Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Gorilla -- well done to your son!
    @Des -- a 5lb loss in a month is really good and sustainable. I hope your doctor's saying that slower is better anyway! I'll call you Des if you don't mind because we have another Beth... I have a couple of friends who got married last month after having been engaged for 22 years! So you see there's no need to rush into these things.
    @Jen -- oh, what a scary story about your son. But well done for getting over your demons and starting up again with looking after your health.
    @Holly -- well done for drawing the line with your ex. You know, it wasn't just about how he was with your son, he was disrespecting you too.
    @Kris -- 2 pounds is nothing in the context of how much you've lost, is it? You'll be back on track in no time. And I am so excited to hear that you've got rid of the diabetes! That's wonderful.
    @Kathy -- good to see you back. I do think it's harder at the beginning of the journey because until you've lost a bit (for me it was about 20 pounds) it's very hard to believe that it will be better. And it isn't just better at that magical 'thin' place -- you start to feel and look much better way before that. It might be worth having a chat to your doctor about what help's available.
    @Tom -- I think I'd struggle keeping on track if I was around 292 cases of Girl Scout cookies! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
    @Tammy -- hey, well done on the SV -- I'm on 49 pounds as well at the moment. It's a pretty exciting feeling.
    @PixieD -- welcome, and OMG 2700 cases of cookies.

    Tuesday goals -- well, I am going to carry on logging every day for another week or so to get to 200 days continuous... and I am actually going to exercise every day for a week. I don't know what's happened, I'm just so lackadaisical at the moment. I'm blaming the snow, but it's not like I don't have a load of Wii games and DVDs and so on.

    It's Pancake Day today! I guess we'll have chicken and mushroom pancakes, and the kids asked for banoffee pancakes for afters. Really dodgy cookery; the chicken & mushroom will be a tin of condensed mushroom soup with bits of cooked chicken in it, and the banoffee will be a tin of caramel sauce simmered with sliced bananas. I think I had better go for a run first.

    Hope everyone has a great day -- and remember, eating up all your fat and carbs is *traditional* today.

    -- Alison
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    I FORGOT MY FITBIT TODAY!!! :sad: :sad: :sad:

    I did that the other day... I felt NEKKID!!

    I left mine on the charger Sunday and did not wear it until I was almost going to bed. I got a whole 486 steps.:blushing:

    @MyMowMow- Great news on the HbA1c!:happy:

    @Alison & jtcon- It sounds so much better to say 50 lost rather than 49. That one pound makes a big difference. Good for both of you, now go lose the one pound :laugh:

    I'm 12/12 on the GHD strength training!

    Let's all have a healthy day!

  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbo - Great job giving blood! 2 days of rest is a good thing. I know when I give blood it takes a couple of days for me to get back to speed...

    @MyM0wM0w - Nice with the A1C# keep your carbs/sugars in check! They need to you to back off the protein?

    @drojen - that is crazy!!!

    @kris1085 - Hiphop class seems like such a funny thought to me, but I bet it is a fun time!

    @everyone about the wrestling... I really do like the personal responsibility it gives the kids, other sports he has a team to count on and work with and be accountable to, wrestling it is all him for him. It was nice that this tournament you earned the medal too.

    Well it is Fat Tuesday... or for me Carb Tuesday... since for Lent I am going onto a low carb diet plan. Called TNT

    I had done it once before in the past and had a big weight loss... it ended in an orgy of carbs and most the weight came back... but I need a boost to get the loss back on track. 3 months I need to be running my Spartan Sprint! And maybe a Tough Mudder two weeks after that too.

    Last night the snow and crappy weather kept me inside.. but i found an empty basketball gym and started running some laps, then sprinting the length of the gym and jogging around. then I decided to run suicides... and try the pullup bar after each set I need to get this weight back off so I can do them again!! Finished off my workout with running the stairs at the school, two floors worth of stairs 6 times.. my legs were screaming at me... All in all got a good workout done. Tonight I am in the weight room though and looking forward to it!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tuesday!!!

