Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tammy~I love to paint (sort of)—my walls are annoying so it’s harder. House builders in Texas love to texture walls which makes it time consuming since it’s harder to get good coverage. Yes, be careful with that ankle—don’t re-injure yourself by overdoing it. That’s what I did and now I’m in this attractive boot until the end of April. :frowning::anguished:

    @onederbaby~It depends on the sizes/styles you’re looking for. I shop at the regular department stores (Macy’s, Dillard’s, Kohl’s) but if you’re looking for stores that specialize in women’s sizes Catherine’s or CJ Banks are two of the better choices. They aren’t available everywhere, but both offer online shopping also. While stores like Lane Bryant or The Avenue carry the sizes, they aren’t cut right. They try to be trendy and cater to the newest fashions but I honestly think their fit is all wonky--when I shopped there I found pants ran too short and shirts to ran too big, I rarely found anything at either store.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited March 2015
    becky3883 wrote: »
    I am new to this. My name is Becky and I have over 100 pounds to loose. I am 32 and I am scared I am going to die very young or have a very painful horrible life. I don't know if it is that I just keep making excuses or I am lazy or maybe its that I don't want to lose weight, but something is holding me back. I work as a nurse and that job is so hard to do when I weigh over 300 pounds. I have enjoyed reading post so far and I am hoping that some peer support will be just what I need. I feel like everyone that is close to me has no idea what it is like to be this heavy. I also feel like their advice is not creditable because they are not as heavy as I am. Where do I go from here????

    Just take it one day at at time. Try and change one bad habit (i.e. quit drinking soda), once you've mastered that set another goal, and just go from there. Don't try to change everything at once, it can be overwhelming. If you aren't comfortable changing anything yet, make a commitment to log what you're eating (it can be eye-opening). Also, set small goals for yourself (i.e. lose 5#) and then reward yourself (non-food reward) when you achieve that goal. When you're ready you can set larger goals. Then, find an activity you love and will do (not right away, change other things first). You can do this! Come here often for support and motivation.
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member

    I decide to get involved in my life AGAIN!
    I have been gone too long and no one is suffering as a result but ME! I have gained back almost everything I lost last year! This past weekend my daughter did a fun 5k (Glow Run) and physically there was no way I could have done it with her.
    Today is a new day and I'm not looking back, full steam ahead!
    I've made up my mind, I'm going to get "DECIDE" tattooed inside my forearm. It is a very powerful six-letter word in every facet of life!

    I have missed the friendships and support from this thread! Glad to be back again and look forward to catching up with everyone!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Kelley…I have the grey/plum combo in my bathroom LOVE IT!! That’s awesome about the bike…way cheaper than having to buy a new one.
    @onderbaby…I used to shop at ShopKo. They had a great plus size department. (unfortunately, no ShopKo near me now).
    @Tammy…yes, I think she assumed I knew or heard through my Mom or other sister. By 1:00 he was fine and playing outside. So at least it was ultimately short lived. Be careful…reinjuring your ankle will only prolong everything. Better to take it easy and get fully healed.
    @Tom…We are in control, aren’t we? Now I just have to control the right things. ;)
    @RobinB…oh the up and downs we encounter on our way to getting this handled huh? One day at a time, it's all we can really do.
  • garysgirl719
    garysgirl719 Posts: 235 Member
    I was a postee on this thread about three years ago, and then things got wild. I have 1 year old twins and would love to become involved again. I've lost about 28 pounds right now, and am finally pre-baby weight, but would love to lose at least 120 more.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    edited March 2015
    @RobinB0812‌ - Sing it. I lost about 110 lbs and I've gained back about 65lbs. Not angry or disgusted with myself. Each bite was a conscious decision. I knew I was doing it and I knew better but I kept making excuses. Of course now, it's time to pay the price.

    Still not NEARLY back to the mindset I was in when I lost it all.

    @Becky3883, I can relate to you as well. It's daunting. I was down to where I only had 82 lbs to go and I blew it. Now I'm back to needing a loss of 140lbs. It can seem daunting. I haven't started making major cuts yet. In the last month I just back to logging and trying to get my sodium under control again. That's the dangerous number for me.

    Next step for me is to set a high calorie goal (I'll start with 1800, that'll be a cut but not enough to frustrate me) and incorporate a little light exercise like walking. I think that if I get up and do a lap around my floor at work every 90 minutes that will rack on some miles and break it up so I'm not exhausting myself.

