Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    Beth- too bad about the fitbit sitting in CT while you are hiking in CO. I will get closer to the top of my friends list in steps though because of that so thanks:laugh:

    I’m going to checkout those links that have been recently posted so thanks for those.:drinker:

    Robinsegg- I’ll take one flat tire for four new free ones any day. Good for you!

    Lin- Hi:flowerforyou:

    Susan- I have two unused CPAP hoses and a few unused masks. I’ll measure the hose tonight to see if it is what you need, if it is you can have it for free.

    Karen- if I assembled a dish washer I would test hose connections for leaks by running water through it. That being said it may be normal. I do not assemble dishwashers though so I could be way off base. I would talk to them and see why it had water in it. I am also a little OCD ( I think that is the term, you or Shrinkrapt would probably know better ) so testing of things like that is what I do.

    3M- I hope you are doing well!

    Wednesday – Wishes- I wish the hardware engineering lab would pack itself so the movers can move it Saturday.

    Quote of the day:- “Opportunity may knock only once, but temptation leans on the doorbell.” ~Unknown

    Have a healthy day,
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Slept poorly last night but very little GERD and slept on regular pillow. Such a blessing.
    Didnt lose this week or gain. I'll take that after a vacation.
    Wednesday wish: To keep making good choices and stay motivated to exercise

    Kah: Thanks for the link to Katy Perry. I had never heard her sing but love this song. I am going to share with my daughter because it is about owning one's power and standing up for yourself.
    I admire your exercise plans

    Lori: 3 lbs is fantastic. Keep moving forward. That is great

    BJ: I read 3-4 books a month. I relaxes me. I'm getting this book today
    Morgori: Love your quote of the day. Your weight loss is impressive and very inspiring.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Helene. Sounds like you have a plan. I am in your corner.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Tuesday check in: So I have decided to stop doing the running program and will start it up once again when I lose more weight. My shin splints are really bothering and I have figured out that I can burn just as many calories doing a fast walk with varying speeds and inclines on the treadmill. I feel really great and the scale is finally going down once again.
    Just to let you know, I began my second try at running weighing about 25 lbs. MORE than the first try... I am not sure why it worked this time but I will share with you a few things I did differently. First, I used the C25K program both times but the second time, I started more slowly, taking almost 5 weeks to complete week 1 and almost 4 to get through week 2. Go at YOUR pace speed wise also... if you are hurting that bad you may be pushing too much. I also have gotten custom insoles for my shoes called Foot Levelers (chiropractor) which has straightened out my feet, thus lining up everything else too. That has helped so much with the plantar facaitis that I acquired the first try!!! The third thing that is different is that I am doing what is called Chi Running which is said to prevent shin splints ... I don't know if it does, it is just something that works for me in general...
    I am not trying to get you to go back to running, I am confident that you will do what is best for you!!! I just did NOT want you to get discouraged and feel like you are too heavy to exercise! Good luck!!!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wed wish- That I could click my heels 3 times and restart parts of my life over.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    My Wednesday wish: That I had started working at weight loss and fitness earlier in the year.... I am afraid that doing 2 5Ks in one weekend is going to KILL me!!! :noway: And I mean like I am SERIOUSLY SCARED!!!! :sick:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @marca--I'm not gonna lie--doing 5k's back to back won't be easy. However, don't be scared, just have a plan. First, don't run for at least 2 days before the 1st 5k. Two to three rest days will ensure your muscles aren't fatigued going into the 2 races. Second, decide to walk most, if not all, of one of them (probably the 2nd)--even people who run every day wouldn't go "all out" on back to back days. Third, and this is the most important piece of advice, HAVE FUN!! Whether you are doing it for fun (like your 1st race) or to support a cause (like your 2nd), you should enjoy the experience and your accomplishment. :flowerforyou:

    @holly--I think we all feel that way about something in our lives. For me, it's my career. I love teaching, but regret that I didn't get into the classroom until I was 30. This means I will have to work until I'm much older than some of my colleagues if I want full retirement (assuming our pensions will even be there, which I do not). However, on the flip side. I am a much better teacher because of the experiences I had at my previous jobs. I ran a tutoring center where my primary job was to conference with the parents. Because of that, I'm the person all of the new teachers come to when they have a parent issue--they know I will help them word the email perfectly or coach them on what to say during the phone call. I'm sure there are positives like this for you, even in the worst aspects of your past. Try to think about what you've gained to go forward rather than what you've lost in the past. :flowerforyou:

    @katrena--great job maintaining while on vacation. :drinker:

    @tom--yes, my husband said the same thing about the dishwasher--perhaps they pressure tested the hoses. However, I would think the salesperson would've called me back with that simple explanation, but it's been 2 days with no response.

