Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Jeannieclark84
    Jeannieclark84 Posts: 58 Member
    Truth Thursday:
    I almost did not make it to church last night because I was hungry and lazy. I made it a mile past the church when I made a U-turn and went back and it turned out to be a great decision. I need that time with my Lord. He set me back on track and I feel renewed for my weight loss challenges. I will not let my hunger and my laziness rule over me.

    Today has been much better. I increased the amount of protein that I am consuming and that seems to have helped. I have drank almost 80oz of water and looks like I will be under my calories. Work was a little busier which is good for me but not for my patients :brokenheart: .

    @RobinsEgg: You can do it. Just jump back on the wagon and keep going. You can do this and if you need support we are always here. We go through successes and our failures together!

    @Tanya949: I know what you mean about the pictures. You should put one up anyway to remind you of your goal. I have pictures on here from when I started till about 4 months ago and when I look through them I find motivation because I see results. They have been slow but gaining the weight was a slow process also. Over the past year I have gotten much better about pictures being taken of me, and when I think about what I will look like in December-ish when I reach my goal I get so excited!!! Find the excitement and be proud of yourself. Loving yourself is where it has to start. Good luck!!:heart:

    @rainandwood93: Keep up the hard work and remember it was just one day. Make the next day that much better!

    @jnettie: Yay!! For pants being too big!! Good job

    Keep up all the good work ladies!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    Well, OK... here I am. Not as close up a pic as I thought it would be. And yes, that's quite the messy living room in the background LOL.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tom- Anyplace you suggest sounds good. Thursday night is fine with me. If we go out on Friday then I will be getting some type of seafood. It is lent and I do not eat meat on Friday. I am looking forward to meeting you and Amy in person. Susan is available on Friday night 3/28, so I hope Amy can escape the Girl Scout meeting and join us. You are the expert so I will leave the place up to you. I may bring a co-worker with me as well.

    Karen-liked your post and it is so true about the word "JUST". Let's turn it into the positive. Sub plans are the worst and it just feels like everything is happening at one time right now. I just need to get something written over the weekend so I can put everything together on Monday and Tuesday. I know I will be freaking out on Wednesday before I leave because I will have forgotten to do something. The one good thing is that the Literacy coach will teach my classes on the Monday and maybe come back on Tuesday to finish up the lesson. That is one less day I need to deal with, yeah.

    Susan- I hope you get out of your funk soon. We can talk this weekend.

    Jelkins- Welcome to the thread. You will find great support and advice here so stop by often.

    Tanya- Nice picture. I always had a hard time with being in pictures because of my size. Now, I use the school ID pictures and a measurement of progress. I love seeing the differences in my body type.

    Thursday Truth-As I mentioned to Karen- I am dealing with a lot of stress right now. Between work, friends, family and travel it is all adding up. I will be working on sub plans this weekend in my spare time. This stress is taking away my desire for food. I know once I am pass this trip life will be better.

    Friday- Funeral for my friends mom. doctor's appoint if I don't feel better tomorrow. Then rock climbing that night.
    Saturday- Water aerobics then hair appointment
    Sunday- Workout and lesson plans
    Monday- Copies for the week, finalized sub plans and workout with trainer
    Tuesday- Put all plans together and set up the materials, Give MSA science, Need to workout but may not happen
    Wednesday- Science MSA, triple check sub plans leave for Vegas
    Thursday- Conference
    Friday- Conference
    Saturday- Conference
    Sunday-Return home
    Monday- Recovery day plus a workout.

    I am very tired just looking at the next few days.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Just a quick glance, but I'll come back and get up to date. Thanks guys for the little push. I'm stressing big time because work is really, really pushing my buttons. Plus, I leave Saturday for a conference in Dallas thru Tuesday then visiting our shops Wednesday. I get back late that night then need to attend Pizza Expo here in Vegas on Thursday. Cyrus has a game that night. I am SUPER excited though because Laurie comes into town and hopefully her, Tom and me (and hopefully Tom's wife Amy) will all get together for dinner on Friday. I'm hoping to take Laurie out for a little sight seeing too on Saturday. Perhaps seeing her face-to-face will help push me over this mental funk. You guys are really AWESOME!!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--Yes, your week looks very busy! I have a two-day regional assembly coming up a couple of weeks after our break. I haven;t even looked at my plan book to see what I will have the students do while I'm gone. My juniors aren't so tough, but the AP seniors are so pressed for time already b/c of the 4 days we lost. I will have to plan carefully to work out their lessons for those two days. I hope you're feeling better soon, too. :flowerforyou:

    @tanya--love the picture!

