Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    tuesday goals- go for a walk on the snowy roads and shovel some snow and ice....Done!! also need to stay on track with food after dinner
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    GHD challenge - 12/12.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Just got home from the doctor and on her scales I lost just shy of 7 pounds this month. She was happy. Even better, here is my update after 2 1/2 months:

    Pounds lost = 24.5 pounds (I'm claiming 25!)

    Chest = Lost 5 inches

    Waist = Lost 7 inches

    Hips = Lost 4 inches

    The bad news is she said "no" to the sugar free chocolates. Oh well...
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @des--great progress so far! too bad about the "no" to the candies. I'm not a big fan of anything sugar-free b/c I don't love the chemically taste of artificial sweeteners. I try to stick to dark chocolate when I do crave candy--perhaps in the future you will be able to add those to your nutrition plan. Oh, and I loved the pictures--I especially liked the outfit in pics 5 & 6!

    @lin--sorry about your former co-worker--that's really tough. :cry:

    @karenleona--this winter weather really stinks, but it sure offers lots of opportunities to burn calories with all of the shoveling!

    @robin--glad the wallpaper wasn't stubborn!

    @kvan--great goals!

    @lmack--crossing my fingers that you get that interview!

    @bailey--awesome SV!! :drinker:

    @kaye--I would also skip the pizza and go for the cake! I will eat pizza if it's the only option or if it's deep dish; otherwise, it's just not that tempting to me. Cake, on the other hand, is hard for me to resist.

    @helena--I'm not sure what your weight is right now, but most articles I've read recommend you drink about half your body weight in ounces--so if you weigh 200 lbs, you should drink about 100 ounces of water. Of course the leg cramp could have just been an anomaly, but if the cramps persist, maybe try drinking more h2o? :smile: Oh, and I feel the same way about the treadmill--it's great when I'm working on my pace, but I prefer to run outside when weather permits.

    @kris--congrats on better numbers!!

    I know I missed a bunch of folks, but it was a long day of teaching then union meetings, so I;ll catch up with others tomorrow. :flowerforyou:

    Tuesday Goals:

    Exercise goals for week of 2/11:
    Mon--walk gunner? (I donate blood at 5 pm, but if I hurry home I might have time for this) NOT DONE
    Tues--rest day (I have a union meeting and dinner plans w/ a friend)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + core
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (long run) + dancing at Gaelic Storm concert!
    Sun--walk gunner

    Grading Goals:
    1. 16/16 ACT diagnostic essays DONE
    2. 16/16 Vocab quizzes DONE
    3. x/11 AP analysis activities

    GHD challenge:
    12/28 days minimum 80 grams of protein
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone, I am happy to see we ar all doing fairly well. Congrats mowmow on the lower numbers at the drs office that is great. Way to go des on your losses in inches and weight. It feels pretty darn good huh? I have had an ok day. I am having to work relly hard on not obssessing on my brothers stuff while still being there when he needs to talk, but I know I can do this. It's all about balance. I concocted a fillin today I was going to make cheeseburger eggrolls but when i went to assemble them my wrappers were molding so put some of the filling on a flatout and had cheeseburger pizza instead. My eating has been so erratic the last week. I haven't been going over just the oppisite. I have been doing a lot of running around or not feeling good so I have consistently been really low. When I look at it in the evening I think I should eat something but I eat dinner around 6:30 or 7 so I am not hungry and dont want to eat empty calories just to fill out the numbers. Yet another thing I need to work on balancing, lol. I had a nice NSV today. My mom picked me up a pair of pants off the clearance rack 2 sizes smaller then the ones I have been wearing. While I new mine were getting loose I wasn't worrying about it yet but I had to try them on to see how close I was getting and they fit comfortably. There was definitley some happy dance going on at that point :bigsmile: Well have a great nite guys and go grab a glass of water before you read anymore :drinker: :drinker:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Lots of wonderful victories today so keep up the good work.
    Gorilla- that was a great workout at the empty court. Good luck with the low carb diet. I may have to follow suit by lowering my carb count to below 100g and stick to it. It is so easy to rationalize going over on carbs.

