Group Search Results
Group Search Results
Here to motivate and keep you on the road to fitness.For people who are looking to tone up,lose weight,or bulk up!
So many books, so little time.33 discussions 46 members 46 33 Most recent discussion: Books for December 2013 by cds2001 November 2013
This group is for people that have had setbacks and are continuing to fight through whether it be resting the body and focusing on nutrition, or work…12 discussions 46 members 46 12 Most recent discussion: Fighting Back! by BikingSouthernBelle January 2017
If you want a true wake up call to just how pervasive processed foods are in everyday life, then take the 10-100 Day Challenge! I got this idea from …
For people who have lost the weight, but "fell of the ol wagon" and gained it back and are ready to hop back on!7 discussions 46 members 46 7 Most recent discussion: What Prompts Us to Get Back on the Wagon by pizzafruit October 2013
Come join us on 1 May 2012 for the start of the 200 sit-ups challenge
I started this group originally to get ready for the BTS concert group which the concert was amazing and now it's time to keep steady going through t…14 discussions 46 members 46 14 Most recent discussion: December challenge by lifekpop December 2019
Home of the Horned Pukthunderpus Icon Image courtesy of @Supercatie80 Welcome to Ilvermorny The focus of the Ilvermorny Challenge is overall wellness…82 discussions 46 members 46 82 Private Group
It's the start of another year, another New years resolution to lose the weight. Don't let this year be like all the others, make this Your Year! Let…34 discussions 46 members 46 34 Most recent discussion: Update on New Challenge by Sapphire1812 April 2017
We commit to do the following every day of the month: exercise actively for at least 20 minutes; stay within our individual calorie budget; and track…35 discussions 46 members 46 35 Private Group
Anyone who is eating a whole food plant based diet.
Girls LOVE Travel - and #gLtFitness discussions 46 members 46 4 Private Group
Exercise actively at least 20 minutes every day; eat only your budgeted calories every day; and track your caloric food and caloric beverages every d…34 discussions 46 members 46 34 Most recent discussion: April 1 Sign in by MadisonMolly2017 May 2020
A place for June Bumpers to connect, share, encourage and laugh in our quests to get fit after pregnancy.3 discussions 46 members 46 3 Private Group
Accountability group for Surgeon Moms who need a kick in a scrubs from like-minded gals (who get how crazy complex our lives are) to get fit, strong,…12 discussions 46 members 46 12 Private Group
Before the age of 10, I battled with being overweight, having hair where women “shouldn’t have it”, being sweaty mess, and never being able to lose w…2 discussions 46 members 46 2 Most recent discussion: What’s your past history with diets? Have they worked? by marenlayne February 2018
I'm planning on switching over to the keto lifestyle as of Monday January 6, 2020. Anyone with me? Anyone who is already on it or looking to start is…
Our goal will be to lose 100lbs during the calendar year of 2016. This is a group for like minded individuals. We will lean on each other for support…
A group to lose weight by March 2016. Big or small goals. There will be some challenges.
This group is especially for those who have a goal of losing over 100 pounds! It takes a different level of motivation and support to lose a small pe…3 discussions 45 members 45 3 Most recent discussion: Exercise - Where did you begin? by KDunnMFP June 2016
Starting September 1st - let's support each other as we strive to lose 20 pounds in 4 months and finish 2015 strong. Weekly check-ins, a focus on eat…19 discussions 45 members 45 19 Most recent discussion: checking in post by cherrie1969 December 2015
Have you tried nearly every diet only to find that nothing works in the long run? Finally, there’s an explanation—and a solution. Along with more tha…16 discussions 45 members 45 16 Private Group
Hello, welcome to 1000 Miles in 2017. Anyone is welcome to join; walkers, runners, cyclists, swimmers, whatever your favourite exercise. If you're lo…38 discussions 45 members 45 38 Most recent discussion: Why Too Much Running Is Bad for Your Health by b3achy January 2018