Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Happy Friday! It looks like many of you have had really stressful weeks, so I hope you get some rest and relaxation this weekend.
    As I wrote yesterday, I was planning on going on a long bike ride today, but I had some personal issues come up and was not up to doing much study last night, so instead I've been studying quite a bit today and ran another 5k. It was TOUGH and I had to stop a bunch. Hopefully I have a better one tomorrow, since my race isn't too far away now.

    My fitness goals for the weekend are to get in at least 45 minutes both days, with one of those sessions being my run.

    For once I know exactly how many calories I had because of my TJ's purchase, so I'm considering eating into half of my exercise cals to go to the self serve froyo place here in town and take myself on a date to see the Grand Budapest Hotel (I'm such a sucker for Wes Anderson films)

    I hope everyone's week looks up

    Thanks again for the support.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    The first leg of our trip was uneventful. We have a nice room right across the hall from the fitness room. I used the treadmill for the first time. I set it at 3 mph. I always walk that fast and often walk 3.5, but on the treadmill it felt like I was practically running. I think I got a lot better calorie burn than it gave me credit for. Food-wise I really blew it out of the park today. I haven't done this bad since I started mfp. For dinner we grabbed a Rueben sandwich at Arby's, then had dessert when we got here. At least if I was going to blow it, I blew it on good stuff.
    Thanks again for all of your kind thoughts. Three of my sisters are already together. When I said I guessed I would be the last one to the party, they said it wouldn't be a party until I got there. That made me feel good.
    I don't know how bad this next week will be but I will keep checking in.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kaye- I hope your dad comes through the surgery with flying colors. That is a tough break he has.

    RobinE- Sorry to hear about the allergic reaction. I hope you get a solution soon.

    Susan- I am feeling better at this point. I did call the doctor today and his secretary was going to have him call in a prescription for me. This is my fall back plan in case it gets worse. I hope you get out of your funk and that you get to exercise on your trip.

    Susan and Tom- I am looking forward to meeting up with both of you this week.

    Rain- I hope you are giving yourself time to recover between runs. If you have a couple of days off to weight train or cross train, you will get better runs in. Also with your race coming up, you will want go very lightly the week before the race. Run early in the week, then do running drills a couple of days before then finally rest for two or three days before the race. The rest time will give your body time to recover and repair the muscles. This advice is what I get from my trainer and it does work. On the rest days you can walk.

    Good day overall today. I made it through the funeral and saw my chiropractor today as well. That visit was long overdue. Tonight, I did go rock climbing then out for pizza. Tomorrow is suppose to reach 60 but then Sunday it drops again to 40. Then on Tuesday, they are talking about the dreaded S__ __W word. Spring is suppose to be here but it needs to stay and stop this coming and going pattern.

    Have a great weekend and get outside and go for a walk or a run.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Good Morning everyone!

    Obsessive me stepped on the scale this morning and I am officially 220 even. I logged the .2 loss just because I wanted my ticker to officially be 30 lbs. 30 lbs lost...that just blows my mind. I have surpassed what I lost my first time on here. I am feeling amazing about myself and my progress. A small part of me wonders how far along I would have been if I have not taken a hiatus. But I try not to dwell on the what if and live in regret. Instead I try to stay focused my the present situation and do what I need to. When I think back to where I was when I first started I am amazed at how little I used to do, how unfit and unhealthy I was. Since then my heath has changed, my fitness has improved and my outlook on life has changed for the better. I guess what I am trying to say in a long winded way is I AM HAPPY! :happy:

    Kaye - Glad to hear your father is doing well after the surgery. I know this is a stressful time for you. Hang in there. Congrats for getting on the treadmill.

    Jeannie - Congrats for being under 200! That is fantastic. I am very excited that I am on my way to being back in the ones again. It has been so long since I have been there. Keep up the great work. You are doing a fabulous job!

    JTconst - Happy pruning! I have some rhododendrons in front of my house that are huge. They were here when we bought the house. Unfortunately they are so big they block some of the front windows. Eventually I would like to have them taken out. Until then I keep going out and trimming them. I know how much work it is to trim and move all the branches. I bet you'll burn a lot of calories! What kind of herbs did you end up picking up?