    I'm not thinking any further than that. Not setting any weight loss goals at all right now, just lifestyle goals to eat healthier and get more active. That's my goal for the next 2-3 weeks. After that I'll tighten them up a little.

    I need to get my head screwed on straight again.

    @RobinsEgg‌ - That's just stinky about the car. ALways such a pain! Glad to hear you've dropped the 12lbs but remember to take care of yourself!!

    @grandmakaye44‌ - You are like our poster girl! A true success story. You started exercising, ate less, and are keeping it going. I know that last bit has been fighting back, but I have NO doubt you'll get there and triumph.

    @GOINSTD12‌ - I don't think you sound selfish AT ALL. I think you sound frustrated and exhausted and it sounds like you have every right to be. I wish I had some wonderful words of wisdom for you but I don't. Please take c are of yourself and please talk to someone who can be on your side. Friends, therapist, or clergy... just someone to help vent those frustrations and make sure you are caring for yourself!

    @jtconst‌ - Wowza, that's a LOT of gardening. I miss being able to dig in the dirt and watch things grow... and eat my OWN produce.

    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ - I swear you are the busiest person I know. Through you I've gained a LOT of respect for how hard our teachers work and how much of their own time they use up to do it!

    @AngelikaLumiere‌ - It's nice to see you back!

    @tlh0407‌ - Wow, how nice of your sister to let you know there would be vomiting if you provided dairy....

    Mr. M! ALways good to see your handsome face!

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Oh, and just because I love showing off my 'kids'.
    MowMow is turning 11 this summer, it was touch and go for a few months after his double lumpectomy last year but he's hale and hearty now!

    Book is the same as ever and still waiting for the Tidy Bowl Man to make an appearance. He turns 4 this week.

    Little Neelix will be a whopping 1 year old at the end of this month. My little baby is growing up.
  • jaferjoy
    jaferjoy Posts: 3
    My name is Jennifer. I kinda said"hi" yesterday. I am going through a funk right now. I am a single mom with two kids at home. A 16 year old boy and a 9 year old girl. I have been out of work for a month and at the beginning I was using my worry to go to gym and work out. I was going 5 days a week for an hour each day. The last few days, my thighs hurt and I have been forcing myself to go. Actually, I am forcing myself to do anything. Originally, I had about 100 pounds to lose. I have lost about 13 pounds the last month. I am not sure how to get myself out of this funk. I have been making more poor choices on what I eat. Like working out gives me permission to eat that many more calories. Any suggestions?
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @RobinB0812‌ ~So glad to see you back too. Decide is a great mantra for the year, we all have to “decide” to make the right choices. I certainly am guilty of making the wrong ones on more than one occasion.

    @jaferjoy‌~It sounds like you need a rest day from working out, you open yourself up to injury by not allowing your body to recover—so don’t force yourself to work out when your body is obviously telling you “no.” Being a single mom and being out of work can certainly affect motivation and energy, I wish I had an answer. I was in a funk in Jan/Feb, I just kind of let it run its course—something that I remind myself of constantly is that I have come too far to completely blow it. I didn't gain anything, but I didn't lose anything either--it could have been so much worse. So try and focus on the positives to help you stay on track while you work through it.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I've let myself slide too much in the food department, so it's time to buckle up. My April goals are 1) to WEIGH/MEASURE and track EVERYTHING I eat, the good, the bad, the ugly, 2) maintain a daily protein intake of 120g, and to come in under calories every week. (I will allow 'makeup days' where if I am over one day, I will be eating that much less the next day... so long as I'm on point each Thursday).

