Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    I don't make a habit of sharing my blog posts. But I want to link this one because a lot of people have told me they found it an excellent reminder and it was certainly an epiphany for me. More specifically, it's geared towards people who have a family member or friend who suffers from a disease that makes them sick even though they don't look sick. Or what I like to call "Invisible Illnesses" or an "Invisible Disability" and the way I deal with them (The answer is badly.)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Anyone having problems with site maintenance today? I did my 40 squats today -with 5 lbs weight = and went to log them under exercise - and that tab is down for site maintenance - and I WANT MY CALORIES!!!!

    MowMow - glad you're feeling some better today - at least enough to do housecleaning - wow you sound super ambitious - isn't it just ridiculous how 2 ole cats can shed that much? :noway: Hope you don't bump or damage your toe today while you take care of yourself!

    lustergirl - I can't answer your medicine questions - but I'm sure you'll get a response from someone here. Plenty of low thyroid people on here so someoone will respond, I'm sure. GREAT effort getting 20 minutes done at the Gym- WOOT!!

    toots - great blog post - and I am so glad to catch up with whats going on with your husband. Its quite difficult for both of you. You were brutally honest, but thats you! I can so relate, being on both sides of the issue, myself.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!! :flowerforyou:

    @robin--I've been having sporadic problems with MFP for the past few days--lots of "site maintenance" messages. :grumble:

    @luster--great job with the exercise!! I really loved c25k--sounds like you are enjoying it too. :smile:

    @kris--glad the foot is healing and you are feeling more capable. Good luck with the job!

    @toots & others who mentioned the Ren Faire--I didn't end up making it there, but hope to get there another weekend.

    @angelika--that's so great that the healthy habits are so ingrained now! :flowerforyou:

    @marca--awesome job to you too with the c25k!!! :drinker:

    @hiskid--I want to call you laura, but that may be way off base. Regardless, I totally remember you--welcome back!! :flowerforyou: That swimsuit NSV is awesome!! I felt much more comfortable in my swimsuit on my recent vacation too. :happy:

    @cath--enjoy the time with your trainer--it sounds like you should have enough sessions to learn a good routine.

    @laurie--I agree with others--WELL SAID!! You truly are an inspiration to so many of us! :drinker:

    @nicole--awww thanks! :blushing: You are a rockstar as well for asking that question at the interview!! I think I hear the lion roaring...

    @tammy--I'm so so sorry to hear about your puppy. :cry: My heart goes out to you and your family--try to remember what a happy home you gave her and know she lived a better life b/c you were in it.

    @john--welcome!! :flowerforyou: Like toots, I'm half Latina though I would never describe myself as lukewarm. :laugh:

    Saturday Success:
    Well, I did it--I survived the Rugged Maniac!!! It was so hard--much, much harder than the Dirty Girl, but I pushed through and finished almost all of the obstacles. The last obstacle was a killer--you had to use a rope to pull yourself up an incline board. Then you had to climb the next level on a cargo net. Finally, you had to climb down the other side on 2 x 4's. Getting up the 1st part was tough, but people were all helping each other. The guy and girl in front of me were helping the girls in front of them; then the guy went up and the girl was struggling, so I gave her a big push from behind to get her up the incline. When it was my turn, I was struggling and the folks behind gave me a boost. If they hadn't, there was no way I could have gotten up--the rope and boards were so muddy and wet, it was almost impossible to get a grip.

    On another obstacle, we had to climb up a very steep, very long ski run using a rope for support. A very fit looking guy told me to go ahead of him. When I was about halfway up, I could hear him coming up behind me. I thought he might be annoyed that I was taking so long, but instead he started encouraging me, saying things like "That's it, just keep your footing!" and "You're almost there, you've got this!"

    My friend who did it with me skipped most of the obstacles, but I was still so proud of her b/c the 5k alone was really tough with all of the hills (it was at a ski resort). The very first quarter mile was straight uphill and I thought she was going to quit on me then and there. But once we made it to the top and saw how much others were struggling too, she felt better and powered through.

    Now, my legs and shoulders are ACHING, but I'm so glad I did it!! My goal is to do again next year--hopefully with a little less pain and agony. :wink: Oh, but my calf didn't act up at all, so that was a bonus!

