Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Good morning.,

    Had a fun date night with my husband last night. He pick his favorite place. I was able to stay under goal last night. It was fun just the 2 of us.

    Went to the Y and did the. Treadmill and the circuit training yesterday.

    Liz from Caldwell, idaho

    Date night is so important for couples. When I was married, I wish we would have done that more often. Plus, it's so important to talk about other things. I was taking this class and the married couples had to really talk - no work, money or kids. You really had to communicate since most couples this is all they talk about are money, work and kids. It's tougher than it sounds. I'm glad you guys had a nice time AND you stayed under your calories. Awesome job!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Got a new battery in my pedometer today - and ALL information had been erased - :sad: :sad: So I am starting at step 1, mile zero. However for the Hobbiton to Rivendale walk I am going to PLUNK myself down at the 50 mile mark and then just keep adding on from there. Don't want to be too far behind my fellow Hobbits! See my update on Friday!

    Did Leslie Sansone today and walked many miles (without said pedometer yet) doing errands. Goodwill (nada), Michaels for frames (2 for 1 yippee) CVS for drugs, and assorted other places and I'm still not done but had to come home and play with the pedometer. IT has a screw that's so tiny even eyeglass screw-driver wouldn't open it. Had to go to Batteries Plus to get inside it to replace battery, but it should be good for a couple of years. I don't feel NEKKID any more!

    Queen - enjoy your girls night - I'm so happy you've off-loaded the ex-bf. Life will continue to improve. :flowerforyou:

    Naceto - if you're reading - stay the course - watch the binge eating this weekend. Try water instead. Call a friend if you get nervous or anxious.

    Susan - your happiness is infectious - I wish I could walk down the block with you!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Hey folks - GHD Challenge 16/16 :flowerforyou: Hope everyone is doing healthy things today. Wishing everyone hapiness.......


  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Struggling today. My cousin lost his wife yesterday something happened when she was walking their dog and she ended up in the Thames River and she drowned. She was only 49. It's difficult to make sense of it. she was healthy and had two lovely daughters and a husband loved her. Terribly sad. And I'm beside myself. I feel so badly for him he found her. I can't imagine what you're going through.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Struggling today. My cousin lost his wife yesterday something happened when she was walking their dog and she ended up in the Thames River and she drowned. She was only 49. It's difficult to make sense of it. she was healthy and had two lovely daughters and a husband loved her. Terribly sad. And I'm beside myself. I feel so badly for him he found her. I can't imagine what you're going through.

    Oh Dear Jennifer - I am sorry for your and your cousin's loss. What a terrible tragedy. She'll be in my prayers tonight, as will you all.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    @Jennifer so sorry about your cousin. :cry: Will be keeping your cousin and your family in my prayers. :flowerforyou:

    Liz from Idaho
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Struggling today. My cousin lost his wife yesterday something happened when she was walking their dog and she ended up in the Thames River and she drowned. She was only 49. It's difficult to make sense of it. she was healthy and had two lovely daughters and a husband loved her. Terribly sad. And I'm beside myself. I feel so badly for him he found her. I can't imagine what you're going through.

    Jennifer- Sorry to hear about your loss. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Rachel- I agree with everyone else- about getting medical attention for your eyes if it happens again.

    Whoever was asking about ankle injuries: Sorry I don't remember who asked. Having experienced my share of ankle injuries they take a long time to heal. My knee still has places where it is swollen. I would pay attention to it but ice with alternating heat will help. Monitor it and if you don't notice additional improvement then get it checked out. Most likely when you fell you strained the ligaments around the ankle so gentle stretching may help with that.

    Gorilla- I am impressed that you were able to so many workouts in a row. I am learning that after a night of rock climbing I need to rest the next day. Nice fish how large was it and what kind?

    Success this week- having a high school classmate tell me that I looked good today. He also commented on how young I looked and I reminded him that we are the same age. It was nice that he noticed and he is still a nice guy.

    Exercise plan
    Saturday- rest
    Sunday- gym
    Monday- gym
    Tuesday- gym/rest??
    Wednesday; Trainer workout
    Thursday- rest
    Friday- Rock Walls
    saturday- rest
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Rachael I like your new picture. Very nice.
    Jennifer so sorry about your cousin.
    GDH Challenge: 16/16
    Good night.
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    @ kaye, Tammy, Kristin and Karen-- thanks! It's a lil old but still good. I love that picture and I am finding it motivating!

    Sat success-- I got my mortgage, cellphone and car paid for the month. I needed a new air filter for my heater so I got that.. Then TOM Came and it kicked my @$$.. I barely ate and slept right through breakfast, but today is a new day!

