Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    Oh i forgot to ask, Robin do Ifrog still come to thread...
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    @Kris - so glad to hear the curse of the 12-inch saute pan has been broken! :smile: I was going to suggest that you kindly explain to the pan that: 1. you are on budget, 2. you are soon-to-be unemployed, 3. you are on a very restrictive diet... therefore, if it doesn't start producing delectable dinners, 4. you will have to sell it for scrap metal. Glad you didn't have to employ the kindly-threats-and-intimidation strategy!
    @Robin - Congratulations on the weight loss!!!! :drinker: That's fabulous! Wow, and you don't cook? I used to never cook, but since I started this, I had to start cooking, because otherwise I would be constantly hungry -- so many calories in take-out and the microwave meals are so tiny, imho. Kudos to you, you must have amazing self-control!!!!!
    @Kaye - watching you lose 70+ pounds in a matter of months through diet and walking whilst having/recovering from two knee replacements and taking care of the grandbabies, plus seeing your amazingly wonderful creations, is anything but boring! You are quite inspiring. :flowerforyou:
    @Kelley - glad to hear you might be able to get back to running soon!!! I know how much you love it!!!! But take it easy, at the start... wouldn't want you to re-injure by going too far, too quickly. This advice in no way stems from a selfish/competitive desire to stay ahead in fitbit steps :wink: -- my only concern is for your safety. :laugh:
    @Caramel - banish the chips and dip!
    @Tom - Welcome back!!! I did miss you! Echoing everyone else, those pictures are amazing!!! Such sights you saw! Looks like you had great fun and made some wonderful memories!
    @Laurie - glad to hear it's going well with your new trainer. Have you made any vacation plans?
    @Tammy - Great NSV!!!! You're really getting strong! I'm also confident you'll hit twoderville while hubby is at work this time!
    @Tracy - how's your house sale coming? any prospects? You're headed this way soon, eh? The kayak awaits? :happy:
    @Marca - how wonderful that your whole family is getting healthier. That's terrific!!! :flowerforyou:
    @Alison - you lurking? I miss your updates from the other side of the pond!!! :cry:

    Well, I'm basically living the dream right now! Dirt poor, but every day is pretty much the same, utterly delightful. I get up, enjoy leisurely coffee and breakfast, get some house, yard, or paperwork done, plus some job searching/applications, then in the heat of the afternoon, head to the lake for a 2+hour swim and a little hike (out to the swimming spot and back). Most of the boaters seem to recognize me by now, so they no longer pull up next to ask if I am ok and/or need a ride. Sometimes we will say hello, but I don't have to stop swimming to have a long talk with them. Once home, take the dogs out for a walk, make a yummy dinner, check in on my dad's progress on the trail, and off to bed for the longest night's sleep I've had in years!! Life is good!!!! :love: So, this weekend - Saturday to Sunday -- I'm supposed to go on a paddling overnight on the Connecticut River with my two friends from the Appalachian Trail hike. We plan to paddle (canoe and kayak) 12.5 miles on Saturday, spend the night at a "primitive" river campground at one of the State Parks, and paddle another 8 miles on Sunday, to where we will park the extra car. Problem is we never have good weather for our adventures, sigh. You know how our AT hike turned out. Two years ago, we tried to do this river trip - though we were more ambitious then, trying for 20 miles each day -- and it was 114 degrees (a record high) and the then-fiancé of one of my friends got immediately sunburnt and we were all pretty hot and tired, and when we got to a possible out-spot (12.5 miles into the first day), the only guy in the group insisted we quit (silly boy). This time, it's an all-women team, we're picking up where we left off, and we're hoping for success! Right now, the forecast is for a high of 88 degrees with a 40% chance of thunderstorms on Saturday, but Sunday looks good. I'm really hoping Saturday will be clear, but you never know when you head out into the wildernuts, as Robin calls it. :laugh: We could use a success, though. If not, they may stop going with me. :noway:
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Hello all, I am going to give it a go again.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning, Well things were anything but boring at our house this morning. We woke up to a completely blocked sewer line. After being told that they could get someone here tomorrow, we finally found someone who could come out this morning around 10. Of course, today is laundry day so I'm just about 3 hours behind on that. It looks like we will have a weiner roast here this evening. My daughter and SIL have finally closed on their house and are starting to get moved in today. Of course, the whole family wants to get in on helping them, so everyone is coming over to move boxes this afternoon. I told them I'd be glad to grill hotdogs and buy some chips, but I'm not making a big spread today.
    I'm sure that the theraband that the PTA gave me is doing its job, but it sure does make my legs stiff and sore. One of the negative parts of doing the 2 knees so close together is that the right knee has suffered somewhat of a setback due to the extra that has been expected of it. Now both knees hurt most of the time. I'm still getting a round, just slowly. I did get in my walk last night. I'm down another pound this morning, too. Only 2# from my 3rd 25# goal. Just one more 25# to go, then maybe a bit more.
    I weigh everyday. I find that if I don't the weight can slip up on me without my realizing it. I know what my pattern is and don't get upset by the little fluctuations from day to day. Each time I hit a new low, I record it. Then I know that I will probably go up about a pound and bounce around there for a few days before I hit another low.
    Love hearing from all of you. Thanks for sharing your pictures, Tom.
    Have a good day. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Beth~LOL I plan to start out slowly, may try a couple of running intervals tonight on TM and see how that goes – gotta start someplace. So currently living a life of leisure, eh? :wink: I do hope your job search materializes something soon. Your kayaking trip sounds like so much fun, I hope the weather cooperates this time around! My 6yo nephew is currently taking kayaking lessons and loves it, they started out in a pool and I guess the week before they came to visit went to the river where he “rode the rapids.” Of course his definition of “rapids” and my sister’s are vastly different. :laugh:

