Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    So tired this evening! Didn't do as much walking with BF today as my legs were quite sore. I think it was DOMS from Friday physio as opposed to the large amount of walking we did yesterday. We did 5km and called it quits due to the melting snow making it hard to walk on.

    @RobinB: congrats on 10,000 steps!

    @Nettie: I weigh myself every morning and I did see 219.8 this morning and I stepped on 3 times. I still don't believe it though, I will confirm that tomorrow. Sure does feel good to see the 1 though. :happy:

    @Rain: that's a great loss! That's 3 of us now (you, Nettie, me- that I know of) that are within one pound of each other.

    Exercise goals for this week...

    Sunday: hiking DONE
    Monday: rest
    Tuesday: Physio (bike, upper or lower body)
    Wednesday: rest
    Thursday: Physio (bike, upper or lower body)
    Friday: Physio (bike and ?)
    Saturday: hiking
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--good luck getting everything done before your trip and try not to stress too much (I know--easier said than done). I don't think my migraines are weather related. When I used to get them regularly (several years ago) they tended to come at about 6 weeks intervals regardless of weather/season. I think it's more likely they are hormone related, so something I will have to address with my doc. I'm on a 5-year BC appliance, and I'm approaching the 5-year mark. It may be that it's running low on hormones and that is affecting my levels, thus causing the headaches. I'm hoping that's it b/c that means they should go away once I get in for my yearly appt. this summer.

    @L2T--thanks! I'm doing much better this afternoon. Wow, I can't believe you are a pound away from 100 lost--that's so awesome!! :drinker:

    @mel--I agree that this winter has been unusually cruel. I'm also one who enjoys 'some' cold weather, but I've also had enough!

    @nettie--I'm also looking at T2T as a goal to work towards. I know I've been running longer than you, but I still rarely run 5k straight without any walking breaks. I would love to be more comfortable doing so by September. Oh, and I'm more like you--I tend to enjoy working out alone vs. with others.

    @robinB--congrats on 10,000+ steps, and I'm glad you found a solution to your fitbit question.

    @susan--good for you for getting to the fitness center. :drinker: I'm excited for your visit to Chicago. I like the idea of meeting up with you for the Sunday activities, so I will keep my schedule open for that day. Enjoy your time in Dallas.

    @tanya--great progress on the scale! :drinker:

    @naomi--I feel the same way about the self-talk. I tend to downplay and diminish my accomplishments--I'm going to try to stop that especially when it comes to my running goals and accomplishments. I also agree with you that viewing this as a lifestyle vs. a diet has a huge impact on my attitude. I had been on so many diets throughout my lifetime that when I joined MFP I was determined not to view this as a temporary "diet." The decision to make small permanent changes has paid off as I've kept off the lbs over the past 3 years. I would still like to lose more weight, but I know I will never be heavier than where I am right now.

    @tammy--my sympathies on the migraine. Mine also kept waking me up yesterday--amazing that pain can be so strong that it will wake you from a sound sleep! Ugh--so glad mine has passed. I hope yours is completely gone by now as well. :flowerforyou:

    @robin--the snow has mostly melted at this point, although south of the city they got another batch of lake-effect snow this morning. Now we are just dealing with temperatures that are well below normal. It's so deceptive b/c the sun is shining and it looks like it should be a sunny spring day. Then you step outside and it's blustery and frigid. :grumble: I hope you are experiencing better weather out in the Plains.

    @kaye--great job getting on the treadmill! I've been on some that feel faster than others, so it's possible you got one that wasn't calibrated perfectly regarding speed or calorie burn. Glad your dad made it through the surgery and keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

    @rain--I 100% agree with laurie about taking 2-3 days off before your race. You will have a much better time if your running muscles are well-rested.

