Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Ty for the feedback! It was really the scariest thing Ive experienced in quite some time, I have to admit. I just feel like I'm too young to have all of this nonsense going on. I'm only 29, will be 30 in July. It makes me feel old :( I do have crappy vision in general, have been wearing glasses since I was 9 years old. A lovely trait I have passed onto my daughter - although her glasses are for extended periods of reading. My son- perfect 20/20..Must get that from his dad---*kitten* LOL

    I will keep everyone updated on the diagnosis/prognosis...if any :)

    Ya'll are FANTABULOUS!

    I'd be perfectly happy if it NEVER happens again. Knowing my luck, it will :ohwell:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. Well first thing I have to say Rachael you are just beautiful. I love your new picture. Those vision problems sound scary I am happy you were able to get some feedback. While I have worn glasses since I was a kid there has never been anything unusual with my eyes. GrandmaKaye I am very happy for you with the arrival of your new grandbaby. I will be praying all goes well. I am having a nice productive day. My darn mom got me started and now I have accomplished stuff and had a nice calorie burn. What the heck is this anyway to spend a Friday:laugh: She was talking about how nice it is today and the work she was going to do on her yard and it just guilted me into my backyard. I raked and cleaned out flowerbbeds and picked up piles and HORRORS all the dog poop for about 2 or so hours. Not quite done but I have filled my yard waste container to the point I cant move it and will have to get my dad to help me take it down to the end of the road on pickup day. So now after a little break I am going to clean my kitchen and sweep and mop and then maybe I will relax for awhile:happy: I gave myself an hour of vigorous housecleaning for calorie counts today. I never go over an hour no matter how long I work outside or in the house as that just seems like a lot of calories to me and I dont want to be tempted to eat to many. Well have a great day everyone and dont forget to drink up :drinker: :drinker:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Friday!!!

    I am about 5 pgs behind so I will read posts but may not do personals sorry.

    I am not planning any fitness this weekend if it happens awesome if not oh well. It is thr first time in 8 months that I have alone time with only me no one else around. I plan to sleep, watch tv, have a girls night.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member

    In 2010, I had a routine eye exam/fitting for my contacts and they asked if I wanted to have a retinal exam bc I never had one. I said sure, why not...well good thing I did bc they were able to see that I had some holes in not 1 but both of my eyes! They immediately referred me to a specialist and I went to see them for the first time in Sept 2010. They told me to bring a driver (I didnt think it was necessary at the time) and when I walked in, I QUICKLY realized, I was the youngest person in the waiting room besides my mom! (I was 27 at the time). Anywho, my eyes were dilated (which I HATE btw) and I had my exam and found that there is some holes, but they aren't TOO terrible and the doc wanted to see me back in 6 months. Ok, cool--so I go back in March of 2011 and says that there is no significant change in my eyes, ok awesome...come back in 12 months...okie dokie, I go back in March 2012--no significant change, come back in a year.

    Now I'm due to go March 8, 2013. Today, while at work, I started seeing these squiggly lines in both of my eyes. I shut my left eye to see if it was coming from the right side- yup..then closed the right eye to see if it was coming from the left eye--yup! So, I know have a white-ish squiggly line in both eyes for about 20 mins..then all of a sudden, I lose peripheral vision in my left eye. I had my coworker do some motion on the left side and then the right and I couldnt see anything on the left side. This lasted for about 10 minutes and the lines went away. Then about 15 min later, I got a killer headache behind my right eye and the back of my head, on the right side. I felt sick to my stomach and sounds get very loud and it felt super bright in the room that I am in. I had called my docs office before the headache and was waiting for a call back. No call back--so I called the front desk and explained what happened- they transfer me to the traige nurse. She calls me back and I explain EVERYTHING again for 20th time and she tells me to come in on tuesday @ 9:15. She thinks it could have been an opthalmic migraine. I do have a history of migraines (diagnosed in June 2012). This has NEVER happened before. She told me to call back if it gets worse or happens again over the weekend bc there is a doctor on call.

    Has anyone else experienced this before? It really freaked me out!


    Definitely get it checked out, but it sounds a lot like my migraines, except I have black squigglies. They suck, don't they? I hope that's all it is!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    GHD Challenge: 15/15

    Here's to you my friends--:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:


  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Awe thx Tammy. I appreciate it!! Now if I could just get the body that goes with the face.