    Sunday share- rachael, 29 from southern NJ. I have 9 y/o twins, cat and a dog. I purchased my first house in nov 2011 and LOVE living on my own. I started my lifestyle change on jan 3, 2013. So far I'm at 17.8 lbs. down and extremely proud of myself. I can feel some changes in my body but haven't been able to see much in the mirror. I had tried weight loss before and was successful a few yrs ago with the help of my PCP, lost 30 lbs in 3 months. I am motivated by some different things this go around. My kids are obviously my #1 reason. A friend convinced me to do a marathon in Atlantic city on April 7th. It's called the April fools day marathon. It's a 7k. I will be walking it with some coworkers since we are all at different fitness levels. I'm looking forward to it. I'm hoping I have the ability to continue this for the rest of my life. I see some folks who have triple digit loss and I WANT IT TOO. :-)

    Have a great day everyone!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member

    Now I'm due to go March 8, 2013. Today, while at work, I started seeing these squiggly lines in both of my eyes. I shut my left eye to see if it was coming from the right side- yup..then closed the right eye to see if it was coming from the left eye--yup! So, I know have a white-ish squiggly line in both eyes for about 20 mins..then all of a sudden, I lose peripheral vision in my left eye. I had my coworker do some motion on the left side and then the right and I couldnt see anything on the left side. This lasted for about 10 minutes and the lines went away. Then about 15 min later, I got a killer headache behind my right eye and the back of my head, on the right side. I felt sick to my stomach and sounds get very loud and it felt super bright in the room that I am in. I had called my docs office before the headache and was waiting for a call back. No call back--so I called the front desk and explained what happened- they transfer me to the traige nurse. She calls me back and I explain EVERYTHING again for 20th time and she tells me to come in on tuesday @ 9:15. She thinks it could have been an opthalmic migraine. I do have a history of migraines (diagnosed in June 2012). This has NEVER happened before. She told me to call back if it gets worse or happens again over the weekend bc there is a doctor on call.

    Has anyone else experienced this before? It really freaked me out!


    Definitely get it checked out, but it sounds a lot like my migraines, except I have black squigglies. They suck, don't they? I hope that's all it is!

    I agree with Des - sounds like a migraine (very much like the 'auras' I get before mine)... Particularly, when you mentioned that the TOM followed shortly after then incident. A migraine aura is actually your friend... not everyone gets them, and not every migraine has one -- usually just the worst ones. It's your warning to take drugs NOW - I can usually stave it off or greatly lessen the severity if I down a big glass of water with 3 OTC Ibuprofen at the first sign of the aura. Definately have the doc check you out too, but I'd say your retinas are ok -- although the vision loss matches a retina detatchment, your vision doesn't come back like that if you have a detatchment.

    @Jennifer - so sorry to hear about your loss - I can't imagine any part of how y'all are feeling coping (any more than I can imagine someone slipping into the Thames and drowning without someone noticing - but I'm sure there are areas that are more isolated than others)

    *sigh* stupid scale says I've gained nearly 4lbs in 2 weeks - but I'm down a size in clothes :noway: SO FRUSTRATING. Time to pull the numbers waaay down and watch extra carefully... and just maybe it's my scale....

    Sunday share - I'm Vicki (with a totally un-imaginative username!) 55, married, mom-of-grownups who lives in Hell (also known as Arizona to non-natives); Nurse manager at a state-run psychiatric hospital (but I'm not a psych nurse! -- my background is emergency/surgery/infection prevention - so I do all the "other stuff" for our patients). I've always had a bit of a weight problem, but it got abundantly worse when I was pregnant with my eldest - and I never got control over it. At my highest (in 1976, when my son was born) I was at 350. I started MFP and this journey in December 2011 at 276, and when the scales cooperate with me (see above) I'm currently about 193. Size wise, I've gone from "no clue" to a 24-26 in Dec 2011, to 16-18ish today. Starting to deal with saggy skin, and I'm thinking that my current stall-out/gain is due to increased exercise at the gym (more resistance/weights, less running cardio) since muscle weighs more than fat.

