

  • haha same as dehydration then!
  • also lay back a little on the ab excercises if you do too much ab work teh stomach muscles almost get too strong and cause your back to be pulled over as my physio explained it too me so make sure when ever you do ab work do some back strengthing excercises at the end like dorsal raises etc
  • hey I fractured my spine without realising and now its healed wonky so i always get pain with it the yoga/pilates stretches will hurt but its worth persisting with it as in the long run it really helps it gets all the tiny muscles stronger so it supports the spine better! i run and play rugby with my back and to be honest…
  • cheers lawkat think I will try that :)
  • There are training plans on line and there are probs apps aswell generally for marathons its 3 shorter faster runs during the week 3-8 miles and the long run at the weekend. or whatever fits with your schedule type thing
  • Just finished my first full and now onto training for my next two in april and may next year :)
  • I love sport am a little obsessive I play rugby for two teams and train with a third so do it pretty much every day. I'm so competitive and aggresive so its a great sport for me. I also run alot got addicted to that aswell running my first marathon on Sunday excited but also crapping my pants!!!
  • i think the water weight you lose is the water in your stool not the fact you will pee out more
  • 5 mile run this morning and hour and half rugby training this evening :)
  • running up hills really works your *kitten*!
  • go to bravissimo they are briliant at fitting people i used the internet to get a bra fitting and did that stupid thing of you back measurement plus 4 inches etc which is the most insane way of doing it went to bravissimo was put in a 36DD internet said 40C and the vras fit amazingly and 36 is my actual back measurement…
  • get a cross breed for a running dog. pure breed large breeds such as lab shepards roottys doberman all have joint issues such as elbow dysplasia hip dysplasia growth problems more likely to have cruciate injuries the list goes on and on its like if you own a purebred boxer it'll get cancer same for retrievers really. If…
  • Also just realised how appalling my lack of puctuation is in my previous post! sorry! Hope you can understand it.
  • hey keep a positive attitude is the best and don't worry bout training times i automatically improve my pace by a min per mile when i do a race then when i train do shorter faster runs in the week and your long run at a weekend or find an internet training plan that suits you keep the long run slow and steady so that you…
  • Brilliant cheers for that link I have a problem with low sodium aswell but hate adding salt to food have low blood pressure and blood tested low sodium which is why i get dizzy and feint!
  • The body doesn't store ammonia. The liver processes ammonia to urea which is excreted in urine if you have liver issues then you would get high levels of circulating ammonia which would cause hepatic encephalopathy.
  • you realise vaccines don't create superbugs. With bacteria like MRSA it was created through over and improper use of antibiotics.
  • natural immunity is important so is breastfeeding as it passes on antibodies to bacteria and viruses the mother has been exposed to in the environment the baby has been born into. Vaccination is also important it has irradicated disease the herd immunity is an important method of decreasing disease incidence but for it to…
  • Thanks for the advice doctor just said to increase my sports drink intake when I run which I have done will try eating more bananas and carrots :)
  • i'm the same only lose weight if i do alot of excercise and even then i still lose it really slowly its annoying but i generally feel i have to excercise to keep myself sane i'm sooo grumpy if i don't excercise i suppose its just one of those things
  • I'm a full time vet student and so am in uni or in the teaching hospitals for a full day 5 days a week plus on call and i still manage to work out 9 times a week, i swim or run in the mornings have rugby matches weds and sun afternoons plus training twice a week and a long run for my marathon training at the weekend and…
  • hey I strained my calf a few weeks ago currently marathon training and have my marathon in a month I'm really bad and running through the pain but i take ibuprofen at night to reduce inflammation make sure i strech well when i come back from running and do heel dips on the stairs to stregthen my calves its taken 3 weeks…
  • I find plasters just move and give blisters in other places if the blisters are closed then soak your feet in surgical spirit dries them out and hardens your skin so you hopefully don't get them as much don't use surgical spirit on open blisters stings like mad and delays your skin healing for open blisters use salt…
  • i hardly ever look at BMI after my brother told me at 7% body fat he was still considered obese on BMI (he plays rugby) my bdy fat is currentyl 30% which is acceptable for women and i can go and run 18 miles so i don't care my BMI is overweight/obese my aim is to get my bodyfat down to 20%
  • i'm 6'1 my goal is to get to 80-85kg currently 97kg
  • i don't know much on it but isn't that supposedly a bit of a con and pseudoscience and only works coz it severly restricts your calories?
  • There was a paper done in Austalia/NZ within the last 2 years that looked at the effect on the body of excercising in the morning without eating and that for men it did work to burn more fat but it put women into starvation mode so when they ate afterwards they gained fat due to survival stuff and women having kids etc I…
  • when you start vigourous excercise you body turns fat into muscle which weighs more if your lucky you stay the same weight and then you start to lose. i've been marothon training and in the last month lost 3 inches from my waist but gained half a stone its frustrating but the weight will come off just have to keep going
  • when you sweat you also lose essentail ions sodium potassium magnesium and calcium which your body needs for muscle and heart function so its best to pee it out also keeps your kidneys and urinary tract healthy!
    in water Comment by melholden10 August 2011