Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Happy Birthday, Tommy, Me Boy! Glad you celebrated and keep on celebrating! Wee oldies get to celebrate for a week's time, since time's gettin' short! Wish I had a great big graphic to shoot out at you! You grace our pages with such glory when others celebrate birthdays you deserve something spectacular. HUGS HUGS HUGS :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Welcome Pixie! This is an amazing and supportive group of people! What a great loss your first 10 days! Just remember, the second week may not be such a high number but now you know you can do this!

    I've been avoiding the grocery store during 'cookie hours'. There's no way I could turn away a box (or 10) of Samoas.....
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Hey Tom - hope you got the virtual cake I sent yesterday.......meanwhile



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Oh, and GHD challenge 11/11.

    And Robin you'd best PRAY you never see what I ordered. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh!:noway: :sick: :sad:


  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Happy Birthday Tom i hope you had a splendiferous birthday. I just had to pop in real quick I am so happy. Not only am I only 1 pound away from 50 but I finally did my measurements for Feb and in the lsat manth and a half I have lost 6.5 in. This day just keeps getting better and better :bigsmile:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    @ Tom - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

    @Jt Const - I would go into the Home>Check In>Scroll down to the bottom for Edit Previous Entries> Scroll down to the bottom to Add Entry> and then add a date before you joined and plug in your weight before the 5Lb Loss.

    Hope that makes sense......
    Thank you mam. I am all updated and current now :happy:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Regarding the girl scout cookies. I'm fortunate to not "love" any of their selection. I usually have a teacher or student ask me to buy, so I order the thin mints (I hate mint) and leave them out in the office for the other teachers to eat.

    Monday Check-in:
    Gave blood this afternoon which earns me an extra 325 calories today and tomorrow (according to Struggling a little to get my 80 g b/c my breakfast and lunch were light on the protein, but right now I have some fish in the oven, so I will definitely make it.

    I didn't have time to walk gunner before my appt. Okay for him b/c DH was off and had taken him for one already; bad for me b/c no exercise. :ohwell: Staying under my goal so no damage.

    Exercise goals for week of 2/11:
    Mon--walk gunner? (I donate blood at 5 pm, but if I hurry home I might have time for this) NOT DONE
    Tues--rest day (I have a union meeting and dinner plans w/ a friend)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + core
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (long run) + dancing at Gaelic Storm concert!
    Sun--walk gunner

    Grading Goals:
    1. 12/16 ACT diagnostic essays
    2. 16/16 Vocab quizzes DONE
    3. x/11 AP analysis activities

    GHD challenge:
    11/28 days minimum 89 grams of protein
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    @ naceto – while this is completely different from your situation, I can say you are doing the right thing by coming here and letting your feelings out about the burglary. Three years ago, I was running regularly early in the morning – just around our parking lot because I didn’t want to go far from home with my son sleeping inside. When I came in the house, I heard my son fall off the bed (he’d moved into the bed in my room after I left to go run). He never falls of the bed. I went up stairs and he was having a Grand Mal seizure. He’d never had one before and it was horrible to see. I called 911, ambulance came, we spent all morning in emerg. Since that day, I gained all 60 lbs back that I’d lost, I stopped running completely, I couldn’t bring myself to go out that early in the morning. I still can’t to this day. It’s taken me 3 years to get back on the wagon. I work out right after work now. I don’t think I will ever be able to go on an early morning run again. I’m not sure I’ve forgiven myself yet for not being there when the seizure started. I have no idea how long he’d been seizing before I came in the house – maybe not at all, but maybe 30 minutes or more. Even with a treadmill in my basement and baby monitors in the room, I can’t bring myself to get up early and go downstairs to exercise. So, the situation is entirely different, but I understand the need to binge and eat for comfort etc. You, however, are smarter than me because you’re here telling people about it and wanting to get it under control. I allowed myself to be consumed by fear for a while and now I'm paying for it by starting all over again. I'm glad you have both counselling and this place to help you through.

    Omg how terrifying!
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Monday Check-In: Did well over the weekend, even when I ate all my meals as fast food I made good choices. Started my 5k training over the weekend on a whim and loving it. What a burn! Found out about a full time position at the office I used to intern for, and am thinking about applying. Worked at the daycare all day.

