I lost 2.6 pounds this week...
  • healermoon
    healermoon Posts: 74 Member
    I am not sure how but I have lost 4.2 pounds this week, Enjoying my new low weight!
  • healermoon
    healermoon Posts: 74 Member
    QOTD #5: What do you do to keep yourself on track while traveling or on vacation?
    When I hit the buffet, I try to stick to vege's, and very small, palm sized total amount of meat.

    QOTD #6: What is your main motivation to get in shape right now?
    I want to show my son to live a healthier lifestyle and to encourage my husband to start on his own journey. I also want to look thin my 20th high school reunion next summr.

    QOTD #7: Other than working out and losing weight, what have you done to improve your self esteem?
    I try to focus on the positive and being grateful every day for something new.

    QOTD #8: What's your workout plan this week?
    I plan to do one of my homework workouts my trainer gave me every night when I get home in the evening. I have a collection of 20 or so to choose from.

    QOTD #9: How do you stay on track with diet and exercise in times of severe stress?
    I don't keep crap food in the house, which helps tremendously with emotional eating, I have found a 3.5 mile hiking trail near my house that takes about 90minutes. I can only do it on the weekends, as I get home too late to go out there at night, but I feel so good when I finish it it is a victory I can look at the rest of the week when I am stressed and know I can do it.

    QOTD #10: How are you tracking your food right now? Do you pre-track or track as you go? Do you track everything you eat, or only certain foods? Do you eat your exercise calories or not?
    Right now I am not tracking my food, but one of my challenges to myself is to begin.
  • livinglifeandlovingit
    QOTD #5: What do you do to keep yourself on track while traveling or on vacation?
    When traveling or on vacation, it has become second nature to watch what I am eating. If I indulge in a desert, I don't over do it. I keep the desert serving about the size you would give a toddler. Just enough to take the edge of of my cravings. It seems to work and I don't fell deprived. Thinking about how I would feel if I gorge always helps me too! I take weekly pictures and I am always thinking about how my pictures will look if I just let myself go.

    QOTD #6: What is your main motivation to get in shape right now?
    I am getting my asthma under control. I hate the fact that when I was 189 I had a very hard time climbing the stairs to my home. I remember my sister asking me one day if I was pregnant because I was breathing so hard. That made me realize that although I was enjoying life, if I kept down that path, I would not enjoy living because I was putting myself at risk for major health issues.

    QOTD #8: What's your workout plan this week?
    This week I am adding heavier weights. I have been working my way back up to lifting like I used to. I am also going out of my way to get my fiance on board with me.

    QOTD #9: How do you stay on track with diet and exercise in times of severe stress?
    I run/walk. It helps me think things through and self evaluate, so that I can understand my part in the stressful situation.

    QOTD #10: How are you tracking your food right now? Do you pre-track or track as you go? Do you track everything you eat, or only certain foods? Do you eat your exercise calories or not?
    I track everything I eat, and I do mean everything. I track as I go. I usually don't have the energy to eat my exercise calories back.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning Fitties!!! Welcome to all new members. :heart:

    Congrats to all the LOSERS, you guys rock!

    I was down .6 on Saturday, and that made me pretty happy. I don't know if I'm going to reach my goal of 140 by October 7, but as long as the scale keeps on going down, I'm happy.
  • sp53
    sp53 Posts: 40
    Good work!
  • margievis
    margievis Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I would like to join in!
    HEIGHT: 5'4
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    I have to catch up since I fell off the wagon last week :(

    QOTD #8: What's your workout plan this week? List it!
    I hardly worked out at all last week. I did do some walking, but not a lot.

    QOTD #9: How do you stay on track with diet and exercise in times of severe stress?
    Still haven't figured this out. Stress got the best of me last week and I gave in.

    QOTD #10: How are you tracking your food right now? Do you pre-track or track as you go? Do you track everything you eat, or only certain foods? Do you eat your exercise calories or not? I wanna know everything, hahaha.
    I do normally pretrack my breakfast and lunch since i have to pack it for work the night before, but I always always track everything, even if the outcome is bad. I do use some of my exercise calories but try not to use them all.
  • sarahsmart88

    NAME: Sarah
    AGE: 23
    HEIGHT: 5'3''
    GOAL PANTS SIZE: solid size 2! (US)
    DIET GOALS: Start shakeology, stop eating added sugars!
    EXERCISE GOALS: Start running and lift more
    OTHER GOALS: Finish personal training certification
    FUN FACT: I love to hike and be outdoors