    @jeannie--glad you had a better day today. :flowerforyou:

    @robin--Yay for spring! I feel the same way--even though I woke up to snow flurries, it is nice that winter is officially over.

    @rain--great idea to stock up on healthy stuff so you can avoid the restaurant food while your cafeteria is closed. :wink:

    @holly--it always makes me nervous when kids are too friendly to strangers. I think the same thing as you--what if someone takes advantage of them? It must be tough to raise kids to be polite and friendly, but also wary. Then if you throw in parents who aren't attentive enough or who don't actively teach their kids those lessons--recipe for disaster. It's really sad.

    @jelkins--welcome to the thread! :flowerforyou: Don't despair--many of us have stalled out for long periods of time, but sticking with it does eventually pay off.

    @kaye--sorry to hear about your father--sending warm thoughts your way. :heart:

    Happy that so many of you enjoyed the post I shared. :happy:

    @nettie--I never keep negative friends on here. One thing I learned right away from MFP is that many of us are overweight or unhealthy b/c we tend to put everyone else's needs before our own. I've learned that even though I have obligations to others--my family, my students, my colleagues--my first obligation has to be to myself. Does that mean I always make myself the top priority? No, of course there are still times that I forgo a workout b/c I need to grade or take care of home responsibilities. However, I've learned that part of this journey is about learning to be selfish sometimes--to say "I'm going to do this for me b/c it's what I need and it's what I deserve." As much as I feel badly for some of the MFP "friends" who are in obviously in need of guidance, I've learned to accept that they are not my responsibility. I don't mind supporting others who return the support, but I have no time for the needy, attention seekers who always complain and never take anyone's advice or contribute positively to my journey. Don't feel bad or judgmental--you are right to delete those folks. :flowerforyou:

    @L2T--yay for being so close to 100lbs lost!! :drinker: Glad your weather is improving--we are supposed to get near 60 degrees tomorrow--then back down to 30 on Sunday. :grumble: I guess we have to take what we can get.

    Thursday Truth:
    I am really struggling to stay productive at work--tomorrow will be the worst day of all, but I will keep fighting the fight! :laugh: At least my exercise has been good, but I'll save that for Friday Fitness.

    March Challenge:
    1. 2/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 17/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 120/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/50 motif charts
    2. 1/70 AP essays
    3. x/50 Gatsby tests

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (cardio) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--run outside w/ gunner DONE
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--run outside w/ gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    TGIF! What a long and stressful work week it's been. So glad it's behind me. Not much to report here except business as usual.... logging, exercising, keeping the faith.

    I did want to say one thing to the newbies on the thread. Pay no attention to those on MFP who proclaim that they have all the answers and that your success depends on following what ever eating, exercise, lifestyle plan they are on. Weight loss is not a one size fits all endeavor. Yes, read what is working for others. Perhaps try some of it out. Keep what works and is sustainable for you and discard the rest. Create a plan that you can follow for the long term. Anyone can eat "clean" or give up all sugar for the short term, but only very few can do it forever. If something is not doable forever for you, find what is and go with it. Don't let anyone make you think or feel you're doing it all wrong. If you're doing it consistently and getting the results you want, then it's right for you.

    Have a wonderful weekend all!

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk DONE
    Sunday - Rest Day DONE
    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
    Tuesday - Yoga DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch NOT DONE ;(
    Thursday - Pilates DONE
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
  • apeydawn423
    apeydawn423 Posts: 118 Member
    Wohoooo It's Friday! Yes, I am one of those who lives for Friday. Then I think Why???? I do more work on the weekends than I do during the week. It's suppose to be raining this weekend so i'm going to look for some HIIT exercises to fit in while I'm doing things around the house....... Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi everyone - I just had to join in - I've been sick with allergic reaction to two drugs recent doc put me on - I'll let your imagination fill in the rest :frown: :grumble: Also dont get to start PT until next Weds - rats. Will also get another steroid shot tht day, insurance approved it for me. I can't walk stairs which really upsets me.