    March Challenge:
    1. 2/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 19/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 23/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/50 motif charts
    2. 10/70 AP essays
    3. 50/50 Gatsby tests DONE
    4. x/50 JRP drafts
    5. 22/50 poem annotations

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (cardio) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--run outside w/ gunner DONE
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--run outside w/ gunner NOT DONE (migraine)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good evening, Congratulations on all the great milestones you have reached this week. I learned today that I should never again be in the same room with peanut M&Ms.
    We were very concerned about Daddy. Last night and this morning he was extremely confused and agitated. We really worried about moving him to the rehab center. They moved him early this afternoon. He settled right in and seemed much less confused and agitated. Thank you for all of your concern.
    My sister has a nice park with walking track about 0.5 miles from her home. DH and I had a really good walk, 50 min/3.5 mph. It wasn't enough to cover all of the M&Ms, but it helped.
    Have a great week. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Laugh of the day: I wish that crocheting burned more calories. I would be one skinny hooker.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    hi everyone. I am really late getting on tonight but wanted to say hi. I had a fun day getting some housework done this morning and then this afternoon my son and I went and tried out a new hiking trail in the olympic forest. It was great going down the path and going back up was brutal but I still loved it because I made it. I was super proud of myself and then told my son we might save that one to try again later in the season:laugh: I think one of the main reasons I love living here is I can hike in the forest or on the beach just by going 10-30 minutes in any direction. I always enjoyed the scenery here but it has taken on a whole new dimension now that I am getting out and interacting with it.

    Karen I am happy to hear your migraine is gone. Mine lingered just a little the next day but is all gone now. I think the strangest part is that my dreams will start to wrap around the pain and become really weird finding reasons for the pain.
    Kaye I am so happy to hear that your dad is doing better. I totally feel you on the peanut m&m's. They are pure evil.
    Susan I hope the trip goes well. It was a great idea to ask for a room next to the fitness center.

    Well Sunday share. I am Tammy and am a wife and mother of three grown children. The youngest two are just out of college and now working and saving money to move out. My husband is an engineer on a fishing boat out of alaska so is gone off and on through out the year. I am a certified medical assistant but am not working right now. I spend my time watching my brothers two kids before and after school and playing with my two doggies. Petey is a two year old pomchi and zeus is a 6 month saint bernard/blue heeler mix. My main source of cardio right now is walking the two of them and hiking on the weekend when the weather permits. Well I guess thats enough for now. Have a great night everyone.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Laugh of the day: I wish that crocheting burned more calories. I would be one skinny hooker.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Love this!! :heart:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Monday- Apologies in advance for the rant it is kind of sad.
    I am not sure what God is putting me through to learn this time other than going insane. My weekend totally was blown on emotional eating. My car completely broke down only can drive in 1st gear (new clutch can be 600-1,000+). I owe $600 in taxes this year. My house needs some big repairs. I just broke down mentally and had a huge pity party when I was eating. I slept almost all day on Saturday which was not good. Truely learned who my friends were when my teen was stranded at 11pm with my car.....No one was willing to help me and no one asked about the situation all weekend. But they were sure blowing up my email this morning with their issues and wanting help. My newest friend offered to help but then her car was having issues no I told her not to chance it. Time to clean out my closet "so to speak" and get some real people in my life.
    New week new challenges time to get it in gear.
  • jelkins2000
    jelkins2000 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. It wasn't a great weekend but hopefully I'm back on track today. The steps for losing weight are so easy, so why is it so hard to stay with it? Will power can truly be an enemy. Hopefully today's a good day.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I need to do a Thursday truth today.
    I really struggled this weekend on my run with Brian. He is a foot taller than me so naturally he has a bigger stride than I do. Two to three steps and he was much further ahead of me. I was trying to keep up with him rather than go at my own pace and I couldn't. I was getting frustrated, my legs began to ache, I was absolutely miserable and began to think badly about myself. When I couldn't run anymore during the intervals and dropped down to a walk Brian turned around and began jogging in pace until I caught up to him. Even though I know this wasn't true, I viewed it as he was jogging in place thinking "Come on fat *kitten*, hurry up and catch up with me already. You are so slow and pathetic." I know this is the furthest thing from the truth and all in my head. But that is how I felt. He was being sweet and waiting for me but it was frustrating. I know he is trying to be supportive and train with me. I feel bad for saying so but running with him made me feel terrible about myself for what I was not able to do. I know over time I will improve and that I need to stick with it. That is exactly what I am going to do. When I run by myself I don't feel that way because I am not trying to compete with anyone or show off how much I do. I am going to try to turn this experience into a learning one. I am going to work even harder when I am running by myself during the week. Eventually when I run with him I won't have to feel this way because I can keep up with him.

    I have not been posting recipes in here like I intended to do for the March challenge. I feel a bit bad. I have a lot of good recipes to share too. I have to get on that.

