Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Hyzaarc
    Hyzaarc Posts: 67 Member
    Bout to start up with the weight-loss again. I might have to change some rather learned and unpleasant habits (ie; not logging or what I've been putting in my mouth). I'm still working on mustering up the "get your *kitten* off the couch" courage but soon I'll be up and moving again.

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes!
    (I ended up celebrating a few days before with my dad over a nice dinner and pie.)
    (Pie fixes everything)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--challenges look good. Water is never a challenge for me, but I will join in to support others if people want to do one.

    @heidi--I agree with laurie about the big drop being why you are feeling hungry. I can do 1200 calories/day in the summer when I'm on break (teacher) and have plenty of time to earn lots of exercise calories. However, during the school year I've always stayed between 14-1600 calories/day. Less just isn't realistic for me and seeing those red numbers at the end of the day (even if it's only a little over) is de-motivating for me. As far as protein--I eat eat a lot of nuts, peanut butter, hummus, and cheese (in addition to the obvious meat) for protein.

    @jana--I've heard insanity is, well, insane! :laugh: Is it like 30 day shred in that you should do it every day? Or do you take rest days (or do alternate exercise) some days?
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Heidi, I'm doing fine on 1200. In fact, I rarely eat that many, and rarely eat my exercise calories. I have averaged 10# per month, but Feb. was slower than previous months. I do feel hungry a lot, but never so hungry that my stomach growls or that I feel weak. If that is too much for you ( and I don't know how the surgery affects it all), you may have to lower your expectations of how fast you want to lose. Losing is better than gaining, even if it is slowly! I keep saying that I will up my calories and lose a little slower, but I'm really enjoying my success, so I am going to keep going, at least for awhile longer. I feel better than I have felt in years, so I know I'm not starving myself.
    25/25 GHD challenge. Good night.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Some days your just not meant to workout I guess! that was me last night at least! I planned a run while the kids were at wrestling practice and everything was looking good... weather was cool but no rain or not really cold. Then my train broke down on the way home. So I raced to get the kids from afterschool (just made it and saved myself $100 by doing so) quick home to grab their bag of gear, no time to change into my running clothes, but i was determined so I threw them in with the wrestling stuff and off I went. Got to practice late... and found out I needed to hand in some papers in. Well those papers were in the bag until my youngest son... TOOK THEM OUT because he did not know whey they were in his wrestling bag. At that point I said *kitten* it, drove home, had some dinner walked the dog for a bit and then went to the end of practice.

    TONIGHT however I am hitting the gym right after work, no matter what! Tonight is the last night for this particular workout before the new phase starts, so I have a night of big squats ahead of me!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    @Alison- minus 50 lbs. happy-dance.gif

    GHD 26/26 strength training!

    Have a healthy day.

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @lmackbethl~Excellent scale victory!
    @Alison~Great victories – both scale and NSV!! Yay, for the 50# milestone! :flowerforyou:
    @Laurie~I’m so glad the scale is cooperating again, I’m sure it’s the change in training. I’m having the same kind of results from lifting heavier weights during my training sessions as well.
    @Heidi~Welcome, glad you found us. I can say from experience that 1,200 calories is too low – that is actually the minimum amount of calories a person should eat daily and really you need to eat more to lose weight. It sounds weird, but its true – you especially need more if you exercise. I’m not sure how the lapband works or what type of diet you are supposed to follow, but as Laurie suggested I would up your calories to 1,400 and see how you do. I had a resting metabolic rate assessment done a few weeks ago and actually found that I need to eat from 1700-1900 a day to lose 1-2# on average a week. I know after a lapband your stomach can only hold so much at once – as a result do you eat more often? You could try breaking up your meals, personally I eat 6 times a day – mealtimes and then 3 snacks. You could try that and just have a couple of ounces of protein at a time maybe every couple of hours? The protein snacks I eat include things like yogurt, string cheese, nuts, turkey pepperoni, peanut butter, and protein shakes.