    @Kaye~Try not to overdo – you’re making excellent progress. Way to go with the scale too, you’ll hit your next goal in no time! So glad you were able to get the sewer situation fixed up today.

    @Laurie~Sounds like your new trainer is really working out, I love those hard cardio sessions with my trainer – wear’s me out, but I love the results!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    jt - we miss you during your absences but its fun to read up on your busy times. Glad you got your backyard retreat all finished - it sounds lovely and peaceful. Getting a water feature in next time sounds do-able. Your hubby must be so pleasantly surprised to see you and your personal changes each time he returns. Your doing GREAT in your weight loss!

    Tom - love the pictures - Arches is beautiful isn't it! You're looking quite trim as well! Great to see your wife too.

    Laurie - it sounds like a tough challenge your trainer is giving you with eating the largest meal of the day in the morning. I couldn't do that! I do have a big breakfast, but I have to save calories for a late night snack and that always creates a heavier calorie load in the evening when you count in my dinner. Good luck to you and tell us how it works out , appetite wise.

    Aurra - congrats on realizing your ballroom dancing is exercising. So is housecleaning! Its listed under "cardio" - LOL. As far as weighing goes, I weight once or twice a week, first thing in the morning never any other time of day.

    tih - your summer bucket list is SO full of activity you really don't need a regimented form of exercise - just monitor your calories and you'll do great! Have a great time at the Fair! Maybe one of you will win a Minion stuffed figure at one of the booths.

    Kah - sometimes life is just trudging along. Specially if we're just going to work day after day and there's no relief from the heat outside. Glad you have Zoe for unexpected thrills!

    Believeth - glad to see you. No, lfrog has not been around in a long, long time.

    mackbeth - from what you describe - it really does sound like you're living a dream (except the no money part !) I hope you have a wonderful time without excess heat and without rain on your weekend trip and that your girlfriends enjoy the heck out of it so that they want to go again and again!

    ushkii - Hugs and welcome back, my friend.

    I got my squats in last night 56 of them. I must be doing them right because I break out into a sweat and thats gotta be good. Today I'm going to vacuum and hit the grocery store. Yesterday I got my car repaired to the tune of a small water buffalo sacrifice so I spent the day investigating the process of starting a small business in my home - taking in ironing. Its crazy I know, but I enjoy ironing - I love the steam and the heat and the satisfaction of getting the wrinkles out. Well you would think an ironing business would be simple but its so complicated its unbelievable. I'm going to still think about it any way. I might just keep it to this building I live in - if I could get enough customers from this building that would be great. If I had to look outside the building thats when it would get complicated.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Beautiful Tom. You know, I've been to Utah a million times and I've never been to Arches. Weird, huh? Maybe it's time to remedy that.
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Ok I definitely think I am toooooo old for this school stuff. I know it's summer but I am having a hard time keeping up. I know it will be worth it but jeez. Went a little off track Sunday, we had joint family birthday parties. It was fun.

    Robin--wish you were my neighbor cause I hate to iron. My grandma use to make me iron sheets.

    Kaye-- sorry you are in pain, I hope you feel better soon.

    Tom - great pics!

    Macbeth-- sounds wonderful, hope your trip has good weather

    Laurie- let us know what kind of bike you get

    Kris-- ok gotta ask, what is rolfi?

