Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    I made it back from my San Diego work trip. Eating out for all meals for three days added a few pounds so I’m right back to 270.

    Susan- I have been using a CPAP for 20 something years and I do not ever not use it. I think that the oxygen that I do not get (or lack of O2 saturation) has long term effects. I’m am not a doctor and do not work in the medical field this is just what I’ve read or been told.

    Hope everyone ate healthier than me over the last few days.

    Quote of the day:- “None of us can change our yesterdays but all of us can change our tomorrows.” ~Colin Powell
  • sirtxt
    sirtxt Posts: 39
    Good Morning All,

    I am so proud of myself - my goal has been to walk a minimum of 2.9 miles or 6000 steps per day. I have done it!!!! It is so funny how I used to think, "what the heck could walking do for me?" Well, it definately has me applying the "GOYA" principle all day long to get the 6000 steps in. Oh, GOYA stands for "Get Off Your *kitten*" - LOL

    I recently purchased 40 feet of 1 1/2" rope to do what is called battle rope workouts. Some gyms have these heavy duty ropes - mine does not. I will have to wait til it cools in the evening to do this workout outside. It is going to be a real spectacle - maybe I can video it and make it go viral???? The whole workout just looks I would be playing and doing something silly/fun. I love that.

    Here is a link to battle rope workouts

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I was doing great on my last day, upbeat and happy. Then all the guys started leaving (most of them leave a bit early on fridays) and I had to start saying goodbye. These 5 guys have truly become like brothers to me. I just adore each one of them (as much as they annoy me sometimes. We really were a big dysfunctional family.

    NOW I'm starting to get a bit wheepy :cry: :sad: :blushing:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Susan - I do feel for you that you can't be with your friends right now while they are going through such enormous trials. I hope you can Skype with them when you can so you can stay in contact with a personal touch.
    You're doing so well for you and your son - I'm impressed with your swimming, and spending time with Cyrus, with your busy work schedule. Your boss must be the aces.

    KJeffries - have you tried that Prilosec for your GERD? I know it takes 2 weeks to work, but I also know its such a space-age drug it works miracles for people. Of course, you've probably tried everything already :blushing:

    Laurie - I wonder where you are tonight - at the Rovers concert or rock climbing - what did you decide, hmmm? :glasses:
    I'm excited for your entering a 2 mi. race next week, you'll do great, I know you will! :love:

    Kaye - I envy all your family trips ...sigh....lucky lady....

    Tom - welcome back! Gosh its been a while - and we have a new guy and he thinks he's the ONLY GUY, so you better come around more often!!!! (His name's John and he's a real nice guy)

    john - those battle rope workouts look mean! Good for you for trying them - and keep on trying them!

    Mow - Sorry for your sad last day at work. Saying good bye is so hard! HUGS!

    Well I have my first TRIAL BY FIRE tomorrow. I am going to go meet my ex-bf, and his new girlfriend and the three of us are all going out together to a Wine and Balloon lighting festival. As I mentioned when my ex and I broke it off, we were determined to do everything possible to remain friends. This is the personal cost to me. We have spoken by phone probably every other day since that event and been jolly with each other. He has met all of her friends and she has asked to meet me, as I am basically his best friend. (We had a platonic relationship only). Wish me all the dignity in the WORLD.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Robin~Wow, I'm not sure I could do that. Good luck tomorrow!

    @John~My trainer puts me on those ropes sometimes, whew what a workout! My arms always feel like jelly afterwards!

    @Kris~I'm sorry for the emotional good-bye's at work today. :cry:

    I'm having a quiet night - took a rest day from working out, made a healthy single-serve pizza for dinner and now enjoying some Jim Beam while relaxing. Have a good evening!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kellly- I also wish that you and Karen could run this race with me. I am still amazed that I am running that far after 2 months. Today, I managed to run 2.25 miles at the gym so I know I can handle the 2 miles. You earned that rest day, enjoy it.

    Robin- Good luck tomorrow, hold your head high and be your friendly self.

    John- I have done battle rope workouts with a couple of trainers and they will kick your butt. Here is a hint use your legs more than the arms to get those ropes to move and find a good fluid motion. Great job on meeting your walking goal.

    Karen- Hope you have a great day of baby sitting. Great job on the race sorry your quad started bothering you at the end of it.