    Laurie - They are predicting 1-3 inches for us now instead of the 6 inches they originally were predicting. The eastern end of the island is still expecting 6 inches. They are expecting it to start after 3 tomorrow and snow into early Wed morning. I am hoping they are wrong and it just end up being rain.
    I have a few questions for you regarding your Triathlon. I was surfing the web yesterday for 5Ks on LI. I found a triathlon and read about it out of curiosity. The way this one was set up is you swim first then bike and finish with running. My questions are about how does it work with the biking. Do you first go and set up your bike at the bike station then go to the area where you are swimming? Do you use your own bike for that or do you use a bike they give you? When you are finished biking do you leave the bike at the biking finish line and go back to get it at the end of the event? I am not looking to do one at this point in my journey but maybe down the road I may want to do one. I was just curious about these things now. :wink:

    Rain - Congrats on the loss. That is fantastic!

    Tanya - I saw 219 and a few ounces (don't remember the exact number) pop up yesterday on the scale too. This was when I stepped on right before getting into the shower. I know it is only just a matter of a few days before I see that number first thing in the morning. :smile: This morning I was up slightly but I did go over on my calories yesterday a bit so I knew that would most likely happen.

    Skinny - When we went to get Brian his runners on Saturday the girl who was helping us was wearing a Blazing Trails sweatshirt. We got to talking about it. It ended up Blazing Trails is a local LI run to raise money for Autism Awareness. So of course yesterday I spent some time researching local 5Ks. I found a few I am interested in but they all are in the Spring. I don't think I will be ready for them and also want T2T to be my first 5K so I am going to hold off on signing up for those until next year. I did find a turkey trot and Christmas themed ones that I may consider joining if T2T goes well. Some of the other ones I would like to eventually do are Blazing Trails, a Diva one, the Color Run (which I REALLY want to do), a zombie one and a survival one. They all looked like a lot of fun.

    Kaye - Glad to hear your dad settled down when he was moved to rehab. I loved your laugh for the day!

    MNwalking - So sorry to hear about your car and house troubles. It always seems like everything happens at once. I am really sorry to hear your friends were not there for you. That is crummy. I hope this week is a better week for you and things start looking better for you!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    @nettie--the feelings you described while running with Brian are the exact reason I prefer to run alone. When I'm with people who are faster than me, I just feel like such a slow-poke even when I know they don't mind waiting. If I'm the faster one, I can sense their anxiety about holding me back, even when I don't care. That's why I've adopted the philosophy of "meet you at the finish line." I'm completely different when walking though--i can walk and talk with people forever. I've walked a couple of 5ks with a friend and it was great b/c it gave us so much time to talk..Glad you are finding some 5ks in your area. Have you thought about looking for one with a lot of walkers and doing a walking one, or one where you alternate walking and running? (My brain just went to Walking Dead when I said "walkers" :laugh: )

    Speaking of which, did you see last night's episode? I can't believe next week is the season finale--I'm already going through withdrawal and it's not even over yet! :noway:

    @jelkins--weekends are harder for me b/c I'm less scheduled and tend to eat and drink more socially. However, I try to balance it with more exercise. I mean, I know I'm not going to give up going out with friends, so I just earn my cocktails with extra gym time. :wink:

    @holly--I'm so sorry for all of your troubles. Unexpected car and house repairs can be really stressful--especially when the people you think you can count on let you down. Sending you hugs to get you through this trying time. :flowerforyou:

    @tammy--glad you got to go out and enjoy a new hiking trail.

    Sunday Share (I missed it yesterday):
    I'm karen and have been a part of robin's thread for almost 3 years now. I lost the bulk of my weight in the first year on MFP, a little more the 2nd year, and spent the 3rd year maintaining by losing the same 5-10 lbs. I'm actually still at least 20-30 lbs overweight, so would like to push past this maintenance phase and start losing again. I recently began zig-zagging my calories and will continue with that approach for at least another month. Not much happening on the scale, but I've seen some recent improvements in my running pace which is nice.

    I will do monday check in later tonight. I need to get going so I can walk gunner before going shopping with my sister.

    March Challenge:
    1. 2/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 19/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 23/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/50 motif charts
    2. 10/70 AP essays
    3. 50/50 Gatsby tests DONE
    4. x/50 JRP drafts
    5. 22/50 poem annotations

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--run outside w/ gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--run outside w/ gunner
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    I'm starting with Friday? Holy crap I am wayyyy behind...

