heres the secret DONT DIET AND EXERCISE... i mean that in the traditional eat less move more doesnt work Kyle...THATS WHY THERE IS A GAZILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY built around all of us here...Until one brave man, shining example of amazingness defied they bloodsucking Diet Industry and…
well tell me...what is your daily diet? I agree with you btw...
lolll mfp calories and suggestions are a complete joke....Just keep eating till you find your personal counting is ever required.
yessss very seriously fun
track yes but counting noooo....after a while you know your body really well You also have go to foods that just work for you....its super ez. just takes some eperience
toxic and disease causing...enjoy your zero...I only drink mexican coke and real cane sugar sodas:)
lolllllll keep it up kiddd You just found the secret
but you are a badass now so lets do it!!! That was me 2 years ago before I started..I feel ya
good luck to you...what exactly are the details on this plan.....meals shakes etc? Thanks
lol love it...what were your old ways..Love this stuff
people are clueless with REAL WORLD BODYFAT % If a guy is around 15 and a gal 20 that is a great place to be...actually outside of athletes and fitness models etc. will put you in like the top 5% of sny gym beach park etc. Im at 18 now and my goal is 15% by spring...:()
lol I used to be a fat f too!! do you have a plan? no will power is needed if you are doing this right..its gotta be fun and you gotta eat a lot of foods you love
Thats the way to do it....keep eating more and lifting...thats the way! When I increased my calories and started lifting weights 3 times a week lost all my fat..
weights... barbells and dumbells... as we lose weight we need to retain and hopefully gain muscle...that is the key you will lose fat muscle and water etc when the scale drops but if you are lifting the body composition will make you smile!
protein is the scam of the century 45 to 60 is more then enough...dont fall for this high protein non sense
it was awesome was shooting for 6000 cals of junk!! but DID NOT SUCCEED but I had a blast nearly 600 grams of fun carbs etc. No huge change today...just get back on what I always day like that could be the next big holiday here in nyc St patricks day easter memorial day etc. soooo funnnnn
The reason I like this site is the incredible people and groups..Learning a ton and helping others...But the actual RIDICULOUS MFP CALORIC AND MACRO RECOMMENDATIONS ARE RETARDED, Im honest and real...Love the people discussions and groups. Chris Rocco nyc
when I no longer could see my dick not kidding and my bloomingdales bill skyrocketed with suddenly larger sizes in jeans shirts and mysteriously all in BLACK colors wow that was freaking 2 years ago......
lol you are dooooomed!!! hahaaa you might just MIGHT ...wanna watch what you eat...but Im probably wrong omg Teddie!!!!
This is my specialty...DO NOT HAVE A LEG DAY...its ridiculous and not needed for size or strength...Incorporate legs either in a push pull split or do What I do full body training varying my intensity and volume...I never ever ever have knee pain anymore and my legs are great...Dont want you to be in pain. Chris Rocco
I highly recommend against it...did it for almost 6 years and it can be very painful socialy mentaly and practicaly! When I really started listening to my body eating whenever I want I lost over 40 pounds I wake up and eat a little something immediately. You see IF is just food management....but once you start guzzling…
keep building strength lift heavy with lower reps and keep losing Do an actual recomp when you are much closer to your lean body..thats what I did!
Bloating is greatly reduced by cutting out all grains and starches....Im never bloated anymore...God Bless you Chris Rocco nyc
your sodium intake should be at least 5000 miligrams a day easily....Im always at around 6 thousand...This is a closely guarded health and fat loss secret....especially if you exercise correctly. Be careful of what salt you do buy....Make sure its clean....I have experimented with this for years....
lunch is always 3 eggs fried in coconut oil 3 strips bacon some uncle matts orange juice baaaammmmm
the entire dayy is basically the same...
I had a blast during holidayzzzzz hahaa