    Kris- Sorry for the emotional good bye. It is so hard to say good bye to people we work with or teach. I went threw that on the last day of school this year.

    Luster- Happy for your loss. Glad things are working for you.

    Susan maybe we could coordinate our trip to the Dallas area.

    Tonight, I went climbing since the weather was not cooperating for a concert. It was stormy here and extremely hot and humid so I opted for indoor recreation instead. Next week, I will take Friday off and head to the concert. The two friends I climb with are not climbing either so it will be easier to skip it. While I can climb easier climbs I won't because a new wall will call to me and I will try it. Just like tonight, they changed the route that has the ceiling so of course I had to climb it. The good news is that I accomplished it without having my friend climb it first. This time I managed to get it on the first try. That is the one wall I have a love=hate relationship with simply because it challenges all my abilities.

    I also ran 2.25 miles today in about 27 minutes so I am very happy with myself to accomplish that goal and to do it myself. It felt better than the 1 mile that I ran earlier this week. I also picked up my bike today and will go for a ride on Saturday. Hopefully, after shortening the handle bars, it will be a perfect fit. Now my hand position will be about a should width apart (like on a road bike) instead of farther apart and this should help with the elbow pain. I will need to retake pictures of the bike since I can't find them on my phone.:grumble:

    Workout Schedule
    Sunday- Bike 21 miles DONE
    Monday- Trainer 5K prep/running drills DONE plus weight training upper body
    Tuesday- Swim no instead Change ran 1 mile in 12.12, rowed for 2000m and biked for 10 minutes (4 Miles) Done
    Wednesday- Swim DONE
    Thursday- strength training -rest DONE
    Friday- run 2 miles and climb (?) Done and DONE
    Saturday- Swim,
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley--sounds like a nice evening--enjoy!

    @robin--I hope things go well at dinner tomorrow--I agree with kelley, I'm not sure I could do that.

    @kris--I'm sorry about the sadness on your last day. :cry:

    @john--great job with the walking!! I've also seen those battle ropes, but I've never tried them. I'm sure it's exactly what I *should* be doing to get rid of my bat-wings. :blushing:

    @tom--glad the trip is over--now is it just the office move upcoming? or is there something else big going on at work as well00I forget? Not that the move alone isn't plenty--I'm just hopeful that your craziness will be over with soon.

    @holly--glad you are taking steps to keep you and your son safe. I'm so sorry about that whole situation. I guess if you had any doubts about whether you did the right thing when you split with him, at least this confirms you're better off without him.

    @luster--great loss!!:drinker:

    AFM--I'm just too exhausted to do more personals. Will catch up more this weekend. :smile:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @ Tom - I know I really need to start using it again. Instead I've been taking melatonin every night, which does make me think I sleep better. Whether that's really truthful or how much I'm really getting is the big question. Plus, I need to find a new hose. I thought I got the right one on Amazon, but there's another smaller tube that is messed up. I know it's just excuses, but until I find that hose I can't use it. I've got to go to L.A. in a few weeks, but just a few days. Business travel is a challenge that's for sure.

    @ Robin - Perhaps its the age thing, but like Kelly I'm not sure if I could do that either. But, you're a strong woman and deserve someone who will treat you right. When I was back in Atlanta, I had to really take the high road as well. Cyrus' dead beat dad was there with his GF. I saw her at Christmas, but no one really talked. This time we were all pretty civil to each other. I just struggle because Cyrus' dad hasn't seen him in 2 years and is well over $40,000 behind in child support. I got sole custody a few years back and I have taken full responsibility and I'm OK with that, but it took every thing in my power when the GF started talking about parenting skills. She has 4 kids and none of them live with her. Now whose the responsible parent? Don't get me started!! And yes, I'm so lucky that my work believes in a work/life balance. Cyrus has been there all week with me because his anxiety about being alone has escalated for some reason. I'm extremely lucky!!

    @ Laurie - I'm in awe of your climbing. I love when you find something you love you speak so passionately about it. I'm hoping to find something that I enjoy so much. Not yet, but some day.

    @ Kelly - You deserve a night like that once in awhile. Jim Beam? I prefer the clear stuff - Grey Goose for me.

    @ Mom - I know how tough it is to leave when you've built those kinds of work relationships. Once I've left a job, I stay in tough through Linkedin or Facebook. I'm not friends with too many co-workers, but once one of us leave I'm OK with connecting. When will they make a decision on the job front?