    Des- yessss they are horrible. I am going Tuesday morning, my mom is comin with me just in case they dilate my eyes.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    The baby arrived safe and sound this afternoon. Daughter had a very good labor and delivery. Keith was very excited to see his sister. He wanted to see if her face was like his. She does look like a smaller version of him, weighing in at 7 lbs. 5 oz. All is well. More later. Kaye
  • jumpy983
    rachael love the new pic!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Kaye - We are all welcoming the NEW BABY! HUZZAH! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Thx Kristin!!! Congrats on the pound that is gone!! Yaaaaay!!! You're catching up lol
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @rachael--love the new pic--gorgeous!! Before you even said "migraine" that's exactly what I was thinking. I 2nd the advice of others about going to emergency if you have another serious episode before your appt. next week. My sister had some of those same symptoms (holes and squigglies) and had to have a laser procedure when she was in her early 30s. It wasn't abig deal as far as surgeries go, but she was told there could be very serious consequences if she didn't have the surgery. Hope you get a good prognosis.

    @kaye--hurray!! congrats--glad everyone is healthy!! :flowerforyou:

    @holly--I would say you deserve a weekend "off." Enjoy your girls' night! I'm also taking a girls' night tomorrow. Some friends and I are going for an overnight to see a favorite band--looking forward to it!

    @tammy--I need to do the yard clean-up as well--gunner is a big dog... :laugh:

    @robin--a good night's sleep is often more beneficial to weight loss and overall health than a workout, so I say great job getting in a full 12 hours! I'm wavering about whether to sleep in tomorrow or go for my long run. I have to be at a friend's by 2 to leave for our girls' overnight trip, so it will be hard to sleep in and get to the gym. I also won't have time on Sunday b/c we will be driving back home in the morning and I have a friend's b-day party in the afternoon. My saving grace is that I'm off on Monday for Presidents' Day, so if all else fails, I will get my long run done then. You must be oh so excited about your u[coming trip!! When do you leave?

    @helena--love the pic of your pup! so adorable, but I'm partial to boxers (gunner is half boxer).

    @kelley & gorilla--great job turning down the Valentine's sweets--I've had no such luck! :blushing: Made up for it yesterday (when I went on a super-binge). Today, I'm just going to be over--didn't indulge in as many sweets, but I had a couple of cocktails after work. I'll still be under maintenance... :ohwell:

    @sams--that pacer machine sounds interesting, and yes, 5 minutes is totally doable. You can build from there a minute or 2 each week--before you know it you'll be doing 30 minutes at a time. :drinker:

    @tom & lin--great job on GHD challenge--can you believe we are already past the halfway there mark for Feb.??? :noway:

    Friday Fitness:
    I've done okay this week. Got in some extra exercise when I needed to "pay" for some food indulgences. It's a 3-day weekend which usually means extra days at the gym. However, I'm so busy this weekend, I'll probably only get to the gym on Monday. Tomorrow I'm going to see Gaelic Storm so at least I know I will burn some calories dancing. I also still need to buy some new runners. My achilles tendon is starting to hurt which is a sure sign my arch support has worn out in my old shoes.

    Exercise goals for week of 2/11:
    Mon--walk gunner? (I donate blood at 5 pm, but if I hurry home I might have time for this) NOT DONE
    Tues--rest day (I have a union meeting and dinner plans w/ a friend)
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + core DONE + 30 minutes on treadmill 10% incline DONE
    Fri--rest day DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (long run) + dancing at Gaelic Storm concert!
    Sun--walk gunner

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 Parts of Speech Tests
    2. x47 Brave New World analyses
    3. 11/11 AP analysis activities DONE
    4. x/16 Good Deed essays

    GHD challenge:
    15/28 days minimum 80 grams of protein
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    I kept my great granddaughter, Mae today. I haven't had her for a while, because my grandson isn't watching her at nights anymore. It hurt to not have her around, but it broke my heart to see her have to go out in the cold every morning at 5am. So this is for the best. He visits her Monday and Tuesday nights for a few hours and then picks her up Thursday evening and she stays, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. He is probably moving out in May so it will be Bill and I and we will miss the company.

    I took her out to the backyard and we climbed the hill to check out her sandbox and her little garden that she helped me plant. The hyacinths are blooming and the tulips are peeping out. We then went to the park. She made me play on some of the equipment with her. I got some free time and did my stretches and some walking around the play area. She was super good today. I think not having to move from one location to another so often has made her calmer. I know that is difficult for adults and must be worse for small children. It amazes me every time I see her how her vocabulary increases. Today I kissed her on the forehead and said "i love you" and she said "I love you too, GG"

    My fitness plan for the week

    I plan for water aerobics tomorrow morning, Monday, Wed and Sat. And some bicycling on Sunday along with leg presses which my PT had added to my routine. If weather permits I will walk some. My Physical therapy is now mostly exercises and weights and that will be 2 days

    My husband lost my fitbit. I regret it. I purchased the Weight Watchers active link and let hubby wear my fitbit. It came off his waistband in Fla. I might get another if they come out with a wrist model. The Active link is different. It sets challenges based on a one week analysis of your activity. Today I took it off my bra strap ( I was wearing it on my waist but lost it 3 times and didnt want a fitbit repeat) and set it on the counter. It has a visual that shows whether you exceeded your activity goals for the day. If you plug into the computer, it gives more information. It is waterproof which is the major reason I bought it since I water exercise primarily. This is my first challenge week, so I will be interested in knowing how I do

    Hubby has weekend work. He is in Augusta Ga this weekend. I am meeting my grandson's new girlfriend and we are going out to dinner.