    Today tho confined at home I am happy as a young girl flying a kite on a windy day - I love the first day of spring no matter wht kind of weather we have after today, it doesn't count as winter any more - I'm in love with spring and I am so happy about its arrival. Plus two birds have been visiting my deck Maybe they'll build a nest somewhere.

    I got on the scale today and was saddened to see how much i have gained. I do blame my illness, my mouth condition mostly, because Ineed to have something in my mouth constantly. My weight was 247, and before I got ill in November it was down to 206 and I was excited about seeing Onderland. I have so much work to do. I am not goinig to give up. I plan on seeing a Speech Pathologist when the time is right and maybe I can learn some tricks from that person.

    Never Give Up.

    Hang in there Robin....God has your back and good things are to come for you.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Friday is here. No weekend plans but homework. I may try to see a movie alone......not sure I can handle that but none of my friends currently want to do anything (it's not the cost). 2 friends say they will go but then day of never return my call to know what time. My other friend not only lost her job and had no savings her house is leaking from ice dams so I may rent a redbox and hang out with her.
    I weighted myself this morning no change. Honestly not really surprised haven't been eating the best and due to weather only been getting the small amount of fitness at work. I was within my calories but my sodium was over by a lot each day which doesn't help me lose. I am just being accountable to me.

    @karen- it is hard to teach being nice and polite and stranger danger. Now that my son is almost 18 (June) I notice these type of kids more. I always taught my son to be polite say Hi to neighbors when walking our area but don't stop to chat with them unless we know them very well like hanging out with them. In public I taught my son it's okay to say Hi if your with an adult otherwise just keep walking.
    @Tanya- I have mirror issues too. I think everything looks good on me then I leave the house or dressing room and people tell me the real deal.
    @Laurie- Hope your trip helps with your stress
    @L2T- Great advice for the newbies and oldies we all need that reminder at times.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Happy Friday.

    I had a decent week. I was over 2 days this week which is unusual as I am almost never over. I am not too worried about it because the rest of the days I was under. Overall I am still at a deficit so it balanced out.

    I have noticed changes in my weight loss. I used to routinely drop some weight mid week. Now I've noticed there is no longer a clear pattern when my weight drops. Due to this I have been just checking in whenever I see a loss. I weighed in this morning 220.2. I am closer than ever to being in the teens now! It felt a bit surreal when I saw that number this morning. I had to step off and back on the scale to make sure it was real. :laugh:

    Skinny - I went back and read the "Just" blog. I loved it. It is a great reminded for me to always be proud of my own accomplishments. Thanks for sharing!
    Thanks for the reminder that it is ok to put myself and my needs first at times. I feel less bad for deleting those people.

    MyMOwMOw - I think you have it right. We need to realize we are losing weight most and foremost for ourselves rather than others.

    Kaye - So sorry to hear about your father. I hope everything goes well for him and your family.

    Jelkins - Welcome. Congrats on the new job. :flowerforyou:

    MNWalking - I can relate to sitting and watching tv. I have my morning routine where I wake up, feed the cats, make breakfast then sit on the couch and turn on I Love Lucy while I eat and sip my coffee. Then I grab the laptop and play on MFP for a while, a long while. Before I know it I have wasted at least 2 hours playing on the internet. I always think how I could better spend my time rather than wasting it like I do but I have never actually made an effort to do anything to change it. I really should make it a goal that I cannot turn on the tv or go on the internet until I at least workout and do one chore for the day.:ohwell:
    As far as the kids, I agree. I feel bad for children in those types of situations. It is very scary that they can potentially latch onto the wrong person.

    Rain - That is great that you went to Trader Joe's to get some foods that were better for you. The long bike ride sounds like a nice way to burn some extra calories. I hope you get your studying done so you can do that.

