

  • chelsiburnett
    QOTD #7: Other than working out and losing weight, what have you done to improve your self esteem?

    Thinking positive does wonders. I walk around all the time with a smile on my face. All my friends always say "Chelsi, do you always smile?" I feel like when you put that smile on your face you are telling people that you are confident in yourself.....I know sometimes it is hard to put on that smile, but once I do...it stays there on its own!!!!!
  • sp53
    sp53 Posts: 40
    I'm excited! I'm trying new activities/exercises/food choices, would love to share ideas & encouragement. My main issues are negative body image and a middle-aged metabolism.
  • hanaibo
    hanaibo Posts: 42
    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like?
    I used to shy away from salads and raw veggies...but now that's all i want to eat! I think that's thanks to discovering nutritional yeast...and seeing that it can be used for almost anything. I had heard about it before, but in unhealthy vegan substitutes (like mac n' cheeze, nachos, etc)...who knew it would help me eat my veg? And it's low-calorie :D

    QOTD #5: What do you do to keep yourself on track while traveling or on vacation?
    I haven't really been out travelling lately, but drinking lots and lots of water helped me when I went out with friends on day trips. I think I would try to find fun ways to exercise!

    QOTD #6: What is your main motivation to get in shape right now?
    Starting school in mid september...newly single and in the middle of a personal transformation, I think.

    QOTD #7: Other than working out and losing weight, what have you done to improve your self esteem?
    I have had issues with this for most of my life...trying my best now to overcome them. I try remind myself that I'm worth it...I can improve myself for my own sake. It's been looking better lately...
  • Sheeshy
    Sheeshy Posts: 133
    QOTD #7: Other than working out and losing weight, what have you done to improve your self esteem?

    Just regarding my appearance, I got a haircut. Sounds silly, but my hair was pretty blah - now it has some style and I love it! I take care of my face and learned some new makeup techniques. I keep my feet soft and give myself weekly pedicures. I got some cuter clothes on clearance. (Can't spend a lot until I hit my goal!) I definitely feel more confident when I fix myself up a bit.
    I've tried to be more positive about life in general. I love to cook and I've been trying healthy recipes that my family loves, so that's a boost!
    I'm a Christian, and recently I've become more focused spiritually again, and it helps me tremendously. Keeps me positive and optimistic. I know it's not something everyone wants, but for me, I NEED it. When I let things distract me from this aspect of my life, I feel very....well, I don't know how to describe it. Disconnected, apathetic, just plain blaaaah.
    I've also finally resolved to rid myself of procrastination. That's been my biggest enemy my whole life. I want to do something, I really do, but I decide to do it later. Then I get depressed and feel pathetic for never getting around to it. I decided that was ridiculous, and I finally stopped the cycle. I now feel great knowing I'm doing the things I need and want to do.
  • misslouisee
    misslouisee Posts: 73 Member
    QOTD #6: What is your main motivation to get in shape right now?

    I have tried the usual reasons of, "I want to look good for such and such occassion, or a wedding, or a big party" and I never stick to it! SO I know I needed to find something more important. Firstly, my weight is now technically classed as "overweight" with a BMI of 27 so that really changed my perspective on it. I also want to start a family soon so want to be the healthiest I've ever been for that!
  • donnamar1
    QOTD #7: Other than working out and losing weight, what have you done to improve your self esteem?

    I have had a big problem with self esteem for years.....all my life actually. I tend to wear dull, dark clothes, nothing bright to draw attention to myself, and just keep everything simple. I have to learn to break out and just do little things to make me feel better about myself. Just this week, I polished my nails (told you, I'm simple) and wore a bright, summer top with my jeans, and I was surprised when I received a few compliments! I don't feel comfortable receiving compliments, therefore, I always downplay the situation and immediately change the subject! So, I guess there are other issues beside losing weight that I have to work on!
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Good morning, Fitties! :heart:

    I'm feeling really motivated today! I'm ready to get out of the weight-loss game and move into the maintenance game. However... I still have a few pounds to go, so I need to win THIS game first.