    I am still not weighting myself Mid March the gym worker will remeasure me. Goals this week are as follows:

    2/11/13- 23 minute walk on hill program level 2 and 7 mins on ellipitcal- 20 situps
    2/12/13- 23 minute walk on hill program level 2 and 7 mins on ellipitcal- 20 situps
    2/13/13- 23 minute walk on hill program level 2 and 7 mins on ellipitcal- 20 situps
    2/14/13- 53 minute walk on hill program level 2 and 7 mins on ellipitcal- 20 situps
    2/15/13- 23 minute walk on hill program level 2 and 7 mins on ellipitcal- 20 situps
    2/16/13---day off I am playing bingo at casino with my mom for her bday and having a girl's night at my new house with lots of jello shots and food. 20 situps
    2/17/13- 53 minute walk on hill program level 2 and 7 mins on ellipitcal- 20 situps

    GHD Challenge 9/11 (20 sit up challenge)

    I need to get caught up on posts....more to come.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tom~Happy Birthday, hope it was a terrific celebration!
    @Kris~Fantastic news on your A1C! Those Hershey’s Candy Cane Kisses would be hard for me to resist, I don’t really like candy but I love those!!! About Paleo, it intrigues me – I do feel like it’s a lifestyle I could live with so when I have more time in a few months I may research it further, but for now the changes I’ve made are working for me.
    @Pixie & other newlings I’ve missed~Welcome, you found a great group!
    @Vicki & Tom~Yep, I felt nekkid all day yesterday without my Fitbit. I remembered it today - whew!

    It’s raining here this morning, which made for a longer commute to work – instead of 30 minutes it was 45. I don’t know what happens in Texas, but add water to the roadways and everyone turns into turtles!

    My trainer really worked me over on Sunday, my thighs and hammies are absolutely killing me!!! There are just times that squats are evil! Yesterday, I had to get on the floor to fish out cat toys from underneath furniture and could have used "Life Alert" so someone could have helped me up! :laugh: I actually laid there for about 10-minutes (wood floor mind you) because my legs hurt too much. LOL I’m still really sore this morning, so grateful today is a rest day. Need to rest up so I can do it all over again tomorrow. :bigsmile:

    Tuesday Goals~I kind of posted this yesterday but most of you know I entered the 90-day weight loss challenge at my gym, it started this past weekend and runs through mid-May. I can’t remember what the local prizes are but at the national level it’s a trip to HI, $10k and free gym dues for a year – not sure I have a chance winning the national competition but I do have a chance to win top prize at my gym (came in 3rd last time). I have a goal to lose at least 40# so am doing everything in my power to get there – so my goals are only 20% carbs, 40% fat, 40% protein along with eating gluten-free, no alcohol and no eating out for the next 90-days.

    Fitness this week:

    Monday~Jogging Elliptical DONE!
    Tuesday~Off Day (thank goodness)
    Thursday~Off Day
    Friday~Treadmill/Weights on my own

  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Sunday share- Rachael, 29 y.o, from southern NJ. Started this awesome journey on 1/3/13 and still going strong. This is a major battle for me since I've been overweight my entire adult life. One day and one pound at a time.

    Monday check in- Still doing ok at the gym and occassionally getting harassed by trainers, but its tolerable. So far, I'm down 17 pounds and will do my weekly weigh in on Thursday.

    Tuesday goals- to find the strength to make it through this week. We have a few people out and its just chaotic. I am literally exhausted and just want to sleep, but I need to push myself to get through it. Please keep me in your thoughts. I need to make it until Thursday. Friday should be an easy, refreshing day. I really need a new job. Seriously...this one is stressing me out.

  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @robin Steampunk is for all ages! You don't have to go with the skimpy corsets and all that. I rarely get an opportunity to go all-out, but I often wear a piece of jewelry, or a vest, or boots. Yesterday I wore a brown ankle length a-line skirt with a black t-shirt, striped vest, and brown boots with a buckle around the ankle. I wore a beautiful steampunky dragonfly necklace and little brass heart earrings with gears on them. Totally appropriate for work, yet had the aesthetic. I've loved Victoriana since high school, long before I ever heard of "steampunk".

    @tom Happy belated birthday, young man!

    @littlepixie Welcome!