    Robin - Oh my goodness, it never seems to end for you. I am sorry to hear about your allergic reaction to the meds. Even with your downs, I love the energy and happiness that comes through in your post when you talk about Spring arriving. Spring is the season of new beginnings and hope. I am hoping things begin to get a whole lot sunnier for you!

    Tanya - I love the new profile picture! I am the same way with pictures. I hate having pictures taken of myself. Just like you when I look in the mirror I think I look good. But if I see a picture of myself from that same day I am disgusted at how I look. I have been taking monthly progress pictures of myself. I find by doing that I am slowly becoming more comfortable with seeing myself in pictures. Especially when I can compare the pictures and see changes from month to month.

    Lives - I love your message to the newbies. You are spot on. When I first began my journey (the first time) there was so much conflicting advice in the forums. Eat this, not that, do this, no that is wrong. It was overwhelming, frustrating and made my head spin. Thanks for your post!
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Friday fitness – I started back working out my upper body at the gym this week and I am happy to say, NO DOMS!! :drinker: Although on the days that I did not lift, I did not do much of anything else either. Even my walks at work were far and few between because I was so busy.

    @Tanya – Thanks for detailing more of the EM2WL plan. I went to the website and had already joined the group here on MFP. I am just really scared of eating more. I guess that is typical of most people. But at the same time, I know I need to do SOMETHING to change things up as I know I am not eating right/enough. Maybe because I have been done this road before, eating around 1200 calories and losing 2 pounds a week that I think I should be able to do it again. Even if I am 7 yrs older! I have been struggling to eat the 1240 (MFP recommendation) everyday, yet most nights go to bed with a growling tummy. I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus sometimes a few snacks every day. I never get hungry throughout the day until about an hour after dinner. My stomach starts growling like I haven’t eaten in days! Since I typically eat dinner in the late evening, I don’t want to eat again so close to bedtime. I should have prefaced with the fact that my old, bad eating habits were only eating once a day. That once a day was dinner that pretty much lasted from the time I got home from work until I went to bed. :blushing: At this point, I am thinking that even though it’s been over two months of eating better, my body still thinks it needs food and lots of it, at night. Like teaching a baby a sleep schedule and the difference between night and day, sounds like I need to teach my body the same thing, doesn’t it!! :laugh: Oh and I can relate to the whole camera thing! It’s a shame to be like that, I know, but still can’t get past it either. Years ago, I had cancer and thru chemo lost all my hair. I RAN from every camera for MONTHS until my hair grew back at least some. Now, I regret not having any pictures to see what I lived through, what I conquered!

    @Skinny – the 2300 calories does include my exercise. Last Sunday, which was a very lazy day, my Fitbit recorded only 191 steps walked and 1824 calories burned. (On the plus side, I cleared a LOT of space on my DVR!) I “JUST” love your post from Wednesday! :flowerforyou:

    @Kaye – Praying for your dad! :heart:

    @Robin – Sorry to hear about your continuing issues. I hope Spring brings you more than warm weather and a bird’s nest near your deck! :flowerforyou:

    @Nettie – good for you for dropping your dead weight. Sometimes our friends can end up being detrimental to our health!

    @L2T – You said a mouthful! I am a believer in everything you’ve said. I will try what others have succeeded on if it looks like it could work for me. As soon as I know it won’t, I dismiss it and move on! Great advice for the newbies and NOT so newbies! :wink:

    Until next time; wishing everyone peace, love and weight loss!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thank you for your concern. My father survived the surgery and is alert and coherent this morning. I am feeling better because I am keeping busy packing and getting ready to go. There is lots to do.
    L2T, spot on! If what we are doing isn't sustainable we will be doing this over and over again.
    Have a great weekend. I'm excited that I have my notebook now so I can keep in touch.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Jeannieclark84
    Jeannieclark84 Posts: 58 Member
    Good Friday!!
    I had a pretty decent week. There were some ups and downs but overall a successful week. I hope everyone's week was great and that even with tough days overall we pushed forward.

