Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    27/27 GHD challenge. Nearly packed and eager for our trip. Good night.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    First of all, I want to congratulate all the GHD participants. You guys really took the challenge by the horns and ran with it. So proud of you!!!

    Wednesday Wish: Like every week I'm just thankful. I got myself in this situation and it's going to take myself to get out. Of course, I finally have a wonderful support system around me (yes, this includes all of you). New job is awesome! My son, Cyrus, is doing great in school. He has an awesome baseball coach for this spring season. Car runs with no issues. My GA refund arrived (Woo Hoo) and I'm getting a Federal one too (again, Woo Hoo). I really have no wishes. Life is good!!!
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Floating in to wish that I could rediscover whatever fire I had under my derriere this time last year. I'm still struggling, even to log daily. And if I hadn't donated all my clothes in the next size up, I'd be wearing them. (sigh)

    Time to reset my weight and my goals, and I have an appointment with a new primary care doc in a month. I'm hopeful that I can be back in Onederland by then, but only if something changes in the choices I'm making!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Had a good surprise at spin class last night, the regular girl called out again... and the most bad @$$ of the instructors took our class! What a workout! Had my legs screaming and my body dripping sweat.. I wish she could do the Wedensday night class everynight!

    What a day ahead of me, all day management skills training at work, then missing the gym for a baseball coaches meeting! Lucky me!!!

    Just going to focus on eating well and hoping for a good result on that scale tomorrow, I think it should be a really good result! And without lifting tonight I should be able to do a run in the morning on the treadmill without deadlegs.
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Thursday truth- I got on the scale this morning and lost .6 lbs and dont get me wrong I am VERY happy with it because anything lost is better than nothing, but I'm REALLY annoyed because I wanted it to be more. IDK-- just me wanting to be skinny sooner than my body wants to lol

    @ Gorilla- Your rain is now here in Atlantic City-- thanks for that.

    @ Susan- glad the job is going so well! YAAY!!

    Did we decide what the March challenge is for definite?

    Love you all!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Kaye~Enjoy your trip!
    @Gorilla~Awesome on the spin class last night!
    @Laurie~I hope your contract goes through on the condo, good luck!
    @Susan~Yay, on the refunds! I need some of those – I’m in cruise planning mode for the next couple of years and I need $$$. :laugh: I’m so glad you are loving your new job.
    @Karen~I sure hope that snow lets up soon, we've been so lucky this winter (if we can call it that). Today is the first day all winter I had to pull out my heavy coat.
    @Rachael~Remember all those .6s add up in the end and that’s what’s important – we want it to come off overnight, but it won’t. You’re doing great, and you’ll probably have a bigger loss next week. Yes, the consensus was to go with the challenges Laurie posted about earlier in the week – she’ll put them in an official post today or tomorrow I’m sure.

    What a horrible night of sleep last night, Zoe played on me or around me ALL NIGHT LONG! She’s usually a really good sleeper, so not sure what got into her last night. I tried going to bed early, but she woke me up at 11:30 using me as a jungle-gym and I was awake until almost 4 (phone goes off at 5). When I got out of bed at 3 for the bathroom, I discovered most of her toys were upstairs again – she is just nutty! :bigsmile: So, I’m sure I’ll hit a wall this afternoon.

    Thursday Truth~I turned down my favorite cupcake yesterday (red velvet), we usually don’t have a lot of temptation around here but I want to have a good weigh in this week – I have been craving Skittles since Monday, so I’m saving up to treat myself to those tomorrow. I did scale hop this morning and so far it’s looking good, my official date with the scale is tomorrow. Had a good session with my trainer last night, for homework he wrote “planks in the living room daily” on my training sheet, so I guess he is still seeing that weakness in my core/back. :blushing: I’m so bad about doing them at home – I think that is going to have to be a goal of mine for March.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Thursday People!!

    Thursday's confession- I bombed on the GHD challenge. I got behind a few days I was like 13/18 then I just gave up all together because I got behind. I guess that is my down fall if I can't be 100% I start to give up. I had post it notes around the house to remind me but they all disappeared more than likely fell down and the kiddos tossed them. My other confession is I pulled the scale back out and I was so depressed when I found out I gained 4lbs the month of Feb. I will see what the measurements say but that scale reading put me in a funk where I almost ate to feel better but I chose not to.