    As for me, I'm in a happy place. This week has really felt good to get back on track. I've stayed under calories each day. I've made healthy choices each day. I've been to the gym 3 days, walked outside once and swam 2 days. Plus, the weight is starting to come off again. Now to get through the weekend, which is always where my will power is shot. Not this weekend. Bring it on!!!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Recipe sounds amazing! A friend shared this with me and it looks so yummy. I'm always looking for low calorie Mexican ideas and this sounds good to me. Thought I would share. Enjoy!!!
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    @Kris - sending positive thoughts about the interview your way! I hope you find a job real soon! But just in case it takes a while for your health benefits to resume.... have you thought about asking Dr McHottyPants for some samples of your meds? Docs can often get several months' supplies from their Drug Reps, and if he's as motivated to see you improve as it sounds, I'm sure he would be happy to acquire some samples if he's able to...

    I'm fairly exhausted, so that's it for now. Just finished reading all the posts from my week of Vermont farmland tours and hosting house-guests, and really just wanted to do a quick bump. Catch up with the rest of you soon. Keep on keepin' on...
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    just a drive-by today, darlings! sooo many great updates to read through, and I'm sending BIG HUGS to everyone!

    @Tom - you're correct about the oxygen deprivation having long term effects - bravo to you for being so dedicated to your CPAP machine & health!

    @Kris - *hugs* Leaving one job can be hard, particularly smaller companies where you do wind up like family. Here's to the next chapter! :drinker:

    @Holly - good for you! Definitely his loss!

    As you can see, my news today isn't a NSV - it's the BIG MILESTONE... yep, 30 more to go and I'm at goal (but based on my appearance, I may adjust that down later on - as I had picked the top end of the "ok" range for my height/age. I couldn't have done this without all of you!

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @vickie--CONGRATS!! That's so awesome!!! :drinker:

    @beth--can't wait to hear about the farms--did you and your friend find anything worth investing in?

    @susan--glad you are in a good place emotionally--it's amazing how taking care of ourselves makes up feel so good--who'd have thought it? :wink:

    Friday Fitness:
    Well, I think I will need to take it easy for a couple of days until my leg is fully healed, but that's okay since I have tons of chores I need to get done around the house. School starts in 2 weeks ( :cry: ) so I better get to it.

    Saturday Success:
    I was really hoping to beat my PR of 35:59 at my 5k, but the 36:06 was satisfying considering I was running with an injury. My friend finished in 42:18, but she's not a runner so that was pretty good as well. Overall, we had a lot of fun at the race and music festival.

    Yesterday I babysat Violet all day which was tiring, but at least she was really good and took 2 solid naps for me. We played outside in the morning; then, in the afternoon we walked over to the park. Pushing a child in a swing for 45 minutes straight quite the workout--I had to keep switching arms. :laugh:

    Not sure of plans for today. Have a couple of fun events I could attend, but I almost feel I should stay home and rest. On the flip side, I only have 2 weeks of summer lefy and don't want to waste them sitting around the house.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner (rest day)
    Sun--walk gunner (rest day)
    Mon--run outside (w/ gunner) or walk gunner + gym
    Tues--walk gunner (rest day)
    Wed--run outside (w/ gunner) or walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner (rest day)
    Fri--run outside (w/ gunner) or walk gunner + gym

    I know I have a lot of rest days planned for the week, but I also plan to do a lot of physical activities like yard work and cleaning on those days.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - I like how you describe the allure of the rock wall and its challenge to you - its neat you've found your passion(s)! Glad you've gotten your new bike - can't wait to see pictures!

    Susan - I would wager to guess that Cyrus' anxiety was triggered by seeing his dad-and needing to know you won't desert him also. Sad to say you need to reinforce that with him, I think maybe.
    Good luck with the weekend - be strong!

    mackbeth - so glad you're continuing to look at homestead with your companion - hope you find something perfectly suitable.

    Vicki - WOOT - anc a BIG Hallaluiah for reaching the big 100 LBS OFF - :love: :heart: :love: I'm so happy for you!!! Another 30 lbs is going to be a very short time for you to reach your goal weight! You're a beautiful woman already, but HOTCH-cha-cha!

    Skinny - great race results - excellent - I'd say! Sorry to hear your calf is giving you some trouble and you have to lay off the running a bit. I'm glad you got to spend the day with Violet and got a lot of exercise in.