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + Rugged Maniac!!! DONE!!!!
    Sun--walk gunner (rest day)
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--run outside (w/ gunner)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + Terrapin 5k
    Fri--walk gunner (rest day)
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    toots - great blog post - and I am so glad to catch up with whats going on with your husband. Its quite difficult for both of you. You were brutally honest, but that's you! I can so relate, being on both sides of the issue, myself.

    yeah, being honest is not something i have a problem with :laugh:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm home. Good to be here. I missed my recliner and my ice bags for my knees. I think I did fair food wise. I brought my sister home with me for a visit so we are looking forward to a fun week.
    I don't have time to catch up with everyone right now.
    Have a great evening, Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Kaye~Welcome home, enjoy the week with your sister.

    @Karen~Wow, that sounds like a really intense event. Glad you had fun and & awesome that you completed it! I'm glad your calf cooperated.

    @John~Welcome to another Dallasite!

    @Luster~What kind of thyroid meds were you taking? When I was dx with hypothyroidism, Synthroid didn't work for me so my doc switched it to Armour Thyroid (its natural thyroid hormone) that treats T3 (Synthroid doesn't). I've been in good shape since then. I take a lot of supplements but none for my thyroid - I hate to mess around with adrenal or thyroid supplements so as to not put me back in adrenal fatigue or compromise the health of my thyroid now that my doc and I have found the right medication to treat it. As for other supplements I take: 10g of fish oil daily, 1g calcium/magnesium combo, 1g Vitamin C, 1,000 I.U. Vitamin D, a multivitamin, and a probiotic

    Sunday Share~I'm Kelley, mid-40s in north Texas. I'm an accountant in the healthcare industry. I have a very sweet, although a bit energetic, 10-month old Maine Coon, Zoe. I've been on this weight loss journey for a long time, just take it one day at a time. I lost about 75# on Weight Watchers, but then switched to MFP a year ago. Shortly after joining MFP I found this thread, they have been the biggest support. They, along with my trainer, keep me motivated. I'm a workout hound, love to go to the gym - even when I'm injured, which seems to be a pattern lately. :wink:

    I had a really good run yesterday - did some burst training on elliptical and then ran on the treadmill for about a mile. It felt fantastic, nothing hurt. :laugh:

    Enjoy your Sunday!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley--Yay for nothing hurting!! :drinker:

    @kaye--welcome home--enjoy the visit with you sis! :flowerforyou:

    Sunday Share:
    I'm Karen. I've been at this for a little over 2 years now and credit this thread with keeping me motivated. I love to run and to challenge myself physically. One issue I have is I'm not always as disciplined with my training for those big challenges. :blushing: Case in point, I'm pretty sore from my obstacle 5k yesterday; however the good news is, I really want to go workout today, so I can't be feeling too bad, right? I think I will take it easy and just do a light elliptical workout, then a hydro-massage if I can get that darn machine to co-operate! Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- Great job on the race yesterday, it sounds really challenging. So happy that your calves did not bother you. Kudos for working out today.

    Today, I went for a bike ride 21 miles in 1 hr. 50 minutes. It was a nice ride. We went higher up on the B and A trail and I accomplished one of the hills easily. I did not give up and kept pushing through. I love to ride the bike but my tail bone is sore. I did purchase a bike yesterday so I am hopeful that it will make all the difference when riding. I ended up with the Giant Escape 1. It is light weight and can easily be converted to a road bike with a change of tires. I will pick it up next week and it will be properly fitted to my body.

    Workout Schedule
    Sunday- Bike
    Monday- Trainer 5K prep/running drills
    Tuesday- Travel day-- walk?
    Wednesday- jog 1 mile
    Thursday- strength training
    Friday- travel day--
    Saturday- Swim, run 2 miles
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - WOW! I am amazed and impressed by those obstacles you surpassed in the Rugged Maniac race your ran - :love: :flowerforyou: you did a terrific job and what a compliment that guy behind you gave you in encouraging you up and over the wall! Funny how you thought it would be otherwise - that's the "fat girl" in you still thinking the old way! Sorry you are sore today - hope you get that hydromassage in.

