Headphones while sleeping
I actually sleep with headphones as a matter of principle. Sometimes with music (whatever), sometimes with "sleeping noises" like rain on a tin roof. Sometimes I just have the headphones on to minimise ambient noise. What experiences have you had with headphones? Which ones do you use? In-ear or over-ear? I had over-ear…
Resource Page for Sleep, Mindfulness and Overall Wellness
Hey all, We'd love to create a resource page for this category of things that have helped you with your mental health, sleep, meditation, mindfulness, yoga, etc. We'll add some resources too, but curious if there is anything from apps, to processes, to types of food, things that are helpful to say out loud, breathing…
Garmin Connect
So MFP has the Sleep feature, yet, despite being synced do Garmin connect where it accesses my activities, somehow can't gain my sleep data? Same for water consumption, I log water consumption directly on my watch, and yet, it doesn't sync to MFP.
Core Sleep
My core sleep is very less compared to my over all sleep duration I work out 5 days a week. Any ideas guys to improve on the same ?
Infrared Sauna = Sleep!
As a lifelong insomniac, infrared saunas have helped me sleep better than anything. I’ve tried and I’ve tried it all! I started using infrared sauna as a part of my Restore package in October. Then I started going to Hotworx and using the infrared sauna yoga. I go to sleep on time (for me) and wake up early refreshed. I…
Sleep Apnea
Recently diagnosed with sleep apnea and have always been a 'short sleep' gal (6hrs +/-). Cardiologist said the condition can impact afib and asthma (which I have) so am on an improvement program for that in addition to weight loss. Lordy...
Want to wake up early but fail to do so ?
Starting the day early gives you a head start on your daily responsibilities. If you struggle with waking up early, what would you say is stopping you? Please share—I want to help you overcome this pain point.
Does this app record sleep patterns? If so where do i log my sleep at?
How to sleep better?
I feel like distrubed while sleeping at night so i feel drowsy at mrng.cant able to focus on thingss i need.
Any tips for sleeping?
I stay up like every night until 4am and than sleep in till 2pm. But at least 2 nights a week I pull all nighters and end up being awake for 36-40+ hours. It's so bad for me, and it's not good for my body or health. I lose more weight when my sleep is healthier, and I just feel better about myself. But it's so hard for me…
Recommended amount of sleep
How much sleep does everyone recommend?
Pull all relevant record types from Google Health Connect
I use Google Health Connect to collect my health data from multiple sources. This includes workout info from my fitness apps, weight and body fat from my smart scale, and steps from my watch. I love that MFP pulls in the workout data from Health Connect so I don't need to re-log everything in the app, but weight and steps…
Sleep Machine Connection
Hi, is there a way to connect my sleep machine app 'Dream Mapper' with this app to record my sleep patterns. Thanks
how you hack your brain from all the tales it tells?
I am ready to get myself back. My brain says I need to rest my body claims motion. I say this is the right time. I only have my now why to wait!
This is just for accountability for working out
I will be using this for accountability. My goal is to burn a minimum of 400cal through exercise daily. I'm using my phone for tracking. I invite people to join this. Also, this is from a person with mental health issues (borderline personality disorder, depression, and general anxiety disorder) I am more than 2 years…
Sleep Restriction
Hello, I'm currently exploring the "sleep restriction" technique. - Has anyone here tried it? I'm interested in adopting this approach for a few months, but I have concerns about potential risks and difficulties in implementing it correctly also I cannot figure it out correctly. Any tips or advice would be greatly…
Sleep tracker
Pull in sleep data from Garmin.
Graveyard person
Hi i sleep during the day from about 6-2 what are the best tips for someone who eats breakfast at 3pm and dinner around 2am?
Better sleep
I usually do not sleep much. An average of 6 hours each day that's it. I can count on my fingers how many times I slept in the day times. I wake up to even small breathing hearings by my family members in the next room. Clearly i don't sleep deeply. But I once drank too much milk forced by my father and boom... It worked…
Sleep Tracking
Sleep is such an important aspect of health and weight loss journey it would be great if this can be tracked in the app. Samsung Health does this so I have to use both apps. 99% of the in I need I get from My Fitness Pal except sleep tracking. To me this would complete the application. This can be facilitated by…
The Perfect Week
I keep finding myself going through periods (of days) where I am doing all the right things, then periods (sometimes weeks) of doing all the wrong things. With this in mind, I have decided to do what I am going to call a "Perfect Week Challenge". I am going to have it in writing exactly what I am going to eat, scheduled…
Hello MyFitnessPal Community!
I am excited to have discovered MyFitnessPal and to pair it with the Garmin Connect app to track my new fitness goals. I am also excited to discover this community and hope to learn from and contribute to it as I endeavor my path to a healthy lifestyle!
Why does no-stim pre-workout still make me tired?
I have energy during my workout, but then it causes me to crash! Why is this if it contains no caffeine??
Singulair (Montelukast)
I monitor my sleep using a Garmin watch. It's crude, but at least somewhat helpful. Of course, there's also my recollection of the night and how I feel the next day. In January, I had a period of improving sleep. I was really feeling great! But, into for the past several weeks, my sleep went back into the Garmin watch…
Two Garmin “excellent” sleep ratings in a row!
This is unprecedented. My most common Garmin sleep rating is “poor.” It feels like a huge accomplishment. I think it is associated with my dry January. Also, I’ve been exercising regularly and cutting sweets. Anyone else monitoring their sleep with their Garmin watch?
Sleep monitoring applications integration
* It should be possible to connect MFP with applications for monitoring sleep (e.g. Samsung Health, Sleep as Android) * It should be possible to read information about sleep, including burned calories, times of awake and falling asleep * It should be possible to set if a day ends at midnight or the time of falling asleep *…
A few ways that have helped me to sleep
I alter what I do, mixing it up so my body does not get too dependent on one particular thing. I sometimes take CBD gummies especially for sleep. I sometimes take an anxiety/stress tablet made by NaturesBounty. I sometimes take an indica gummy (indica = in da couch). I sometimes take melatonin (was told by my doctor that…
Ten Years on myfitnesspal
I have to change things up to get inspired. So I try a lot of new things and I always come back to myfitnesspal. So I am back again, stronger because my intention was an exercise routine. My digestion is healthier which was my other goal. I got things flowing!!! High fiving myself for creating healthier habits!! Now to…
Hi my name is Carol and I would like to loose at least 3 stone to improve my health and pain management which also prevents me from participating in physical activites