Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    March Challenge- What type of challenge do we want for the month?

    exercise? food? other suggestions?
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--glad the scale is going back down and hope all goes well with the condo.I was thinking about the March challenge.

    I was also thinking about the challenge. How about something like "Spring into Spring"? We could all pick some new behavior, and the goal can be to turn it into an established habit by the end of March. It could be exercise, nutrition, or otherwise.

    @vickie--loose clothes is a great NSV, regardless of what that dastardly scale says!

    @katrena--you know you can go back in and edit previous entries from the check-in page.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Skinny, I like that March challenge.

    I found a way to get all this water down that the DR wanted me to drink.

    1 slice navel orange, one slice minneola tangelo, 1 slice lemon, and 1 slice lime.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    23/23 GHD challenge. Good night.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. I have now officially lost 50#. I have averaged 10# a month since I joined this group, but my loss for Feb is only 4#. I guess considering all of the birthday cakes, etc. I am lucky to have a net loss for the month. March should be much easier. By way of introduction for the newbies, I have divided my goal into 25# groups. Its easier for me to face it that way. I have now reached a goal twice, and am starting on my next one! Looking at the overall picture, I may be on target to reach ONEderland by my 69th birthday in May and my third goal by mid-June. That is what I'm looking forward to, although there isn't a lot I will change. I just plan to keep on keepin' on.
    I hope that everyone has a great Sunday. Kaye
  • jumpy983
  • jumpy983
    Personals today- I finally have a few minutes to do some!

    I have missed you guys. Thank you for the kind words. I am trying to keep in positive spirits, which is normally very easy for me...but since last week has become very hard to find the silver lining in the cloud. Hubby and I talked last night and he has the same fears as I do. He's afraid I won't like him sober, which is something I did find funny because he's so much better that way. He's very cranky and irritable when he's drunk. He's a lot of fun when he's not. So, I guess we are starting off on the right foot again. Today, I am going shopping. I'm going to use my $50 gift card to Lane Bryant but I'm not sure that I will fit into anything there. I am hoping to find a cute pair of jeans, but last Christmas, I was *barely* able to shop there being on the bottom end of their sizing. I found 2 shirts that I LOVE and still wear. Now that I've lost 15 lbs I'm not sure I will fit into anything there. It's a shame because they have really cute clothes that I just love. That will push me into the *upper* limits of other department stores and while they might have cute clothes, they mostly aren't in those least that I've found. But we'll give it a shot and see what I come home with.

    @Kaye I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I couldn't imagine losing one of my little kiddos. That has got to be so hard on the parents. My thoughts are with you and with them. Good job on the 50lb loss :smile:

    @Robin I'm glad your doctor is weaning you off the Pred! Hoping the swelling in your legs will go down soon.

    @Lin good job on the GHD challenge. I bombed lol. I ate chocolate and didn't hit 8 glasses of water at all. :blushing:

    @Helena Nice rant. Glad you were able to get it all out. Just wait. Like Skinny said they will see the weight you are losing and *keeping* off and it will be without all the tricks and gimmicks and they will wonder what you did right. In the meantime, just brush it off your shoulders girlie. You're a tough cookie. My boss, who I LOVE, is ordering some kind of berry, but last month it was a variation of Atkins. I showed her MFP but it didn't really interest her. So I'm just going to let it alone and keep doing what I've been doing. After all, it is working, can't argue with success.

    @kelley I hate that word too. I was considered Obese Class iii according to my BMI:grumble: ....but if you asked anyone around me, I don't think they would've guessed because even at 257 (my highest) I am tall and hide my weight well. I've just come to accept it, but I don't like it. I am Class II right now. Working my way down :smile: Good for you for saying something tho to him. I wish I had guts to tell people what I really want to.

    @courtney welcome! :)

    @jtconst Sorry to hear about your experience with Tmobile. I agree with Des about facebook/twitter. Just recently I had great success with Verizon allowing me to upgrade 4 months early because of a facebook post. My phone was on the fritz and my contract was set to end a month before I was allowed to upgrade. Long story short, Verizon allowed me to upgrade 4 months early and purchase the Note 2 at discount. The guy at Best Buy who sold me the phone (on sale!) said he'd never seen Verizon ever allow someone to upgrade that early since they had stopped the early upgrade program. It's worth a shot.