    Kaye - glad you're still icing your knees (why did that make me think of frosting? :grumble: ) I'm sure you're looking at a fun week ahead with your sister!

    Kah - what a great work out - burst training and THEN a run! You are really getting to be a champ. I'm glad nothing hurt after.

    Laurie - how exciting that you've decided on your own bike. I can't wait to see if it helps your tailbone while riding. If not, I'm sure if you google the problem you can find all kiinds of solutions. I can't believe how easy it is these days to google a phrase and come up with answers.

    Sunday Share - a little about me. I am a 62 year old, divorced after a 20 year marriage, childless, retired woman who lives in Omaha Nebraska. I am happy go lucky, and fun loving, and started this thread the day I started MFP to help me find support in losing weight. It has been a big help to me as well as many others who have graduated and moved on after they've lost their 100 lbs. Its not always easy to blast through 100 lbs. I have probably lost a total of 80 lbs, but gained 10 lbs 3 times back over christmas holidays and vacations. I've learned many things however, and now am doing all things right. It really boils down to eating less calories than you burn.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--yes is was definitely my inner "fat girl" making me think the guy would be annoyed at my slowness. In general, I was a bit nervous to do an obstacle race with men in the mix, but it was fine. I found out after the fact (via facebook) that an old friend and his wife were there. They ran in a wave right after us and are very fit, so may have passed us on the route--I'm actually shocked that we didn't run into them. We agreed that we will meet up next year, so now I have something else to look forward to and another motivator to train better next year. :wink: I did get that hydro-massage and it felt really good.

    @laurie--congrats on the new bike!!! That's a great ride as well! :drinker:

    AFM--I had planned for a rest day, but decided to do a light workout (mostly b/c I wanted to try out that hydro-massage machine :wink: ). I did 20 minutes on the elliptical and then got my massage. Good thing I switched it too b/c when I got home, I called my sister and she asked if I could watch Violet (my niece) tomorrow. There's no way I'll have the energy to workout after babysitting all day!

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + Rugged Maniac!!! DONE!!!!
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon--walk gunner + (rest day)
    Tues--run outside (w/ gunner)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + Terrapin 5k
    Fri--walk gunner (rest day)
  • lvpthemvp
    lvpthemvp Posts: 266 Member
    Will this continue in August? If so, please add me. Thank you.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~Amazed you weren't too sore to get a workout in today, awesome! Enjoy the day with your niece.
    @Laurie~Great ride today, congrats on the new bike!

    Had a great workout with my trainer today and did some more running. Also got my official weigh in done on their fancy smancy scale for the weight loss challenge. So away we go! :laugh:
    Will this continue in August? If so, please add me. Thank you.

    Yes, this thread rolls over every 20 pages or 500 posts.
  • Tambra1030
    Hi Everyone! I just saw this board and everyone seems to be so nice and fun. I have a little over a 100 pounds to lose and need all the encouragement/pointers I can get.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Welcome tambra & lvp!! :flowerforyou:

    I will be leaving early in the AM to babysit and don't have internet access at my sister's house, so I will check in with you all tomorrow night. Happy Monday everyone? :ohwell:
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I had a good talk with my brother about what to do with the folks. I will continue to cook for them for the time being but we both agree that they need more help than I can give them everyday. We have to be diplomatic and let dad think it is his idea to bring in some more help. Mean time my brother promises to be part of the "team" to get them eating better and keep an eye on them. Alzheimers is loosing a parent but not... my mother is not "there" anymore but she still needs to be cared for and my dad needs time to adjust to the decline... I am glad that it has been decided that the person who was supposed to be caring for them will not be coming back. It was an oil and water situation... it was never going to work. Now I hope we can find someone else and that Dad will accept the help.