    Hope everybody as a good day!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Kris-- ok gotta ask, what is rolfi?

    Roti is a South Asian (think Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc) flat bread. When you make it right it PUFFS up and gets super crisp. You can also keep it flat and make it super soft like a flour tortilla. I fudged with the recipe again today and cut down the sodium by half. It was still delicious and amazing. I used it to make a vegetarian fajita that came out....... so freaking wonderful.....
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hey everyone sounds like we ar all having a good day. I took my car in to get the mirror I broke off fixed and got good news and bad news. Bad news it didnt get fixed today. Good news the person on the phone who quoted me 600 not only didnt order the part but didnt know what he was talking about. They are ordering the part now and it is only going to cost about 350 to fix. Still sucks but not as bad lol. I went to costco and picked up alot of produce and some nice cuts of meat. Made steak fajita quesadillas and spanish rice for dinner. It was pretty good. My son sure scarfed it down. Well I got my housework done, the shopping done, and my workout in so I am off to have some fun with my video game. Have a great night everyone.:heart::bigsmile: :heart:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I'm a little behind this week so I'll play catch up.

    Sunday Share: I'm Susan, 44, single mom to an awesome 11-year old son, Cyrus. We moved to Las Vegas from Atlanta 1 year ago. Work for an amazing company, Capriotti's Sandwich Shop, which I love. Unfortunately, I'm surrounded by food constantly. I've battled my weight all my life and it's still a battle. As a few of my friends have told me on this thread, quit focusing on the past and push forward. They are sooo right (thanks Kris and Kelly).

    Monday Check-In: Not too bad. I stayed under for the most part. Not the best food choices, but the numbers were not too bad. No exercise yet - poo!

    Tuesday Goals: I think that's today. Unfortunately, the day is winding down so I didn't really have any set goals. Just taking it one day at a time.

    Tom - Amazing shots. The one with the moon - holy cow! Simply breathtaking.

    Robin - I"m so proud of your commitment each month and the squats - good for you!!! BUT, are you nuts? You love to iron. I don't think I've ironed a single thing in 20 years. HATE it. If you can do it and actually enjoy it, go for it!!!

    Laurie/Kelley - One of these days I will start with a trainer. I really need someone to push me like they're pushing you. You both definitely inspire me that's for sure.

    Jtconst - Don't you hate car stuff? Plus, to find an honest mechanic is half the battle. It sounds like you had a very productive day.

    Kris - I love your excitement finding some new foods for you. I think that's huge to find foods you really enjoy, but keep your numbers in check too. I'll have to look for it.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hello all, I am going to give it a go again.

    It's not been pretty for me either, but just hanging in there. You can too. Stay with us. We're here for you.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member

    Well, I'm basically living the dream right now! Dirt poor, but every day is pretty much the same, utterly delightful. I get up, enjoy leisurely coffee and breakfast, get some house, yard, or paperwork done, plus some job searching/applications, then in the heat of the afternoon, head to the lake for a 2+hour swim and a little hike (out to the swimming spot and back). Most of the boaters seem to recognize me by now, so they no longer pull up next to ask if I am ok and/or need a ride. Sometimes we will say hello, but I don't have to stop swimming to have a long talk with them. Once home, take the dogs out for a walk, make a yummy dinner, check in on my dad's progress on the trail, and off to bed for the longest night's sleep I've had in years!! Life is good!!!! :love: So, this weekend - Saturday to Sunday -- I'm supposed to go on a paddling overnight on the Connecticut River with my two friends from the Appalachian Trail hike. We plan to paddle (canoe and kayak) 12.5 miles on Saturday, spend the night at a "primitive" river campground at one of the State Parks, and paddle another 8 miles on Sunday, to where we will park the extra car. Problem is we never have good weather for our adventures, sigh. You know how our AT hike turned out. Two years ago, we tried to do this river trip - though we were more ambitious then, trying for 20 miles each day -- and it was 114 degrees (a record high) and the then-fiancé of one of my friends got immediately sunburnt and we were all pretty hot and tired, and when we got to a possible out-spot (12.5 miles into the first day), the only guy in the group insisted we quit (silly boy). This time, it's an all-women team, we're picking up where we left off, and we're hoping for success! Right now, the forecast is for a high of 88 degrees with a 40% chance of thunderstorms on Saturday, but Sunday looks good. I'm really hoping Saturday will be clear, but you never know when you head out into the wildernuts, as Robin calls it. :laugh: We could use a success, though. If not, they may stop going with me. :noway:

    I'm just in awe of your excursions. I know you really don't have a choice right now while your without work. I can't even imagine because I would want to eat anything and everything in sight. I will be having a non-stop pity party 24/7. You've really taken the bull by the horns and using your time wisely. You're really an inspiration to me. With that said, I know you're in a routine right now, but hope a job opens up for you and it's exactly what you want. You deserve it!!!!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member

    I did not take the night picture with the moon. We did take the tour and it was interesting but my night shots on the moving boat in that picture did not come out as good as that one from the river bank from their website.