    @Lives2Travel - Amen on the weight loss isn't a one size fits all. However, I've found that I listen to what everyone says and I add it to what I know/have learned. I find myself much more informed now that I read more.

    @walkingqueen- You seemed pretty down on Friday. I hope your friends get their acts in gear!

    @Nettie-TEEEEENSSSSS!!!!! :) Come join me on the teen side! **hugs about your run** You'll get better, just keep trying. Don't compare yourself to him!!

    @Tanya- I totally feel you on the different workouts. My physical therapist had me doing stuff I've never seen anyone at the gym do.

    @Robin- Way to go on the 10000!

    @Grandmakaye- I'm a knitter, I LOVED the joke!


    My 5k is in 6 days...I'm not ready. The boyfriend wants to be there at the finish line for me, but I almost don't want him there because I don't know how I'll do time-wise.

    Had a poop weekend eating, my intestines and bowels are paying for it.

    Did the arc trainer and the treadmill this morning. 30 minutes of each. Got 2.3 miles in 30 minutes, which isn't too bad. I actually kicked it up into a 6.0 mile run. I noticed if I take smaller strides I do better.

    Didn't bother weighing in yesterday as it was a bad weekend AND it's "THAT" time of the month. I'll weigh in later this week or next week for sure though.
  • jelkins2000
    jelkins2000 Posts: 38 Member
    "weekends are harder for me b/c I'm less scheduled and tend to eat and drink more socially. However, I try to balance it with more exercise. I mean, I know I'm not going to give up going out with friends, so I just earn my cocktails with extra gym time. wink "

    That's actually great advice Skinnyjeanzbo! Thanks!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi all. I just got done putting in my strawberries, parsley, and cilantro. I love summer when I can grow my herbs and they are just there when I want to grab some for a meal. Had a great walk today with the dogs though for some reason the bottoms of my feet got sore again. Other then that not a whole lot going on here right now. The weekend went fairly well with food and exercise. Hopefully I will keep it up all week and have a nice loss on Friday. Well I hope you all had a great day. Cya later.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :drinker:
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi everybody. Just a quick beginning of the week check in. I had a job interview today for something I really want (coordinating the outdoors portion of new student orientation at my unviersity), and I feel like I'm not going to get it because of my weight. He kept staring at me as I came in, probably expecting some fit, healthy 20 year old and asked me a ton of questions that were unrelated to the job. I think he was trying to see if I was fit, and he seemed to doubt me. It's really frustrating because I am genuinely qualified for this job (I've worked as an outdoor educator 3 summers in a row and have an EMT certification) but I could tell all he saw was me not being able to keep up on scouting hikes. I'm so tired of being in this body when I feel like what people see doesn't match who I want to be OR indeed, my current level of fitness. I've been exercising for 6 hours a week on average for the last 3 months, I run every other day (slowly, but I run) and I grew up hiking. Feeling a bit defeated today.

    @Nettie: so sorry about that experience running! I've repeatedly turned down requests to go running with friends because of this anxiety. I even get a little stressed doing group activities like group hikes because of that fear, even though I know I can keep up! I think maybe it's that inner fear (on my part, not necessarily what you're feeling) of being that kid who can't keep up in gym class again. Enjoy running alone during the week, turn up the tunes and spend some time feeling amazing about the progress you're making. It'll get better!

    @MN walking: Hugs! That sounds like a horrible weekend. I hope things look up for you soon.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Laugh of the day: I wish that crocheting burned more calories. I would be one skinny hooker.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Wow, I had a really long day at work, and being a salaried employee, I wasn't fond of the extra 3.5 hours I had to put in today. One good thing came of it though, I made my 10k steps by 1:20 pm.

    The scale didn't show me the teens again today, but I really didn't expect it, so I can just move on from it.

    @mn: so very sorry to hear about your crappy weekend, I hope you can work out your car problems, and those with friends as well. What a rotten thing for them to do!

    @Nettie: I am proud of you for getting out there and running! That is not something I think I could ever do. This made me think to my BF and when we go hiking. Last year when I was at my heaviest, he was always turning around to wait for me. I was actually glad that he waited, rather than just put more distance between us and make me hike alone. Even now that I can keep up with him, its difficult because I have shorter legs, and no matter how fast I go, he's always going to be a bit ahead of me. So I am accustomed to often walking behind him, and we are both comfortable with that. I think in time you will find your comfortable spot, and that doesn't always have to be side by side.