    This group is absolutely the best. Even though I don't always post regularly, y'all are a total inspiration! :flowerforyou:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Sunday Share - today we celebrated my older brother and sister's 67th and 66th' birthdays. They were born a year and a day apart, so today for one day they are the same age. My younger brother and my bf came, and we exchange "insult" cards. Its a tradition, the ruder the better - and we roar with laughter.
    I'm Ellen, living in Omaha, NE, 61, divorced, no kids, sadly no pets. (Allergies, asthma, arthritis, etc,etc.) Just bought a little condo. Have been running this thread for it seems a LONG time. Highest weight 264, now 235. once size 24, Just now, am getting into a size 20 - and I credit that to my current working out of walking to Leslie Sansone!
    Leaving in a week for a great vacation - a week in Jamaica with the bf - can't believe my luck - he is paying for all of it - it is beyond my wildest dreams to be going - he is the greatest guy in the world - all I can say is after a miserable 21 year marriage there is hope out there for a person and even late in life a person can find happiness!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi and happy Sunday everyone. Kaye congrats on the beautiful healthy new grandbaby. Jennifer I am so soory for the loss you are experiencing. My name is Tammy and I started this journey last August at 378 pounds. When I started changing my eating habits weight loss wasnt even a factor. I have suffered from undiagnosed chronic and at times debilitating pain for about five years. In August i heard about how things like green smoothies were helping people to combat htese issues with better results then medications and was at that point willing to try about anything. A month into changing what and how I ate and I went from pain almost daily to only a couple flare ups during the month and then bonus I had lost almost 20 pounds. At that point there was no going back. I am in this for life. I refuse to be the person who has to say no to everything because of pain or weight anymore. I just want to say if I can do this then I know all of you can. We are strong and in control of who we want to be :drinker: :drinker:
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Sunday Everyone.

    Sunday Share~I'm Kelley, 44, living in north central Texas - a transplant from upstate NY 18 years ago. Actually hard to believe I've been here that long. I'm not married and don't have kids, have one sweet little 4-month old kitty, Zoe. She's a sweetheart! I've been on this weight loss journey a long time - you ask me the first 75# were easy, over the last few years the weight has been coming off really slow. I signed on with a personal trainer at my gym last June after recovering from surgery due to a meniscus tear in my knee. Actually thought I'd never be able to run again, but thanks to my trainer all of my strength is back - and then some. We've really been hitting the heavy weights lately, which seems to be agreeing and helping with the weight loss - have had some big losses in recent weeks. If all goes according to plan and my body continues to respond, I should be at my goal weight before the end of the year. Yippee!!!

    Speaking of trainers, he had me on a leverage (v-squat) machine today (imagine a football squat) - squatting with 520 pounds. I can't believe I actually did it! We worked our way up but I was able to do 10 reps before my legs turned to jelly. :bigsmile: I have a feeling I'll be in pain in a day or two. I bench pressed some heavier weight today too - not sure how much - and am up to 2 minute planks. Wow! No wonder my body feels like a wet noodle this afternoon. I think its time for a cup of green tea, get some brown rice cooked up so its ready to go in tonight's dish, then tend to laundry.

    @Robin~There is still hope that mr right is out for me then! :wink:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Kelley - Mr Right is out there for you - just be yourself and be prepared for a very non-traditional relationship. When we met, through an online dating site, he said, "I don't think we're right for each other" I said "Lets try to be just friends" he said " I could do that" and that s just what we are - just friends, very very platonic friends with a rare benefit - but after 4 years and his and my age and medical conditions what do ya expect? Friendship is the best relationship in the world and we care so deeply for each other! We probably know each other BETTER than most married couples.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Crumpets - I just lost my post!!!:sad: :sad: :grumble: :sad: :sad:

    GHD Challenge: 17/17

    I'm an old divorced lady trying to get healthier but it is a very long road. (I typed TOAD originally, I wonder what that reveals?) I'm using a change in what I eat combined with walking to try to make this change. Maybe at some point I'll be able to do some of the great things many of you do but I'm happy with this right now. I love dogs, reading mysteries, walking, and every electronic gadget I can get my hands on (I really don't have enough but can't afford more).

    Jennifer - sorry for your loss.

    Kaye - WOOT---congrats on the new grandbaby.

    Vicki - and I thought I lived in HELL. :blushing:

    Robin - sounds like a perfect relationship and I am green again. Your upcoming vacation sounds lovely.

    Kelley - working hard as usual!!

    Tammy - you are making great progress. WTG!!

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • Hyzaarc
    Hyzaarc Posts: 67 Member
    First time I've posted in over a month.

    So far I've gone back up in weight, 240 even now. My lowest was 234, 6 lbs gained over the last three months.
    My birthday is this coming wednesday. I'm hoping to get back on track to weightloss again, however I've been still playing the Adventures in depression game.