    @kelley--yes, I'm also nervous about the additional calories, but I'm not losing weight right now, and there's no realistic way I can lower my calories below 1500 and sustain that for any length of time. I'm going to give this 6-8 weeks while being much more mindful of my macros. If the scale still isn't moving, I will re-assess and perhaps go back to zig-zagging.

    @lori--congrats on the loss!! :drinker:

    @bj--I've never read Sparks, but when I taught Contemporary Lit, I had several of his works on the independent reading list. The students loved his works. I'm currently reading Catch-22--I've literally been reading it all summer! --and I also started As I Lay Dying while on vacation. Need to finish up both in the next week or so before school starts. Enjoy your bike ride today!! :smile:

    Wednesday Wish:
    My wish is that I maintain some discipline as I adjust my calories and stick to my macros.

    This morning started out good food-wise. Had a couple of egg whites on a multi-grain sandwich thin. I also remembered to eat some of the cottage cheese I bought after john's reminder. :wink: One thing I've learned, or confirmed--I do NOT like cottage cheese with fruit! John posted about eating it with raspberries and when I was a kid, my mom used to eat it with fruit all the time. I never liked it that way back then--I liked mine savory with just some black pepper--but it sounded really good, so I decided to try mine with a fresh peach. All I can say is BLECH!--I will stick with my black pepper. :laugh:

    Last lazy day this week as I have plans tomorrow through Sunday. Doing some laundry and then will head out to walk gunner and hit the gym.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE (rest day)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE (rest day)
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE (rest day)
    Wed--run outside (w/ gunner) or walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner (rest day)
    Fri--run outside (w/ gunner) or walk gunner + gym
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Poking my head up again, wed wish is to someday be able to allocate time to this thread.
    I am back from a week long camping trip that was great. LOTS of good fried food. I really need to get back on the wagon and watch what I am eating. I have gain back most of the weight I lost last year and feeling it, aches and tired, no energy, avoiding logging and exercise. I logged today and will again try to keep up.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Survived the crowd yesterday. Another big group tonight, but 4 short of last night. I stayed under calories and actually got in a walk. I slept a little better last night than I usually do, but still feel tired. The crowds have gone for this afternoon, so I need to rest and take advantage of the quiet.
    Wed wish: that the scale would start moving down again. Been stuck for a few weeks.
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    KJeffries - no it wasn't a white corvette - it was blue! :laugh: :laugh: Nice thought though! So glad you're finding ways to manage your GERD.

    DoingThisForMe - you've got some great goals and personal insights there - you've obviously been doing a LOT of thinking - well put!

    Vicki - have a homicide free week, :wink: and thanks for a great link!

    skinny - the dress sounds adorable - I hope we get to see a picture of you in it! Best of luck on your new eating plan.

    Lori0510 - WOOT on your 3 lb loss - way to go!

    Kah - Katy Perry is going to perform her song, "Roar" on the MTV Video Music Awards on Aug. 25, just FYI! Great song!!
    lol - "deadlifts"

    Helena - best o' luck figuring out a schedule! I still don't have one - aarrgh!

    Tom "Temptation leans on the doorbell" That cracked me up! Seriously - ain't that the truth!

    MQueen - well, dear, you just did! Isn't magic great! :flowerforyou:

    Marca - I'm sorry you're having anxiety over your races. I think skinny's advice is well said. I can't add anything beyond that and to give yourself a break - you and many others are beginners in these races and will do fine. You don't have to finish first, second, or third, you'll finish your PERSONAL BEST, and you'll feel wonderful about that.

