Have read the forum
This seems more like a place to flirt hhmm
What does you do for a living?
Just curious to know what everyone else on this website does for a living. I'm a Full-Time Veterinary Assistant, Part-Time Veterinary Technology Student with hopes and dreams of someday opening my own no-kill animal shelter/rescue and hospital. What do you guys do? :smile:
What song will the person above you sing in a karaoke night?
What could it be??
Idk why lol
Cool Song Lyrics - Name That Song
“Take your greedy hands.... lay me on me...”
Let me see your kitty ;)
I've been pretty sick these past few days and nothing has cheered me up more than my best friend Liam! Let's see some photos of your best friend(s)/fur babies!!
Would you ever...
Propose a short scenario to the next Poster: Would you ever / WYE lie down in a tank full of hungry eels?
Valentine's Day--What would you get me?
Valentine's Day is just around the corner....flowers would be nice :wink:
Name the hobby of the person above you.
what's your most frequently used emoji?
laughing emoji
Night shift
I work 6p.m._6a.m.. I need a routine sleep schedule with 7 hours of sleep. Consider gym and errands on some days.
Give the person above a trashy name
You're a Burglar that Mildly Inconveniences your Victims
You're a burglar, only instead of stealing when you break in, you do things to mildly inconvenience your victims. What do you do? examples: Hide all the remotes Change wifi password Put glitter on their ceiling fan blades Annnndddd, go!
I feel_________today because ________________
List your emotion (good, bad or indifferent) and state why it made you feel that way.
Be more kind to yourself
I took myself out to dinner and drinks tonight! It was a good reward for the week.
Worst curses game!
Take it in turns to curse the poster above with the worst thing you can think of! May the chocolate chips in your cookies always turn out to be raisins!
Syncing with Fitbit
It sucks that none of my exercise, calories etc sync from my fit! Has anyone else had this issue. I have an iPhone 8+
Is the poster above worth cheating with (Yes or No)? Hypothecitally
take a look at the poster above you to decide if they are worth cheating on your significant other with...
MFP Titles
Like many other games - replace a word in a movie, series, book or song title with MFP
*game rules*... I will add a never have I ever (SOMTHING YOU'VE NEVER DONE)... you reply to the post above you if you have or havnt .. clean or dirty ... on your reply you then add your never have I ever.... SO NEVER HAVE I EVER CHEATED. !!GO!!
What's your Zodiac Sign?
What's your zodiac sign? Do you think it's an accurate representation of your qualities?
Ask the opposite gender!!
Ok rules So ladies ask the men a question and men answer!! So Guys ask the ladies a question and ladies answer!! Ex: guys do you like it when a girl send you quotes?
What would you say if you met the person above in real life?
What would you say if you met the person above in real life?
Naughty or Nice, Hot or not, date marry one night stand.......
Does anybody else think these forums are the stupidest things ever? Full of people looking to build their self esteem. So stupid
Post a childhood picture
My sister and I who are a year apart. I’m on right with striped pants.
The person above me needs to....
What does the person above you do for a living
Go on and guess
If you were to have an affair with the person above describe it in one word.
If you were to have an affair with the person above describe it in one word.
Tracking Added Sugar and Dietary Fiber
The new Federal nutrition guidelines going into effect in 2018 will require all labels to show added grams of sugar. I teack tis for my nutrition. I would pay for Premium if it tracked sugar and added sugar and carbs and dietary fiber.
Post the worst pic/s of you, no filter, no makeup
Upnorth at 6am watching the guys leave to fish....Aug 2017