tekkiechikk Member


  • lol same thing just happened to me, I was getting pretty frustrated because 199 kept eluding me for weeks... not sure if they're preventable, but they are fantastic when they happen. Enjoy the whoosh!
  • Funny, I was just having a pity party for myself about this very thing. I've lost 48 lbs since January and my buddy at work has lost about 20... people RAVE to him about all the weight he's lost but I get nuthin'... I don't need the validation from anybody to continue my weight loss journey (50 more to go), I know I look…
  • Great job! To keep me going at this point (I'm also down nearly 50 since January) I just look at my weight loss chart... I like to see that line going DOWN. Don't want to see any upward swings. Most helpful for me, though, is just remembering that this new way of eating and exercising isn't a temporary "diet" but a new,…
  • Same here... have lost 48 lbs since January. No trouble at all. At first I thought being post-menopause was slowing my weight loss but then I started using MFP in February and got the eye-opener: I was eating far more than I thought. Even if the weight comes off slower than you like, your body will thank you for the…
  • I think you already know the problem- you're a binge/emotional eater. According to the title of your post, you're abnormal. And I relate- so am I! I've lost/gained/lost/gained 50+ lbs more than once (currently down 46 lbs- again- since January) but this time around I'm working not just on my body, but on my relationship…
  • Those hunger pangs might subside in time, too... I've been on 1200 calories since January with success (46 lbs gone), and the first couple months were pretty miserable... now there are days when I struggle to eat 1000 (not many, but it does happen lol). I eat the majority of my calories in the evening, too... 130 for…
  • If you've seen all those specialists and after 1 year 9 months you still can't lose weight, I'm not sure what Adipex is going to do for you... all it does it lessen your appetite. Your doctor must think you're eating more calories than you are burning. Are you? I took Adipex last year for about 5 weeks and hated it... side…
  • I am SO trying this... clever idea.
  • Same here. I'm 52 and have lost on average 1.4 pounds per week since January 5. I'm post-menopausal and hypothyroid, too, so it can be done! Regular exercise and weights have helped me gain muscle (I'm so proud of my forearms). I never did drink a lot but I prefer not to drink my calories in any form, anyway (why I don't…
  • Take advantage of the gym and fitness center... plus do a lot of walking (ships are HUGE). I also find that the buffets are better at helping me control things, like portion sizes, as opposed to the dining room.
  • Fat Free sour cream, yellow mustard, onions, and celery. Yep, now I want potato salad, too :)
  • I always save calories for something salty in the evening... Doritos or my new favorite, Kellogg's Salt & Vinegar Cracker Chips. But I track the calories, even if I go over. Serves me right when I see those numbers telling me that my Calories In were more than my Calories Out for the day. Snacking without being accountable…
  • Logging my binges is the main thing that keeps me accountable... seeing all those calories is an eye-opener. And jumping on the scale the next day is part of it, too. Actually, because I log all of it I have found myself bingeing far less than I did 6 months ago.
  • Sunday is cooking and prep for the week day for me, too. My favorites include a lot of fresh fruit (watermelon, plums, peaches, bananas, strawberries, blueberries), fresh vegetables of all sorts, homemade unstuffed pepper soup (using Boca crumbles instead of meat... comes out to about 140 calories/1 cup serving), Dannon…
  • Anything that comes out of a can or bag can be a culprit for salt overload. Read the labels! I was surprised to find that many things contain sodium, even milk. MFP is a great way to help keep track of it.
    in Sodium Comment by tekkiechikk July 2015
  • Have been stuck at 203 for a few weeks, just can't get there! Down 42 so far so not complaining, but that scale just teases me every week :smiley:
  • Oatmeal or any kind of cereal that isn't too crunchy. Pancakes (high carb but filling). Peanut butter (high calorie, but high protein, too). Low fat pudding. Watermelon, ripe peaches and plums, oranges. Soups! But careful on the calories and sodium content of canned soups can be crazy high. Steamed or baked vegetables.…
  • Agreed! My body tells me when I'm thirsty and I drink something. Tada.
  • I thought the same, that I could do a C25K program when I was 245. Nope. Still can't at 203, but I get a great workout on the treadmill at 4.0 MPH (brisk walk) for an hour, keeping my heart rate between 135-145 (I use a Polar HRM) for at least 30 minutes. The thing about walking is that it's most effective when you can…
  • Exactly. I can't wait to try the salt and vinegar. Mmmm, salt and vinegar!
  • To all of you who are bearing such grief, I am so sad for your losses. If there isn't a group on MFP for people in need of this kind of support, there should be! I have no words of wisdom about weight loss at such a time, but you feel what you feel and nothing but time will lessen the heartache.
  • Wow, what a transformation! You look amazing!
  • There's a 50 Something group you might want to check out. I don't belong to it because I refuse to think of myself as "old/older". I'm 52 and classic.
  • I watched my brother's fiancee (who has never struggled with her weight) eat at a recent family function: she eats anything but takes small portions and then takes a bite and puts down the food or fork and waits at least a minute before eating again. Compared to me, the wolverine, who devours whatever is in front of me…
  • Logging my food every day on MFP and watching the numbers on the scale. I've been down this road before and have just re-lost the same 45 pounds that I lost 6 years ago (but gained back). That's disheartening. New encouragement/motivation now is regular cardio and free weights for heart and muscle strength, and knowing…
  • Women's Health published an article called "The Standing Workout for Flat Abs" and it included four basic workouts using a dumbbell: Side Bends, Standing Core Stabilization, Bow Extensions, and Reverse Dumbbell Chop. I incorporate these into my core routine (which I also hate doing) and they've made a difference. Best of…
  • GC has all the best of the worst kinds of food... lots of delicious, deep fried badness but a load of it definitely isn't heart-smart or healthy. Drink a lot of water to fill you up... the salad bar (like most salad bars at any given chain restaurant) is a mix of evils... stick with the fresh veg and fruits and you'll be…