Forum Jumpstart! 2024-25
Hey folks! Don't be shy! Jump right in as before. Nothing has changed!
Your Daily Beverages
Per request, I am creating a daily beverage thread. Since your beverages are the basis of your fasting, it's good to keep beverages handy and in good supply. Here are mine: MORNING: 1 to 2 cups of black Maxwell House coffee (with water added and with Splenda). MID-MORNING: 1 large 44 oz glass of ice-cold water (ice water…
How to Do One-Meal-a-Day (The Basics)
It violates all modern dietary advice, but this is how our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate since the time before humans could even be called humans. And this is the ONLY way I know of that basically guarantees that you will lose the weight and keep it off forever. Not only that, but you will feel better and be sick less. I…
Starting OMAD? Introduce Yourself Here!
This is a thread to let others know you are beginning again on OMAD. Get involved by posting... ...your name or preferred username ...your weight ...your height ...any past struggles you've faced or are facing ...your goal weight range ...the time of your OMAD ...and your OMAD start date. You might elaborate on what…
My New Low Oxalate Eating Lifestyle
Aside from occasional splurge departures, here is what Joe eats now... Food Item Serving size OxalateCategory Oxalate Value Fruits Banana 1 fruit Low 3mg Blackberries 1/2 cup Low 2mg Blueberries 1/2 cup Low 2mg Raisins 1 oz or 1 small snack box Low 3mg Strawberries 1/2 cup Low 2mg Apples 1 fruit Little or None 1mg Grapes…
Jan. 1-7, 2021: Water Fast!
The Truth About Exercise at a Calorie Deficit
I get lots of messages from people with a sizable amount of weight to lose who are having trouble losing when they otherwise wouldn't be for mainly one simple reason--too much exercise. It is important to remember that if you have more than 50 lbs to drop, your dieting needs are different from these casual weight-losers on…
My 4th of July Meal
I'm fixing to do some videos with meals for days in a row, but here is today's OMAD. Sometimes, simple is the BEST way to enjoy a meal!
Surgery Was a Success
Went in this morning to have a mid-section cyst removed. Painful little bugger. No serious issues, though. Went right home (thanks to my cousin for dropping me off) and ate a nice little OMAD meal of 1,200 calories of fruit, nuts, and a can of tuna. Now, it's three days of recovery.
I ate bad shrimp :O
Ate bad shrimp at the meal today...not pretty! Anybody else run into something like that any time lately? lol
Joe's Official Weight Maintenance Thread (2020)
Jan - Started the year at 214. Feb - 214 (juice fast). March - 202.2 April - 208 May - 218.8 (bulk up!)
The Off-Topic / Weirdly Satisfying Thread!
This is soooo satisfying! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_TSR_v07m0 What da ya think!
Joe's Progress Entries for 2020...
Figured I'd start one of these now that my goal is to trim down and simultaneously add muscle. Had a delicious Randal's Deli rosemary and garlic rotisserie chicken, samurai nuts, a few chips, and a grape juice ACV glass (12oz). Diary is being updated as well.
Joe's Official Weight Maintenance Thread (2019)
Starting the year at 200.2 February: 204.0 March: 201.0 April: 200.0 May: 207.0 June: 204.2 July: 209.8 August: 201.2 September: 209.0 October: 212.4 November: 212.6 December: 208.2
! - This is a Diet-neutral Forum! - !
As of late, we keep getting hit with low-carb / keto approaches to OMAD. That is totally fine, but it may give the impression that this is the ONLY way to go with OMAD--and it isn't. In fact, I think it's not the best idea, personally. However, that changes - and may change - from person to person. Fair enough. This is…
My Interview on Six Miles to Supper
! - The OMAD Adaption Pains Thread - !