    On the unexpected blessing side. I was browsing a Facebook page set up by our church to exchange unwanted items, and I was an ad for a Total Gym. I have always wanted to try one of those, The owner has MS and could no longer use it, they only wanted $50 and when we got there they said, sorry I didn't see the damage on the side, I'll take $40. It works really well and fits the tiny amount of floor space we have in our living room (folds up really easy too) I can't believe we got such a neat piece of exercise equipment for a price we could actually afford!
  • Helenavee42
    Ok I am back. Everything has been hectic lately. My dad came and visited for a week. My mom is on her third and final week of radiation. The mass in her breast is breaking up and shrinking (YAY!). My sister leaves to fly back home in 10 days but my grandma is staying til after my mom has her mastectomy. My mom has had a good weekend. We went out to dinner on Friday and it was her idea even after she had chemo and radiation that day. Saturday her my sisters and my grandma went to San Antonio. Then yesterday she went to the craft store. It's so nice that she has had so many good days in a row. Things seem to be looking up now.

    I know I kept saying I'd put up a pic of me in my glasses so I finally have. From the last time I weighed I haven't gained anything but I am going to wait a week til I weigh again.

    Monday check-in: I had a good weekend in terms of enjoyment. Went out for drinks on Saturday with a coworker and we had a great time. We probably drank a little too much but that's ok.

    Monday: Gym
    Tuesday: Gym
    Wednesday:Walk the puppy
    Thursday: Gym
    Friday: Gym
    Sunday: Walk the puppy

    I hope I do what I plan on.

    Have a good day.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @helena--great to see you back and so happy to hear your mom is doing so well! :flowerforyou:

    @angelika--the situation with your parents sounds rough; I hope your dad "has the idea" to get more help soon and that the next person is the right fit. Congrats on getting your Total Gym at such a bargain price!! :happy:

    Monday check-in:
    Well, my sister called early this morning to say she's staying home with my niece. I guess she was up with a fever most of the night, so my sister will take her to the doctor today. I'm sad that she's sick and that I don't get to babysit, but on the bright side I'll have time to get some errands done around here.

    Some of you may recall that before I left on my trip, DH was trying to fix our very old dishwasher. Well, he wasn't able to get it going again, so we need to buy a new one. Ours is a portable, so there aren't a lot of options out there and all seem to be in the $500-700. I personally would be fine with just doing dishes by hand, but DH is adamant that he can't live without a dishwasher. Since he does the majority of cooking and dish-washing, I'm not going to argue the point. Plus, without the dishwasher, there's this empty spot between the wall and the sink--it just looks weird. Not sure if we will go buy it today, but DH is off so maybe we will go shopping.
  • sirtxt
    sirtxt Posts: 39
    Morning All,

    Saturday share - It has been a good week - I logged all of my food, exercised daily and did not give into the temptation of using fast food when my schedule got crazy. I think eating every three hours helps me so that I dont get to that point of being RAVENOUS and eating anything and everything in sight. Ok, not everything - just everything on top of the table - LOL

    Sunday share - Professionally, I am an instructional designer. I design online elearning courses for a hospitality company. I am bilingual, so I do a lot of translation from English to Spanish besides the design work. I have always been in training - I even taught elementary Special Ed for 5 years. Mom used to tell the story about how I would come home from 1st grade and make my younger sister sit infront of the play chalkboard we had and I would teach her everything I had learned that day. I guess it is in my blood.

    Monday share - I have shared before how weekends are tough for me as I tend to not be busy enough and think I am "hungry". Saturday was okay - I did not have any issues following my plan. Of course that is the day, I volunteer for 4 hours. Sunday, on the other hand, was harder. I spent the day doing chores, running errands, went to the movies, prepared food for the week and exercised. It was hard but not as hard as previous weekends. While I think am comfortable being alone, maybe I am not. Maybe I am turning to food for because I am lonely??? But I do look forward to having my time alone after a long week at work. Time will tell.

