Been absent ankle injury has me down. I managed 7 miles this week. Cross training keeping me sane.
October 9, 2018 11:07AM amirahdaboss wrote: » Guys, I haven’t been able to run for the last three(today makes 4!) days and I’m super cranky. Who would’ve thought I’d actually miss/enjoy running? I’m in classes from morning until night today, so I won’t be able to squeeze in a run until tomorrow :( Any tips for becoming a…
I'm taking a break on running this week. My ankle is possibly injured. I will crosstrain all week and attempt a run on Saturday. My last few runs have been uncomfortable. A year ago I managed to finish my first marathon, perhaps the muscle memory is protesting so I don't attempt another.
10 miles so far this month. Undecided on my goal.
Great 5 miler this am. 3 middle miles were at a sub 730 pace. I could have been faster but I'll take it. Going to be my smallest month total in quite some time but I'm ok with that. Not making my goal this month.
Another good 5 miler
I bought a new pair just a month and a half ago. My old pair was very reliable and had none of your issues but the new pair is not so good.
5 miles at good pace
Ran 5 this morning. Transition going on for me lately. I'm not driven to run a large number if miles and I am choosing at least two rest days a week. It feels healthier. If the Garmin Vo2 is any good then it is actually improving my is taking more of my energy and perhaps when it eases up, I'll be able to…
3 good miles this am
A good 7 this am
3 miles with some speed
4 slow miles
Finally tried for a faster run this am. I pushed it a little at what should have been a tempo run pace. I averaged about 8 minutes per mile for the middle 4 miles with a 1/2 mile warm-up and a 1/2 mile cool down. There is reason for optimism. 5 total miles
6 slow miles
Good news is I ran 11 miles. Bad news is the run was slow and it didn't feel like I could go faster. Time will tell
Thanks I haven't given upon the new shoeshoes
Struggling with intestinal issues. 6 yesterday 5 today easy and slow. I think my legs are not enjoying my new shoes for work. Could be I'm fighting a bug.
4 easy slow miles
4 miles
7 miles in heat.😓
Happy birthday @workaholic_nurse
10.1miles to start September. Still running easy I'm thinking no speed training again this week but off Monday could prompt a long run.
I'm in for 175.
Finished the month with a short easy 4.2 this am. Most importantly it felt like my legs are healing well.
Mostly painless easy 4.5 miles. Reached my goal
I always prefer to pass behind the car. if it is stopped, I will go around the car. I figure there are very few accidents were the car backed-up over a runner. On the funk - I have considered at times that allowing the funk to have a day or two might be good. It could be you need to back off and rest. I set a time frame…
7 easy miles may need a rest day. Right Knee complaining at one point during the run.(Stopped and stretched and pain went away) Left ankle complaining on the way into work.(New shoes could be the culprit) I'm scheduled for fartleks tomorrow, that's not happening. i may do 4 miles and hit my goal for the month and finish…
7 semi quick miles. It was supposed to be 440 intervals but I didn't feel up to it.. instead it was a progressive run starting at almost a 10 minute pace and finishing below's the last week of my official 5k training but I don't have a 5k race picked out yet. 1st day of school for my students. Looking forward to…
Agreed way to go @katharmonic !!!