    Tuesday Goals~I met with the weight loss coach at my gym last night, she’s happy with my progress so we’re keeping things as they are. She did say if that stubborn plateau returns we might try carb cycling, I did some research and I actually think I may do something similar – just have one really high carb day (probably Saturday’s when I do my long run) and then my normal macros the rest of the week. She wants me to do a lighter workout once/week – I tried last night, just don’t think it’s in me. :laugh: So, onward and upward we go…

    Fitness this week:

    Monday~Cross Trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Thursday~Off Day
    Friday~Arc Trainer
    Saturday~Long Run

    I like the challenges for March, I’ll probably add an activity and maybe since I love cooking try to share a recipe every week – I’ll also keep an eye out for articles I think we can all benefit from to help us along the way.
  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tuesday!!

    Okay I had all intentions of getting caught up on posts here lastnight but homework called my name for 2 hrs and then I fell asleep. Tuesday's goals are to add lifting to routine at lunch .....actually weekly goals are:

    Monday - 30 mins Hill program on treadmill level 4 at 3.2mph- done
    Tues- weight lifting and (if time) possible walk
    Wed- 23 mins hill program (same as above) and 5 mins of elliptical(if one is open)
    Thurs- weight lifting and walk 30 mins hill program(same as above)
    Friday- 23 mins hill program (same as above) and 5 mins of elliptical(if one is open)
    Sat- weight lifting and walk
    Sun- walk and elliptical

    GHD 13/26
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    .... I will also strive to be as forgiving of myself as I am of others...

    Ditto! Why is this so hard?
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Hello guys! I am new to this board. I signed up about a year ago, however I just started journaling my food about two months ago. I was eating 1600 calories on average a week and I have been losing .8 ounces to a pound. However, I have decided to go with what they said I should be eating and eat 1200. Which I think is really low. I was full and satisfied with 1600 but today with only eating 1232 calories I feel like I am hungry. What do you guys think I should do? Also, I have the lap band and I am actually supposed to feel full after a cup of food full of protein. I don't feel that either. UGH so frustrated! I am happy that I am no longer gaining, but I want to lose at least 2 pounds a week. Which is really good because before I was unhappy because I was ONLY losing 2 pounds but now I just want to lose the two pounds..

    Please give me some encouragement here....let me know how all you losers ( pardon the pun) have done it. I feel like I have 100 to lose I should be losing faster? What do you think? Also, can you guys give me more protein ideas, remember it has to be protein that I have to choose because I am banded and need to fill my small stomach so the liquid doesn't go straight through two my bigger stomach. PLEASE HELP!

    I actually have to struggle to get to 1200 calories most days, which is not a brag, just saying once you get used to less, it's not as hard as you think. I eat high protein, low carb and don't eat any sugar except natural sugar in fruit and such. For breakfast, I usually have a protein shake soon after I get up (my new favorite is Premier Protein Vanilla -- 30 g protein, 4 carbs, 160 calories and YUMMY!), then a little later, I'll have a couple of eggs (scrambled if I'm home, hard boiled if I'm at work). Lunch is often left overs from the night before, or a sandwich (I use thin sandwich rounds for bread) with turkey or chicken or ham and usually a piece of cheese, or homemade veggie soup. I'll often have some yogurt (Dannon Light & Fit Greek is the best!) or a piece of fruit for dessert. Dinner is usually chicken, low fat hamburger, or turkey burger with veggies. If I have calories left, I'll have a protein bar as a treat. It's like having a candy bar!

    I'm losing an average of 2.7 pounds a week (I have an app that tells me, not that I sit down with a calculator and figure it out!).

    It's really hard to cut out all the bread and pasta and candy, etc. at first, but after about 2 weeks of cold turkey, I don't even miss them anymore.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    March challenges- Spring into spring
    1. Try something new or add an activity to your routine. (exercises-cardio or strength training, healthy recipes, etc.)
    2. Change a habit from a negative into a positive.
    3. Turn the negative thoughts into a positive and take pride in our accomplishments.