    My motivation for exercise this week is coming in the form of Fitbit challenges. I'm currently in 2 weekday challenges with several other users. My goal is to be top of the leader board every day, so that will keep me moving more than usual, which is great. There is another challenge for the weekend, which is easy to do since I hike so much on weekends anyway.
  • jennbo83
    jennbo83 Posts: 62 Member
    Once again I am way behind! It’s been such a busy week! My mom’s dog had to have a second surgery. He still had compression on his spine from the bulging disc and when they were in there they found a blood clot they had to take care. The good news is he is finally improving! It will be a long recovery for him but I am so happy he is doing better! He won’t be able to walk up stairs (which is a challenge as my mom lives in a 2 story) but other than that he should be about 80-90% back to normal once recovered. I find this to be amazing news!
    Saturday I went on a hike with my boyfriend then yesterday I did Zumba. In the evening we had a big BBQ pool party with family. I spent hours playing in the pool with the kids and I felt like I got a work out in there too! During the BBQ I decided to make good choices but not stress about my calories and I chose to drink wine. I needed a break. For 6 months I have made sure to log everything and weigh everything. It felt good to just sit back and relax and not stress about it. When I think about what I ate/drank I still think I was under my calories or really close. I do feel a little bloated and swollen but it was worth it to just let loose and have fun.
    This weekend I have a 4 day weekend with the Easter Holiday. I am hoping we get a long hike in, get to a few Zumba classes and lots of pool time. My goal is burn at least 1,000 each day over the break. I think it is doable if I figure out the schedule ahead of time.
    Going back a few days when there was talk of April challenge and picking your own. I am going to work on meal planning! I am so bad at it and I know that is part of why I stress out so much over my calories. I don’t plan well enough so at the end of the day I’m trying to figure out dinner and make sure it’s the right amount of calories and includes all the food groups. Then I make it and then my boyfriend comes home and it turns out he had that for lunch, or he had a really high calorie lunch and what I made is really too high for him and it puts him over budget. I really need to work on planning and then communicating that plan with my boyfriend. The challenge for myself is to meal plan each day in April. I thought about a fitness challenge but I really need to get this meal planning thing under control!
  • onederbaby
    onederbaby Posts: 23 Member
    When will the April goal go out?
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Got home this afternoon from our vacation. I've been keeping up with your posts, but haven't done any personals. Now I feel too far behind, so I'll just start from here.
    There's nothing like a vacation to remind me how fragile this life style is for me. I am so quick to fall into old patterns of mindless eating and snacking. I did keep walking. Tomorrow morning I will be on the scale and start tackling the damage.
    Welcome to all of the newcomers. It can be done. I'm stuck between 90-95# gone, but am in good health now. I'm so worried about my sisters. They are all very heavy, and full of excuses for why they can't lose weight. They all have health issues that would improve if they would lose weight. It starts with the first day and just moving forward, one day at a time.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello All,
    Welcome to the newbies. You have found a great place for friendship and support. Stop by and post often so we can get to know you.

    Welcome back to the returning friends. Hope you find what you need here.

    Monday check in: Today was overall a good day. The sun came out and I got a ton of work done at the store. I am hoping to have more productive days this week.

    Tomorrow night is my last swim class. I have learned so much in 6 weeks. I meet with the trainer this week to polish up my training schedule for the next few weeks. I have requested a mentor through the local triathlon club and am hoping to hear from someone this week.

    Food went well today and I got most of my water in. I made a batch of soup over the weekend and that will suffice for lunches. I have prepped lots of veggies for this week and have good choices available. So I am trying to make it easier for healthy options.

    Anyone out there ever drink almond or soy milk? Any feedback on that would be welcome. I have not tried it in the past and do not know what will happen in relation to my IBS. I am thinking about trying it this weekend.

    I am up and to the gym early tomorrow so I am off to bed now.
    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • singingqt6675
    Hello everyone so I am new to my fitness pal and when I say new i mean I am actually officially using it now :) I have dang near 100lbs to lose and can't wait to do it! I have been busting my butt to stay eating the right things and week one is almost done!!!!! I would love support and friends on MFP to be able to connect with and get some motivation. I am being extremely strict with my diet and so proud to say I have cut out all fast food and Pop which for me is amazing because I was drinking 2 44oz pops everyday and two meals were fast food a day so this is a huge step for me and I am doing more and more everyday! I love hearing great things from everyone so let's chat! :) I can't wait to get to know you all! :smile:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Welcome to all of the newlings!!

    @lori (cblue)--I've never been a fan of cow's milk (I'm not lactose intolerant; I just think it's kind of gross to drink). I'll use it for cooking, but I always use soy milk if I'm eating cereal. Be careful to get the light variety; otherwise, it has a ton of sugar. I like plain--the vanilla is too sweet for me. Also, be careful to ease it into your diet or you could experience a reaction to too much soy. When I first bought it, I had it everyday, sometimes twice a day (I was so excited to eat cereal again!), and my lips swelled up. I cut back and ate it more sparingly until my body adjusted to the increased soy and never had another reaction.

    @onder--I love shopping at discount places like TJ Maxx and many of their stores have a woman's section. If you have a Nordstrom Rack near you they also carry nice clothes in a wide range of sizes. For everyday, casual clothes, Target is also a great place. I think we can all post our April challenges anytime now since we are all choosing our own goals.