It is critically important to be HONEST about our struggles, with OMAD or anything else we care to share. Sometimes, adjusting to hunger pains is somewhat easy (or not that difficult for an individual), but usually, it is not. I've said before that the healthier you are and the closer to your goal weight you are, the less…
How do I reset my app count notification? It says I have 105 emails
Just downloaded this onto my phone. I have "105" in white and red numbers staring at me. Can't clear it. I have tried everything. Thanks
From 363.4 to 197.7 lbs: My One-Meal-a-Day Success Story
There are lots of ways to drop weight. Unfortunately, the way I chose is still viewed as a radical and reckless method that is "unhealthy." Well, blood panels and practical, measurable results don't lie, friends. It's not unhealthy, and it isn't as hard as it seems and can offer hope when hope seems altogether gone. The…
Joe's Official Weight Maintenance Thread (2018)
January: 192.8 lbs February: 199.8 lbs March: 208.8 lbs April: 196.2 May: 198.8 June: 192.2 July: 186.4 August: 192.4 Sept: 188.0 Oct: 198.4 Nov: 213.0 (mass up!)
Joe's Official Weight Maintenance Thread (2017)
And we start the new year off at (go here for the old thread)... January: 190.0 lbs February: 203.4 lbs (the bulk begins!) March: 207.0 lbs (the bulk continues!) April: 207.2 lbs (the bulk continues!) May: 203.0 lbs June: 194.8 lbs July: 193.0 lbs August: 193.6 September: 189.2 October: 187.8 November: 185.4 December: 189.8
Random Workout Tales, Lessons, & Woes
This thread is here for anyone to share their experiences in working out. I'll start... Tonight, my cousin and I did a 4-mile run off-trail. And we got lost and had to find our way back! It started to rain midway through. It was beautiful! Now, I'm getting ready take back some stuff to Target. I feel awesome!
WHITE NOISE for Sleep Assistance & Task Productivity
I wanted to share something that is a bit of a passion for me--white noise hunting. Totally weird, I know, but even with me not ever having any real trouble sleeping, I have always slept better with something like a fan or ambient noise. In fact, I find it disturbing to not have some kind of reliably patternistic noise.…
The Coconut Oil Experiences Thread
So I never used coconut during my journey...until now. This is the first night I've tried it. I'd be interested to know from others how your OMAD has been going with something like coconut oil in your coffee. Describe how you like, when you tend to take it, and how it has worked for you in terms of metabolic improvements…
The Sick Thread...
I been out of work for a few days, and now, again once this week. First, a cold, and now the flu. It's rare I miss work. Dad and Kayla did this, I know it. Share your woes and sniffles here... (I am watching 24 episodes on Amazon Prime while sipping green tea in bed)
OMAD Maintenance (Part 2)
On the "Bear Maintenance Plan," I can now say I found the best and most workable maintenance plan of all. It utilizes OMAD, but limits it to only certain days of the week. What, to me, seems extra fascinating is the hibernation cycles of bears. It may surprise you to know that different animals have different types of…
New Channel (Yes, One More Time)
So it may or may not interest you, but go ahead and check out the new Management channel I have going: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66Mv_rM1vw8 I did nothing with the old one because this is where I can see spending a lot of my time. However, OMAD Revolution will of course continue. Does this have any relevance to you?…
4-Day Water Fast (Wed, 08.09-Sat, 08.12)
I'm beginning another water fast. Last ate at 7pm tonight. It's time. I need to flush some small kidney stones that (ironically almost) came from too many green smoothies. Passed several the last few days. Not terrible pain, but bad enough to be sore. Be VERY careful that whatever you smoothie up doesn't have high oxalate…
Things to Say to Yourself to Stay Losing
There is no doubt about it; there are times when you must mentally rehearse what to say to yourself as you are tempted to jump ship on your eating adjustments. This is true no matter how one is losing, but these are tailored for OMADers. I have said to myself the following and find them indispensable. "Yes, it would be…
Sauna Stories...
So, I have recently been utilizing the sauna in my gym. I do between 15 to 20 minutes in 155-170 degrees. It is AWESOME! I think I'm going to recommend this as part of the plan from now on. Although I never did it when I lost weight, I find it mentally and physically refreshing and there seems to be no downside. Plus, the…