    Anyway... tomorrow is a weigh-in day for me. I don't know if I lost anything this week, because it was kind of a weird week for me! My brother was still in town and I was still SICK AS A DOG for the first half, and the second half has been spent getting back on track. So... I will let you know.

    When is your next weigh-in, and how do you think you will do?
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    When is your next weigh-in, and how do you think you will do?

    Morning!! My next weigh-in was supposed to be this morning, but I forgot. Maybe it's my brain's subconscious way of telling me to stop focusing on the scale and start focusing on fitness... I'll probably get on the scale some time next week. We'll see.
  • Magic_Girl
    Magic_Girl Posts: 158
    NAME: Karla
    AGE: 19
    HEIGHT: 5'2''
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: not really, just counting calories
    DIET GOALS: eat less sweets, unless it's fruit!
    EXERCISE GOALS: being able to run without getting out of breath so fast
    OTHER GOALS: have more upper body strength!
    FUN FACT: I'm doing two challenges at once!!! (I hope that's not cheating! :ohwell:) lol
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    When is your next weigh-in, and how do you think you will do?

    My weigh in was today and lost a pound. woo hoo!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    When is your next weigh-in, and how do you think you will do?

    My weigh in was today and lost a pound. woo hoo!

    good job!!!:flowerforyou:
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    When is your next weigh-in, and how do you think you will do?

    My weigh in was today and lost a pound. woo hoo!

    YAY! Congrats.
  • Julieta17
    NAME: Julie
    AGE: 31
    HEIGHT: 5'6''
    GOAL PANTS SIZE: anything smaller than what I’m wearing is fine with me! :bigsmile:
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: counting calories
    DIET GOALS: to make healthy choices on the weekends too!
    OTHER GOALS: to really enjoy working out daily
    FUN FACT: I love to dance! :love:

    SW: 191 lbs
    CW: 176 lbs
    GW: 165 lbs

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Thanks, slowly but surely!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    Congrats, nikki, on the weight loss!!

    My weigh-in day is tomorrow - after my long-cardio work-out. I am hoping for "good news", since I've actually been perfectly "on track" ALL WEEK LONG!!

    QOTD #7: Other than working out and losing weight, what have you done to improve your self esteem?

    My self-esteem is pretty good...no worries there!
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Thank you! The support really helps:bigsmile: I don't really have anyone at home who cheers me on so it's nice to hear.
  • hilhall822
    hilhall822 Posts: 116 Member
    QOTD #6: What is your main motivation to get in shape right now?
    Time-wise, I would like to be happy with my wedding pictures when I get married in December. I know either way I will have an amazing day, but I'd like to LOOK amazing and feel better when it comes. Realisitically, I am just LOVING how much better I feel after losing only a portion of what I want to lose, so I can't imagine how great I'm going to feel when I hit my goal!

    QOTD #7: Other than working out and losing weight, what have you done to improve your self esteem?
    I have made SUCH an effort to be a better communicator (more honest, calling more, etc.) with my fiancee and friends and family. I feel so much better about myself when I am surrounded by the amazing people I choose as friends, especially, and I get to be myself around them.
  • hilhall822
    hilhall822 Posts: 116 Member
    P.S. I need to be better about checking this page- I love reading peoples' responses!
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    P.S. I need to be better about checking this page- I love reading peoples' responses!

    I love reading the answers, too! And don't forget, anyone can suggest new QOTDs to be answered on here. :happy:

    I don't normally check the boards on the weekends, but I will try to always get another QOTD for every weekday.

    Good luck to all who have weigh-ins this weekend (like me!). :heart:
  • MLStoMLK
    MLStoMLK Posts: 28 Member
    My weigh in is on Sunday. I hope to lose some weight...but will understand if I don't as I have gone over on my calories twice this week! Eek!