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Queen - Glad to hear you're taking care of yourself. I've been to therapy a few times after bad breakups and it really does help.
    @Cathesh - I can relate to little feets on the keyboard and being interupted when Im typing. Both my boys (cats) become obsessed with me the minute I sit in front of the computer. One is always on the back of my chair messing with my hair and one is always planting himself right in front of me face mashing me for kisses. They wind up butt typing on whatever I'm working on.
    @NV - Hope the charity event went well! That's great your family works so hard for a worthy cause and so kind of you to help him!
    @Kah - HOw are you holding up? I'm glad Zoe is being supportive. They absolutely know when we need support!
    @Laurie - So excited you chose your bike!! ALso a little jealous, I really want to take that plunge for am still afraid too (for some reason)...
    @JTConst - I hope you and the family are doing OK and that Saturday went as well as it could under the circumstances.
    @Naceto - STill keeping my fingers crossed. I sure hope you hear something back REALLY sooN!
    @his Kid - that is a fantastic NSV!! Good on you!
    @TootsAnderson - That was a wonderful blog post! I can imagine how trying it would be and I would absolutely have to keep reminding myself that it's not his fault and he's not doing it on purpose.
    @Skinny - The Rugged Maniac sounds challenging but FUN. I'm so freaking impressed you attempted it!
    @Kaye - Glad to hear you're home safe. I hope you're having TONS of fun with your sister!
    @IVP - Welcome!
    @Tambra - Welcome and those are some cute kiddos in your avatar!
    @Angelika - What a great find!! How exciting! I sure hope you get something figured out for your folks quickly. Good on you for not eating the extra high calorie food you're making for them.
    @Helena - Welcome back and glad to hear your mom is improving.
    @SirTxt - Eating every 3 hours is a great idea! I know I can't get too hungry or I'll eating everything in sight (and I mean if it's edible I'll eat it, even if I don't like it). Preplanning, prelogging, and pre packaging food really saves my skin. I understand and agree about the weekend. I have that problem as well. I eat from boredom. I've had to pick up tons of 'hobbies' like crafing, puzzles, and crocheting to keep me occupied ALL the time. Next time you're home and hungry try going for a walk outside instead. Then at least you'll 'earn' the extra calories from a little snack! I can relate to being lonely as well. I live alone with two cats and I love them but they are crap at conversation ;)

    Monday check in - I weighed in today and just had to laugh out loud My weight is holding FIRM where it is. By my calculations it should have dropped a lb and a half last Friday but no.... it's just sitting there.. MOCKING me! Not budging an ounce either way. After not losing for like 6 months I want that darn thing to move!

    After all the cleaning and scrubbing this weekend my foot is tender and sore but I can walk without a cane/crutches so I'm not complaining. Rev'ing up for my last week at work. I'll work 9 hour days just for a little extra jump in my last paycheck. Not nervous about being unemployed but I *AM* nervous about not having health insurance. I can't afford COBRA on unemployment and I'm scrambling trying to get 3 months of meds out of my health insurance company before the end of August to hold me over for a little while. Paying for them without insurance will be way to expensive for me!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    lvpthemvp - welcome to this thread. It's ongoing FOREVER - so please keep coming back!

    kah - great start on getting your official starting weight for the weight loss challenge at your gym. HOPE YOU WIN!!!!

    Tambra - welcome - this is a great place for friends and support!

    Angelika - I'm glad your brother is 'on board" with helping you manage your mother's illness and hope finding help is quick and your dad is OK with hiring them and incorporating them into the household. Hope your brother keeps up his end of the bargain.

    What a great deal on the Total Gym - I'm so happy for you. Any time you wish for something and it falls into your lap - its exciting!

    Helena - I love your picture - you're a cutie pie! I'm so glad to hear your mother is doing so well and has had family around her during chemo, and family to be with her during her mastectomy. She's in my prayers.

    Skinny - well I commented on babysitting twice and had to strike that out - sorry your niece is not feeling well. I hope its not serious! Too bad your dishwasher clunked out, but I'll bet hubby is a bit thrilled to be looking for a new one. Enjoy your day shopping.

    John - what a good week you've had. I'm very proud for you! Dealing with hunger pangs is NOT fun! You did so well eating every three hours!
    Welcome to another "teacher' in our midst! So many intellectuals in our group. Teaching is so essential in so many professions -
    I live alone too - lonliness is hard to fight and is an absolute bugger when it comes to tempting us to eat. I try to allow for evening snacks so I'm not miserable. I mean 9 pm and even midnight snacks, because I'm a night owl.

    MowMow - sorry you were disappointed on the scale this am. Maybe try tomorrow? I wouldn't doubt you are holding water weight with your swollen toe. Once that is entirely healed, I'll bet your weight goes down. Does being without insurance mean you won't get to see Dr. McHotty Pants for 3 months?