    @kah & skinny have you seen fast n loud ? Hubby and I are in love with that show. Our new fav and the guy is really cute and funny!:love:

    @melancholy happy vacation!! enjoy it!:drinker:

    @mowmow thank you for your words. They really helped yesterday :smile: I was thinking about those of you with kidney work, we usually put the dogs/cats on Milk Thistle for liver/kidney issues and it helps. Not sure if it works in humans, but couldn't hurt to ask your Drs right?

    @mackbeth sorry to hear about your tummy troubles but at least there was some good that came out of it. Good for you for being so near your goal! :smile: and that is AWESOME about your new bike!!

    @kjeffries GOOD JOB!!! :drinker: :drinker: I wish they had a smilie that clapped and jumped up and down. A 2+ lb weight loss is awesome. I always am so happy if I lose more than a pound at a time.

    @skinny thank you...I wish it was that he was reacting to my weightloss but i don't think that's what did it. He had an entire night he didn't remember and had one of those "i'm getting too old for this" moments and to top it all off he finally realized that he's got the mentality of if he has 1 he has 18 (just like the song) or more and he can't stop at just 2 or 3. It was a bit rough that jumping off point, but he's 7 days into it....we will see where it goes. Nice job on the run. I envy you for running!! i'm not at that point...YET!!:smile:

    @susan I am so glad you are back and are enjoying your new job!!

    @laurie don't sell yourself short...getting the boat pointed back in the right direction is a victory in itself :smile: You're doing great...even if you've seen those lbs before.

    So this made me smile all week.... I hope that someone else could use a laugh too:

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I grilled hamburgers last night - delicious! I had a craving for burgers all week - what I really wanted was In 'n Out Burger, but needed to show some restraint. I know what I had was a lot healthier and just as tasty. This morning I made an omelet with turkey pepperoni and pepperjack cheese, definitely a great way to start the day! :happy:

    @Jumpy~I'm sorry for the rough patch you and your hubs are going through, sounds like giving up alcohol is the right move. I think if you two stay in constant communication to work through this, your marriage will be stronger in the end. I don't think I've heard of fast n loud.
    @Kaye~Congrats on making that 50# milestone!
    @Robin~Safe travels, have a blast!
    @Kris~Water sounds delish, I make a spa water occasionally - it includes cucumber slices, really refreshing
    @Laurie~Hope you like the second look at the condo just as much as the first. I fell in love with my townhouse the second I walked in the door.

    Have training session this morning, need to get to the gym early to stretch out an overused hip flexor from my run yesterday, so will be back later for Sunday Share. But one more cup of coffee first! :drinker:

    Anyone into the Oscars? Tonight's the night.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Good morning everyone! :flowerforyou:

    @kelley--I'm not into any award shows. I rarely go to the movies, so I have no opinions about who should win what. I did DVR the grammys, but it was only so I could fast-forward through and watch the performances.

    @kristen--glad you and the hubs talked. I'm pretty sure MOST people are much more pleasant sober, regardless of how "fun" they think they are drunk. Remember Fun Bobby on Friends? I don't think that really happens in real life.

    @kaye--Congrats on reaching your 50 lb goal!! :drinker:

    Sunday Share:
    Today I'm going to get my hair cut and highlighted--it's been way too long and I am in desperate need, so I'm glad my stylist had a cancellation today. Otherwise I would have had to wait another 2 weeks! :noway: My appt. isn't until 2, but I'm going to go early and grade at the nearby starbucks until my then. Afterwards, I need to go get baby shower gifts for 2 colleagues. We are having a combined shower on Thursday after work. Someone suggested that, since we're English teachers, we all by the babies books so they can start their libraries, so it's off to Barnes & Noble for me--much more appealing than Babies R Us.

    I also need to get some running shoes. Yesterday I went to the new shoe place in town. I thought it was a running specialty store, but once I got inside, I realized it's more of a specialty shoe store. Most of the shoes were orthopedic brands, and the only brand of running shoes they carry is New Balance. It's a fine brand, but I know from previous fittings that they don't work for my foot shape. I will hit DSW this afternoon and see what I can find. The fitting will have to wait for the next time around when I have time to go to my favorite running store 45 minutes away.
  • cloudfilledskies
    Hello everyone.. I was wondering if this is a closed group or if people can still join in? I need to lose around 80-90 lbs.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    cloudfilledsky - welcome -this is an open group - sure your welcome to join us! This is a great place to meet people and share your journey! Try to visit daily and tell us how you are doing.

