Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @susan--congrats on the loss!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    @barb--It's really hard to eat too much protein or fiber (provided you don't have any other health issues), so I never worry about going over. Also, MFP has a pretty low protein goal, and the carb goal at 55% is (IMHO) outrageously high. I custom set my macros to 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat b/c I've read a lot of articles that suggested doing so (sorry I don't ever save the sources or I would share the links). That being said, I rarely hit my protein goal and often go over my carbs, but at least I have better guidelines at the outset. In general, I would say as long as you are losing weight, you don't need to be too worried about macros. However, as you get closer to your goal, you may need to watch them more closely to continue shedding lbs.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Barquit - I agree with skinny.... in all her points. MFP seems to go very low on fiber/protein and way too high in carbs. My fiber is custom set to 30. I rarely reach that, and usually hit between 10 and 20. Under 10 I have .....digestive troubles and over 20, I have....different digestive troubles. I have medical issues so I set my protein for 62 and my carb set at 138(since I can't customize that number, I actually aim for 145).
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey guys! My friend's kids both were/are big time wrestlers, but the IOC is threatening to eliminate wrestling from the Olympics. Please go to the link below and like her FB page. Also, share it with any friends who care about wrestling!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    GHD challenge 13/13. Good night.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Laurie, I love that you're inspiring others! Awesome!

    Vickiemieth, Been there, Done that, Bought the T-shirt. One of my docs had a wretched week a few weeks ago. Here's a recipe for misery: take 26 women on a 26-bed unit, give about half them norovirus (a masty stomach virus), restrict them all to the unit until nobody's had symptoms for 48 hours, and then have the nurse manager, psychologist, and one doctor (of two) all go on vacation that week. By Day 8, my very resilient doc was exhausted and losing her cool. Not that I blame her!

    Wednesday wish: that the 9 bins of holiday decorations would fly themselves back to the storage unit and vacate my living room!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Normal week so far Tuesday lots of walking around for work plus the treadmill, yesterday made the gym before start of work more treadmill. Heading to the gym this morning planning on more of the same. Was hoping to start the water river class at the Y but had to put off till next week. My DH car broke done so we are sharing so made it not possible.

    Wednesday wish. That the laundry would fold and put away itself.

    Thursday truth -- I am really craving Chinese food especially moo shoo pork I have made my home version of sweet and sour chicken it was good but what I really want is to out and have mom shoo. Silly yes but that's my truth!!

    @Kaye Congrats on the new Grand Baby!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    @ Lauriek70 - Hard work is contagious!! Great job inspiring people at the gym and here!
    @ MaraDiaz - Nothing better then a great workout!!! Do it again!
    @ skinnyjeanzbo- Great work at the gym and with the loss!!! I also signed up for that save the wrestling thing
    @ Susan2396 - Awesome success with the loss!!!! Keep it coming!
    @ barquilt - I agree with everyone else.. there is no such thing as too much protein... especially if you are

    Well last night I did a quick HIIT session on the elliptical, set it up for intervals and did 2 minutes all the way up on level 16 and then 2 minutes at 8... It was a great quick workout had my heart pumping and the sweat dripping.

    Tonight I am lifting, Workout A... so Deadlifts, I am hoping that Valentine's day has the gym empty! Going to really punish the muscles tonight and then plan a nice hot Epsom salt bath... and an early Friday morning run!

    So Day 2 of TNT low carb diet... I had Prosciutto with my breakfast, who could ever complain about that!!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning & Happy Valentine’s Day!

    Going to be lots of temptations around here – there were chocolate covered strawberries yesterday (still in fridge) and from what I hear donuts are being brought in today plus whatever else people bring in. Luckily I don’t really like donuts, but still keeping my distance!

    @Karen~Yay, on the 1# being real. I haven’t weighed since I upped my calories but cheated yesterday so I could report back to my trainer, I didn’t believe it the first time so did it twice! LOL
    @kvandeest~Definitely drink that water. My trainer has had two clients in the last 2 weeks pass out in the middle of their sessions from being dehydrated.
    @Susan~Awesome loss! I think you and I have similar goals this year, I hope to be at goal by the end of the year – I’ll be 45 in November. We can do this!!!
    @Gorilla~I’m doing low carb also (20%) – I had steak and eggs twice this week. Yum!

    Thursday Truth~Made it to the gym last night for another brutal workout with my trainer, he gets pleasure from my pain. He counted and compared sets from Sunday and yesterday – did 24 sets on Sunday and my legs were killing me two days later, we did 30 yesterday – he said, “yep you’re going to hurt again” and then laughed. Nice, I’m glad I can amuse him. :laugh: We’ve taken cardio intervals completely out of the equation during our workouts since I’m pretty good about stepping that up on my own, it seems to be working – still getting the calorie burn I need. Oh, for those that notice on the main feed – I’m still hitting it hard at the gym but not putting it in my journal – trying to keep track of things closely and don’t want to accidentally eat back any exercise calories I earn.