    Kah- Believe it or not do some more squats nice and slow plus continue to stretch your muscles. Those exercises will help to loosen the muscles. My trainer recommended that to me when I complain of being sore after a hard leg workout (squats can be evil).

    Goal- Keep working out and putting my heart into it. My arms are still sore from the core workout and push up challenge from Sunday and yes, I worked out yesterday and today. I know I will pay for it tomorrow but it will be rest day for me.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    The party was fun. Keith is very excited about being 5. I had a very carefully selected salad from the salad bar, one piece of hawaiian pizza, and a small piece of cake. I stayed under my calories for today. My daughter had made a really cute Mario cake by using butterscotch, white chocolate, and semi-sweet chocolate chips and red Nibs to make Mario on the cake. It had a pixelated effect. I have a red line under that word so obviously I don't know how to spell it. She saw the dr. today and they will induce labor on Friday if the baby doesn't come before that.
    Have a good evening. 12/12 on the GHD challenge.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey all, it's so lovely to read thru a few pages and start to get caught up (or acquainted) with folks.

    For those who don't know me, I'm Sara. I'm a psychiatrist and married mother of two, and have been overweight more or less since I became responsible for my own care and feeding, in college. I joined MFP about 14 months ago, lost almost 60 lbs, and then fell off the wagon. I think I need to do what several of you are doing and pay a visit to a doc (insurance changed and I never established with a new provider) to get my derriere in gear. I still need to re-weigh and change goals, for example.

    Sunday was great fun. I took my older kid to a local roller rink (wood floor and original Wurlitzer pipe organ!) and we skated for over an hour. Total nostalgiaville, in addition to exercise that didn't feel like Work. Yesterday was a not-successful day foodwise, and Fat Tuesday was also a challenge. We had a multicultural buffet to support the month-long food drive at work. Huge range of foods, really great stuff. No idea about the calories, but really enjoyed it.

    At some point I'll get back into the habit of checking in daily again and do personal replies, but for now, hugs to all and it's great to see you again. :)
  • sams247
    sams247 Posts: 58 Member
    Hello, again. I'm back, again. Fell off wagon into cake field, again. But hey ho and here we go, again.

    Nice to see you all, am hoping to stick with it this time........... have had a bumpy year but no more excuses or comfort eating.......
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    @Lauriek70 - You so will have that goal of keeping your heart in it!!! Just keep working hard like you do!!!
    @grandmakaye44 - Sounds like you had a great night! Sure Keith had fun and a little cake does not count on birthdays ;)
    @Robin - I do not envy your wallpaper work... after removing a small border from around my kids room I swore to never remove wall paper again!
    @ebailey710 Hope yesterday was better eating wise and the workout was fun

    I had a killer workout at the gym last night.. the crowds have finally died down from New Years, so I was able to find my quiet corner for the first half of my lifting and got the squat rack all to myself for the second half. Really pushed extra hard and was physically exausted by the last set of squats... still did 5 minutes of sprints on the spin bike though... but I did not have it in me to do burpees...

    Tonight is Cardio night, normally I would hit spin class but my schedule kinda switched up today so I can get to the gym earlier. Not sure what I will do, might just do 40 minutes of HIIT on the elliptical.

    So far loaded up on some low carb options for today... eggs for breakfast with some veggies good start.

    Wednesday Wish... Ooooofffaaa is all I have to say today! LOL
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    WEdnesday wish... to get into a routine of healthy eating and exercise. Today, it's another cold, dank, day, but I'm still going to go out for a walk. It was either that or the gym, which I still don't feel ready for. I want to wear runners outside, but not sure how that will go with all the ice on the ground. I see the odd person jogging, but always wonder how they keep their footing in the ice and snow. I can't wait to stop wearing boots!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Just got home from the doctor and on her scales I lost just shy of 7 pounds this month. She was happy. Even better, here is my update after 2 1/2 months:

    Pounds lost = 24.5 pounds (I'm claiming 25!)

    Chest = Lost 5 inches

    Waist = Lost 7 inches

    Hips = Lost 4 inches

    The bad news is she said "no" to the sugar free chocolates. Oh well...

