Little ways people have noticed that I've lost weight . . .

It's funny, because even though I've lost nearly thirty pounds this year, most people don't recognize it. Here is what I've gotten:

I LOVE your new foundation; it really brings out your eyes! (I don't have a new foundation.)

Your eyelashes are getting so long! Is that because of the drops you're taking for glaucoma? I heard that a side effect are eyelashes growing longer. (No, it's because my fat puffy eyes aren't fat and puffy anymore and don't hide my eyelashes.)

You're letting your hair grow longer. It really slenderizes you! (Well, maybe, but I doubt it. Perhaps the 25 lbs. I lost did it.) (Oh, and I still have 30 pounds to go, so I can't wait, hah!)

That is such a cute skirt! Where did you buy it? (I bought it six years ago at Goodwill and wore it until I was too big for it. But now I fit into it again.)

I love the new color of your hair. Where did you get it done? (My hair is the same natural color it's been most of my adult life.)

Sigh. Anyone else had anything like this?



  • bkate24
    bkate24 Posts: 73 Member
    edited August 2015
    Yup! I was at 156 pounds for much of last year, got down to 152 by the start of the summer. At the end of July I started using MFP and joined a fitness class. Now it's near the end of the summer and I'm 144, and I have more muscle than I did before. I got my hair drastically cut (to a pixie) over the summer and people who haven't seen me since spring keep telling me how good it looks and how much it really really suits me. I've had my hair really short many times before in this exact style (cycle of growing it out and then cutting it) and never got these comments.

    What they're seeing is just that I lost weight in my face. One of the big reasons I wanted to lose weight was that even though I was within normal weight range (although near the top, and I have a small frame), I have sort of small facial features and any kind of excess fat goes to my face, and I don't carry it well because my actual face gets kind of lost in the fat. I'm excited to keep losing weight and keep having my actual facial features emerge from the fat!

    I keep wondering when people will realize that it's not the haircut, it's weight loss!
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Hah! Let them wonder, and then when you lose the rest, BAM!
  • bkate24
    bkate24 Posts: 73 Member
    Congrats to you as well on the comments! Even if they don't realize it's weight loss, they clearly see a difference.

    I think if people know someone, they get used to picturing someone as looking a certain way and then don't bother to really look at the person after that. Their brains just kind of mentally assume that "Oh, it's Jane, let's fill in what we already know about Jane." It takes something drastic for them to shake up that mental image, I think.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    For a long time people would just make vague comments about how nice I looked. They wouldn't really comment on my weight loss, but would make some sort of comment about how I looked. Once I hit 50 pounds, everyone started commenting about my weight.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I wish, but I was fat enough that everyone has gotten that it was fat loss.
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    Well congrats on the weight loss that just happens to bring out the beauty in your eyes and hair coupled with the ability to rock the retro look!!! :)
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Your eyelashes are getting so long! Is that because of the drops you're taking for glaucoma? I heard that a side effect are eyelashes growing longer. (No, it's because my fat puffy eyes aren't fat and puffy anymore and don't hide my eyelashes.)

    Oh no, I had long eye lashes before losing weight, will people see them as even longer now?

    Maybe I can cut them :pensive:

    My sister describes my eye lashes as camel eye lashes.

    For me it was too obvious that I lost weight people didn't make comments about hair or clothes. They made them about weight loss.

  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 672 Member
    I get the impression from the comments about your hair and eyes that you are probably looking a lot healthier, rather than just thinner. That's awesome! Isn't that the real goal?

    I've mostly been getting weight comments, sprinkled with the observation that I look happier and seem more confident. My nurse used the child sized cuff on me the other day when she probably didn't need to. I've lost 40 lbs since December, and I gained 25 of that during a 6 week span last summer. Maybe that made it more obvious, like no one wanted to say that I had gained a lot of weight in a very short amount of time, but they're all letting me know that they noticed.

    Congrats on all your losses!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    It's funny, because even though I've lost nearly thirty pounds this year, most people don't recognize it. Here is what I've gotten:

    I LOVE your new foundation; it really brings out your eyes! (I don't have a new foundation.)