    @kris (mowmow)--love the pics of your kitties! They are all cute, but Mowmow is really a gorgeous cat! Yes, I'm pretty busy, but I probably teach the most grading-intensive courses of any HS teacher. My colleagues always comment that there's a reason all 3 of the AP English teachers at our school don't have children. I honestly don't know how teachers with kids at home juggle it all.

    @garysgirl--Welcome back!! I actually remember you from 3 years ago. Congrats on your twins!

    @robinB--welcome back to you too! I was wondering if you had completely abandoned us. Glad you DECIDED to return! LOL

    @tom--my husband is getting ready to smoke a pork roast later this week. So yummy!

    @kelley (kah)--that's great about the bike! Yes, I did have a nice break. Going back today was hard, but the fact that it's a 4-day week helps.

    @tracy (tlh)--Oh my! I would have freaked out if my cable went out before the finale. It was so good, but now I'm sad that it will be so ling until I get to watch it again. Did your DH hear that AMC will be airing a new related series this summer? It's supposed to be set in LA during the early days of the outbreak. I hope it's as good as TWD.

    Monday Check in:
    Today wasn't too bad food wise. Someone brought delicious jumbo muffins to the office. I didn't manage to avoid them completely. However, I chose banana nut over cinnamon b/c the calorie count was much lower and only ate a quarter of one muffin.

    My protein isn't great, but not terrible at 85 g. I looked back over my reports and as usual, I can get between 75-90 g most days but really have to work to get above that. Therefore, my goal for April is to push myself to get 90+ grams of protein at least 5 days/week.

    I also decided to scale back the fitness goals. I think I was trying to tackle too much and not succeeding at any of it. It was also frustrating to give myself a strength training goal when I can barely do any lifting due to my shoulder injury. Since I have my Cinco de Miler 8k in early May, I will just focus on running.

    I finally finished those dreadful Wuthering Heights journals!! YAY!!

    April Challenge:

    Nutrition = At or over 90 grams of protein 5/7 days a week
    Week 1: At/over 90g of protein x/7
    Week 2: At/over 90g of protein x/7
    Week 3: At/over 90g of protein x/7
    Week 4: At/over 90g of protein x/7

    Exercise = run 3 x/week:
    Week 1: x/3 runs
    Week 2: x/3 runs
    Week 3: x/3 runs
    Week 4: x/3 run

    Next 8k is May 9th (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15)

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/64 AP essays
    2. x/16 AP analysis activities

    Exercise Goals: (week 1)
    Sun--8k DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--rest day

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    edited March 2015
    Gary's girl- Welcome back and congrats on your twins.

    RobinB- Welcome back. The word DECIDE is very powerful, since every minute we decide what we do, eat, move etc. I have faith that you will get back on track and lose the weight. Your goal will be to walk a 5K with your daughter, then you can move up from there.

    Lori- You have been training for the triathlon all winter and during that time you have been building your fitness and endurance levels to complete the tri. This is your first tri so the goal is simple, just finish it. How you finish it does not matter as my trainer told me you can walk the bike and run. I am also experiencing first time jitters for my triathlon in April. I know I have the fitness level but I am worried about the speed and time I will complete the race. This will be the first time that I have entered a bike race so I have no clue on the time for the bike. I believe we will both be successful.

    Karen- I started Spring Break today. We are off until Easter Monday. Looking forward to having time off and getting outside, provided the weather cooperates. You would be amazed at how much we use our shoulders and arms when it comes to running. Yes, if they were bothering you then that most likely affected your run. Have you done shoulder rolls and hip drops when warming up for running? Some other great exercises to do for running are clam shells, side leg lifts, donkey kicks and bridges (be careful of your shoulder with this one). They are great for strengthening a muscle in the gluts that is hard to reach by any other means. It actually helps with running.

    Kelley- Congrats on your bike. I know you will enjoy riding it.
    Onederbaby- I shop at the major department stores. I recently found a store called Fit to Fashion (Plus size store) and they had some nice things.

    Welcome to @onederbaby, @jaferjoy, @KarinaGeneva, @Phredmarie, @johnaime603 and any others I may have missed over the weekend.

    Something I learned from my trainer tonight, she read a research study on how running affects your ability to eat. Well, it turns out that it is not the running or strength training that impacts the stomach but the jumping, that affects the gut. That is what causes us not to eat. So when you are hungry try jumping or exercising your gut to reduce the cravings.