    I'm curious as to what kind of doctor takes an interest in your weight loss. She sounds great.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Just got home from the doctor and on her scales I lost just shy of 7 pounds this month. She was happy. Even better, here is my update after 2 1/2 months:

    Pounds lost = 24.5 pounds (I'm claiming 25!)

    Chest = Lost 5 inches

    Waist = Lost 7 inches

    Hips = Lost 4 inches

    The bad news is she said "no" to the sugar free chocolates. Oh well...

    I'm curious as to what kind of doctor takes an interest in your weight loss. She sounds great.

    She is AMAZING! She's a bariatric specialist. This is her on TV talking about what a bariatrician is:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Just got home from the doctor and on her scales I lost just shy of 7 pounds this month. She was happy. Even better, here is my update after 2 1/2 months:

    Pounds lost = 24.5 pounds (I'm claiming 25!)

    Chest = Lost 5 inches

    Waist = Lost 7 inches

    Hips = Lost 4 inches

    The bad news is she said "no" to the sugar free chocolates. Oh well...

    I'm curious as to what kind of doctor takes an interest in your weight loss. She sounds great.

    Most doctor's that really care for their patient's are going to take an interest in a patient's weight loss - I know that both my internist and gyn take an interest. My gyn's office even has an RD on staff.
  • Good morning everyone! Our system at work is down so I've done all the work I can do with out the system til our IT guy gets here. You'd think working for a company that deals in selling computer parts and IT repair and services that we wouldn't have problems like this. Oh the irony.

    Wednesday wish: I wish that our system would be down for a while. Though I doubt it will be down much longer as our IT guy practically created our system. So, I wish that I would actually get to the grocery store tonight. I ended up going to Michaels with my mom last night and by the time we got back I was too tired to go anywhere else.

    @Des Congrats on such GREAT progress! Keep up the good work!

    Have a great day!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    sara and sams....welcome back!! just coming here and posting is a good start making healthy changes a little at a time

    good grief....shoveled snow yesterday and it had the nerve to snow again during the night!!!
    gonna take my grandson swimming later then to his skating lesson so getting dinner made and in the oven now..
    made it through yesterday without any additional snacking after dinner....finally
    wed wish- consistency!!!
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Just a brief share and I'll read through later and post personals

    I went to my NP (nurse practitioner) this morning and my sugar level is down - no longer considered "pre" diabetic. Yay! Blood pressure was perfect (granted, I'm on meds for that, but it's been up & down even with meds for a while), ECG was clear, no issues. cholestrol is high - it's mostly the good cholestrol, but the LDL is a little high too so he is prescribing meds for that. I still consider it a successful appointment.

    Last night was my son's charity hockey game against our Junior AAA team, the Rangers. Awesome game (his team consists of children with various special needs so it is a very special game). Even with the pizza at the arena (no time to eat at home between work and game time) and the "victory" McDonald's afterwards (son's choice), I was still in my calorie range for the night. sodium was off the charts, but some days are just like that.

    Goals for this week - signed on the dotted line tonight at the gym, so I want to get at least 2 trips to the gym under my belt this week. Also starting week 7 of my running program tonight. Didn't do anything last night due to the hockey game/late night but that's ok. Today is a new day.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Good morning everyone!! I just got home from work, now getting ready to go to the gym before I go back into work at 2.

    Skipped the gym yesterday and watched a show instead.

    Wednesday Wish: I wish it was Friday so I could enjoy my vacation. I have an awful case of the *kitten*-its today.
  • Question: How do you cook quinoa? What is the water to quinoa ratio? I've never had or made it before but I found a recipe that looks like it will go good with the lemon herb tilapia I am making tonight. I want to surprise my mom and sister with a nice healthy meal for dinner when they get home from volunteering.

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning: I don't usually wish my life away, but today my wish is that the baby was already here safe and sound. If she doesn't come today or tomorrow, they will induce labor on Friday. That is my husband's birthday so she will be sharing her birthday with her grandpa. As big as our family is, this will be the only duplicate birthday. Many of them are very close together, but none on the same day. I don't have any real plans for today. I need to get in gear and find a project.
    Congratulations on all of the successes! I know how good it feels to have those blood counts moving in the right directions. I love to watch the scale go down, too, but there is so much more to this journey than that.
    Have a great day. Kaye