    @bohemian "Des" is fine! It's what most of my online friends call me anyway! (And shorter than typing in "Desdemina"

    I have a question for the diabetics (or former diabetics!) out there. A coworker brought in chocolate candies for us, and thoughtfully brought in a small box of sugar free chocolates just for me, since she knew I am prediabetic. I ate one and it was the most glorious thing I have ever eaten (I've been off all sweets for 2 1/2 months). But I haven't had any more because I don't know if they're ok. I know sugar free doesn't mean they have fewer calories, and I worked the calories/carbs into my plan that day, but since I'm trying so hard to get my insulin levels down, I didn't know how it might affect that. If I was just dieting to lose weight, I would eat them and just work them into the plan, but i'm more worried about the diabetes thing. Advice?
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    i have been in northern alberta for a week now and need to stop partying!!!! it was my son and grandson's birthday so there was lots of food i should not have eaten. Also, at their house they have lots of things that i do not allow myself in my home :sad: I need to find a way to put these out of my mind and get back on track. They do not have a scale so i am a bit worried at spending 2 more weeks here!!
    yesterday i did housework and laundry for 4 hours!! went up and down the stairs about a gazillion times, moved furniture, washed floors etc....i was so sore i could not sleep much!! today i am going to break up the ice on the sidewalk and shovel some snow for a change.....may try to fit in a walk. To break up the ice i need to lift a heavy metal bar and slam it down on the ice....should be good for an arm workout!!!. \looks like we might be in for more snow today as well :sad: there is already 4 feet of it here!!!
    keep posting my inspires me to try harder
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I have a question for the diabetics (or former diabetics!) out there. A coworker brought in chocolate candies for us, and thoughtfully brought in a small box of sugar free chocolates just for me, since she knew I am prediabetic. I ate one and it was the most glorious thing I have ever eaten (I've been off all sweets for 2 1/2 months). But I haven't had any more because I don't know if they're ok. I know sugar free doesn't mean they have fewer calories, and I worked the calories/carbs into my plan that day, but since I'm trying so hard to get my insulin levels down, I didn't know how it might affect that. If I was just dieting to lose weight, I would eat them and just work them into the plan, but i'm more worried about the diabetes thing. Advice?

    Well... they should not overly effect your insulin levels... but be warned they will effect your bathroom usage levels!!! Sugar Free chocolates are NOT friendly! Learned that lesson the hard way... as have my kids, Leave Mommy's treats alone! (She is Type 1 diabetic)
  • judith0622
    judith0622 Posts: 38 Member
    I would like to partcipate please
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Des~First, how sweet of your co-worker to think of you and bring you sugar-free candy. I'm not diabetic but it runs rampant in my family, so I know more than I want to. But like Gorilla said, it won't do anything to your insulin levels but if you eat too many of those candies it will bring on some not so pleasant side-effects. If you enjoy them, maybe work it into your plan once or twice a week and have just one piece (if you can stick to one piece).
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Judith- Welcome!!
    I have a question for the diabetics (or former diabetics!) out there. A coworker brought in chocolate candies for us, and thoughtfully brought in a small box of sugar free chocolates just for me, since she knew I am prediabetic. I ate one and it was the most glorious thing I have ever eaten (I've been off all sweets for 2 1/2 months). But I haven't had any more because I don't know if they're ok. I know sugar free doesn't mean they have fewer calories, and I worked the calories/carbs into my plan that day, but since I'm trying so hard to get my insulin levels down, I didn't know how it might affect that. If I was just dieting to lose weight, I would eat them and just work them into the plan, but i'm more worried about the diabetes thing. Advice?

    It depends on what they are made of. I found this: "Sugar alcohols have a structure in between that of an alcohol or sugar molecule and tend to have fewer calories than carbohydrates. Because they are not technically sugar, companies can label their products as sugar-free, but they can affect your blood sugar levels. However, sugar alcohols are not a gram-for-gram equivalent for carbohydrates in your diet, meaning they do not impact your blood sugar levels in quite the same way."

    So, yes they would affect it but not quite as much I guess. Oh, and Godzilla was right. If you eat too many of those boogers at one time..... clear a path to the bathroom and make sure no one uses it.