    @jelkins: I have always found weekends to be the worst. As long as I'm good all week, I don't beat myself up over the weekend. I agree about it being a simple concept, but hard to follow through... I've tried to lose weight so many times. This is the first time I've truly set out to change my life style,rather than just "lose weight" and I'm finding it easier.

    @rain: Sorry you didn't have a great feeling about your interview, I hope you are pleasantly surprised. :flowerforyou:

    Sunday: hiking DONE
    Monday: rest DONE
    Tuesday: Physio (bike, upper or lower body)
    Wednesday: rest
    Thursday: Physio (bike, upper or lower body)
    Friday: Physio (bike and ?)
    Saturday: hiking
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    It was a very long day. The kids are crazy right now and consequently driving me crazy as well. Quite a few of the my 8th graders are testing the rules and pushing the boundaries left and right. I sent one out today and another almost went as well since he could not be bother to change his seat as he was told. He could not give me a valid reason for not sitting in the seat that he was assigned. He just wants to sit near his friends and right now that is not going to happen. His friend is trouble and dragging other people down. Tomorrow starts the next round of testing so the kids will be crazy again but mine will need to work tomorrow after the test. I will give them some down time but then I plan to finish the lesson from today, then we can watch a Bill Nye Video on the same topic.

    The best part of today, was being able to work longer tonight to get sub plans completed and organized along with getting my room cleaned up. My trainer canceled tonight since her husband was in the hospital, (doesn't sound good) hence I had the extra 2.5 hours to prepare. I truly appreciate the time I had tonight as that has helped to relieve my stress about getting lesson plans done. I did go to the gym but I did not do a full workout tonight. My brain was not into it so I just keep jumping activities tonight instead of doing the drills for running, biking and swimming. I will do my best to do them tomorrow when I can hopefully focus. I still need to pack but I know what I am going to bring so it should be okay.

    Nettie- That is cool that you are looking at triathlons. I have only done indoor triathlons at this point. I like them because you are only competing against yourself. The indoor tri- is a 10 minutes swim, 30 min spin bike and a 20 min run on treadmill. For this you only need to bring your swim gear, since they will have a locker room for changing. The outdoor triathlon is different. You have to check in by a certain time to set up your materials in the transition areas. You swim first then change ( not sure where), then you move to the transition area to get your own bike and I believe you walk it out of the transition to begin the ride. After that you bring it back into your transition area and switch into run gear if needed and go run. I may be doing my first outdoor tri at the end of April and I can give you more information after that. I must admit it is intimidating to think about doing a triathlon. The more you run the faster you will get, so don't let running with Brian deter you. I feel the same way when my trainer runs with me but I also like knowing that she is there to cheer me on and encourage me to keep running.

    Rain- Think positive thoughts about the interview and maybe he was interested in your activities as it relates to the new position.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Tuesday Goals: While I’m traveling and attending the conference, I’m really trying to make good choices. Plus, I’ve exercised 2 out of 3 days so far. I plan to go tomorrow and Wednesday too. Dinner tonight was a very nice restaurant called Eddie V’s in Dallas. I selected a nice salmon, but did enjoy a few bites of bananas foster and chocolate lava cake. Overall, the day was OK and I’m good with my choices.

    Our Keynote Speaker last night was Maya Angelou. Unfortunately, due to her health, she couldn’t be here in person, but via satellite. She has definitely aged, but when she did speak – WOW!! Tomorrow’s speaker is Soledad O’Brien. We’ve had some pretty amazing sessions today. It’s a bit overwhelming with 3,000+ women. I have to chuckle though because they’ve converted most of the men’s restrooms into women’s. It’s funny going in and seeing the urinals lined up.

    But, I’m so mad though. I’ve lost my Fit Bit today. It was late afternoon and I was sitting in a seminar. For some reason, I went to adjust the stupid bra and realized my One was gone. CRAP!!! I’m so mad. I’m going to check with Lost & Found tomorrow, but I’m sure it’s long gone. Great. . . there goes $100 down the drain and no Fit Bit for tracking. Shoot!!!!

