
Hey guys

was just wondering if anyone knew anyways to help with lifting for lineouts been off over the summer and feeling a bit weak now i'm back training again. I have a crazy schedule and am a poor poor student so gym is out of the question was wondering if anyone knew of any excercises I could do at home to improve line out lifts?



  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    If you are student shouldn't you have access to a school weight room? Power clings are of course the best, mimics the movements of the lift. Also dead lifts, and military press. Not sure what you could do at home.

    Or get a smaller jumper. ;-)

    ETA: actually it's the "cling and jerk" I guess. The one where you lift the weight into the air with your arms.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    I used to play rugby so i know how much work goes into lifting someone in a line out. You could always take a sack of flour or sugar and as you go to lift it over your head, jump. You can put the flour or sugar in a bag so that in case you drop it, it goes everywhere. I would start in a crouched position and propel yourself the same way you would lift someone. That way, you will be able to build yourself up. You can also do regular lifts with it as well.
  • melholden10
    cheers lawkat think I will try that :)
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    google olympic power lifting.

    it's a whole body workout that will help with both overhead lifts and possibly the jump itself if it's you who are lifted.

    In fact Olympic Power Lifting is a great way to train for the balance and power side of rugby in general. It really hit's the core, thus most of your balance based power moves are enhanced, as well as your leg and glut strength for those pack members who need to get low and push. If you check out some of the pro's in the English club league, many of them train with OPL on off days and in the off season. Just be sure not to do heavy days the day before a match, you'll feel it.