    Ran to the grocery store on the way to work to pick up breakfast and lunch today since I had nothing at home to make. Will do the HUGE trip tonight on the way home. In celebration of my low A1C I picked up an Asiago bagel for lunch (and laughing cow cheese to smear on it). Ima eat the ENTIRE freaking bagel and I will probably make some obscene noises while doing so. I've missed bagels so much.

    Tuesday goals: After that splurge lunch, it's back to watching my carbs (albeit at a bit higher level than before) and trying to stay in the green on my numbers. I reworked my 'goals' to up my carbs a bit and lower my protein. My kick boxing dummy should arrive tonight or tomorrow night and I'll stop and pick up my boxing gloves/wraps tonight. My goal is to get in at least one (pathetic I know, but I'm still babying that sore back) good workout this week and really punch the crap outta that bag!
  • Helenavee42
    Good morning. Tuesday Goals: 1-Plan out my menu for the rest of the week. 2- Get to the grocery store tonight. They have some decent sales going on right now and I need to get some stuff for my breakfast smoothies and my lunches. 3-Find my food scale. 4- stick to my plan!

    My mom is starting to things my way and my sisters way. I think it will be good when prepare breakfast and lunch before I leave for work so I know she has food ready and can't just skip it all and eat junk through the day. I will say we don't buy junk food nearly as much as we used to. We have a lot of protein bars, fiber one bars, granola bars, unsalted no butter popcorn, and yogurt rather than pudding, ice cream, and chips. My mom actually wants to sit down and plan meals out with me before I go to the store tonight. I feel like things are getting better.

    @skinnyjeans. It's weird I have been taking my vitamins and eating spinach in my salads which have a good amount of potassium and that night I had a baked potato which are also high in potassium and have had more than 8 glasses of water every day.

    I'm really hoping that this weather clears up, I'm not fond of cold and rainy. As nice as it is to have a treadmill I really only like using it for walking/jogging intervals, makes it easier to pace and push myself. I should be getting my tax return soon so I will be getting fitted for the proper shoes for jogging/walking.

    Have a great day everyone
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @judith Welcome! Jump on in, the water's fine!

    @robin (and anyone else interested in steampunk) Here's a link to a Dropbox folder that has some pictures of me as well as some more "mature" women in costume. Anyone can do it!

    (I don't know how to make that an actual link)

    Thanks to all the info on the sugar-free candy. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I actually would have been happy with half a piece, it was so decadent! But thanks for the warning about the gastrointestinal effects!

    Edited to add: (though perhaps I should eat one. I'm having the opposite stomach issues today!) TMI?
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. My goals are the same. I'm going to keep up with the GHD challenge of drinking 8 glasses of water a day, and continue logging and using all of you for inspiration. I would love to be at 50# gone by weigh-in on Sunday, but I don't know how to do more than I'm doing, so what will be will be.
    You all continue to inspire me. Tonight they are having a pizza party for my grandson's 5th birthday, so I will have to be very careful about what I eat today. I'm not crazy about pizza. I'm considering having a salad instead. But I know I'll want the cake.
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Hello friends - no change in my goals. So happy for those of you with successes!! I am sorry I have no personal responses today. I'm really dragging the last couple of days. A former co-worker a bit older than I am suddenly died from a heart attack. I totally understand this can happen to anyone at any time but we'd just had one of the nicest conversations in December at the retiree holiday party and somehow this just hit close to home for me. I felt so bad I went upstairs to fall asleep and just as I was about to drift off I heard my electric garage door opener kick in---the door was going up! So I went downstairs, tried to look out the window to see who might be outside. Then popped into the garage, hit the down button and zipped back inside. Then I went back out to see if someone was in my garage and zipped back inside. Then I realized I had a key to my house out there so I went back out, grabbed it and zipped back inside. Okay, I don't know what's going on but I had little sleep that night and had nightmares that someone was breaking in. I now have my vehicles LOCKED while in the garage and the key is hidden well.

    It'll get better and meanwhile, I gotta get on that GHD challenge!!

    Best wishes to everyone. Woot! You are fantastic!!!!