    Friday - To get fit I am logging everything I eat and drink and walking as much as I can. I park farther from the store or if the store is close to my house I may walk. If I have a bad day I don't get down, instead I just start up again. This weekend will be tough but I am going to stay within my calories and try to hike a run this weekend. There are many going away parties for me this weekend so I will need lots of will power! Send good waves my way. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

    @grandmakaye44 - Praying for your Dad

    @JNettie73: Congrats for almost being in the teens!! I know the feeling. Last Saturday I was at 200sih. I got on the scale this morning and I was 198.ish!!! So exciting. Keep up the great work!

    @Laurie: I hope that you come back from your trip energized and full of life. Stress can take so much out of us

    Happy Weekend and keep up the great work everyone!!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good afternoon my friends. I got the hubby off to work yesterday and then pretty much caved up with a book and my dvr. This morning I got up and purged all the junk food out of the house. I had my son take it to work with him. (yep he got the job yay) I weighed and recorded the 6 pound gain from while he was home and got busy. Had a nice green smoothie for breakafst and got he house all picked up while the dogs and I waited a bit for it to warm up outside. Unfortunatley the walk got cut fairly short since I forgot to go to the bathroom before we left and I had been hitting the water hard all morning.:laugh: Not to worried about it though since all the food I have planned for the day are pretty low in calories and I will be working in the yard all afternoon. I went to my favorite local nursery yesterday and got some herbs, strawberry plants, and some beautiful petunias for my front walk bed. They are all gorgeous spring colors and brighten my mood right up when I look at them. The goal for today is to get the plants in the ground and clean up the rest of the beds in the front yard. I also need to finish trimming the bush n the frontyard that went insane last fall. It is almost as tall as the house and is only supposed to come to under my sons bedroom window:laugh: Sounds like a good afternoon and will help keep me out of the fridge.

    Kaye I pray your father continues to do well. Enjoy visiting with him.
    Robin I completeley agree about spring. I have always loved spring and fall best. Watching everyhting start and then watching it all come to a close.
    Skinny I loved the "just" blog. Negative self talk is one of the things I have worked hardest on in the last couple of years.

    Well gotta have a salad for lunch and then get started. Have a great day everyone.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :drinker:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Still not doing so hot with the motivation thing. Even though my brother and his girlfriend told me they are proud of me for the weight loss thus far, I can't seem to get motivated to keep it going. I'm frustrated about it all. I'm glad I'm losing, but I just feel alone in the whole thing, I don't have anyone to exercise with during the day. I do walk my dogs about 3 or 4 times a day. I suppose that is helping. It definitely isn't as much walking as I'm use to though. I suppose it's better than nothing. I know that any kind of movement is better than none.

    Tonight, I'm having ham steak, rice and a nice salad for dinner. I'm sure my guys will be happy with anything I feed them. I need to stay on track and keep losing. I need to move more. Maybe, I should climb my stairs a few times in a row.

    Hope everyone has a great Thursday. See ya on the flipside.
    i totally get this. It is hard to exercise by yourself. You are doing well to get out with your dogs a few times a day. I am trying to get myself to go back to the gym. Just need to make it like an appointment i guess
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Wow. Here goes another high stress situation. I got a call from sister this morning. My 95 year old father has fallen and broken his hip. The break is near an artery so he can't move until it has been screwed together. He has been failing a lot lately. I don't know how he will do with the surgery. He has a DNR so we will just have to see what happens. We had planned to go see him next week during spring break. We will leave as soon as DD can pick the kids up tomorrow. Right now I am wishing that I hadn't made those cookies yesterday. They are way to available!
    Karen-I loved the "just" essay. We are nearly always our own worst critics.
    Everyone have a good day. I will be running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to figure out what I need to take with me.
    Onward and downward. Kaye

    sorry to hear of your dad's fall. It is so hard when our parents are elderly. Make sure you take time to breathe!
    so good to hear he did well through surgery
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    jelkins- welcome!! come back as often as you can to help get motivated and stay on track. Try making one or two small postivie changes in your lifestyle. Trying to change too much will add to your stress and get you derailed

    susan- so jealous you are meeting other MFPers!!! yup, it will certainly help your motivation