    @Laurie- Good luck with condo offer- can you also repost March challenge
    @MyM0wM0w- honestly we could all say we are here because we think food will fix whatever is wrong. The pinapple/Strawberry sounds delicious. It didn't sound like you freshen your fruit in the glass so how many glasses does the flavoring last for?
    @Diana- You got some great advice for scale use. I was going to suggest taking measurements instead.
    @Ebailey- Hope you enjoyed your snow day and you start to feel better.
    @Fluffy- Congrats on your loss of 3lbs
    @Jtconst- I loved the T-mobile news that is wonderful that they realized their employees were @sses and you didn't deserve that treatment
    @Karen- Yes I could walk outside or in the skyways at lunch once I relocate.
    @Susan- I am happy to here the good things about your kiddo and happy the new job is going good.
    @Kah68- Hearing about Zoe makes me smile but also makes me miss my "Dotsin" a lot. He was my cat big black Garfield cat that acted like he was a dog. He passes a year a go when he was running to fast slid on the kitchen floor and hit the wall head on dying instantly. Pets truly are family. Turning down cupcake that's your fave what will power.
    @Gorilla- Glad your spin class was a great workout with new instructor
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Thursday People!!

    Thursday's confession- I bombed on the GHD challenge. I got behind a few days I was like 13/18 then I just gave up all together because I got behind. I guess that is my down fall if I can't be 100% I start to give up. I had post it notes around the house to remind me but they all disappeared more than likely fell down and the kiddos tossed them. My other confession is I pulled the scale back out and I was so depressed when I found out I gained 4lbs the month of Feb. I will see what the measurements say but that scale reading put me in a funk where I almost ate to feel better but I chose not to.

    @Kah68- Hearing about Zoe makes me smile but also makes me miss my "Dotsin" a lot. He was my cat big black Garfield cat that acted like he was a dog. He passes a year a go when he was running to fast slid on the kitchen floor and hit the wall head on dying instantly. Pets truly are family. Turning down cupcake that's your fave what will power.

    @Holly~Try not to be too hard on yourself, we all go through times like that. You just need to have some self-talk, today is a new day – a good day to start over. You can do this! Sunday will be one-year since I lost Cocoa, and it’s just been three-months since I lost Pebbles - I still miss them both every day. Pets truly are family.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Wish exercise was a LOT easier! :sad:

    hahahah true that grammy
    Happy Wednesday everyone. I am incredibly tired today but no one to blame but myself. My mom gave me some books by an author I hadn't read before. There were four of them about the siblings in one family (historical romances) and I got caught up and might not have turned off the light for bed until 4:30. OOPS.

    ohhh books. who is the author?
    Floating in to wish that I could rediscover whatever fire I had under my derriere this time last year. I'm still struggling, even to log daily. And if I hadn't donated all my clothes in the next size up, I'd be wearing them. (sigh)

    man, do i ever feel that.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning
    @ ShrinkRapt- Nice to hear from you, hope you are doing well.
    @Kaye- Hope your trip goes well!
    @Susan- I have a question for you, is there a list of Cap’s nutritional information anywhere online? I forgot to ask when getting my Black and Bleu salad last week at Capriotti's. It was awesome and I’ll be getting more of them especially if this is correct.
    Capriotti's nutrition Black and Bleu salad.

    The only links that MFP lets me add that are clickable are to MFP stuff only, so you will have to cut and paste the link into your browser’s address bar.

    GHD 28/28 strength training! Yay for me, it has become part of my morning routine so I’m going to keep going. I am a creature of habit (good and bad) so hopefully I’ll stick with this good one.

    Quote of the day: Your body keeps an accurate journal regardless of what you write down...

    Have a healthy day everyone!
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    I'm going to post my Wednesday wishes because I missed yesterday:
    1) I wish I could exercise without sweating. I hate sweating.
    2) I wish I liked sea food.
    3) I wish I liked cooked mushrooms.

    I discovered Linda's Low Carb website with all the wonderful looking recipes, but they almost all seem to have mushrooms! I know I can leave them off, but it seems like every healthy recipe has mushrooms. I like fresh mushrooms, like in a salad, but they are slimy and disgusting when they're cooked!

    Thursday truth -- I'm not drinking enough water and it's affecting my "system". (Do I need to get any more explicit?) If you're eating a lot of fibre, make sure you're getting your water in, folks! I'm rededicating myself to drinking a LOT of water!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Good day
    FINALLY, the last day of February. Reporting in---GHD Challenge 28/28 :bigsmile:

    No truth to share just moving on.

    Best wishes to everyone. Gearing up for a success month of March.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:


  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    @Desdemina- I love seafood and mushrooms, unfortunaly the seafood I like best is either not the best for you (whole belly fried clams or fried oysters) or pretty expensive (sea bass and fresh Alaskan salmon). Good sea bass cost as much as good steak. Steamers and raw oysters are pretty high on my list and not too bad.
    Have you checked out the Low carber daily forum group here on MFP?

    @Lin- Great job on your GHD!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Queen - I don't refresh the fruit at all. I ate the pineapple last night before I washed the glass and it was still super tasty and the last glass of water at the end of the day tasted just as good as the first. I imagine if the flavor started to fade I could have take an fork and squished the strawberries/pineapple a bit and that would have released lots more flavor.

    @FluffyCork - Grats on the loss!