    Please comment on this challenge and make suggestions to add or remove something.
    This should allow all of us to pick something(s) that we need to work on or provide the motivation to do something new.

    Do we need a water challenge this month?

    I like it. Do we try to do all three, or pick one?
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    March challenges- Spring into spring
    1. Try something new or add an activity to your routine. (exercises-cardio or strength training, healthy recipes, etc.)
    2. Change a habit from a negative into a positive.
    3. Turn the negative thoughts into a positive and take pride in our accomplishments.

    Please comment on this challenge and make suggestions to add or remove something.
    This should allow all of us to pick something(s) that we need to work on or provide the motivation to do something new.

    Do we need a water challenge this month?

    I like it. Do we try to do all three, or pick one?

    You can do all three if you want, I'm just picking one. :wink:
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    March challenges- Spring into spring
    1. Try something new or add an activity to your routine. (exercises-cardio or strength training, healthy recipes, etc.)
    2. Change a habit from a negative into a positive.
    3. Turn the negative thoughts into a positive and take pride in our accomplishments.


    Today, I'm doing # one and # two (please don't laugh, unintentional joke!)

    1. I'm going to the gym to work out
    2. I'm eating healthier foods
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Happy Tuesday. My Tuesday goal is not weight related. I want to get the laundry done, and start sorting things for the trip. This morning, I took about another dozen tops out of my closet. I am looking forward to doing some shopping in the second hand stores in Vancouver to replenish my wardrobe with things that fit.
    I hope that you all have a great day. Hang in there. Some are struggling more than others. My thoughts are with you.
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi everyone!! Happy Tuesday!!!

    Tuesday goals- I am going to begin week 2 of my c25k tonight. I had every intention of going to spin class last night. I called after multiple attempts and finally got in. I got to the class (would have been my first one), introduced myself to the instructor, got all strapped into my feet things...lights go out, music up and then I see my daughter out of the corner of my eye with the lady from the front desk to tell me that my son threw up in the bathroom. UGGGHH FML--so I took him to my hometown (35 min drive each way) to be with family and then came home with my daughter and did 1 mile with my dear old friend Leslie Sansone and did some crunches and modified pushups, which I'm not sure are any easier than regular ones LOL...

    I didnt partake in the GHD challege, but I did give up chocolate for the month of feb and have been eating at least one salad almost daily, sometimes not at all.

    March challenge-- I think the ideas that were mentioned already by a few folks are good. My personal favorite is turning the negative to positive and focus on accomplishments. It's so easy to focus on the negative stuff and not the good things we are doing. Just my 2 cents!

    I also wanted to tell everyone what a great job you are doing. Even if you haven't the shed the pounds off or they are small amounts, you are making changes and your body WILL reward you.

    Todays quote for me "As I transform my body and get healthier on the inside and out, I will wait for the day that you realize how much better I am than you"..

    I also updated my picture..for those that loathe planks like I do, you will surely appreciate it!!!!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Saw this today and thought it was fitting. "Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will."
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Walking, walking, walking with weights......shoveling snow. Whew! Enough already! But it's still snowing.

    Hey, February is almost over and I'm reporting GHD Challenge: 26/26.

    I'm not sure which item I'll select for March.

    Be safe, be well..............


  • Good Afternoon. Today started off rough then turned good then turned bad all in a matter of 3 hours. It is ok now. I was really looking forward to being able to go on a walk with my sister but now I can't because I have to work late. Oh well, a treadmill walk or stationary bike ride it will be. I will be ordering a cord to hook my ipod to my tv then i can do some work out vids.

    Tuesday goal: Find a dress for my boyfriends brothers wedding. I forgot about it until today and it is march 9th. yikes!

    I am so busy at work. Have a great day!