Katiebear_81 Member


  • I've had butter in my coffee, but it has to be salted. It brings out the coffee flavour, especially if it's any kind of speciality roast. :) It's not "good" or "bad" for you... a preference thing.
  • I've made little packets out of parchment paper, and dumped salsa on top of them. Then they take on the flavour of the salsa instead of just... nothing.
  • Agreed. When I was doing paleo, a Larabar was my "treat". I liked them, but didn't delude myself into thinking they were protein bars or really filling any particular nutritional need. I just enjoyed eating them. I don't eat them now because I'd rather focus on other foods, and if I'm going to have a treat, I want nutella…
  • I am sensitive to some of the fibers like oligosaccharides and erythritols. I can have one on a rare occasion, but regularly means I better cancel my workout and stay home. Sucralose in reasonable amounts, and without the fiber listed above, doesn't cause me GI upset very often.
  • I like quest bars, but the artificial sweetener upsets my stomach. So I usually defer to protein shakes these days. When I am picking up a bar, it's typically the Snickers protein bar. It has real (reasonable) carbs, and is fairly balanced between carbs and protein. Have you looked into these? IMO a bar with 6g protein…
  • It depends on your motivation. I pay for a nutrition coaching service. It makes me a lot more accountable to myself when I have to check in every week and send photos and measurements. Not everyone will find that motivating.
  • I hold my breath at a full capacity while squatting, deadlifting and benching in order to ensure that I've braced properly. Once I've completed the lift and in the neutral position, I'll exhale and inhale/brace again to do my next rep. For any accessory work, I breath in whatever pattern feels natural. Do you need to do…
  • I weigh in daily, looking for a downward trend. Then I take measurements on Fridays to see what my body is doing.
  • You mentioned that you weighed some broccoli, but the way I interpreted that sentence, it sounds like you don't usually weigh all of your foods. Am I interpreting correctly? If you aren't weighing to the gram every time you eat, then you may not be consuming the number of calories that you believe you are. Don't get caught…
  • I take a low dose of seroquel (not an anti-depressant, by the way), which is known to cause metabolic disruption. Still maintaining my same weight, while running a successful recomp.
  • How much are you sleeping? I don't recover well if I'm not sleeping well.
  • I started with Strong Lifts 5x5, but would probably recommend Starting Strength because it has better accessories. :) Just get in there and do it. You have as much right to be there as anyone else. I used to go during less busy times until I felt like I had a better idea of what I was doing.
  • I make sure I have a couple of hundred calories available after dinner if I want to have a snack.
  • Also: being the recipient of harassment once isn't being bullied. If your harasser showed up regularly to abuse you, then you are being bullied. If we're talking about what words mean, then I thought we could also talk about the word bullied. :)
  • My nutrition coach has me have a carb-loaded snack before bed if I'm going to lift in the morning. :) Not sure if it really helps or is just a placebo, but I'll take it. Ha ha.
  • I found this video really helpful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mOurxDftK4&t=8s There is some parts of your personal anatomy that will have an effect on your positioning. Working your core is 100% a good thing, but don't keep chasing the ideals of a perfect squat if they aren't happening. I spent a long time trying to…
  • I compete in Powerlifting (my sport of choice - it will likely be different for you), and I keep my next meet date and goal numbers on my fridge. It helps me remember that if I don't get to my training sessions, those numbers will not happen. The rest is habit. I go to the gym at these specific times. I see my friends…
  • Google has a bunch! https://www.google.com/search?q=keto+recipes&rlz=1C1GCEB_enCA809CA809&oq=keto+recipes&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3287j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  • This is fundamentally untrue. Just because there is a "debate" doesn't make both sides legitimate. We can debate about all sorts of things that aren't real, and just because one person believes something, doesn't make it real. Science is what is real, and the scientific, peer-reviewed studies say that starvation mode (as…
  • Fine. Do something like Starting Strength 3x per week. Accurately log your caloric intake. Make both a habit, and you'll see results. If you want to be more knowledgeable, then do what you've been advised instead of hoping someone will come along and say whatever it is that you want to hear. I understand how hard it can be…
  • You will get nothing without consistency. You will not lose weight, you will not have a body composition you want. Both of those things require dedication and work.
  • Thanks! I'm pretty much at goal weight (5-10 lbs swing), so I'm not expecting too much more for changes in body composition. I'm able to get the surgery funded through my provincial health care, so it isn't costing me anything, and I'm SO thankful. Once you're at goal weight, you should see if your NHP will fund a…
  • Hi, I'm a 32GG (for now... breast reduction surgery later this year! Yay!), and bought this one: https://www.amazon.ca/SYROKAN-Womens-Impact-Coverage-Lightly/dp/B019DWQIAQ/ref=sr_1_32?ie=UTF8&qid=1548960779&sr=8-32&keywords=sports+bra. I bought it in a 34F, and it fits ok. I like that it's pretty inexpensive, but it is…
  • Lift weights in a progressive training schedule. Prioritize protein, to spare your body from utilizing muscles as fuel. Maintain a smallish deficit. Get a lot of sleep. It takes a long time, but it works. I’ve lost a little less than 10 lbs in a year, but I’m significantly stronger than I was. You might lose a bit more…
  • Through therapy, I've found that looking at all my negative thoughts (ie. I will gain weight if I do not work out twice a day) and writing them down along side the counter thought (ie. My weight will stay stable if I track my calories and ensure that I am mot exceeding my CICO calculations) was helpful. I could put them up…
  • If you have large breasts with a fair amount of fat (vs. mammary tissue), when you lose weight and the fat comes off the breasts, they will look deflated and saggy. There may be some skin tightening that happens and a slight "betterment" aesthetically as time goes on, but you kind of get what you get. Your option is to…
  • I would. If you're trying to maintain muscle mass, prioritizing protein sources will become a bit more important. And I agree with the others - a couple of hundred calories won't be enough. I'd probably add back in 500 calories, start lifting. Do this consistently for a month and see where you land.
  • Yep, start a progressive lifting program, and get a lot of sleep.
  • What helped me feel less self conscious was going in with a plan. I knew I was going to warm up on the treadmill for 10 minutes, then I was going to do my workout (whatever you like - if you want to pull one of the many off the internet), then I was going to walk for a half hour on the treadmill at the end. Knowing what…
  • I deal with depression as well. Some days are good, and some are very not good. Yesterday, I was feeling VERY drained, really grouchy and just unmotivated and sad. A "normal" feeling depressed day. But my training program said that I needed to go to the gym. A month ago, I would have stayed home, because "self-care", and…