    Believeth- Here is the big fish my BIL got.


    "@Kelley - glad to hear you might be able to get back to running soon!!! I know how much you love it!!!! But take it easy, at the start... wouldn't want you to re-injure by going too far, too quickly. This advice in no way stems from a selfish/competitive desire to stay ahead in fitbit steps wink -- my only concern is for your safety. laugh:laugh: :laugh: " You two are often very close and almost always on the top of my fitbit list of friends for most steps.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Strange weather lately, drizzly/rainy/thunderstormy and unseasonably cool in Texas (we almost never get rain from Jun-Sep) while the northeast battles record heat. I think mother nature is confused! I’m sure my a/c appreciated the break, but our temps are on the rise again starting today.

    @Robin~You love to iron? I purposely look for clothes that don’t require ironing – it was my job to iron my dad’s shirts when I was a kid, I think that’s why I try to steer away from it now. :tongue:

    @Kris~I sounds like your skillet is starting to redeem himself. :wink:

    @Tammy~Ugh, on car repairs. There are certain things I hate having to spend money on and car repairs is one. I love Costco, sounds like you’re all stocked up for a healthy week.

    @Tom~ Utah has some of the most beautiful sunsets around. I haven’t been to Arches since I was a kid, I forgot how beautiful it was. Beth and I seem to be neck in neck a lot with Fitbit steps – good thing she can’t wear that while swimming, she’d blow me out of the water every week! :laugh: I did take it slow on the running last night, just did a few intervals at the end of my regular workout.

    Wednesday Wish~That running gets easier – again. Made it to the gym last night, did some running intervals – it was pretty brutal, my legs felt like lead the whole time.:grumble: I just need to recondition my body back to running, this too shall take some time and patience - I'm sure my trainer will have all kinds of suggestions when we talk about it tonight.. Need to do this slow anyway so as to not aggravate my Achilles.

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Training & burst session DONE! :bigsmile:
    Monday~Rest Day DONE!
    Tuesday~Arc Trainer & Running Intervals DONE! :bigsmile:
    Friday~Rest Day (decided to do some shopping this day)

    Have a great day!

  • reinamsk
    reinamsk Posts: 1
    Hello all. I am semi knew to MFP. really new to the communities board. Overall I would love to lose 100 for now my goal is to lose 63 pounds. I'm tired of being a chunky monkey. I need to exercise. Im not an over eater. However Im feel sloppy. My stomach is a hanging mess and its time for it to. Part of me wishes I had people to work out with to help motivate.. I guess in due time.. HELLO all:drinker:
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Miss reading the message board three days and phew! pages you guys have filled up. Looks like some fun vacations have been had, and fun vacations are planned, good job Robin! and welcome Reinamsk! This is a great group to join.

    I just dropped hubby off at the air port think positive thoughts and say prayers for him. This is a BIG deal job interview for him. It could lead to the job of his dreams...

    I am going to spend the four days he is gone eating well and walking A LOT. Because hopefully when he gets home we will have cause to celebrate!
  • caramel1920
    caramel1920 Posts: 271
    Hello hello hello!!!!!! I am feeling really good, had a great NSV yesterday and today actually. :bigsmile: Had tons of fun trying on clothes yesterday (not usual). Everything I tried on was 14/16 and I looked great in everything (if I do say so myself) :tongue: and this morning workout pants that used to be "low-rider" are now at my waist!!!!!!! Woo Hooooooooo!!!!!!!:drinker:

    Wednesday Wish: To do what it takes to whittle away this waist as much as possible before my cruise in September!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

    - PLEASE NOTE - soon, we will soon come to the end of this current thread - every 20 pages, or 500 posts - we start a new Thread - you will see at the bottom IN the last post on page 20 a sentence like this :

    (<Continued at this topic >) and the words “this topic” will be in blue.

    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Tom- I love the pictures. I want to download some of those rock pictures to use with my students next year. They are simply fantastic.

    Lauriek- Try this link, it is supposed to let you see some more pictures.