    Fitness this week:

    Monday~Jogging Elliptical DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest Day DONE!
    Wednesday~Training DONE!
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Arc Trainer
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Tom -- yes I have fingers crossed for another pound gone next week. And well done on the strength training!
    @Holly -- hope the structured program works really well for you. I can't bear not to weigh myself; I'm really obsessive about it.
    @Kelley -- good luck with your 90 day challenge. You know, I think I like strawberries best without chocolate or cream, just as they are. And they're really brilliantly good for you that way!
    @Rachel -- aren't you doing great!
    @Des -- those pictures of you are really fantastic! And you're doing so great on the weight and measurements. Your doctor looks fantastic! She's so impressive on YouTube.
    @Lin -- so sorry to hear about your co-worker.
    @Beth -- just keep focused and doing what you're doing; these tiny little gains aren't real.
    @Tammy -- isn't it great to have smaller trousers?
    @Kaye -- well done for staying under calories at the birthday party! And fingers crossed for your new addition.
    @sams247 -- welcome back!
    @Jen -- such good news about your blood sugar. I'm so happy when people's medical conditions improve because they're eating better and exercising.
    @Robin -- oh, such a shame you're not managing to log accurately. I know you can do this thing! I feel like you've given us all so much with this thread, I really want you to get on track.
    @Kris -- great news about the job. Will you be able to find other temp work for the 100 days, or are you going to save up and have a brilliant and relaxing extended holiday?
    @Susan -- I'm not surprised they paid you up and got you to go, and it's nice to have an extra week's wage, isn't it? I need new undies too but I'm just trying to put it off as long as possible.
    @Laurie -- how wonderful to have inspired another person to start training! Isn't that great?
    @Katrena -- good to see you back!
    @Karen -- I try to not fret too much about the exercises I haven't done; as long as I manage 30 minutes of something each day I reckon I'm on the side of the angels. It's much easier to keep doing the stuff you enjoy.
    @Kathy -- here's a Special Water Tag just for you! Drink that water!
    @Barb -- I found the carbs limit MFP sets by default (55% of calories from carbs) was far too high for me. So I tinkered with it and now have my limits at 40/30/30 carbs/protein/fat. I tend to go over on fat now, but that balance seems about ideal to me.
    @Liz -- if what you want is moo shoo pork you should plan it in for a day in the near future. If I have a really strong craving like that (especially for something reasonably sensible like Chinese food) I always try to make sure i get some.

    Thursday Truth -- I'm still very ambivalent about the half marathon. I just find that although I don't mind running now, I find the long training runs very hard going now that they're over two hours. It really takes a lot out of my day and I'm so tired afterwards. So although I'll keep running after the half, I think I may stick to 5k or at most 10k and just work to raise my speed.

    I've got a friend staying today, so we drank too much red wine last night. Fun though. And I'm back on track today. I think. I might save some calories for this evening just in case. I haven't seen her for a few months so she was amazed by how much weight I've lost. It's funny though; we're about the same size now and she spent a lot of time telling me that I didn't know how to dress and wore really unflattering clothes. And you know, I was in my own home chilling in a cardi and leggings. We're going out to see friends on Saturday and I am determined that I'm going to look fantastic; I may need to go shopping! My guess is if I lose a lot more weight she'll struggle to cope with that; she's got a mindset where she's really using food and drink as compensation for the things she's not happy with in her life.

    Hope you're all having a wonderful week!

    -- Alison
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    I have a question.............................almost every day I go over on the protein & fiber. I rarely go over on carbs or fat & just about every day I'm a few calories under the goal set for me. I'm just wondering if this happens to others & is it something to be real concerned about or is it OK if I just concentrate on the total calories. I'm losing weight with the way I'm doing it but I am concerned about being healthy too. Thanks for your input. Barb

    According to my doctor, it's fine to go over on protein and fiber, as long as I keep my carbs and calories under goal.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

    I have now officially lost more than 10% of my starting weight. On to the next 10%!

    Thank you all for the compliments on my steampunk pictures, but I do have to confess that I am heavier than that now. Those pictures were taken a couple of years ago, I was about 25 pounds lighter then than I am now. I'm going to put some progress pictures in my profile soon if you're curious. I just love this picture of me that I use for my avatar, even if it's a little outdated.

    My percentages of macros, set by my doctor, is 25% carbs, 40% protein and 35% fat. Of course, the lower carbs is because i'm insulin resistant and we're trying to fix that. Carbs make it worse. I can go over on protein as long as I stay under 25% carbs and within my calorie range.

    I arranged my chocolates on a nice plate and put them in the break room. No one has to know they're sugar free or that they were regifted! The reason my doctor gave for not eating the candies is that the sugar is replaced with sugar alcohol, which still acts like sugar in your body. The reason diabetics eat them is because the sugar is more slowly absorbed, so they won't spike. she said if a diabetic is determined to have a chocolate, she would rather they have a sugar free one. But the candies are just as many calories as regular chocolates, and they are just as bad for my insulin resistance.

    Good thing I REALLY enjoyed the one I had!

    I feel like I'm rambling. I'm really tired this morning. I dreampt I was doing my job last night, so was very disappointed to find out the work wasn't completed when I woke up this morning!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Happy Valentines Day to all of my lovely friends - hugs and flowers to all of You! :flowerforyou:

    Des - I did enjoy your steampunk outfit pix - you do have a retro look about you that helps you carry the look with your smokey eyes and tumbling ringlets!

    Kaye - so close to Baby Day!

    Sams - welcome back

    KJeffries - don't be gone so long next time!

    Laurie - you need to realize you ARE a person who strides through this world and people notice and admire!

    Susan - congrats on getting your two weeks paid off like that - love it for you!
    Felt "under the weather" all day yesterday and did not work out - tried to go for groceries and found an unresponsive car - so after dealing with mechanics, today its going to the repair shop. Its been having electrical problems - (pulling hair - whats left of it) so grabbing backwards in time for a WEDS WISH and wishing for a CHEEP repair bill! :sad:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Best wishes to all - today and always



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member

    I am going to change my marcos to 40/30/30 like a few others on here. I am going to try to do better than I have been doing. That protien will be hard to do, but I am going to try. Here is what 40/30/30 looks like at 1700 calories a day.

    14/14 for strength training!

    Let's all have a healthy day!

  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Oh how I have missed all of you!! Things have been so chaotic at work, but I have continued to log my food. :)

    Wed wish- That crazy Jersey drivers would stop trying to hit my car. I have had at least 3 people make their way into my lane while driving. wth!

    Thursday Truth- I got on the scale this morning for my weekly weigh in and I have to say that I lost .8 lbs. For some reason, I was really bummed out about that. I know that any loss is a great thing, but I guess I was hoping for more. I just have to keep reminding myself that I didnt get this big over night and it's not coming off over night...but wouldnt that be great?! Maybe another big loss is coming for next week, who knows.

    Keep up the great work everyone :) oh and happy valentines day to all!

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Wed wish- That crazy Jersey drivers would stop trying to hit my car. I have had at least 3 people make their way into my lane while driving. wth!

    This cracked me up. I was born and raised in Central Jersey. When I first moved to the Pacific Northwest (7 years ago) I had a 45 minute commute. On my first or second morning I realized that people were actually pulling over to the shoulder to let me pass. I had NO idea I was such an aggressive driver until then. I guess it's just the way we learn to drive in Jersey?
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Wed wish- That crazy Jersey drivers would stop trying to hit my car. I have had at least 3 people make their way into my lane while driving. wth!

    This cracked me up. I was born and raised in Central Jersey. When I first moved to the Pacific Northwest (7 years ago) I had a 45 minute commute. On my first or second morning I realized that people were actually pulling over to the shoulder to let me pass. I had NO idea I was such an aggressive driver until then. I guess it's just the way we learn to drive in Jersey?

    Damn straight!!! Stay out of us Jersey Drivers way!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Wed wish- That crazy Jersey drivers would stop trying to hit my car. I have had at least 3 people make their way into my lane while driving. wth!


    :laugh: Dallas drivers aren't much better! My sister lived in Newark about 20-years ago, I remember going to visit her and thought - this it nuts - way worse than NY (my home for 28 years).
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Damn straight!!! Stay out of us Jersey Drivers way!
    When I get upset/angry I still slip back into the Jersey accent.... gives me away every time.

    Thursday truth - Back for another blood test on Monday. I'm supposed to drink 12 glasses of water a day until then and limit my protein for 24 hours before the blood test (and of course fast 14 hours before it). The doctor wants to see if that changed my kidney function. He feels I might have just been dehydrated for the first test. Thank goodness these blood tests are easier now that there is less fat in the way of the vein. It used to take 5 or 6 jabs each time for them to get the blood. Now it only takes one.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Rachael I felt the same way when I lost .8 at my last weigh in. The weight came off really fast for a long time. I am just impatient!
    Thursday truth: The next few days are going to be a real challenge for me. I just got past birthdays for 2 grandsons. Tomorrow is DH 76th birthday. Saturday is best for some of the kids to celebrate and others want to come on Monday, so I am going to have to make it through 2 birthday dinners and 2 birthday cakes. Yikes. I've been pushing really close to the 1200 calories. I will need to be very diligent for the next few days. I am too close to the first 50# to blow it.
    Baby Anya comes tomorrow!
    You all continue to inspire me! Lets just keep on keeping on.