    sitting around all day doing nothing. gotta pick up a package for my sone at the bus depot then go to my neice's for dinner where she will be revealing the gender of their expected baby. They have two girls and i am pretty sure this is a girl as well. Hope she remember that this is not an exact science!!
    did not sleep well last night....probably cause i had too many snacks in the evening :angry: :angry: :angry:
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    Fitness Friday... this week went well. I took an extra rest day Thursday as I was still very sore from Tues' workout, and I was quite tired. I am feeling a lot stronger and less out of breath when doing 30 day shred and bike. Today's workout was insane. I don't usually go to physio on Friday but switched my Thursday appt around. One of the kinesiologists, Quasy (I may have mentioned him before) gives exercises that nobody else does. They are so unique and difficult that you forget how much it hurts as you just try to get the form correct. Today I did a circuit of weighted situps/pullups, weighted squatting rows (these are both done on the pulleys) and then boxing moves, jabs and punches/ducks. It took 30 min to do the circuit 4 times, and my legs were jello by the end. Such a fantastic workout to end the week. I'm booking myself in on Fridays every week from now on just so I can workout with Quasy. He's phenomenal.

    Thank you everyone for the compliments on my picture. I feel better now that I have one of me posted. I did also take a few full front and side shots of myself to compare in the coming months. I plan on taking update photos on the first of every month to see my progress.

    @L2T: That is great advice for the newbies. I was over whelmed at all the info, though I had a pretty clear picture of what I wanted to do. I came upon a program a few weeks in and decided that it was what was going to work for me. Everyone loses weight differently and everyone has to just find their "fit" and go with it.

    @Nettie: Fantastic!! You are so close. It must be a wonderful feeling!

    @RobinB: I totally understand the evening hunger. When I started I was eating lower calories and tried to eat at scheduled times during the day. I was still starving after dinner and sometimes went to bed hungry. After increasing my calories, through some trial and error I figured out I need to eat a large mostly protein, no carb breakfast. I eat breakfast at 5am, then snack 2 or 3 times before lunch. Then after lunch I may only eat one small snack until dinner. I usually end up eating almost half my daily calories for dinner and evening snack. (1000 cals) I know they say don't eat before bedtime, but I believe it's rubbish. I've been losing steadily while eating half my calories between 5 and 9pm. I am finally learning when my body gets hungry, and feeding it then. Try altering your food/times and you may find something that works better.

    Sunday: REST
    Monday: 30 Day Shred level 1(day 3) DONE
    Tuesday: Physio- bike and (lower body) DONE
    Wednesday: HIIT (abs), Power Yoga level 1(day 2) DONE
    Thursday: 30 Day Shred level 1(day 4) NOT DONE
    Friday: Physio-bike and (full body) DONE
    Saturday: hiking
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Friday Fitness: Nothing to report. It’s not been good and time to start back. I head to Dallas tomorrow on business through next Wednesday. I already called the hotel and told them I want a room near the fitness center. I only did that because my time will be limited and the sooner I can get there, put in a good work out and get ready for the day will be better. I’m committed to get myself back on track and very, very fast. It’s not been pretty lately.

    @ Tanya – A picture of you – yeah!! I can totally relate. I truly HATE getting my picture taken too. What’s really sad thought I’ve realized I have hardly any pictures with my Cyrus. Shame on me for being so selfish. I’ve started to take pictures with him. While I may not like the me at this time, I need to do it for him. Hopefully, as time progresses, I will see me shrinking. Regarding exercising, I’m the same way and sweat like a pig. I know that’s supposed to be good, but I had dripping all over the place. Yuck!! At least I wipe up after myself not like SOME people of the gym. Sooo gross!!

    @ Laurie – You better not get sick. You’ve got too much ahead of you including your trip to Vegas. I can’t wait!!!

    @ Tom/Laurie – Cyrus has a 6:30 game on Thursday so Friday is the best for me. Seafood on Friday or Southwest sounds good to me. Where do you want to meet Tom and what time? I’m pretty flexible. I know you said Amy has Girl Scouts, but we can always go a little later too. It’s Vegas right? 24/7!!! LOL!!!