    It's getting out of control, I've been living on ice cream, ramen, and mac and cheese like a broke college student. (College student yes, broke not so much yet.).
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I've been enjoying the day with 2 of my little grandsons that I don't get to see very often. I got to hold the new baby for a few minutes today. They are doing great. By way of getting to know more about me, I have 14 of the little darlings, and love being a grandma. I'm so glad that this journey has made me so much healthier. I feel ready to take on Anya as a full-time baby-sitting job along with her brother. Daughter will be returning to work in May.
    Small weight loss again this week, .8#. As you know, I've had a rough week for keeping within my goals, so I'm pleased with the loss, however small. I realized the other day that I feel a lot less like a blob. Even though I still have a lot to lose, I am starting to get more definition to my figure and it feels good!
    I got in a good walk today with my daughter-in-law and I'm working on the water.
    I love the Sunday shares. It is so good to get to know more about all of you and journey we are on.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @hyzaarc--welcome back! You can get things back on track, maybe try to take small steps--like this week just work on logging everything you eat (even if it's ice cream or ramen). Next week, try to change one unhealthy habit--like switch out the ice cream for some fruit. The following week, cut out the ramen or mac n cheese for a healthier dish, and so on and so on, until you are back to your healthier habits.

    @jen--I'm so sorry for your loss.

    @robin--so excited for your upcoming trip--can't wait to hear all about it!

    @kelley--that's some serious lifting and some serious planking. I've just recently "graduated" from straight are planks to the forearms, and I can only hold mine for 45 seconds. Trying to work my way up to a minute--it would probably help if I did them more consistently. :blushing:

    Sunday Share:
    Very tired from my girls' night out--I really feel all 43 and a half of my years after a night out drinking. I didn't even drink that much, but today I feel like a truck ran over me. For the newer folks, I am Karen, HS English teacher from Chicago. I'm married to a great guy, no kids (I get enough of them at work!), but one fur-baby I spoil like a kid. Gunner is now 7 years old, but he'll always be my "puppy." I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that my older sister was being tested for ovarian cancer due to some cysts. The doctor said it was unlikely to be cancer, and thankfully, he was right--just fibrous cysts that she will have removed later this month.

    I have one other sister who is 7 years younger than me. She is the one who has the 1 year old, my gorgeous niece. She and I weren't as close growing up (I mean, she was 11 when I went away to college), but I think I have more in common with her than with my older sister. Older sis is pretty high maintenance, while younger sis and I are both laid back. Older sis is also a real "girly" girl, while I'm not. I get my hair done b/c I have to--I've never been on a "spa day." I only shop when I need to buy something--I've never understood the appeal of window shopping. B/c of this, it's hard for older sis and I to find things to do together, while younger sis and I both like to be outdoors, we wear sensible shoes, etc. We are all very close now, and I enjoy spending time with my older sister, but if I had to be locked in a room with one of them for an extended period of time, I would definitely choose my younger sis. :laugh:
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Sunday share: My name is Katrena. I have been married (2nd time) since 2007. Met my hubby on the Internet and it was "like" at first sight. We married six months later. I have struggled with my weight since the birth of my first child. I have lost and regained numerous lbs, but generally don't get lower than size 16/18. At 5'1" that is too heavy for me

    I have been following the Weight Watchers plan for two weeks and the past 3 days have obtained relief from chronic reflux. Not sure why that is true since I have tried numerous diets for reflux and I am eating more now than I normally do. I cant figure it out but I am delighted and hope it continues.

    I am 100 lbs overweight and it interferes with my activity, worsens the autoimmune disorders and in general affects my health adversely.

    Today, I have stayed within my food allotment. I use the activelink and at 4 oclock I checked it and was only 75% of my activity goals for the day. I used the next hour taking pictures was by ebay store and to my surprize that activity put meat 137% of my days fitness goals. It was empowering to receive that information and be able to impact my health by a little movement

    HYZAARC - We have all been where you are at. This too shall pass. Do yourself a favor and get some medication for your depression or use a natural means to cope with it. I know from personal experience that depression can be dangerous and it is not a comforting feeling. My prayers are with you

    Robin/Ellen - Your comments on friendship are right on the mark. I have friends that have been with me for over 40 years and I treasure them. Enjoy Jamaica, I have never been there and would love to go. Congrats on the weigh loss

    Lin, There is hope for you. I was divorced for over 15 years, 14 during which I never had a date. I met my husband on line. We've been together since 2007 and I never imagined marriage could be so good. I was in an abusive marriage before Bill and I just didnt want to risk that again. In fact, if he had not insisted on marriage I would have been content for boyfriend/girlfriend but he is old fashioned and it has worked out
    jtconst - So happy you are experiencing less pain now.

    Rachael - Congrats on the weight loss

    Jennifer - So sorry about your & your cousin's loss. I will be keeping you and her family in my prayers

    Jumpy - I never knew my grandparents of great grands and I want to make a difference in the lives of my grandchildre and great grands. I enjoyed your comments. They are one of the reasons I am trying so hard on this weight loss journey. I want to live as long as I can to enjoy them

    Skinnyjeans - You wonder where they get this. My great grand says No all the time. Today I heard her favorite cartoon character say "No" The producers should know better. No loss is better than small gain. It will probably fall off next week
    Grandma Kay - You should count that as a success