    GRANDMAKAY - Congrats on new baby, Anya? That sounds Irish

    RACHEAL - Your gym workouts sound great. Sometimes you can tone up from that activity without even losing weight, but combining both is great.

    Desdemina - That sounds very scary. Sorry you had to go thru that experience. Glad you are having this checked and hope all is well as can be

    MnWalking Queen - Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy. We all deserve a break

    Jtconst - Just reading your post wore me out. I am itching to get in the back yard and do some work. Weather was very nice in Atlanta today

    GorillaNJ - Resisting that candy was a major victory and probably saved some arteries. Keep it up

    Kah - Those sound like good choices at the Mexican place (I always overdo the corn chips) And working out afterwards is super fantastic. Thanks for letting me know about others supplementing restaurant fare. Outback is good choice for not overdoing it, but I was surprized the the wedge blue cheese salad was more calories than the steak

    Helena, you may have sprained your ankle. Could cause problems later. Try soaking in warm epsom salts and then wrapping fairly tightly with an ace bandage for a few days.

    Robin, I would count 1oz per digit. Probably should just keep them. Robin, so much of what you said about stress resonates with me. I was in such a stressful job/personal life for so many years that it took its toll on my health. At the time, you didnt hear much about stress management and it never occurred to me that it could even be managed. Now there's lots of information out there on how to handle long term stress.

    Happy Weekend to all
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Checking in early this evening. I'm 15/15 on GHD challenge. We went out to dinner at the Scandinavian place. We had perch and sauted prawns. They also serve a soup and salad as well as potatoes with the meal. I figured as closely as I could with the data base and figure that used all of my exercise calories today. :ohwell: I'm glad I got in a few extra on a walk with Keith. After dinner we went over to the hospital to see the baby again. I didn't get to hold her this afternoon. Her full name is Anastasia Aiko. Anastasia (Anya) just because they both like it, and Aiko for her great grandmother. Her paternal grandmother is full Japanese, hence the Japanese name. Keith's middle name is Jitsuo after the Japanese great grandfather. I am going to try to get some pictures of the 2 of them soon and I will post them. I think that Anya looks a lot like Keith did. Boy, just get a grandma going about the grandkids. :blushing: Have a good evening.
  • jumpy983
    Grandma & KJeffries I think it is so sweet and unique to be able to see the great/grand kids through your eyes. I remember being very young and visiting my great grandparents/grandparents at their homes or (for my grandpa) the nursing home and I remember my mother making me sit and talk with all the older people who were there and I never understood why. And as I got older and have kids of my own, I realized that it's just special. The kids don't know it. They are just full of their little innocent, loving, giving, honest selves, but my daughter will say the craziest things to her grandma or great grandma (Nanny) and it just thrills them. And they are so full of love. It must take you back to when your kids were little. I think that when I get older, I am really going to enjoy my grandkids...(and my kids are only 3 & 4 so we have a long way to go). But your posts just let me see what it must have been like for my grandparents & greatgrandparents interacting with me when I was a tot. I loved them so much. I only have a Grandpa left now and he's amazing. I hope he lives forever. Grandparents are very special. I miss mine and love the one I have left. Thank you for that.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Kaye, congratulations on your new, baby grangdaughter. I know what a pleasure it is to be around grandbabies. The last few days I've been helping out with mine.
    Today, I'm going to a Chinese New Year Luncheon at a relatives house. I don't think it will be hard to eat right as I don't really like Chinese food. I used to live in Asia, but never liked the Chinese food.
    Have a great long weekend (to those that have it).
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good morning.,

    Had a fun date night with my husband last night. He pick his favorite place. I was able to stay under goal last night. It was fun just the 2 of us.

    Went to the Y and did the. Treadmill and the circuit training yesterday.

    @Lin Congrats!
    @Kaye awe on new grandbaby!!
    @Robin, a good night sleep makes such a difference. There are so many nights were I don't get enough sleep. Just adds to the stress. But when I get a good night sleeps stress may still be there but how I cope with it is so different.
    @Holly enjoy your break.

    Friday fitness since I missed.
    the river class (water jogging)
    at the Y 3 times this week Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
    track or treadmill Monday, Wednesday
    Friday treadmill and circuit training.
    Sunday rest day.
    Trying to eat salads every day.