    @ Kaye – Very nice. Always a time of remembrance around the Sabbath really for many religions. Also, I’m so sorry to hear about your Dad. 95? What a full he has led. Thoughts and prayers to him for healing.

    @ Karen – Whew. . . I know how diehard you Chicago fans are between the north and south. I’ll keep you posted. Normally, game time is around 1. The rooftops are pretty cool plus all the free food and BEER!!! Plus, the event down at Navy Pier is pretty cool too with some nicer food and better adult beverages. As soon as I get some final details, I’ll let you know. Also, you’re right. The funk needs to go away. It’s not worth it that’s for sure.

    @ L2T – You’re exactly right. I can support and give all this great pep talks, but I don’t listen to myself. I think that’s been a big challenge of mine for a long time. I’ve got so much support from you guys and it means so much to me. Hugs all around!! Thanks for the book recommendation. I’m going to check it out.

    @ Nettie – Awesome Thursday Truth post and I really need to listen to your wise words. Yes, I can’t wait for T2T and I’m going to set a goal to try and run the whole thing too. I’ve got no excuse and plenty of time to train. We CAN do it and WILL do it!!!

    @ Ushkii – Chuckling at the extra jalapenos and cherry tomatoes. You have some interesting co-workers it sounds like. LOL!!

    @ KarenL – Thanks for the book name. I’ll look it up. I normally don’t read too many self-help type of books, but decided to give one a try. I just started it, but it’s called The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do You Can Do to Get More of It by Kelly McGonigal, PH.D. We’ll see.

    @ Pash – All those things will add up. Walking the dogs 3-4 times per day is GREAT!!! Just keep doing what you’re doing and keep your chin up. You’ve got this!!

    @ Jelkins – Welcome!!! You said the “d” word. Shame on you!! LOL!! I try to not look at this journey as a diet. I know this has to be my life going forward. I’m changing these bad habits into good habits for life. I don’t want to continue on this yo-yo journey. Congrats on the 70 lbs – awesome loss!! Now tackle the rest with us!!

    @ Queen – I can totally relate. I’m use work, stress, etc. . . for my excuse to not get moving again. We need to just get up and go!! As far as your rant, you have ever reason. Unfortunately, it’s these same parents when God forbid something does happen they’ll blame everyone else except take the responsibility. It’s everywhere in this country I’m afraid.

    @ Robin – HUGS!!! This has been quite a year for you. Your health has been such a battle and I know gaining was never your intention, but you had so much on your plate. Here’s to a better 2014 and we will continue to push forward.

    @ Jeannie – Good for you!!! I’ve not been in a while and I know my spirit has been down. I need to get my butt back immediately.

    @ Apey – Girl, I’m right there with you. Bring on Friday’s!!!!!
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    I am just so excited and proud of myself , I wanted to come and share!! For the first time since I purchased my Fitbit, I hit 10,000 steps!! Actually 10,245 to be exact! I have also hit my calories burned goal as well! (Always close, but don't often hit it).
    I had a great workout today after taking two days off and it really felt GOOD!! I mean, I actually walked an additional 2,000 steps AFTER the gym! Well, I really didn't have much of a choice since I walked to the gym, I had to walk to get home! :laugh: After taking the dogs out, I was just under 1,000 more steps to hit 10,000 so I walked around the block of apartments in my complex to hit the mark, YAY me!! :drinker:

    @Susan - I'm glad you asked for a room close to the gym at your hotel. Hitting the gym might be the jump start you need. I can't believe how much better I feel when I workout out! I hear people say that all the time and always thought they were crazy and that could never be ME! I am shocked even as I type this, but.... I feel BETTER when I workout!!

    @Tanya - thanks for the eating advice. Depending on how late into the evening it is, I usually will nosh on a little something, something. I just find that I don't sleep well if I eat too close to bedtime. I also plan on taking some time this weekend to reevaluate my meal plans.

    For those making plans to meet fellow MFPers in person, I'm jealous!! :laugh: I hope everyone has a great time!!

    Until next time; wishing everyone peace, love and weight loss!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile: