I need some advice, or a good shaking
I go to a diabetes support group once a month here in Ottawa. Most of the people are great, we share our victories, things that we're having difficulty with. We usually learn new ways to deal with our ups and downs from each other as well as from the nurse who leads our group. I say MOST of the people, because there is one…
I wanted to bike down to the Pretoria Bridge to see if I could see you on race weekend, but I've been invited to my sister-in-laws in Perth for a tea party. My family has a tea party every few months to get together since my Mom has been in the 'home'. We used to all hang out at her place before she sold it, so we don't…
I probably didn't spell that right, but I hope you all know what I mean. The other day the doctor said if my blood sugar goes below 5 (90) I can reduce my glicizide. I made a phone call to her to clarify how. I take it in the morning when my sugars are normal. The only time they're that low or lower is after exercise or…
Before and In progress pictures ... Care to share?
Here are mine. First one with the hat is on my retirement day one year ago. Nearing 197 lbs. The hat, I had planned and booked at trip to Africa. It was later cancelled due to health issues. The second one, last week, after exercising and losing 10% of my body weight. Still a ways to go, but I'm getting there. Check out…
When your exercise plans change
Today for instance, I was going to go for a bike ride (it's Sunday bike days in Ottawa), then go see a friend on their boat on the Rideau Canal. But, I'm what you would call a 'fair wind' cyclist. I always joke that if the wind is faster than I can peddle, I wouldn't really get anywhere. Today, the wind is 15 kph gusting…
No more whinning
I was reading over some of my earlier posts, and it seems a lot of them are pretty whinny. So, from this day forward, I will look for the silver lining instead of the dark cloud. When I got on the scale this morning, it showed that I have lost 10% of my body weight, which is where(according to the experts) it starts to…
Oatmeal question
On the package, it says 1/2 cup is 160 cals, 3 fibres, 29 carbs and 5 proteins. In the MFP database, it has the same numbers, but it says cooked. So, is that 1/2 cup measured before cooking (because honestly, who would eat it raw), or do I have to double it because it becomes 1 cup when cooked?
Getting enough calories
I find that when I stick to my carb and fat goals, I'm not getting enough calories. I shouldn't eat less than 1000, well no one should really. Suggestions? Opinions? I, of course want to lose weight, but I want to be healthy doing it, as well as avoid the 'starvation' mode a body can get into.
Perspective is everything.
I had a very sleepless night last night, and the pain has been terrible this morning. But, the doctors came in for the lady in the next bed. They had some news and she had to hear it. She is dying. She took the news the way anyone would Inguess. She has two teenage kids, and now she won't be around for them. Don't you…
Starting over, again
After being in the hospital for 12 days, even though I did walk around the halls at the hospital, I feel weak again. I just went for a ten minute walk to the drugstore, and I am totally wiped out. I am sweating like I walked or biked for an hour. R-building, starting again.
Post exercise
I put on my board that I had gone for a 41 minute walk/hike before lunch. My sugar was high this morning and I had Cheerios and milk around 10 AM. I started my walk roughly at 12:30. I felt fine right up until I got home. Then I started shaking, my stomach and right side were in great pain, and I felt sick. So, I ate an…
Motivation first or action?
Interesting question at group yesterday. Does the motivation to move come before you start to exercise, or does moving kick start your motivation? Personally, I feel, if I start moving, ie walking or cycling, even on the days I really don't want to, I'll end up going a little farther than planned, or I'll want to the next…
Fellow Canadians
How many of us are here? Where does everyone live? Just curious.
Non scale ... add yours
After having a few higher readings this week, it went down 2 hours after lunch today. Aaaannnddd, although my weight hasn't moved much, my waist is down 4 3/8 inches, and I can take my jeans off without undoing them!! Next..
Big breakfast...
Not really big, but I'm guessing high in sugar? 2 Shredded wheat biscuits, banana and 8oz milk, roughly between cereal and coffee. Two hours later, BG 17.5 ( 315) No that's not a mistake. I took it twice. The second time actually was 19 something. So, I went for a 50 minute walk in the forest (saw a beautiful male…
Confession time
I have been bingeing on Cadbury mini eggs for 3 days now. My blood sugar isn't exceedingly high, so I fool myself into thinking I'm getting away with it, I think I may be testing those stupid enzyme pills I've been given, I guess they work, so far I haven't had a pancreatitis attack, I have to get them out of my house, or…
A1C level
Drum roll please..... 6.5% that was on February 11 this year. Last year, June 11, 14%. I don't know if it's the same in America, but in Canada, anything below 7% is the goal. I'm on the right track at last. And, according to my waist measurement at the doctor's, 1/2 in smaller than March 3, for a total of 4 3/8 total…
Loblaw's Caesar Salads in Canada
I am trying to find the nutritional information for a small, caesar salad at Loblaw's in Canada. I can only find the ones with grilled chicken or with the dressing, Does anyone know of a resource, or how to find it on MFP? Thanks
I gotta ask...
About odor. I'm a little embarrassed asking this, but I have to because it's driving me crazy. When you sweat, like after excercise, or when you get flushed from a low/high blood sugar, does it smell like burned sugar? I've noticed that when I get ready to shower, I can sometimes smell sugary. Weird or something to worry…
First taste of Chinese food since September
Today is my mother's 93rd birthday. We'll go and say hello, have tea, then go for Chinese food. Normally, since having my gallbladder out, and all the complications that went with that, I couldn't eat chinese food without being in immense pain for days, So, today, with a little help from the pancreatic enzymes the doctor…
ground chicken vs extra lean ground beef
I want to make a low fat chili recipe, and I thought I would use ground chicken, because it was lower in fat. After looking at the labels, they have the same amount of fat, 10g per 100g. So, I would rather use the ground beef than chicken. I know the cholesterol may not be the same, but for now I'm only worried about carbs…
walking steps
Is it possible to walk a longer distance, at a faster speed and end up taking fewer steps? Here's what I mean. One walk was 2.83k at a rate of 3.2 kph - steps 4940 Today walk was 3.06k at a rate of 4.32 kph - steps 4701. I guess all these gadgets don't lie, it just seems weird to me.
Yeck on the smoothie
I used to make a great smoothie when I worked. It had: 1/2 plain ff yogurt, 1/3 cup cranberry juice 1/2 cup frozen strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1/2 cup cranberries. 1 banana dash of vanilla and orange extract, 1 artificial sweetner 1 tsp olive oil. It was tasty, smooth and quite filling. Today I made one with things…
The Bees Knees...
would probably be stronger than mine. Long story short, I was out of commission for awhile. I used to cycle to work, walk in the forest, anything outside. After being in the hospital for a spell, I had to go to rehab to get my strength back. I couldn't bend my knees very far or I would fall down. So, I didn't bike at all…
I'm making chicken kebabs for supper tonight. I marinade the chicken in a honey garlic marinade I make overnight. Of course, not all the marinade is absorbed. So would you only count what was absorbed. I thought, since I know how much it totalled before, could I just measure after I take the chicken out?
Chronic Pancreatitis and blood sugars
Are there any other sufferers of chronic pancreatitis here? I've been having a flare up for the last two days. Yesterday my FBS was 5.1, which is the lowest it's ever been first thing in the morning. This morning, it's 7.3 which is the usual for me. Does pancreatitis raise your blood sugar, or lower it, or does it really…
Sleep and blood sugar
Does anyone have any information about how sleep affects blood sugar? I don't sleep well anymore. I'm afraid of heights, and I live on the 14th floor. I've been having dreams about falling off the balcony, or one of my grand-daughters falling off with me. I usually wake up 2 times a night. This morning, the snow removal…
Oh woe is me days
I'm sure we all have them. Where you feel sorry for yourself and find unhealthy ways to comfort yourself. Today is my grandson's first birthday. My son (his father) have been estranged for awhile. I thought things were thawing out at my daughter's wedding this past summer. I met my grandson then. He is a happy little…
Small victory, but I'll take it.
My jeans that I bought in October were a little too big for me then. By January, they were getting snug. I put them on today, and they are comfortable again. Even when I sit down. And, after a swim this morning, well more like playing in the pool doing various exercises and swimming for 30 minutes total, my Blood sugar was…
Swimming and playing in the pool
I've recently started swimming and playing in the pool in my apartment. I swim some, do leg lifts, lunges, arm raises and side lifts. It does get my heart pumping, but my question is, would you also consider this as strenght training?