    That's about it haha. Made a delish chili for dinner and have enough leftovers for lunch tomorrow.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Gorilla- Congrats to your son for winning his first medal. As a middle school teacher of 7-8th graders, boys do have a short attention span but if your kids like wrestling he will listen to the instructor more than you think. Keep encouraging him to do his best and to keep it fun. Digging out several cars most likely provided a strong core workout for you and your body had a day to recover.

    Tom- Happy Birthday!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Robin- I will need to search for the gymnastics meet if I can find the Big Ten channel. So happy that you had a wonderful time.

    Today was a good day and I had a wonderful workout with my trainer. Today was focused on legs and he pushed hard. It was good for me to push that hard and to do different exercises. I must say that I am sore from yesterdays workouts- core and pushup so I just added to it today. Tomorrow, I will workout again on the upper body but then rest on Wednesday.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    I FORGOT MY FITBIT TODAY!!! :sad: :sad: :sad:

    I did that the other day... I felt NEKKID!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Didn't have time for many personals earlier, but now I'm done making my lunch for the rest of the week. :smile:

    @laurie--sounds like you are really killing it with your workouts this week!

    @bailey--glad you are enjoying the running! I was a little sad on my way from giving blood b/c I can't run now until Wed. Well, I could run, but my O2 levels will be way down, so not ideal.

    @tammy--excited that you are so close to the 50 lb milestone!! And congrats on all of those inches lost! :drinker:

    @pixie--welcome and great start! :flowerforyou: This is such a great group--you'll get lots of support and motivation from all of the wonderful people who post here. I know I wouldn't have made it this far without them all.

    @robin--wall paper removal can be such a pain--I hope whomever hung it did it the right way or it could be stubborn. Either way it's nice that you have a friend to help you. And yes, "ghoulish but funny" is a great description of the play if you add in a little "raunchy" as well. I know the case was on an episode of HBO's "Autopsy," so you may have seen it there. Dr. Tanzler was also called Count Carl von Cosel, and there are a few contemporary songs relating his story.

    @kvan--it sounds like you have a lot of great motivators in your life to get healthy. It's a tough process, and we all fall down now and then. The trick is to keep getting back up as you did with the 10 minutes of cycling. And you're right about it being a life change--I never view this as a "diet" and allow myself any foods as long as they fit in my calorie allotment (and sometimes even when they don't :blushing: ). I know I will rebel and crave any food that I deem "off-limits." Others need to ban certain foods in order to avoid binges--it's all about figuring out what works for you, and that takes some time. Don't be too hard on yourself, just strive to do better each day, :flowerforyou:

    @kris--I agree with robin; all of your projects make me feel lazy, but I'm just not a crafty person.

    @jennifer--I hope you really enjoy your new gym membership. Even with a treadmill in my house, I've found I need to go to the gym for my strength training and to give my cardio workouts some variety. As much as I love running, I would get bored if it was my only option, and alone it wouldn't be ideal as an overall fitness plan.

    @holly--it sounds like you are making the right decision for yourself and your son. And you aren't a failure b/c this relationship didn't work out the way you wanted. It would be a failure to stick with him when he's not willing to work on his relationship with you or your son. I'm sure you already know all of this (hence your decision to split with him); however, it's always hard to end a relationship, and I'm sorry that you are going through this right now. :flowerforyou:

    @des--sounds like you are one busy lady! I don't think it's strange that you and your guy aren't married--it really bothers me when people try to push societal norms on others. If not being married works for the 2 of you--great! I get similar questions about not having kids. People are shocked that I've been married for 15 years and don't have kids, but the DH and I knew even before we married that we didn't want any. It's kind of awkward too, b/c I always feel like there's this underlying question as to whether or not we "can't" have kids. When someone I meet asks if I have children, I always feel the need to clarify with "no, neither of us wanted kids." Your disclaimer about your bf not being married reminded me of that--like people assume there's GOT to be some barrier to the 2 of your getting married.

    @helena--sounds like fun with your puppy--they certainly are motivators to get out the door and get moving! Oh, and make sure you are drinking enough water and getting enough potassium to avoid those leg cramps.

    @kaye--mmm, chocolate cake! It sounds like we have similar food philosophies!