  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    @Helena that's good that your family is starting to think healthier. My husband just recently started thinking like me, but now will help me pick out more fruits and vegetables and healthy snacks

    @Kaye Cake is my ultimate weakness.

    @skinnyjeanz I really am enjoying it, I'm making a game of it as of late.

    Tuesday Goals:
    Continuing with my exercise goals. Drinking more water, eating more food. I've been unknowingly starving myself for 2 months, and now am getting back to eating more.

    Sunday- gym or video at home DONE
    Monday- c25k at the gym DONE
    Tuesday- core and legs
    Wednesday- c25k at the gym
    Thursday- chest and arms
    Friday- c25k at the gym
    Saturday- yoga

    Also lost 2.5 pounds! From eating more and running, I imagine.
  • lmackbethl
    @susan - so glad you're moving on! casino work is tough, all the way around! best to cut and run... great that this opportunity opened up and you don't have to relocate again.
    @tom - hope you had marvelous birthday!!
    @holly - ending relationships is always hard, even when it's the right thing. glad you found the motivation to call it quits on this one, for your son's sake and yours!
    @kaye - all this cake talk has me craving some... sigh. i even looked at a cake mix in my cupboard last night, but decided to put it back for now.
    @gorilla - sounds like you will be ready for those races in no time! you are an exercising machine!
    @liz - i hope you are able to find a new job.... i think we do similar types of work and i know how tiring it can be, physically and mentally. a change would probably do you good!
    @tammy - great job on your scale and non-scale victories! way to stick with it! i know we are on similar journeys with our starting and goal weights -- i am doing the happy dance for you!!!
    @kris - congratulations on your numbers!!!! enjoy that asiago bagel!
    @alison - enjoy the run and the pancakes!!!
    @laurie & kelley -- good luck with your gym challenges! I am constantly amazed by how much you do!!!
    @karenleona - enjoy the time with your family and just do your best to stay on track! sounds like you are burning a ton of calories with all the house and snow/ice work, so i wouldn't worry too much about the extra treats if i were you.
    @lin - sorry to hear about your coworker and your scarey/sleepless night. i hope you feel better soon!

    I'm home from work early today because my kid didn't come in. I have lost several hours due to this storm, so I will be even more financially strapped than usual, sigh. But at least I can pick up some hours at the old job... not the healthiest place to be, but not the worst either. I also found a new job to apply to, which I really would love to get, so I'll be using my extra time today to adjust my resume and write a cover. This move -- if I were so lucky -- would put me out of direct care work and into a research position, much more in line with the graduate degree in Sociology, which I am persuing. I really hope they will take a nice, hard look at my application and call me in for an interview! For Tuesday goals, I guess I just want to keep at it. I seem to have hit the dreaded plateau... two consecutive weekly 0.6 pound gains after a loss of only 0.4. It's a bit frustrating, since the numbers indicate that I should have lost at least a pound-and-a-half each week, but I'm trying not to let it get me down. I trust the process and believe that, with perserverance, the scale will start moving again.
  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    Second day back, I appreciate all of the comments and do depend on all of the encouraging comments to everyone. I offer congratulations for everyone's successes and understand other's struggles. This journey is not new to me, but it's another restart. I want to make it this time and see all of weight losses with everyone on this board and gain a little confidence each day.

    My goal this week is to continue to check in each day and log my food and try to get on that exercise bike and make that bike turn even for a little bit.

    I hope everyone has a great week. Kathy
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Oh my you've all been living such fascinating and exciting lives in a short 24 hours. I've just finished, with my friend, removing wallpaper from my dining area. Its a small area and it only took about 3-1/2 hours for the two of us to do. I am resting now, I still have the clean up of all the shredded wallpaper on the floor to do. Its GREAT to have a friend to help! She did casually mention she'd be doing her mom's wallpaper in the future, so I volunteered to help was easy peasy. We had the right tools, and apparently the wallpaper wasn't that old, more the modern vinyl kind. But what a WORK-OUT! My arms were shaky by the end. I need to concentrate on arm exercises!

    Lin - losing your co-worker must have been very upsetting. And then to have the night-time experience with the garage door was enough to set any one over the edge. I hope you have better nights ahead.