    Ushkii - I'm always so happy to see You return to this thread. I know you're terribly busy and can't make it here often, but you're such a nice fellow when you stop by! Glad you had a fun vacation and are ready to get serious about your weight loss. If you don't have time for the thread, can you at least make time for food logging? Its the best method to watch your calories, I've found.

    Kaye - I'll bet youre tired after a night with 27 people over ! I hope you have another good time tonight. I think your weight loss will start up again soon.

    I'm tired today too. Yesterday was just too hectic for me and I did not get enough sleep last night. I still need to do my squats today as I skipped them yesterday. Tomorrow is my friends brain surgery - his tumor removal is scheduled for 11 hours - ugh - and I also have an appointment with a counselling service that helps retired people return to the work force. I'm going to see if they can help me. We have a lot of tech companies opening offices around here (Google, Yahoo and Paypal) and I'm so rusty in my job skills and outdated resume, so I'll see if this service can give me a boot up - a paying job might be the ticket for me rather than starting up an ironing service. (I've been floating that idea around and getting no takers - no interest at all) and my financial situation is not improving.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--you've had a really busy few weeks. It's hard to lose when we are off of our normal routines. I have no doubt you will start losing again once things get back to "normal." Enjoy another night with the family! :flowerforyou:

    @ushkii--hello old friend--good to see you back! I know you can do this--it's tough to balance work, family, and time here to take care of yourself. I know when school starts in a few weeks I'll have a lot less time to do personals, etc. Robin and other long-timers can probably recall that I go through periods when I have to ban myself from posting personals during the work-week. It takes a lot of time, so I just try to keep up on the posts here and log my food and exercise during the week, then on the weekends I post some personals. I also try to schedule the time for MFP, exercise, grocery shopping, and cooking--these are all activities that contribute to my success at staying healthy, so I must make time for them all. I'm not saying it's easy (I haven't seen a drop below my lowest weight in months! :ohwell: ), but we have to make a conscious decision to put ourselves first if we want to succeed. :flowerforyou:

    AFM--I made it to the gym after walking gunner. I did some weights--still trying to get into a routine at this new gym. Many different machines, but I'm starting to get a good arm/abs circuit down. I also ran about 2.5 miles on the treadmill--first run after last week's 5k and it seems my quad is fully healed. :smile:

    Today, food has been pretty easy, but I have some challenges over the next few days. Tomorrow, I'm meeting some friends for happy hour apps and drinks. That wouldn't be a big deal, but I'm also meeting another friend in the morning to plan our course. Between the two, I don't anticipate any time for a big calorie burn, so I will have to be very careful about my food and drink choices. Fortunately, the place we're going to doesn't have any really tempting martinis (my drink weakness) so I will stick with my 60 calorie rum and diet cokes. Food will be another story...:ohwell:

    Friday shouldn't be too bad. I'm going out in the evening again to my old neighborhood for our summer festival. Again, I will stick with rum and diet, and I should be able to get in a good workout in the morning.

    Finally, Saturday I'm going to Milwaukee Irishfest which will probably include some beer and a brat. Will try to balance that with lots of walking and dancing.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE (rest day)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE (rest day)
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE (rest day)
    Wed--or walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner (rest day)
    Fri--run outside (w/ gunner) or walk gunner + gym
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Vicki - have a homicide free week, :wink: and thanks for a great link!
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    "Finally, Saturday I'm going to Milwaukee Irishfest which will probably include some beer and a brat. Will try to balance that with lots of walking and dancing."
    Karen- Hope the craic is brilliant at the Irishfest. Bíodh am iontach! (Have a great time!)
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    I just have to share my proudness with you all for a second. I know it's a small thing, but it's a BIG win for me. We did go for our bike ride tonight. We got a mile in and it only took 20 minutes!!! I didn't have to stop going uphill either. That's a FIRST! I am very impressed with myself and am so glad I could see the payoff in the things I have been doing. My kids and husband were fairly impressed as well. As I've said before, this thread has been a God send for me - I don't always do the personals, but I do read each and every post and you all inspire me. It's nice to know that I'm not alone on this journey and I am honored to have you all by my side!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--sending good thoughts for your friend's surgery tomorrow. :flowerforyou:

    @bj--that's a great NSV!! Congrats!

