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  • I got a metallic taste as well, but it was almost refreshing (like in a clean way), not uncomfortabel or achey. Interesting how everyone experiences different but similar things.
  • Oh, and this is essentially the same thing plus some other ingredients, so THANKS!
  • Perfect!!!! This is probably cheaper than buying coconut water. I love coconut water so I think I'll use both!
  • I want to feel comfortabel in my jeans.... no more muffin top!!!
  • My blood pressure has always been pretty good, but my cholesterol and triglycerides improved after going primal. Congratulations!!!
  • Welcome! You may add me. My maiden name was Bray. Are we related?
  • I do hit my calorie goal, but mainly because I am still really bad about eating JUNK, albeit low carb. I do find that I am not hungry though a lot of times. I often feel full or satieted after just a few bites when I eat. I feel like I need to make myself finish because I know that as an athlete I will need fuel (and…
  • My carb sources are pretty much veggies, so even if I feel like I had too many carbs, I don't sweat it because it doesn't come from bread or sugar. I do still eat rice, so then I have to pay more attention on those days because the carbs are WAY high then. I eat tons of meat and veggies. I normally have two meats at dinner…
  • In general, I don't pay attention to calories. Eat enough good, healthy food to keep you from getting hungry. I often eat 500 calories over what MFP has me set at and I still lose. The only macro I pay attention to is carbs. I keep them low (under 90) and I don't pay attention to protein or fat. After I get better at the…
  • Fantastic progress!!! Your meals look amazing!
  • I love garlic, too!! I like to put cumin on all my veggies now.
  • Primal.... I often say it wrong
  • I've been using iHeartRadio because Pandora always cuts off on me. I put in Arcade Fire, Radiohead, Wiz Khalifa, U2... just depends on what I'm in the mood for.
  • I didn't read through all the above responses, so sorry if I am repeating someone. Some people have it set up with time. For example 8:00 - 10:00 am or something. I should consider doing this as well, but honestly, I don't really pay attention to what designation I give my food.
  • Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! I have wanted that alarm clock for a long time, but yeah.... $170? You've just convinced me! And blacking out the room with the blackout shades? I want to do that too.... just need to convince the hubby. He doesn't buy in to my ideas that easily.
  • Ifyou need the food, then by all means, EAT!!! If you are sticking to the parameters I don't think you can eat too much. Way to go!!
  • Lara Bars They have all natural ingredients.... no wierd things you can't pronounce. For example Cashew Cookie has cashews and dates. That's it!
  • Oatmeal What's with the "meal" in oatmeal? It makes it sound like mush to me.
  • I don't think you need to do 30 minutes of ab/core training every other day. Building your largest muscle groups (legs, shoulder/chest/back/arms) has a greater return in burning calories in the long run because the muscles are bigger and maintaining them requires more calories; Therefore, you burn more fat which shows off…
  • Well, it's a girl so no... but maybe yes. Edit: It changed to a boy before I could reply.... YES!
  • Thanks for this! I tried liver for the very first time today. I did not like it. I mean, it was palatable and I could probably MAKE myself eat it, but why do that to myself? I am definitely going to try it this way.
  • I used to drink coffee with cream and sugar. Now I only order with with cream. It took some getting used to, but now I prefer it without the sugar. It's too bitter black, but I am enjoying the slight bitterness of having it without sugar. I would put cinnimon in it to help the flavor. Occasionaly, I would put a pinch on…
  • You can add me.
  • When my parents would stop at traffic lights they would wait and watch the other side turn yellow and then they'd blow really hard and our red light and it would turn green. We thought they were changing the light by blowing.
  • Awesome!!!! White Oak is in Georgia and I'm from Atlanta. I buy their meat frequently. Thanks for sharing!
  • I used to work in food science. I am very familiar with those types of products... not that one in particular, but the fact there are so many additives to make up for what our food is not. I toured a chicken factory once. The horror!!!! I had this strange feeling the entire time I was in there that I was in a sci-fi movie…
  • I love coconut!!! I am going to try these. Thanks for sharing!
  • There is soooooo much salt in the SAD!!! It's in all the processed junk that people consume. I think once you go primal/paleo and you are cutting out that stuff, you obviously are reducing your salt intake overall. I suppose it's not so much of a problem to add a little salt to your food. Occasionally, I eat something…
  • I am pretty sure that some vinegars like balsamic, and apple cider, etc. are okay. I see it frequently in paleo recipes. I can understand why malt vinegar wouldn't be. Balsamic is made from grapes, apple cider is made from apples, but malt is made from barley. So, I guess it depends on the kind of vinegar. I normally use…