Funny things you believed as a kid :)



  • akitagirl78
    akitagirl78 Posts: 22 Member
    i thought the street signs that had an arrow pointing up actually meant up towards the sky. LOL
  • chapamore
    chapamore Posts: 20 Member
    I thought cats were girls and dogs were the boys.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    That the pile of clothes in the chair in the corner of my room became a monster at night. I'd peak out from under the covers and see it breathing.

    You would think that might have motivated me to move the clothes off the chair, but no - never did.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    That blood was blue since the veins on your wrist look blue from outside, and that when the blood "hit the air" it turned red....
  • calisunrise
    calisunrise Posts: 307
    that eating rice makes you turn asian
  • Junken_Diraffe
    Junken_Diraffe Posts: 716 Member
    When I was a kid, my poop used to get "stuck". Like, I just couldn't get it out. I thought that if I pushed down on the top of my head, it would push the poop out.

    Yeah, I know. Don't all send your friend requests at once.
  • DoneBroughtSexyBack
    That if I didn't behave at my grandparents house that my Grandpa would see me to a local tribe of Indians.... then again I think he may have actually been serious...
  • OutDaWay
    OutDaWay Posts: 40 Member
    *kitten* caused hairy palms...

    Glad that turn out to be false. hahah
  • PurplDeuce
    PurplDeuce Posts: 113
    That the sandman would actually come and sprinkle sand in your eyes to put you to sleep!
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    I thought cats were girls and dogs were the boys.

    that is adorable!
  • TomTomato
    TomTomato Posts: 223
    My mom always told us that if you make a weird face, it could permanently get "stuck" that way.
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    I developed a theory when I was three that the world really was black and white like in old photographs until Dorothy opened her door and stepped into Oz.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    you know those small cul-de-sac streets?? They usually have a sign that says:

    for the longest time I though those houses didn't have electricity.... (no outlets to plug things in)

    It is embarrassing to admit how old I was before I finally understood they DID have electrical outlets.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    I thought boys were born from men and girls were born from women. I also used to be scared of using the toilet in airplanes because I thought you could get sucked in :D
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I thought cats were girls and dogs were the boys.

    that is adorable!

    So did I!!!
  • agerre
    agerre Posts: 4
    Oh jeez, that "No Outlet" signs meant they didn't have electricity.
  • NicholeElizabeth92
    NicholeElizabeth92 Posts: 186 Member
    Not me...but my younger brother believed that if you fell from a high height you would bounce thanks to my dad tell him this. So one day he climbed up a pine tree and well jumped. Well, he didn't bounce. In fact he broke his arm in the exact same spot that my dad broke his and exactly a year to the date....way to go.
  • chunkiedunker
    chunkiedunker Posts: 144 Member
    where to start. i thought that factories steam pipes were cloud makers and thats where all the clouds in the sky came from.

    i thought that helicoptors couldn't fly over water as the water wouldn't provide a hard enough surface to push the air into.

    there was one more that was a good one but i forget it at the moment.
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    My grandparents used to called swim suits "bathing suits" which, when I was little, I heard as "baby suits". I could never understand why grownups wore baby suits.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    When my parents would stop at traffic lights they would wait and watch the other side turn yellow and then they'd blow really hard and our red light and it would turn green. We thought they were changing the light by blowing.