    Laurie - so excited to hear about your condo - great to know you have a patio (oh wow I'm envious - I would be a planting queen) and a fireplace)

    Hi to everyone else _I've read your postings and wish you all well for the week ahead

    Good Luck on picking the March Challenge - I'll be ready to join you when I get back.

    MowMow - Happy Birthday in Advance - 40 is a real milestone - aren't you glad you started your weight loss in advance of it? You're smokin! :smokin:

    This is my last post til I get back from vacation ! Right now I'm nervous about everything - I'll be glad to say I'm relaaaaxed, mon, when I get back! :laugh:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Welcome Cloudfilled!

    Kah - I have burgers on my menu for next week, I love them with a Sandwich thin. I wrap the raw meat around a laughing cow cheese wedge. Then I just need a swipe of mayo on the bun. YUM!! That with some homemade potato chips makes me forget about greazy indigestion causing fast food burgers.

    Jumy - Thank you! I'll look into the Milk Thistle!

    Sunday Share- Well, this is more of a Saturday Success but I jumped on the scale two days early (weigh in day is Tuesday) and I've lost 1.2lbs. Boom, I'm back baby! :laugh:
  • cloudfilledskies
    Thank you RobinsEgg & Mymowmow for the welcome. A little bit about myself, I just turned 30 last month & today is my 10th wedding anniversary, I have 2 kids, my son is almost 9 & my daughter is almost 5. I weigh 213 lbs & I am am miserable, but I am going to stick to working out this time & give it my all.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    I was also thinking about the challenge. How about something like "Spring into Spring"? We could all pick some new behavior, and the goal can be to turn it into an established habit by the end of March. It could be exercise, nutrition, or otherwise.

    @vickie--loose clothes is a great NSV, regardless of what that dastardly scale says!

    That sounds interesting... but not sure what I'd suggest.
    I picked up a cute dress yesterday at Goodwill -- sort of a 'motivation' dress (it is snug, but not tight... and more a summery dress anyway).. planning on using that for judging successes since the Evil Scale (tm) is being so... evil.

    @mymowmow - love your fresh citrus idea... but I'm having a lazy, so until I'm over that, it's Mio and Dasani drops for me.... just wish they used Stevia instead of the other sweeteners... but at least they aren't nutradeath...
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Yay for Kaye at minus 50lbs.! big-thumbs-up.gif


    Team 79669 Participant ID: 585104 Event 5
    I am scheduled to shave at 2:30PM PST (5:30PM EST).
    Remember the event will be broadcast live on the day starting at 1PM PST. You can watch me get my head shaved at: and click on LIVE. The link will not appear until March 2nd.

    GHD 24/24 strength training!

  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Yay for Kaye at minus 50lbs.! big-thumbs-up.gif


    Team 79669 Participant ID: 585104 Event 5
    I am scheduled to shave at 2:30PM PST (5:30PM EST).
    Remember the event will be broadcast live on the day starting at 1PM PST. You can watch me get my head shaved at: and click on LIVE. The link will not appear until March 2nd.

    GHD 24/24 strength training!


    Tom - You are kicking the February challenge. I think I was done around day 3. Awesome!! Also, I'm so proud of you for cutting your locks. It's a wonderful charity and that's a great commitment. Good for you and the good you're sharing!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thank you RobinsEgg & Mymowmow for the welcome. A little bit about myself, I just turned 30 last month & today is my 10th wedding anniversary, I have 2 kids, my son is almost 9 & my daughter is almost 5. I weigh 213 lbs & I am am miserable, but I am going to stick to working out this time & give it my all.

    Welcome!! You've really found an amazing group of people. I've been on here since August and I don't follow any other group. The thread moves along pretty fast as you'll see a lot of personals written, a lot of support, challenges, ups and downs from our team members. Everyone is always here for each other and so supportive. No negativity whatsoever. If you see BUMP along the way, folks don't have time to read the posts, but it lets them know where they left off. Each day we have a topic or you can just share whatever you need to share. Try to check in every day if you can because it will help your journey so much. Enjoy!!

  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Sunday Share: Week 1 of the new job is great! I now need to get my butt back in gear on consistent eating and exercise. I'm still tracking every day (hit my 200 days of logging - Woo Hoo!!), BUT I've not been making the best food choices or getting in some type of movement every day. No more excuses of the job struggle, job change, etc. . . New job has started. Life should get back to normal. My goal was to be in onederland by the end of the year. It's doable, but I need to get on track immediately. Have a GREAT week ahead and we CAN do this!!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    It's a sunny day in Central Iowa and our recent snow is melting a bit and there's no wind. In other words---IT'S WONDERFUL! I'll take it as more snow is promised for us soon.