    @Des - I just forced myself to choke down a piece of cod so I can relate. I really dislike fish. Shellfish on the other hand is like happiness for my mouth. I LOVE crab, shrimp, scallops, clams, and lobster. Love Love LOVE them, but they are all pretty high in sodium so they are a sometimes treat or cooked into something else (like my crab quiche for dinner this week). Also, I used to HATE sweating when I started losing weight. It was gross and slimey and nasty and...yuck! Now, I quite enjoy it. I think the only change was my perspective on it. Now it's my body purging the fat that I can't wait to get rid of. NOw instead of thinking "Gross, I'm sweating" I think "Yeah, burn that freaking fat right off!". I used to imagine people staring and thinking "eewww, look at that fat person sweat..." now I think "Look at me! I'm pretty darn fit and I'm sweating! Know why? 'Cause I'm WORKING IT!"

    The ONEderland by 40 was just a goal, it stinks I won't be able to make it. I totally could have if I'd been more diligent with my food/workouts in February. I'm not stressed about turning 40, it's just a number. I'm healthier now than when I turned 25, so I'm ahead of the game. I was more venting frustration with myself that I wouldn't meet that goal because I slacked off.

    Thursday truth - Finally digging myself out of my depression and looking around at my apartment. It's GROSS. This weekend is a major cleaning/purging binge. My living environment is always the first thing that suffers when I'm down. Then it's my eating habits.

    March Challenge!
    I think mine will be water. Doc wants at least 10 glasses, I can do that. I want to hit the 10 glasses and by the end of the month be drinking 12 glasses.
    I need to add some sort of exercise challenge, I just really suck at sticking with it. I have things i LOVE doing (like boxing), but at the end of the day I just feel...BLECH and don't want to bother. I'd like to be in some sort of a routine and make it into a habit for the end of March.
  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
    Just quickly checking in. Hoping you all are having a great Thursday!

    My Thursday truth is that I didn't log the snack I absolutely should not have had last night after I completed my food diary. I just wandered into the kitchen and ate the snack I made for today's day at the office. Before I realized what I was doing I was already 1/2 way into the slice of angel food cake. I'm feeling awfully guilty about it tho so I have full intention of putting it in the diary. I should be held accountable for the bad choices I make....keeping them out of the diary doesn't change the fact that those calories are now in my tummy!

    Hope someone is in the process of making the March challenge official! I'd like to start this next month out with a bang and I look forward to participating in my first challenge with this group!!

  • Helenavee42
    Didn't get a chance to post yesterday. I have been super busy at work and now boss is being a pain. I have been coming in early and staying late and I am just exhausted. So glad I have to leave early tomorrow. I worked almost 12 hrs yesterday and what sucks is that out ot is only regular pay.

    Wed wish: I wish I had less stress in my life right now.

    Thursday truth: I have been slacking in logging in the evening. I need to get my tablet out and start doing it. No excuses. I will do it.

    Have a great day

  • Freemyskinny
    Hello.! what a wonderful Thursday. :D

    I woke up happier then I have been in DAYS.! Thanks to all of you guys for your advice and support.. btw, I got a scale.! it is sooo pretty. haha. I weigh'd in and I haven't since christmas.. lets just say, I was pleased.. i thought i lost 15.. but i weigh'd in again this mornin' to feel happy.. But it said.. 18lbs.! and in only 16 days of dieting.!!

    I can do this. i can. (:

    Annddd.. my truth..

    I have never told anyone this. so shh.. I write on my tummy with a sharpie I write mean things.. things that a bully would say to a big person, it keeps me movin'. :/ idk if thats healthy..

    anywho.! everyone have an amazin' day. remember.. "No one can improve the way you veiw yourself other then you.."

    Always, Diana.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I have never told anyone this. so shh.. I write on my tummy with a sharpie I write mean things.. things that a bully would say to a big person, it keeps me movin'. :/ idk if thats healthy..

    That sounds like an amazingly good March challenge. To write wonderful things about yourself instead. Or at least for each bad thing, write one GOOD thing. :heart: Find some pretty pink body paint and put flowers and hearts!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Here are the March challenge's---

    March challenges- In Like a lamb- out like a lion
    1. Try something new or add an activity to your routine. (exercises-cardio or strength training, healthy recipes, etc.)
    2. Change a habit from a negative into a positive.
    3. Turn the negative thoughts into a positive and take pride in our accomplishments.
    4. Water Challenge- drink one more glass of water than you normally do. So if you drink 10 cups a day drink 11. Or you can drink half you body weight in water.

    This should allow all of us to pick something(s) that we need to work on or provide the motivation to do something new. You can pick one thing or all of them. You may choose to post your progress in the thread or keep it private. It is up to you to use the challenges to help you improve an area that you want to change.

    The challenges can be modified to fit your needs.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @mowmow I love your perspective on sweating! I'll try to adopt it.

    I need to think about the challenge. I think water will definitely be part of it, but I want to push myself more than that... I'll post it tomorrow!