    @tom--thanks--I'm sure it will be a day filled with ceoil agus craic (music & fun)! My friends and I go every year to specifically see a group called Gaelic Storm who tour all over the country, but the beer and brats are an added bonus. :wink:

    The weather here in Chicago has been beyond gorgeous for the past week or so. I think I will take advantage of it and take gunner for a 2nd walk tonight. Also, it can't hurt to bank some extra calories for the weekend ahead, right? :tongue:
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Just a quick check in on my two year anniversary on MFP. My NSV is that I have keep over 90 pounds off for a year. Now my goal is to get down to my goal weight before another two years goes by. Hang in there beginners, it all happens one day at a time. My quote "Never give up, never surrender"
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- Have fun at the Irish festival. Another thing we have in common, I also started teaching when I turned 30. I just decided that it was time to try teaching again since that is what I earned my degree in. I ended up in Middle School instead of elementary school and it was for the best.

    BJ- Congrats on the bike ride. It is truly amazing to watch our bodies improve when we do a common exercise or surpass a challenge like riding up a hill on a bike.

    Robin- Glad you had great Karma today. Today was a great day for you.:bigsmile: :happy: Sending positive thoughts for your friend.

    Ushkii-Glad you had a wonderful trip. Hope you are able to visit more often.

    Vicki- Hope your week improves.

    Marca- I second the advice that someone else gave you about the double races. Take a couple of rest days priors to the weekend, plan make one your A race (best effort) and the other a B race have fun and walk and run it.

    Wish- That my knee will be completely healed by Saturday so I can run the 2 miles instead of walking and running it. I am doing more on my knee but am taking it easy. Today, I went for a walk around the neighborhood and then a swim after having it treated again. The weather is absolutely beautiful here and the temps are in the 70's. Tomorrow, I am planning a workout with my trainer and then a bike ride followed by a massage. I will see how the knee does then since I hope to try running with her guidance. I go back to the chiro on Friday, so hopefully that will help the healing process even more than it already has. Needless to say, I really don't want to "jar" my knee that badly again. The swelling has gone down and the swim felt good.

    Workout plan 8/11 to 8/17
    Sunday- Bike DONE 23 miles :bigsmile:
    Monday- rmile run for time per trainer NO REST due to Injury:explode:
    Tuesday- 5K drills with Trainer: Trainer done but focus on strengthening ankle due to injury
    Wednesday- Swim (.75 miles) and walk :happy:
    Thursday- Trainer and bike
    Friday- Rest Day
    Saturday- 2 Mile race I want to run it all!!!!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Angelika- Happy Anniversary. Congrats on keeping the 90lbs off.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Bump. Battery is about to die on the laptop and I browsed through the posts. Some great posts today. I'm getting addicted I'm afraid and can't wait to check in on everyone. I'll be back soon!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @angelika--Happy 2 year Anniversary!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--that's so funny that we both started teaching at the same age. Hope your knee is feeling good enough to run your race on Saturday!

    @susan--I get the same way some days--I think I've been on here 10 times today! :noway:

    AFM--Well, I have a 769 calories left, but I've eaten 136 grams of protein today! :noway: I think that's got to be the most protein I've eaten since I started tracking. My net is under 1000 right now, so I will find some sort of healthy snack (maybe some quaker popped chips) for a couple hundred calories, and then I will bank the rest for my happy hour tomorrow.

    Hope everyone has a good night!
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Thanks for the advice AND the votes of confidence!!! Both have helped TREMENDOUSLY!!! The Sat. event is definitely my FUN one... my goal is to do intervals of 3 min. run/1 min. walk until tired and then walk the rest.... oh, and to end the race as colorful as possible!!! The one on Sun. is the one I would like to do as well as possible. Mainly I want to be out there and let others know that you are never too old, too heavy, or even too sick to make healthier choices!!! I want them to look at me and think, "Gee, if SHE can run a 5K, then maybe I can too!!!"