    Pashun and Karen - I am the opposite. I actually prefer to workout alone. I use it as my "me" time when I can go at my own pace and get lost in my own little happy world. Though I have to admit sometimes it is nice to have company, like when Brian joins me for runs or a hike. But I consider that more of a bonding time for us rather than exercise time.

    Karen - How exciting about your niece revealing the gender of the baby. Brian and I would like to have children despite our age. My bestie and I are always pinning ideas to secret baby boards on Pinterest. I found some really adorable ideas for gender reveals.

    Tanya - Sounds like you had a great workout with Quasy. I am glad you are going to do progress pictures. I hated my first ones for the simple fact I despised pictures of myself. My 2nd month ones were a bit better. The further along I got I started to enjoy taking them. Though I have to admit, I never got around to taking ones for March. Since we are so close to April I think I will just wait until the 1st to take new ones.

    Susan - That is a good idea asking for a room near the fitness center. I have never thought about doing that when I go away.

    I can relate about the pictures. I hardly have any pictures of Brian and I. When I look through my photos of important moments from our lives there are tons of him but I am not in any of them. It actually makes me a bit sad.

    Regarding T2T - approximately 6 months to train, not that I am counting. LOL I figure that should be more then enough time to prepare for it. My only concern is the summer months. I am hoping it is not too humid for me to run. I can deal with the warm weather but the humidity is so oppressive. I have been thinking a lot about it lately. They are opening a new Planet Fitness near me. I will wait to see how training is going during the summer months. But if the weather is too much for me to run early mornings or evenings, when it is cooler, then maybe I will join PF just so I can run on their treadmills. Their $10 a month fees would be affordable for me. I will cross that bridge when it comes though. I am still having a difficult time with C25K. I still cannot run the full 60 seconds. :ohwell: But when I went for my run yesterday I noticed it did seem a bit easier than it did last time. I noticed when I go into the exercise logs on MFP it breaks my workout down into running and walking minutes. Yesterday I did 9 minutes of running. Going through the older logs for C25K I noticed my running time was only 8 minutes. So I did do a bit better yesterday than before! I know running 9 whole minutes must seem pretty pathetic to those of you who can do so much more. But I am really excited about my progress. Keeping Karen's (Skinny's) "Just" post in mind... I am head over heels excited about being able to run for 9 minutes. It's 9 minutes more than I was able to do when I first started my journey. The way I look at it is that IS a success in my book!

    RobinB - Congrats on the steps! That is very exciting. I still get excited when it vibrates on my wrist and I see the little lights flashing. :wink: I have to admit though I get a little frustrated with it when I have a really busy day, constantly on the move, sync and it tells me something like 2,000 more steps to reach my daily goal. :noway: :grumble: :sad: I then find myself pacing back and forth in my house just to get those dang steps in to make my goal.:blushing:

    Laurie - I loved the running advice you gave to Rain. I am going to have to try to remember that when T2T gets closer. If you remember can you remind me of it as well?
    Yesterday I had to laugh when I was on FB. A lot of friends were complaining about the Spring weather. I thought yesterday was beautiful but a bit windy, today is supposed to be even nicer, tomorrow nice but cooler. IMO beautiful weather. I couldn't figure out why they were complaining.:huh: Then I looked at the extended forecast and quickly figured it out. I have not paid much attention to the weather reports but if I had to guess the snow they are predicting for LI on Tuesday won't be much of anything. At least that I what I am hoping for. :bigsmile:

    I hope everyone has a great weekend, stay on plan and get some movement in! :flowerforyou:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Susan - I am really excited about your get together with Laurie and Tom and maybe Amy. it will get you out of your funk - Make it work for you. Laurie is a tremendous motivator. And may I suggest you get some suggestions for streamlining your life? You have the most hectic life of any one I know on here! :love:
    If my health was better I'd fly out and join you.

    Skinny - sorry to hear your still buryed under snow! We're getting cold days again this week, but I'm ignoring the facts.

    Lives TT - Great advice you gave to the Newbies! Love it.

    A-Dawn - Have a great weekend!

    Queen - thanks for the boost - nice to know someone has your back!

    JNettie - thanks for your concerns - you are doing so great, you have a big heart!

    Kaye - how wondderful your father is doing well. Have a safe trip, be careful of your back if you have to do a lot of lifting be sure to bend your knees(!) and take frequent rests and you'll be working a lot! Love you!

