Any taken adipex?

After 1 year 9 months of trying different methods, running loads of tests, seeing an endocrinologist, nutritionist, and personal trainer, my stalled weight loss has not budged. Doctor wants to put me on adipex. I've filled the prescription but not sure about taking it.
A couple reasons, primarily that it seems like the "easy" way out when I've been working so hard. Secondly, one of the main side-effects is increased heart rate. My heart rate already gets in the 180s when I do HIIT. Dr said to just take it after my workout, but I don't finish until around 1pm, and I'm worried about it causing insomnia. Any experience would be helpful.


  • db34fit69
    db34fit69 Posts: 189 Member
    You said you tried different methods. Did those include eating at a caloric deficit and logging everything on MyFitnessPal? If so, how long did you do that, and what were the results? If not, I'd skip the pills and try that.
  • thursdaystgiles
    thursdaystgiles Posts: 98 Member
    I've been tracking on My Fitness Pal at first, then through Weight Watchers that entire time. Also been working out 5x a week. Between 30-120min cardio and then 50-120min strength each day. My doctor, personal trainer, and I are satisfied that I have done everything I can and I'm not seeing results.
    I'm not sold on using pills, but giving me advice on how to lose weight otherwise isn't really helpful to me at this point. I just want the advice and stories of others who have taken this particular medication.
  • thursdaystgiles
    thursdaystgiles Posts: 98 Member
    I've lost weight in the past through MFP and WW, I weigh everything, and I'm pretty catholic about getting it all right. I am positive that I'm doing everything right. I have a dr, personal trainer, and nutritionist breathing down my neck, and I'm pretty hard on myself, too. As I said, I lost weight in the past through these same methods. This time it isn't coming off.
  • tarnishahodges
    tarnishahodges Posts: 2 Member
    The pill will work but you gotta continue to eat right and work out even when you stop taking the pill maybe your doctor is trying to give you a boost!
  • cairnsmom
    cairnsmom Posts: 93 Member
    I lost about 40lbs using a couple different meds ( when one stops working, you might get a higher dose or another med) but couldn't take not sleeping/having nightmares or being jittery. So I weaned off whichever med it was and gained back every pound plus more because I resumed old eating habits. Even though meds are not an option for me, I don't judge anyone who chooses to use them because I'm not in those folks' shoes. Making big dietary changes are difficult, especially when one works hard and doesn't see results. My best advice is research and decide if you can live with the "cons", then follow your heart and gut. I wish you the best.
  • tekkiechikk
    tekkiechikk Posts: 375 Member
    If you've seen all those specialists and after 1 year 9 months you still can't lose weight, I'm not sure what Adipex is going to do for you... all it does it lessen your appetite. Your doctor must think you're eating more calories than you are burning. Are you?

    I took Adipex last year for about 5 weeks and hated it... side effects weren't worth the minor weight loss. I was jumpy, had insomnia, and a general feeling of not feeling like myself (if that makes sense). And it did give me heart palpitations. Losing weight is all about mental attitude and my head wasn't in the right place... I was looking for a miracle that would help me shed weight without changing anything about my lifestyle (including what I put on my plate).

    One bit of advice is that if the pills make you feel the way I did, cut them in half (my doctor advised me to do that when I called and told her how they were making me feel). Good luck!
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    Well, Adipex is an appitite supressant right? So the idea is that it would make you want to eat even less. Are you very hungry when you try to eat at a deficit?

    My main concern comes from seeing my husband take phentermine, he eats out of habit so he lost nothing.

    That said, I don't think you would have been prescribed an appitite supressant if the Dr thought there was something properly wrong with you, like a metabolic disorder, he just thinks you eat too much.

    If you are worried, try cutting your kcal a bit, or only eat half or less of your exercise kcal.

    Good luck however you choose!
  • thursdaystgiles
    thursdaystgiles Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the advice. As for why SHE prescribed me Adipex, I'm at a loss. We went over all my options and she discounted almost all of them immediately because they were anorexiants. All that left was a thyroid medication--even though my tests look normal, it has an off-label use for regulating serotonin and boosting metabolism, and the Adipex. We both agreed it was better to go with one that's FDA approved for weight-loss than using one for it's off-label effects.
    According to IIFYM, my TDEE is 2880 and my BMR is 1765. I eat around 1500 a day, give or take, and try to fight for 1800 a day. My problem has not been consuming too many calories, but too few. I eat the same thing almost without fail every day, so I'm not confused about how much I'm consuming. I weigh everything.
    I have a protein shake with 3/4 c unsweetened vanilla almond milk, half a frozen banana, 2tbsp fat free plain greek yoghurt, my protein powder (quest or BNS) and another fruit, usually strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries (about 6-8 small fruits). .
    Post workout I have a breakfast scramble with a 1 whole egg and 1 serving of egg whites, 1/4 of an avocado, cherry tomatoes, 3 strips of turkey bacon or 1/2 of a chicken sausage link, and a whole grain English muffin. Sometimes I have a spinach salad with tuna, red peppers, walnut, and feta cheese instead, or a store bought salad if I'm short on time. For a snack I have 3oz cocktail shrimp and 70g edamame and/or a sugar free protein bar.
    For dinner we have chicken 90% of the time, but sometimes beef. Baked or grilled, usually rubbed with seasoning and some olive oil, 1 cup roasted broccoli or asparagus, and 100g of sweet potato or 1/2c brown rice. I usually have a glass of white wine, and sometimes I have either my homemade, no sugar added, whole grain cookies or some low cal, gluten free snack after dinner, around 120cal.
    Occasionally (no more than 2x a month) we'll go out for dinner or get fast food, or have a special dessert. Even getting this much food in my body is difficult as I am rarely hungry except right after my workout. I don't think my doctor thinks I'm lying to HER, on my referral to my endocrinologist and nutritionist it says "making very good effort with diet and exercise, seeing no results." Also, she's been trying to get me to take meds for about 9 months now, saying I'm working myself to death in the gym and she's worried I'm going to lose motivation since I'm not seeing any results.
    If I were lazy or just wanted a quick way out, I would have started taking the meds when she offered them last year. I work hard, and I've seen results in the past, and I want my weight loss to be as a result of my hard work and dedication to exercise and diet, but it isn't happening.