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Pull all relevant record types from Google Health Connect

snydergp Posts: 1 Member
I use Google Health Connect to collect my health data from multiple sources. This includes workout info from my fitness apps, weight and body fat from my smart scale, and steps from my watch. I love that MFP pulls in the workout data from Health Connect so I don't need to re-log everything in the app, but weight and steps are currently not synced. This is a PITA and greatly reduces the utility of your app for me.

The Health Connect API, which MFP is already using, contains records for all this data ( ), so your developers should only need to request additional app permissions to access the data. Hydration and sleep data are other record types you may want to consider. Please start syncing this and making the android experience a little less work!
2 votes

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  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 756 MFP Staff
    For more information on what is expected from the Health Connect integration, please see this FAQ.

    If you need additional help, you can email our team at Thanks!