    JeannieClark - so proud of you for logging every bite in your food log! That is a success story right there!! Sending strong powerful good WAVES your way so your walks and hikes are successful!.

    JT - now I have flower envy - of course I did not just send off my hubby for another couple of months so I have no excuse to go and spend money right now. Its a little chill yet to get bedding plants soon they will have the pansies that are so cold hardy.
    I know you can dump those 6 # fairly easily - you've done it before!

    KarenL - have fun at the baby shower - don't have too many snacks, and I hope its a boy!

    Tanya - I do appreciate your freshness and honesty. Great idea of taking pix monthly outside. You'll appreciate it so much after you've lost a lot of weight. I loved your sentence that "Not eating in the evening ' is Rubbish - I LOL'ed. I agree so much. I can't go to sleep if there is not something in my tummy!. Keep up the good work.

    Susan, you're so right, you're a great motivational speaker, but you need to listen to yourself! Also, great idea to take more pix with Cyrus. Also any random pix at work and other times too. My mom died wihen I was 19 and we had absolutely NO pictues of her and it was heartbreaking!

    RobinB - Great job on the walking - dont you wish you could get paid for each step? :laugh:

    Rainwood - enjoy the movie - its had great reviews! Good luck on your running!

    Laurie - I'm glad youre feeling less stressed about your week ahead. I want you to have fun while your in Vegas. I'm so happy you get to meet fellow MFP'ers. I wish I was in good enough health to participate - but I'll be with you in spirit - Hey - drink a toast for me!.

    AFM - My health remains the same. I have refused to go to the grocery store until I have eaten all the snacks out of the house and that is now accomplished. I will probably have to purchase many of the same items because of the softness of the foods I need to eat but I will freeze most of the stuff right from the beginning so that I can be a little more responsible. Hope that makes a difference. If only I could find something that would work to keep my tongue and teeth apart. and give my mouth something to keep active with. So far the appliance from the drug store did not help it was too big for my mouth. Im sure a solution is just around the corner.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Well today is going pretty good considering the way last night went. I woke up at about 1:30 with a raging migraine that pulled me right out of sleep. It took about three hours and a couple doses of excedrin migraine before I was able to go back to sleep. I woke up feeling fine but I can feel it still hanging out in the back of my head waiting to pounce. Regardless I went to costco and got a good stock up of fruits and veggies. Once I got home I took the dogs down to the lake and we walked three and a half laps and then I let Them off their leashes and run around on the beach and in the water. On the way back to the car we went up and hiked on the trails a little behind the lake it was a fun time. I am taking a little break now and then I have to go and load up all the yard waste I accumulated yesterday into the back of the truck and run it over to my parents. They have a spot in the woods around their property where we all dump our yard waste. Once I get home I am going to do a little in the backyard and then take it easy the rest of the afternoon.

    Robin I hope you are feeling decent today. If I lived closer I would pot you up some flowers and bring them over :)
    jnettie I seriousl decimated the bush in front of the house. Once I got into I saw there was a lot of dead in the middle so I cut it all out and down pretty short so it should come back this year nice and lush. So far for herbs I have chives, mint, parsley, and cilantro. I defenitley want to get some basil yet and then we will see if anything else catches my fancy.
    Susan I hope this next week goes better for you and you are able to work your way out of this funk. We all go through them from time to time.
    Well the truck isnt going to load itself so I better get busy. Have a great day everyone.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just got back from an almost 5 mile walk. Don't know who is more tired. Me, DH or the dog. The weather is so nice we just kept going. Tomorrow they're calling for rain all day so I'm glad we got out today. Not much else to report. We're firing up the grill tonight for the for the first time this season. Looking forward to grilled chicken, asparagus and portobello mushroom caps.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

    Hint for all you smart phone users: I downloaded an app called MapMyWalk. It times your walk (or run), tracks the distance traveled and your pace including split times for each mile. It can be paused if you stop (like we did at Starbucks for a bottle of water) and you can save the route to compare to future walks. It's free and I thought a pretty handy tool.

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk DONE
    Sunday - Rest Day DONE
    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
    Tuesday - Yoga DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch NOT DONE ;(
    Thursday - Pilates DONE
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    Karen, I love the "just" post! The way we talk to ourselves makes all the difference to how we get on.