    Today, was a good day coming off of a busy weekend. I was able to get outside for a bike ride this weekend. It was a little cold but it felt great to be on a bike again and riding outdoors. I have three weeks until the triathlon so my nerves are starting to act up. As I realized today, I have never been in a bike race before and this will be my first triathlon. Wednesday, I am doing a brick with my trainer so that should be interesting. I am looking forward to a relaxing swim on Wednesday night to help with recovery.

    This week exercise plans
    Sunday- bike
    Monday- trainer but runner's maintenance workout
    Tuesday- core and strength training
    Wednesday- Brick plus swim
    Thursday-?? recovery workout??? walk etc
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- Swim
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Checking in. It's official. I lost nothing in the first three months of this year...or, rather, I yo-yo'd around and ended up back where I started on January 1st.

    I have spring fever, which is a good thing. It's got me planning my veggie garden and my training runs, both helpful things for weight loss. :)

    This year, we're trying to start some of our own plants indoors. We have a patio garden, and last year we tried an Earth Box. It worked so great that we used part of our tax return and bought six more! On the list to try and grow this year: broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, spinach, lettuce, swiss chard, cabbage, carrots, peas, green beans, bell peppers, Hungarian peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, oregano, basil, cilantro and peppermint. This is our first year with an herb garden...since I'm planting my greens in an Earth Box, I'm dedicating my three-tiered "salad bowl" container to herbs now.

    I signed up last night for a 10K and a half-marathon, the same ones I did last year. The 10K is in June and the half is in September. My 10K training began with a 1.5 mile run on Sunday, and my first run outside since November was not *as* terrifying as I imagined it might be. I didn't lose much in the way of speed (not that I was ever "fast"), but I felt very wheezy and had to walk a portion of it....checking my malfunctioning phone was a good excuse to stop and walk! ;) I can only get better from here. :D

    I will be working on week-to-week goals since monthly goals seem to be overwhelming me right now.

    So, for the week of 3/31-4/6....

    Under Calories: x/7

    Tues-Run 1.5:
    Thurs-Run 1.5:
    Sat-Run 2:
    Sun-Run/Walk 1.5:

    2015 Mantra: You Know Better! ~and~ Finish This Baby!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I went to the chiropractor again today. Reason I felt so bad all weekend: dislocated #5 rib in addition to the #9 I previously dislocated. :s There are too many possible causes to know what really is happening, I just hope it stops.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~Muffins are my absolute weakness. I can turn down cookies, cakes, donuts (especially) but I’m a bloodhound for blueberry muffins! ;)

    @Angelika~Ouch, another dislocated rib? I’m sorry. :( I’m glad the chiro can help but hope it stops happening.

    @Amanda~I’m sorry for the yo-yoing over the last three months, I’ve had the same problem. I hope we can turn things around—I need to, I need to lose 40# before my cruise! Did you make your earthbox? They can be pricey. I’ve long wanted to have one to grow my own herbs (having a townhome, I don’t have much of a yard for actual gardening)—I cook so much with rosemary, thyme, basil and chives that I’d like to grow them myself.

    @Laurie~I know your nerves are getting the best of you anticipating this tri (mine would be to), but you’re working with a great trainer with experience—I think she is doing everything in her power to prepare you. Also, you’ve done them indoors before, so think you kind of know what to expect. I think all of this hard work is going to pay off and you’re going to do great! Enjoy your Spring Break this week.

    @singingqt6675‌~Welcome, I think you’ll be amazed at how much better you’ll feel after just cutting out fast food and soda’s.

    @cblue315‌ (Lori)~I’m casein intolerant, so drink almond milk (I can’t have soy because of my thyroid). You have to be careful, some varieties are calorie laden and full of sugar—I get Silk Unsweetened Vanilla Almond milk, love it on cereal! It works great as a milk substitute in most recipes too.

    @onederbaby~Monthly goals are usually posted in the first week of the month. @Robinsegg (Ellen) or @Niki usually posts it for us. We decided to set our own individual goals for April, since so many of us need to concentrate on different areas of our programs right now—posting updates on the thread on Thursday’s (I think that is what Ellen said in a post last week).

    AFM~It’s a busy week for me this week, trying to get my guest bedroom ready to paint (need to donate some furniture/clothes) but think I’ll be able to get to the gym most days. Right now my goals are to just get back into a routine, especially lifting—which I will do tonight.