    Wishing everyone success and happiness. :flowerforyou:

    GHD challenge: 24/24 (I'm glad this is a short month!)

    I have no ideas for March. Anything with the in like a lion out like a lamb theme? Any ideas related to St. Patrick's Day
    no, we're not all going to get together to go out for a drink.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Kaye -- what a tragic thing to happen to your friend. I'm so sorry, and so glad that you and the family have your faith to sustain you.
    @Doug -- hang in there! I know how hard it is to find motivation when things are tough.
    @Gorilla -- remember that the good things you do this week may not show on the scales till next month. Doesn't mean they aren't worth doing though...
    @MaraDiaz -- maybe you should log progress on a logarithmic scale -- so the last ten pounds show as much progress as the first hundred. Everyone says you need to take it slowly when you get to the end.
    @Jen -- Loved your Thursday truth! I feel so much better able to do different things, and enjoy more different activities, now I've lost a chunk of poundage.
    @Kris -- I know things have slowed down recently but really think of the 114 pounds down! Your doctor's appointment sounds scary. And really, what difference does it make if you hit ONEderland on your 40th or two weeks later? Just have another party! Love the water picture; I get my water by having lots of bubbles in it.
    @Toots -- sorry to hear you've put on some weight. I've been eating my Mum's cooking this week, and I was being super careful, but still went way over. So I think I'm beginning to believe that I will never be able to stop logging my food, because as soon as I do the food will just fly to my hips.
    @Kristen -- it's great to see your steady progress!
    @Robin -- hope you don't see this because you're in JAMAICA!!! Have a wonderful time.
    @Helena -- once you've started to lose a good bit just by looking after yourself, people will stop shilling diet ideas to you. Probably. Your boss and your neighbours are just trying their best to help you, no matter how irritating it is.
    @Kelley -- I can't imagine what I'd say to someone who told me I had an inability to lose weight, and I've lost a lot less than you. I hope I'd just laugh. I'm not into the Oscars as such, but I have a friend who does really funny and insightful dress reviews, and of course Oscar night is key. If I ever hit goal one of the things I'm going to do is get a FANTASTIC FROCK. I don't know when I'd ever have occasion to wear it, but there you go.
    @Tammy -- so sorry that you're having to deal with unprofessional companies, especially at a time that's so stressful for you. And YAY 50 pounds lost!
    @Kristen -- thinking of you as you and your husband work through this difficult time. If he can stay sober for a month it will start to become easier, I'm sure.
    @Beth -- not so much a plateau, more a traffic jam, right... Recumbent bikes are wonderful!
    @Susan -- glad the new job is going well!
    @Vicki -- are you weighing at the same time every day? Because it might be the scales.
    @Kaye again -- another 50 pounds lost cheer! Aren't we all doing well at the moment?

    Welcome all the newlings!

    Right, so this week's fitness was:

    Saturday -- parkrun DONE
    Sunday -- run if possible no but Morris DONE
    Monday -- Morris DONE
    Tuesday -- run NOPE
    Wednesday -- badminton Long long run DONE
    Thursday -- run NOPE
    Friday -- badminton -- no, just a little walk at my Mum's.

    Walking from Hobbiton to Rivendell -- 105 miles. I've left Tom Bombadil's house and entered the Barrow-downs.

    Next week:
    Saturday -- parkrun DONE
    Sunday -- I was hoping to walk but I have a cold; just chilled at my folks' house.
    Monday -- If I'm well enough I'll run but I may not be. And morris.
    Tuesday -- run if not on Monday
    Wednesday -- badminton I hope.
    Thursday -- speedrun
    Friday -- badminton

    So I had three days at my parents' -- found a parkrun near them and knocked a minute off my personal best -- so my 5k PB is now 40.21. I was very pleased! We also went for a walk in the fields around where they live which was nice; but otherwise I sat around and ate and drank too much and enjoyed my mum's cooking -- she made some of my childhood favourites. In case that wasn't enough, she had a load of offcuts of cake from my sister-in-law's wedding cake business. They're really yummy but I only had tiny tiny pieces. I saw my brother and his kids which was nice -- and my brother has now started doing his local parkrun! That makes four people now who have tried parkrun because of me.

    Fingers crossed that tomorrow's weigh in is ok after all that!
    Have a great week, everyone!

    -- Alison