    Tanya, I can relate to the photo avoidance, but I have learnt to cope. My sister in law died a few years ago, and my brother has almost no pics of her because she didn't like how she looked, and would never be in a pic. So I decided it didn't really matter so much, it would be better for my kids to have something of me, even if I was fat!

    RobinE, my prayers are with you. How you remain so positive when your health is letting you down is amazing. YOU are inspiring!

    I too have done a recent cull of mfp friends. I felt guilty, but decided I needed more positive people around me.

    I know there was more that i wanted to comment on, but now I've hit reply, I can't seem to remember it. My love to you all.

    Afm, I consider this a lifelong journey, and have changed my diet to suit. I no longer feel I am on a diet. This has been a geat change in my attitude, and seems to make this whole thing easier, don't ask me why!

    Sunday share...

    I'm 41 and have been married to my hubby for 19 years. We have 3 sons, 14, 12, and 9. We live in rural Australia, near Bendigo, Victoria if you want to look us up. We have a farmlet of 20 acres (approx 8 hectares) and carry a few sheep for eating, grow some veges, and head to work like everyone else. I've been at home with the kids until the last 15 months and have realised how stale I allowed myself to become. I've been overweight my whole life really, with only 2 prior weight loss periods, one when I was 14, and another 8 years ago. I now weigh less than I did when I started that time. I have fibromyalgia and that makes excercise hard. Who am I kidding, it makes everything hard! However, this is not an excuse, "just" a fact, and I am not letting it get in the way!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone... went for a 3 hour walk with my BF today, not constant walking, lots of stops and starts, but my HRM and fitbit both said I burned about 1000 calories. My legs are quite sore now, we are planning to do some more tomorrow, it looks to be about 5km longer than today (I didn't measure how far today, my fitbit says about 8km, but that includes walking around at home and stuff too).

    I hopped on the scale this morning and it read 220 lb. I had to reweigh about 3 times for it to sink in... I was 222 yesterday! I suspect the loss is due to depletion of glycogen stores from workout yesterday (I've been reading a lot about weight loss physiology), we will see tomorrow I guess.

    I will catch up with all the posts tomorrow, have a great night.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Nettie- Running for 9 minutes is awesome. You are making great progress. Congrats on reaching the 220 mark. Fantastic!!!

    Jeannie-congrats on reaching ONE der Land.

    Karen- We are also due to more winter weather this week. Again it all depends on the track of the storm-hopefully it goes out over the ocean so it won't affect my area to bad. The worst part is the temperature is suppose to drop into the 30's again by Tuesday.

    Robin I hope the solution is right around the corner for you. I wish you could join us as well.

    L2T-I use an app called My Tracks that does the same thing. I love it especially for bike rides.

    Today, was a lovely day here. Once I got home from getting my hair done, I went outside to trim the hydranga- Every spring I cut off the dead flowers to the point were the new buds are out. This is one of my favorite Spring activities. I also enjoyed my swim today. Accomplished a few things today.

    Sunday-Walk DONE
    Monday-Trainer workout (I hope-weather dependent) NOT Done- shoveled snow
    Tuesday-Rock climbing DONE
    Wednesday- Gym hard cardio workout DONE
    Thursday-Rest DONE
    Friday-Rock climbing DONE
    Saturday- Rest day (?) water aerobics and swim for 30 minutes DONE