    @ Mel – Your grandbabies are so lucky to have you. I really wish my mom was closer. Even though Cyrus is 11 1/2, I would love having them close.

    @ Karen – I know you don’t have many late nights, but sounds like a fun night. I’m glad the migraine was temporary, but hate that there coming on and off. Also, I just got another invite tonight to a rooftop. We will definitely plan Wrigley on Sunday afternoon, but perhaps run over to Navy Pier too for that event. We’ll have a blast!! I’ll keep you posted as I get more details.

    @ L2T – 1# away??!! Woo Hoo!! I can’t wait to celebrate with you!!

    @ Kaye – One skinny hooker? LOL!!!!

    @ Tammy – I’m so jealous of the beach. We’ve got the mountains, but no beach in sight. I love the water. In FL, my parents live about 6 miles from Siesta Key, which is my favorite beach in Sarasota. If I won the lottery (need to play to win, LOL!!), I would have a house on the water no doubt!!

    @ Queen – Hugs coming your way. One thing I’ve learned and continue to learn is the importance of removing toxic relationships – male and female. Unfortunately, it’s a very sad lesson and this is when you learn what “true” friendship is really about.

    @ Nettie – Hugs to you!! I’m sure I would feel the same way, BUT you know how much Brian loves you. You guys are doing this together. He knows you’re not at his speed and that’s OK. Stick with it!! He loves you and you’re so lucky to have his unconditional support!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @susan--I'm jealous that you got to see Maya Angelou speak! That's incredible, even via satellite.

    @laurie--glad you got your sub plans worked out--that's got to be a load off!

    @tanya--yay for 10K steps! Boo for extra work! :wink:

    @rain--I hope you get the job!

    @tammy--I would love to grow strawberries! Yum!

    @jelkins--Yeah, I wouldn't recommend it for everyday (they say "you can't outrun your fork," and my experience in maintenance for the past year supports that :blushing: ), but my plan going forward is to eat healthy and workout most days, but when I have a bad food day to keep it in check with exercise.

    @aimee--don't worry about your time, just do your best and be proud that you are even completing a 5k. That, in and of itself, is a great accomplishment! :drinker:

    AFM--I went shopping at the outlets with my sister this afternoon. Both of us were looking for some workout gear. I bought some nice running pants at Saucony, and my sister found some things at Underarmor. Then we went to Banana Republic which is one of my favorite stores. I found a really cute black tank dress that would be perfect for my trip this summer, but they only had it in a size 10. I decided to try it anyways and it fit!! I mean, it just fit, so I can't gain an ounce and would actually be more comfortable in it if I were a bit slimmer through my midriff, but I got it anyways. I will use it as motivation to lose a bit more by summer.

    In addition, I tried on a pair of really cute size 14 kelly green capri pants, but they didn't quite look right. My sister (who is great to shop with b/c she tells it like it is) said "they look weird--try the size 12s." I did and they fit perfectly! I know I've been in some size 12s over the past year, but I have a denim pair of Banana Republic capris that are tight. Since they are jean capris the tighter fit looks okay, but these were more of a trouser material, so I thought looser would be better. Anyway, it was nice to have to ask the salesgirl for a smaller size. I don't think I've ever actually had to do that before--in my entire life.

    March Challenge:
    1. 2/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 20/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 24/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/50 motif charts
    2. 10/70 AP essays
    3. 50/50 Gatsby tests DONE
    4. x/50 JRP drafts
    5. 22/50 poem annotations

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--run outside w/ gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--run outside w/ gunner
  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    Jnettie, good on you for running at all. I b3t Brian is real proud of you. Hope you work it out.

    Karen, exciting on the size 12 dress and size 10 capris! I shopped yesterday, just for a couple to t shirts, and went down 2 sizes from my usual. Was pretty excited too. I've only just discovered the walking dead. Never heard of it until a few weeks ago when my 14 year old started to talk about it. I've watched a couple of episodes now, and will probably watch more.

    Rain, congrats on the loss. Goodluck for the job. Maybe he was asking you all those questions because he was into you?

    Tanya, keep on trying, I'm sure the scale will react sooner or later. As I keep telling myself, this is not a diet, but a change of lifestyle.

    Afm...had a really stressful weekend, 14 year old being difficult, but didn't go mad on food. Was really proud of myself for not using food as a crutch.

