College-budget foods? B)
Dumbbell presses
Hey guys, I was wondering if you have any tips for incline and flat dumbbell press?.I have perfect form on my flat and incline bench and i feel my chest after exercises ,but when i do dumbbells not so much.It is the same form as for bench or it is different?. any tips?
Hy guys I have a question about protein.Do you count protein from pasta,bread,vegetables, nuts ..etc or just from meat?.It`s a plant protein similar to animal protein in term of body composition and building muscle?
pecs and bench
Why do I fell my pecs just after i benched?.During bench press i don`t fell my chest, but after i finish it and I lift up myself from the bench i fell them contract and squeezed?/.My position is right, elbows tuck in,wrist and elbow are like the bar, shoulder blades back, arch in the back..etc.It`s just my body or this is…
Guys if i switch from 1 year of calisthenics to hybrid training, powerlifting and bodybuidling combined, am I still a begginer? Or am I considered an intermediate lifter?
Hy guys, any benefits of doing intermittent fasting while bulking?.It can help you with insulin sensitivity?
Hy guys i really need your help on this one.What do you think about eating 30% of your daily calories,fat?.I dont take any supplements and i think i need all the testosterone boost and hormones that i can get during my lean bulk phase at my 18 years old and the only way to do this is eating more healthy fats. My current…
Hy guys, why do i am so bloated after drinking water?.I mean even 1 glass of water bloates me.I don`t eat so much carbs and my sodium intake is not high.Could it be from dairy?
My lean bulk method
Hy guys what do you think about my lean bulk method?.During workout days i eat 550 calories over maintenance and on rest days i eat at maintenance.Workout days are a combination of strength and size,hybryd muscle training, and rest days i do cardio 10-12 min.Total week calories are 1650, and you need like 1750 to gain half…
Carb cycle
Hy guys how much carbs are you eating during rest days?
Lean Bulking
Hy guys, what do you think is the best ratio for macros during Lean bulking?.
Hy guys, what do you think is better for a guy who did calisthenics for the past year.RPT (REVERSE PYRAMID TECH) or 5x5(stronglifts)?.I want to start lean bulk now that i have 6packs to gain muscle and minimum fat.What do you reccomend RPT or Stronglifts?
Hy guys, Is here someone who can help me with strength based program?
Body fat calipers
Guys, can you measure body fat with vernier calipers instead of skin-fold calipers?
Hy guys, how should i put my oats on myfitnesspal?.I eat my oats boiled in water, should i put the macronutrients from raw oats?.100g of raw wats =300 calories, if i cooked 100g raw oats with water whould they be lower in calories?
Salute guys, I am John and I am actually new to MFP, nice to meet you. I have one question, can you lose weight but not lose body fat?.I was on a 500-800 caloric deficit (lost 0.5 to 1kg per week) but i feel that my body fat is the same.What do you think?