    Friday- Funeral for my friends mom. doctor's appoint if I don't feel better tomorrow (antibiotic done). Then rock climbing that night. DONE
    Saturday- Water aerobics then hair appointment DONE
    Sunday- Workout and lesson plans and nails
    Monday- Copies for the week, finalized sub plans and workout with trainer
    Tuesday- Put all plans together and set up the materials, Give MSA science, Need to workout but may not happen
    Wednesday- Science MSA, triple check sub plans leave for Vegas
    Thursday- Conference
    Friday- Conference
    Saturday- Conference
    Sunday-Return home
    Monday- Recovery day plus a workout.
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    HELP!!! To all my fellow Fitbit'ers... after my amazing day yesterday, I FORGOT to put my Fitbit on before I left the house today and I missed out on about 4,000 steps (according to my daughter's Fitbit, since she was with me). Can I manually adjust my Fitbit?? I am so upset with myself for forgetting it!! Hell of a way to follow up such an amazing day yesterday, huh? :grumble: :angry: :grumble:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: I made it through another week. A lot of ups and downs, but I’m still here to push on. Today was a long travel day. I got to the airport in Vegas about 8:30 flew to El Paso then Dallas. I got to the hotel around 5:30. I unpacked and decided to hit the Fitness Center. Cardio was completed on the elliptical and treadmill, which felt pretty good plus all the walking through airports today. Exercise was a success. I just had room service, which is such a rip off. I ordered this Crab, Mango & Avocado Salad. The slivers of mango and avocado were a joke really just a garnish. I took a picture and going to show management. Highway robbery if you ask me. The next 4 days will be jam packed with seminars, networking, dinners out, etc. . . but I’m really focusing on eating clean and exercising EVERY day!!!!!

    @ RobinB – I can totally relate, but was getting so addicted to my crazy FitBit if I didn’t hit my numbers. I’ve stepped back a bit so I’m not beating myself up so much. As far as manually entering, I have no idea. I can’t tell you how many times I forgot to wear mine and it was long days too. Those are the days when I would get so mad by not wearing it or forgetting to charge it. I’ll have to see if anyone else responds. I knew my schedule would be tight and these hotel properties are huge. I thought the sooner I can get to the Fitness Center and get in a good work out the better. I’m using this trip to get myself refocused and recharged.

    @ Kaye – Good job using the fitness center!! Treadmills can be a little different for sure. My old stomping grounds and Arby’s. The Reuben was always my favorite. The turkey Reuben was really good too. At least you got in a walk and some exercise calories burned. Good for you!

    @ Laurie – I’m so glad you’re feeling better. Always smart to be proactive and get something early before you have a full blown cold or flu. I can’t believe I get to meet you next week. I’m really looking forward to it.

    @ Nettie – I’m really using T2T as my big goal. 6 months and I want to really set some solid goals for myself. I need to prove to myself I can continually lose weight AND get moving even more. I think this will be a really good goal for me.

    @ Robin – Yes, I’m really going to enjoy meeting Tom and Laurie, but really going to pick Laurie’s brain (be prepared Laurie!!!). Plus, I’m going to start meeting with the trainer again. We’re going to meet outside of the gym. She was such a great support to me and really wants me to be healthy. You’re right too. I need to find a better balance. Between work (which is very busy), Cyrus, school volunteer, travel, etc. . . I stay pretty active. We leave in 21 days on our cruise though and I’m going to be totally disconnected so I think that’s going to be really good for me. I hope Kelly’s having a wonderful time in Panama. I miss her!!

    @ Jtconst – I normally load up my fruits & veggies at Costco or Sam’s too. The big tub of Spring Mix is so much cheaper than the grocery store plus the fruit like strawberries, raspberries, etc. . . are such a better price and good quality too.

    @ L2T – It sounds like you and DH had a nice day together. Good for you!! Dinner sounds super yummy too. I had a mediocre room service dinner and paid a fortune. Ridiculous.

    @ Tanya – You had a similar day to L2T. It’s always nice to have a walking partner. I’m glad you’re enjoying your BF time.
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    HELP!!! To all my fellow Fitbit'ers... after my amazing day yesterday, I FORGOT to put my Fitbit on before I left the house today and I missed out on about 4,000 steps (according to my daughter's Fitbit, since she was with me). Can I manually adjust my Fitbit?? I am so upset with myself for forgetting it!! Hell of a way to follow up such an amazing day yesterday, huh? :grumble: :angry: :grumble:

    Thanks to the Fitbit Users group on this website, I was able to learn how to manually log the miles. I borrowed the miles from my daughter's Fitbit and Fitbit calculated my steps. PHEW!!!

    @Susan - I'm glad you made it safe and sound. Your stay seems like it will be very intense! I'm glad to hear you got a workout in tonight, but sorry to hear that room service sucked!

    @Laurie - I bet you are excited for your trip to Vegas! Vegas will be great and bonus, you get to meet Susan and Tom!

    @Nettie - I could not run for a combined nine SECONDS, congrats on nine MINUTES!!