    Your eyelashes are getting so long! Is that because of the drops you're taking for glaucoma? I heard that a side effect are eyelashes growing longer. (No, it's because my fat puffy eyes aren't fat and puffy anymore and don't hide my eyelashes.)

    You're letting your hair grow longer. It really slenderizes you! (Well, maybe, but I doubt it. Perhaps the 25 lbs. I lost did it.) (Oh, and I still have 30 pounds to go, so I can't wait, hah!)

    That is such a cute skirt! Where did you buy it? (I bought it six years ago at Goodwill and wore it until I was too big for it. But now I fit into it again.)

    I love the new color of your hair. Where did you get it done? (My hair is the same natural color it's been most of my adult life.)

    Sigh. Anyone else had anything like this?

    No, but I gotta say your description of your experience is very humorous and made me smile.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I wish, but I was fat enough that everyone has gotten that it was fat loss.

    LOL, same here. 44 pounds is two twenty pound bags of potatoes with 4 pounds extra on the side. :D
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    I've recently started getting "oh you're looking well!" My partner notices that I'm bonier in my ribs, shoulders and hips.

    Mostly people have stopped looking 'knowingly' at my stomach and insinuating that I'm pregnant. Nope, that's fat.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Hubster was complaining about our bed and how we needed a new mattress because he was waking up with aches and pains. We worked out that because I'm so much smaller, his usual way of snuggling while we sleep didn't work anymore and he was sleeping funny :)
  • SheridanWild
    SheridanWild Posts: 14 Member
    I must admit that when I finally noticed one large friend had lost weight she said "Yeah .... only 20 kilos"... that's over 44 lb!!! I was really embarrassed but then I had a similar experience myself ... I think when we are large people just see general shape/size and if we are still wearing the same clothes that doesn't help. Conversely it's annoying when people say "You look good ... have you lost weight" like that's the only way to look good! Regardless CONGRATS on being 30lb down ... fantastic effort, I trust the appropriate compliments will catch up!
  • Nightnurse33
    Nightnurse33 Posts: 30 Member
    I am at 23 Lbs lost and did not see my mother for several months. All she said was you really need to lose weight, stop eating Pizzia and cake. I never ate Pizzia nor cake WTF....
  • amelialoveshersnacks
    amelialoveshersnacks Posts: 205 Member
    I got 'gee your *kitten* is small!'. My response was 'damnit, I been doing squats'.
    Imo, I never had a fat *kitten* to begin with lol
  • timeforwork
    timeforwork Posts: 114 Member
    i think sometimes people are not keen to come straight out and say you look good as you have lost weight because it implys you were over weight to start with! all those nice comments may just seem like a polite way of saying they have noticed something.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    I've been slowly losing for about a year and I work at a school so it's been a couple of months since I've seen my co-workers so now they are saying that I look so slim, and how did I do it, etc? Well I have probably only lost about five pounds since they last saw me, but I think I can chalk it up to buying some clothes that actually fit and aren't all baggy on me.
  • tekkiechikk
    tekkiechikk Posts: 375 Member
    Funny, I was just having a pity party for myself about this very thing. I've lost 48 lbs since January and my buddy at work has lost about 20... people RAVE to him about all the weight he's lost but I get nuthin'... I don't need the validation from anybody to continue my weight loss journey (50 more to go), I know I look and feel great, but sometime's I just want a pat on the back.

    It felt good to admit that. Pity party is now over :D
  • CreamPuff91
    CreamPuff91 Posts: 7 Member
    I am down almost 40 lbs. 20 more to go. My coworkers have made comments about my skin looking better, and my hair looking more healthy. I actually have changed my skin care routine and hair style. Some noticed the wt loss and suggested I needed some new clothing that actually fits. The others noticed my wt loss and once I started to wear the new clothing others then asked me what I was doing. Others have noticed the dramatic change especially in my upper torso. I have noticed them looking at me and trying to figure out if I got a reduction done.