    I'm also going to a Body by Vi party this afternoon given by my former manager from Neurosurgery - I haven't seen her in a few years and we have been trying forever to get together. We keep planning lunches where she works and they fall through because of the busy nature of the job - so I'm going to her house and this party and to get some conversation in beforehand. Looking very forward to this! Don't plan on buying any of the sales part of the party though - its a diet meal shake item - blech.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I have been very busy and the day I was planning to rest and catch up on MFP I woke up to a flooded kitchen/dining room so that day was spent cleaning and drying out stuff... but I do have a NSV to share. Some of you may have noticed that "Total Gym" has shown up on my exercise posts. We had the great good fortune to be able to get a Total Gym for less than $50 and it is the PERFECT exercise for me. I feel my muscles working but my joints don't hurt AT ALL. LOVE IT! It takes up all the floor space we have in our little condo living room but "whatever", Keep on keeping on everyone and remember DRINK YOUR WATER!:drinker:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Vicki~Congrats! Tremendous accomplishment!:flowerforyou:

    @Karen~I'm sorry for your injury, I think some "active" rest days are definitely in order. Take it easy and enjoy these last couple of weeks before you return to teaching.

    @Robin~I'm not a shake person either, I'm just one of those that would rather chew my food than drink it. But I know a lot of people that have had great success with Body by Vi and HerbaLife. Enjoy yourself today!

    @Beth~Hope your homestead/farmland shopping continues to go well.

    Just got back from the gym, only a long walk on the treadmill - trainer asked me not to run today, so I obeyed his orders. :noway: Next up finish grocery list and get the shopping done - picked up some beef medallions already yesterday so will grill those up tonight.
  • KellyLyn4
    KellyLyn4 Posts: 63 Member
    Fastest mile time this morning (probably in my life)14:06. Had to share. :happy:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. Sounds like things are going pretty well for all of you. Things are not to bad in my world. My son went to the gym with me today and after following me around and doing my workout agreed that maybe it was harder then he had thought:laugh: Of course he adjusted the weight amounts for him but I think he was still pretty impressed with what his old mom has been doing. It has been a long week but I think things are starting to look up.
    Robin I think it is very impressive how well you are handling things with your ex.
    Skinny that was an awesome race time. You should be very proud of yourself and definitley focus on enjoying yourself for the rest of the summer.
    Vicki super congrats on reaching 100 pounds lost. That is so awesome.
    Well gotta go for now have a great night everyone. :heart: :heart:
  • cpego1
    cpego1 Posts: 39 Member
    I need to lose at least 100 lbs. Can I join this thread?
  • cpego1
    cpego1 Posts: 39 Member
    Are there goals for August? This looks like a great thread
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @cpego--welcome! This is an open thread so just jump right in. Yes, there are August goals--I think they are to lose 4 lbs. plus post one NSV (non-scale victory) each week. I'm not sure if that's right, but when the thread rolls at the end of page 20, robin will post the August goals again for us all.

    @tammy--thanks, I will try to squeeze in as much fun as possible. Glad your son went to the gym and got to see firsthand what you do there.

    @kellylyn--awesome PB on your mile!! :drinker:

    @kelley--yes, today was a lazy rest day :laugh: , bit the next few will definitely be more active.

    @angelika--awesome that you are enjoying the total gym!

    @robin--thanks, but it's not the calf that's hurting, it's my thigh (quad--so front of thigh). I know the thigh injury was a strain from the Rugged Maniac, so I just need to let it heal. Fortunately, the calf held up okay which is good since I never figured out what was causing that pain. I hope you enjoy visiting with your old colleague and that dinner goes well tonight.

    AFM--Today was a very lazy day for me. I lounged on the couch all morning. Then I took gunner for his walk before heading to starbucks where I lounged in one of their chairs reading. I then stopped at the grocery store before coming home to eat dinner and lounge some more. :yawn:

    Tomorrow will be much more productive. Need to do some yard work and chores around the house.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE (rest day)
    Sun--walk gunner (rest day)
    Mon--run outside (w/ gunner) or walk gunner + gym
    Tues--walk gunner (rest day)
    Wed--run outside (w/ gunner) or walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner (rest day)
    Fri--run outside (w/ gunner) or walk gunner + gym