    @Kaye - Happy to hear you made it safe and sound and glad your sisters held off the party until your arrival! :laugh: Also glad that tour father's surgery was a success. I love Arby's too. It's actually one of the few fast food places that doesn't have to be horrible in your food log.

    For those of you planning gardens, I am jealous!! Not only do I live in an apartment with no yard, but even if I lived in a house, nothing grows in SAND and the hot temps of south Florida! :ohwell:

    Until next time; wishing you all peace, love and weight loss!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Sunday Share:
    I am Jeanette, 41. Married to my wonderful husband Brian. We have 2 cats, a bird and turtle. I love to cook, draw, garden, being on the water, hike, bird watch, and doing anything that gets me outdoors dealing with nature.

    Robin - Sorry to hear the mouth guard was too big and didn't work. That is what the appliance was right? Is there any way to get it in a smaller size for you? Do you think it would work if it were smaller?

    JTconst - Sorry to hear about your migraine. It sounds like you had a good day despite it though! I grow the same herbs. I love when my chives go to bloom, they are so beautiful. I also grow rosemary, sage, tarragon, borage, and thyme. Lemon and lime thymes are my favorites to grow. They give off a nice aroma and taste yummy.

    Lives - I have heard of that app before but I don't have it. I have Digifit which does something similar but allows you to choose your activity (biking, running, walking, spinning, cardio...). I also have Runtastic pro which I got free through my Starbucks app. I don't use it at the moment though because I have been using the C25K app but plan on using it in the future.

    Naomi - Like you I consider this my lifelong journey rather than a diet. I actually don't like the word diet. To me it has a negative connotation attached to it. I don't deprive myself of certain foods. If I am craving something I have it. I have learned along the way to eat certain foods in moderation and fit them into my allowance for the day.

    Tanya - I love that you and your BF are active together on the weekends. I think it is a great way to bond with our loved ones. Congrats on 220! I am so happy for you. :happy: We are the same weight now. I wonder which one of us will see the teens first? It is a great feeling isn't it?

    RobinB - I am sorry but I don't have the answer to your Fitbit question. I have forgotten my Fitbit a few times and it stinks. I have also forgotten to charge it on occasion and lost out on steps. I feel your frustration.
    I see you found the answer and were able to manually log it. Good to know!
    Thanks. Just to clarify it wasn't 9 consecutive minutes. It was 9 minutes of running total with lots of walking in between periods of running. Today I want to challenge myself and see if I can do 10 min. I don't know if I can do it but I am going to give it a shot. :wink:
    My MIL (my nice one not nasty one) has the same complaint about gardening. She loves it but they live in West Palm and it is difficult to grow anything by them. I always tease her and try to get her to move back to NY but she won't budge. :ohwell:

    Susan - I am glad to hear you had a safe flight. I am impressed that after a day of traveling you hit the gym after you unpacked. Great job!
    I agree on T2T being a really good goal. I am looking at it the same way. :smile:

    Laurie - Did you get a new style done on your hair or just get it touched up? I have to have my hair cut. I just have not gotten around to it yet.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Sunday share: For the many newbies on here, I'm a retired high school teacher who spends a lot of time these days babysitting baby grandchildren (5 of them). I love being with them, but do get tired and am not spending time at the gym like I should. I've been kind of bad lately at making excuses not to go. Usually, I have a positive outlook on life, but these last couple of months I've been in the dumps...waiting for spring to come. The weather here is bitterly cold and yesterday I woke up to the 'white stuff' covering the ground. It will be like this for the rest of the week. I actually like living in Canada, and like cold weather, but this year it's been cruel and I've had enough. I spent a year living in a semi-tropical climate (Japan), and couldn't wait to get back to some cooler climes. I've been a member on MFP for a few years and tend to 'lurk' on this thread. I try to respond and do 'personals', but honestly don't have a good system for doing them. I avoid most of the other forums on MFP as people get a bit silly sometimes or rude. I find people on here are lovely and supportive and just want others to succeed with their weight loss and healthy goals.
    This is a battle I struggle with but will never give up.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi Guys! :flowerforyou:

    Sorry I've been MIA. Went out with friends after work Friday and we ended up making it a late night. One of my friends was having too much fun, so I stuck around to be her driver. :laugh: At least that kept me from drinking too many calories myself, but we did do a late night stop for fast food on the way home. :ohwell:

    I woke up yesterday feeling just awful--considering I didn't drink much, I was surprised to feel so "hungover"--headache, queasy, just all-around terrible. Turns out it was a nasty migraine. :grumble: I think I mentioned a month or so ago that I was getting them again--seems to be about once every 4-6 weeks. Not happy about it especially since they can be so debilitating. Yesterday, I was in bed all day. I tried to get up and do something twice, and both times I ended up retching in the bathroom, so it was back to bed. :cry:

    Today I'm feeling much better, but it's taken me awhile to catch up on all of the posts. I'm going to skip personals right now except for one:

    @robin--have you tried to use dental wax? It's something I used to buy when I had braces. It comes in strips and you use the body heat from your hands to soften it, then you can mold it to fit over your teeth. It might be worth giving it a try.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @robinb - Great job on the 10,000+ steps!

    @jnettie - YAY for 220!!! Your hard work is really paying off.

    @robin - Too bad the dental appliance didn't work. I hope you find a workable solution very soon.

    @susan - I hate when I don't get what I paid for. Good for you for taking a picture. Maybe the hotel will do better in future. Sounds like you're going to have a hectic week. You're really going to need and enjoy the upcoming cruise.

    @skinnyjeanz - I don't have migraines, but a plain old headache makes me miserable. Hope you feel better!

    AFM - Weighed in at exactly 196 this morning. Just 1 more pound to the 100 pounds lost benchmark. So surreal. Still a very long way to go, but oh so thankful for how far I've come.

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk DONE (4.8 miles)
    Sunday - Rest Day DONE
    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch (missing due to work)
    Tuesday - Yoga
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch (missing heading out of town)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Susan- I am also looking forward to meeting you and Tom.

    Robin the dental way may work and it is worth a try. That has been recommended to me when I bit my cheek, gum also works just chew it for a bit then mold it to the area you want to cover.

    Karen- I hope you get over your headache/migraine soon. Could it be weather related.

    Nettie- I hope the pending storm for the NE, misses you and you don't get the blizzard. It is hard to imagine a blizzard in March.

    Workout plans
    Sunday- gym (bike and weights)
    Monday- Trainer- running, biking and swimming drills
    Tuesday- Gym maybe unless I have to much to do
    Wednesday- Rest day- travel day
    Thursday- fitness center
    Friday- Fitness center
    Saturday- Hopefully hiking or other outdoor activity in Vegas
    Sunday- Travel day

    Accomplishment- workout and nails done. Need to write a paper so will get that done.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I haven't been on every day the last week due to a surprisingly hectic spring break, but so happy to be back, still catching up..

    Sunday share: Hi, I'm Laura, a 20 year old college student on my way down from 257 pounds. I'm originally from New Mexico, but spent a few years living in the UK before going to Boston for freshman year, and now I'm in sunny Southern California and loving it. I've been trying to become a runner, and I adore traveling, spending time in or by the sea, and reading more than I should.

    This week has been a surprisingly stressful one, considering I'm on break, but I'm happy to say I made some good choices. I've been being naughty and running every day because the school gym was closed, and I've been having trouble with my endurance (I always go 5k, but often have to stop many times to get there) which is a step down from where I was before. I hope that if I start alternating running with Zumba now that I can, I'll get better. My Warrior Dash obstacle race is on April 5th, and I've pretty much accepted that I'll be horrible at it because to this day I have no body strength, but I'm excited that now I'm in okay enough shape to even consider doing it.

    Other good news is I snuck into the school gym yesterday (wasn't supposed to be unlocked...) and weighed myself, because I had taken 10 days off from doing so. Even with that mini vacation I took, I'd lost 4.6 pounds, bringing me down to 219.5 from 257. I felt that I would gain this month because of the stress of having a friend over, but I lost 11.5 pounds, and I'm actually a little concerned I'm losing too fast (lose skin? Will I stall?)

    Looks like I'm on track for being under 200 by my birthday the first week of June, which was my goal.

    I hope everyone feels ready for the coming week, and had a restful weekend!

    @Lauriek70: Thanks for the advice about running. I was running almost everyday, but I'm back to every other now that I have the school gym back open.