alondrakayy Member


  • I'm at my goal weight now so I'm looking to maintain my body composition. I wouldn't mind losing a tad bit of fat, however, I'm not sure how much muscle I have underneath the layer of fat I have now. Fitness is not something I can give 100% of my focus until the school semester is over, but I can at least maintain my…
  • I don't take any supplements. Mostly because I believe they are a waste of money. Still lost the weight I wanted.
  • I have 10 lbs to lose by the end of this year. Taking it slow and steady. I'm in no rush .. but I'm also at the very end of my weight loss journey so I don't think this would be the case if I had 100 lbs to lose.
  • I'm 5ft 7in and I seem to be losing on 2k cals. I'm guessing it depends on your consistency and workouts. I could probably lose more if I worked out more, but I'm at the very end of my journey so I don't mind things going slow. I know when I was aiming for 1lb loss a week I had my cals set to 1800 and it was incredibly…
  • The first time around was simply comments made by family/friends. I was a senior and high school and that truly messed with me. Lost lots of weight in an unhealthy way and was a stick by 20. The second time around was after giving birth but no one needed to make comments. I knew right away I needed to kick my butt back…
  • Take it slow, do your research because it's good to be well informed and even better if you're ever asked why this lifestyle is important to you, when you look up recipes add 'vegan' to it and literally hundreds will pop up. I think it's a lot easier now days to be vegan than it was back then.
  • I'm slowly transitioning to a vegetarian diet. I easily cut off red meat (even though I had it more than 2x A DAY) but letting go of chicken has been a battle. I still have it about 2x a week. I'm not sure I can ever be a vegan but I do my best to purchase my diary and egg products from local places who love and care well…
  • I think you already have a reliable scale. Keep it in one spot going forward. Any scale you mess with will do that. Edit to add: change the batteries if needed.
  • I don't like the brand mainly because they offer diet teas and crap like that. Their product is overpriced but it works because they get these fitness models on instagram to advertise like crazy. If I were you, I would return them for a full refund and try to get your protein intake from food and minimal supplements. You…
  • Should I add BCAA supplements back into my diet? I weight 142 pounds and have been hitting around 50-60g of protein per day since trying to ease into a vegetarian diet. I thought it was enough but I guess not! (good thing I asked).
  • Oreos. I think 2 or 3 of them are like 140 cals. No thanks. A small portion of oreos would be like 1 oreo only and that's depressing.
  • How long it takes is totally up to each individual person. Just because it takes one person 8 months to lose 50 pounds doesn't mean it's going to take the next person the same amount of time if they are only putting in half the effort. Losing around 6 lbs per month IMO is doable but won't be a whole lotta fun for you.
  • It can be hard at times when you really want to indulge with friends. Idk, for me personally I enjoy my time out with friends/family. I don't turn down events. If I can track then I do. If I can't track I try to eat 'healthy' meals or small portions of 'unhealthy' foods. If I just want to enjoy myself for that day then I…
  • I was once told (and I believed it. SIGH) that taking cold showers makes you burn a lot of calories. I did that for like a week before deciding I'd rather stay fat.
  • Dump him like a hot potato. Set some future goals. Start slowly. Stay focused daily, especially when the motivation ends and the drive is low on gas. Keep pushing forward. Do it for YOURSELF and your HEALTH. Because if this is for looks and a boy, there's a good chance you won't last long. Add some helpful friends (even…
  • Make sure your weight loss goals are realistic and healthy. If so and you're truly just hungry/need to eat, load of up veggies! At least that's what I like to do. More volume and helps me feel full and satisfied for longer periods of time. Increasing water intake (but I mean don't go crazy) might help a bit too.
  • I am transition to a vegetarian diet (not for weight loss) but this is my first week so I'm not ready to label myself just yet. Tried tofu for the first time today. Eh.. I probably won't have it again unless I find new ways to eat it. It was in soup so it was just mushy and no flavor to it even though the soup was full of…
  • .. this helped me remember something! After a view days (I could've been a week or so) without me I remember trying to donate blood at school and couldn't due to low iron which I associated to my recent diet change. I don't want to have an iron deficiency. I started purchasing the 'roam free eggs'. They are…
  • Ok. The watch I own (Polar 360) has the option for me to calculate calories burned during my weight lifting workouts... so that's what I do. Worked just fine for me but if OP would rather add 300 calories to her day no matter what then she can.
  • If you're able to, you can purchase a HRM watch to better track your weight lifting cals.
  • I'm 5ft 7in and weighed 153 lbs at my heaviest (I weighed more back in my senior year of highschool for a short period time after a bad break up but that was so long ago). Anyways, I started off like you. Ate 1200 cals a day, lived on the treadmill, and lost so much weight .. and with it I lost my hair, strength, and…
  • That sounds awful.
  • I think it's possible. I'm switching to intuitive eating (at least for a short time) after a 3 month cut and staying on maintenance cals for almost 2 months. Things I plan on doing: 1. Drink water (more so to stay hydrated throughout the day and not confuse hunger for thirst) 2. Continue to log into MFP site. Even though…
  • My favorite junk food is Hot Cheetos. I found that if I have it in the house, I will eat it everyday. Yes I can make it fit, but it makes me hold water weight like no other and has other negative affects to my body. I started to not buy them and instead purchase a bag once a week which is SOO much better. I'm not…
  • You do have a busy life but counting calories and working out (you don't even have to work out, but it helps) is very much doable! However, in reality, if I had your schedule I'd probably settle for having a food/gym journal rather than measuring and counting everything I eat. I'd make sure to eat protein, fats, carbs with…
  • Way to go! You should also post this in the success forum
  • 1 pound per week. So 3 lbs.
  • Thank you, all! I have prepared my meals for the week, wrote down ingredients, and we'll see how today's shopping goes. Also following all the tips (sales, what's in season, quantity, etc.) you guys suggested.
  • Put it to good use. Burn it during the winter to keep you warm! Only kidding. I do believe they will not help you at all in your fitness journey though.
  • You were smart enough to hear BS, ask if it was BS, and then receive confirmation that you are in fact being fed BS. Count yourself lucky that you didn't spend one more penny on this .. trainer!