AngelikaLumiere Member


  • I went to the chiropractor again today. Reason I felt so bad all weekend: dislocated #5 rib in addition to the #9 I previously dislocated. :s There are too many possible causes to know what really is happening, I just hope it stops.
  • I hope by April I am back to posting every day. I paid for the exercise with excruciating pain the last two days. So I am cranky. :(
  • @Morgori - mmm Spanish Paella .. I had a dish of that made by a real Spanish lady and it still stands out in my memory even though that was during my college days. @roserex - this is a very supportive group. Just start participating. @skinnyjeanzbound - thanks for the reminder, time to do the throw rugs. AFM - I don't have…
  • @jennbo83 - If you can control your urges when under that kind of emotional stress, you are going to succeed in your diet. @skinnyjeanzbound - Your to do list looks just like mine only #1 is the boy child's job. @melifornia - happy for you and Frost @sasrosse - this is a good board for asking questions. @cblue315 -…
  • @mountmary84-I am having trouble getting back into the habit of logging and posting too. But I know I need to in order to get this weight off. @kah68-Temperature is a funny thing, for some people 70 would be too warm, but it is always bad when you sit under a vent that is not adjusted to a comfortable temperature. I…
  • I think our guardian angel went on spring break. My son broke his arm and I dislocated a rib in separate incidents. So we are a house of invalids. I didn't get on MFP yesterday because I spent the day getting my son x rayed diagnosed and arranging to get his cast put on and then in the chiropractor's office trying not to…
  • Since I have recently shared so I will just respond to a few messages. #Morgori - I hope I never have to be a single parent, I need my husband's help and support. #goinst12 - I held our dear ol' Mr Doodle when he passed away of kidney failure and I would probably still be crying if it were not for our new dog. I know a new…
  • I have to get used to logging again, it is a good habit that I have gotten out of . @skinnyjeanzbound the profile photo, is our new dog. @Tricia8008 Oh man I am the 2014 Queen of Relapse - stress, learning to cook for an 11 year old, more stress and a wonky thyroid and I gained 80# of the 126# I lost, DANG!
  • Kah68 Thanks for the info -exactly what I wanted. :)
  • I left MFP because of the time it took to help my dad with mom, but her Alzheimer's turned out to be rapid onset type and after a fall and broken leg she was unable to do the therapy to get well so she remains in a care center. We had neighbors from @#$% move in at the condo and a motorcycle gang leader took over as Condo…
  • Happy Thanksgiving Everybody
  • Just a quick check in on my two year anniversary on MFP. My NSV is that I have keep over 90 pounds off for a year. Now my goal is to get down to my goal weight before another two years goes by. Hang in there beginners, it all happens one day at a time. My quote "Never give up, never surrender"
  • I have been very busy and the day I was planning to rest and catch up on MFP I woke up to a flooded kitchen/dining room so that day was spent cleaning and drying out stuff... but I do have a NSV to share. Some of you may have noticed that "Total Gym" has shown up on my exercise posts. We had the great good fortune to be…
  • I had a good talk with my brother about what to do with the folks. I will continue to cook for them for the time being but we both agree that they need more help than I can give them everyday. We have to be diplomatic and let dad think it is his idea to bring in some more help. Mean time my brother promises to be part of…
  • I am amazed at how much my habits have changed over the last two years. I have been cooking for my parents this week and I have been cooking high calorie food, because they are both underweight. I have had no temptation to nibble as I cook or even save out a portion for myself... seems odd that is not the way I would have…
  • Happy August y'all it's a new month and a new beginning
  • GrammyWhammy - I broke my foot during the summer and had to lug around a plaster boot, so I know how annoying it is...((hug)) Don't take any unplanned TRIPS:laugh: !:flowerforyou: Lori0510 & abetterme23 always room for another good attitude!:wink: DoingThisForMe You need to confront him about the changes the sooner you get…
  • CathEsh - you and my hubby. He loves watermelon, the funny thing is I am better at picking a good one than he is and I am not really all that fond of them. My dog lays his head on my keyboard when he gets too jealous of my PC and I sometimes loose my message. I started typing them on a Notepad first and then cutting and…
  • So, I got my shingles shot and they sent a blood sample off to the lab to test for the hereditary problem, no answer yet, and the doctor wants to mess with my thyroid medicine again to which I can only say....crap. Sorry about the language, but really I don't have enough to stress about, really? Oh yeah and the health care…
  • Sadly, hubby did not get the outcome he was hoping for and he is struggling with it a bit. I have had my dreams crushed in the past so I understand where he is coming from and I know he will bounce back. I woke up early this morning, have yet to go to the doctor. My brother says the bulk of the pain is gone and he thinks…
  • Because of stress from three directions I have not been able to loose any weight even though I have cut calories and added exercise. Stress does that to me. I know that now my hubby is back from his trip and my brother is through his surgery I will probably calm down to normal levels and my body will start to let go of the…
  • My brother had surgery on his spine last week and the surgery went fine, he just didn't want to wake up... a drug that usually dissipates in minutes lingered for hours. He is awake now, thank God. but now we are investigating why that happened. And I say we because the doctor thinks it is an hereditary deficiency, so…
  • Thursday Truth is I used to be two steps forward one step back, but lately it seems like one step forward two steps back. I am hoping that when my hubby gets back from his job interview our lives will have direction and I won't slide towards the ":indifferent: " so often.. I don't get depressed, I just don't care. And for…
  • We had Chicken Cacciatore with Spaghetti Squash. Not bad, it was a nice change from the usual spaghetti.
  • Miss reading the message board three days and phew! pages you guys have filled up. Looks like some fun vacations have been had, and fun vacations are planned, good job Robin! and welcome Reinamsk! This is a great group to join. I just dropped hubby off at the air port think positive thoughts and say prayers for him. This…
  • Got a lot of exercise today, helps to make up for a rotten week, I will not have a lot of time for the computer for the next few days, celebrating and getting hubby ready for a trip/job interview. Hope you are all having a great weekend.
  • Who knew? There's a Spaghetti Squash Thread? :laugh: Thanks for the tip
  • I fell of the exercise wagon this week. I obviously need to get moving again. My husband is going to be out of town for the last half of the week next week, maybe I will be able to flog myself to get the livingroom carpet shampooed. (That is constructive exercise)
  • Well 2/3 of my "salt weight" is gone this morning but I got really hungry and ate popcorn last night, so I didn't expect to loose all the "salt weight" especially since I went over on sodium again. Thanks for letting me vent yesterday. It was just such a shock... I love this group it is so supportive. I love the way this…