    Wishing everyone a good Saturday.

    Liz from Caldwell, idaho
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @liz--great job staying under goal on a date night!

    @mel--Chinese food is one of my weaknesses--really any Asian food (other than Indian). I think Thai food is probably my biggest weakness--I love me some good pad Thai! Fortunately, I live in the suburbs so there aren't a lot of good Thai food restaurants--never thought I would consider that a plus. :laugh:

    @jumpy--I know what you mean about cherishing grandparents. Mine are all gone now, but they were all amazing people. I was only 5 when I lost my paternal grandfather and 18 when my paternal grandmother passed. Both of my mother's parents passed away when I was an adult. They all lived in MI, and as kids we spent a lot of time visiting, but as we got older, it got harder and harder to spend time there. I really wish I had known them better as an adult--I'm the youngest of the grandchildren other than my younger sister.

    @kaye--such a lovely name for your new granddaughter!

    @katrena--it's so nice that you get to spend time with your great granddaughter. I know what you mean about the vocabulary growing--my niece is just starting to talk. She is at the stage where she uses a lot of words the wrong way. Last week she picked up one of her favorite stuffed animals (a frog) and yelled "Die!" at it. Then she gave it a big hug. She obviously doesn't know what "die" means. :laugh:

    Saturday Success:
    Well even with all of the holiday sweets, my weight is holding steady at 185. No loss this week, but at least no gain. I'm not going for my long run today. I have too much to do before leaving for my girls' overnight trip. Plus, we will be doing a lot of walking and dancing tonight, so I will get a good calorie burn regardless. If we get home early enough, I will do the long run tomorrow. If not, I will do it Monday since I'm off for the holiday.

    Exercise goals for week of 2/11:
    Mon--walk gunner? (I donate blood at 5 pm, but if I hurry home I might have time for this) NOT DONE
    Tues--rest day (I have a union meeting and dinner plans w/ a friend)
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + core DONE + 30 minutes on treadmill 10% incline DONE
    Fri--rest day DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (long run) + dancing at Gaelic Storm concert!
    Sun--walk gunner

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 Parts of Speech Tests
    2. x47 Brave New World analyses
    3. 11/11 AP analysis activities DONE
    4. x/16 Good Deed essays

    GHD challenge:
    15/28 days minimum 80 grams of protein
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Saturday Success: I count this week as a success because, in spite of birthday cakes, eating out, etc., I have been able to keep within my calorie allotment. I've eaten a few exercise calories.
    Looking forward to a fun weekend with family. It will include some more food challenges.
    Have a great weekend. kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    @Kaye~Congrats on the new granddaughter, what a great name! Glad to hear she arrived safely and mom/baby are doing well.

    Saturday Success~Was down 2# this week, now down 6# for the 90-day challenge at my gym. So far so good. Started today with a 90-minute run burning 680 calories - so on point. Now time to get a grocery list together.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Friday Fitness: It's been a good week overall. I was able to get in 5 out of 7 days worth of 60+ minutes of walking. Now that I've left my old job I loss the free gym. Oh well. With our great weather every day, there's no excuse not to walk, run, bike, etc. . .outside. Plus, I must have a TON of videos I can do inside too. I'll think about a gym down the road, but for now I'm going to enjoy the great outdoors.

    Saturday Success: What a week!! Resigned at one job and preparing for the new job starting Monday. I lost 3 lbs. My son started the spring baseball season. I did a preliminary run through on my taxes and with the relocation, house sale, being head of household, I'm looking at a very, very nice return. This is going to completely pay off the credit card. Woo Hoo!! No complaints whatsoever. Life is good.

    @Kaye - Congrats on the new granddaughter! I love the baby stage and enjoy every single second. They grow up way too fast.
    @Kelley - Awesome job on no adult beverages last night. Mexican makes me want to drink!!! LOL!!
    @Rachel - Scary stuff!! Like everyone said do not take your eye sight for granted. If it happens for a prolonged period of time, definitely get in with someone immediately. I wore glasses since the 2nd grade. My contacts are a -8 so I totally understand poor eye sight. All of my headaches are right on my eyeballs and I just want to push them as hard as possible. I feel your pain!!
    @Skinnyjeanz - Thank goodness you pushed yourself and got a workout in. While you knew you were still going to be over, you still got in your workout. Good for you!!
    @Robin - I've battled sleeping issues for quite some time, but mine is weight related and I have sleep apnea. I have a machine, but I haven't worn it in a long time. I really need to get back to it. I'm also a little too dependent on Advil PM. I need to switch to a more natural one, but it's tough when your not get solid rest.
    @Tom & Lin (a few others I'm missing) - Awesome commitment to the February challenge. I think I fell off on day 2. LOL!!