    @gorilla--congrats to your son for the medal!! And I think it's typical for parents to push their kids to do better--just don't become one of those crazy dads you see on youtube who gets into fist fights with the refs or other parents. :laugh: Oh, and I agree with laurie about the core workout. I shoveled Wed. and Thurs. and my sides were aching on Friday--way worse than when I do double sessions of planks and crunches.

    @alison--my DH does most of the cooking anyways, but the grill usually entices him to cook healthier meals, so I'm happy to have a new one. :happy:

    @susan--I was thinking of you today, wondering how things went at your almost former job.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Finally back to the gym today!

    I am sooo sold on this new gym (YouFit)... not a lot of fluff, but good equipment (treadmills with TVs for the win!)
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Everyone is doing a wonderful job !
    I got measured at hip hop class tonight and i have lost 5 inches this past month ! I am so happy about losing the inches sometimes i get discouraged with the scales!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Monday is my last day off back to work tomorrow. Today was a busy one till now bunch of errands including a Costco run. Finish up on the laundry. But able to go yo the Y. Hang out in the pool lot of time in the lazy river just going around and around. After that I did hangout in the hot tub. But I also found out that there are classes doing just that going jogging around in the river. Sign me il yes I did. Excited.

    Happy Birthday Tom :drinker: :drinker:
    @Robin wow good luck on removing wall paper. I have never had to do that. Before.
    @ Lin @Karen I really love to grill. Love the taste

    @Jennifer -- I am working out at a busy y before I would workout at home walks etc. I am enjoying the experience.
    of working out with others

    @Tammy -- congrats on reaching the 50lb milestone!!
    @Kaye. -- sorry about your friend. Did you enjoy the weather today? Wasn't it beautiful, do refreshing.

    Wishing everyone a good evening!

    Liz from Caldwell, Idaho
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    @ naceto – while this is completely different from your situation, I can say you are doing the right thing by coming here and letting your feelings out about the burglary. Three years ago, I was running regularly early in the morning – just around our parking lot because I didn’t want to go far from home with my son sleeping inside. When I came in the house, I heard my son fall off the bed (he’d moved into the bed in my room after I left to go run). He never falls of the bed. I went up stairs and he was having a Grand Mal seizure. He’d never had one before and it was horrible to see. I called 911, ambulance came, we spent all morning in emerg. Since that day, I gained all 60 lbs back that I’d lost, I stopped running completely, I couldn’t bring myself to go out that early in the morning. I still can’t to this day. It’s taken me 3 years to get back on the wagon. I work out right after work now. I don’t think I will ever be able to go on an early morning run again. I’m not sure I’ve forgiven myself yet for not being there when the seizure started. I have no idea how long he’d been seizing before I came in the house – maybe not at all, but maybe 30 minutes or more. Even with a treadmill in my basement and baby monitors in the room, I can’t bring myself to get up early and go downstairs to exercise. So, the situation is entirely different, but I understand the need to binge and eat for comfort etc. You, however, are smarter than me because you’re here telling people about it and wanting to get it under control. I allowed myself to be consumed by fear for a while and now I'm paying for it by starting all over again. I'm glad you have both counselling and this place to help you through.

    drojen- I can't imagine how hard that was for you. Thank you for sharing your story. It really put things into perspective for me.

    Thank you all for your support, advice, and words of encouragement. :flowerforyou:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I got my blood test results today. Even off the Metformin for 3 months my A1C is still 5.4 and to be honest I wasn't very careful with my carbs the month of December and half of November. I'm thrilled. It looks like my diabetes is behind me. Yay for healthier living!

    The doctor still wants to see me. My BUN and Creatinine are quite high. I already have impaired kidney function and this test showed much higher numbers than just 6 months ago. That worries me, a little. I'm hoping it's just because I've been really pumping up my protein numbers lately and that I just need to back off the protein a bit. I see the doctor a week from Wednesday, so I guess I'll find out more then.

    Food today was icky. I'm pretty broke and out of everything so I had to piece meals together(and someone brought in Hershey Candy Cane kisses today). Tomorrow is pay day and my grocery list is HUGE. Looking forward to eating a bit more pasta this coming week since my A1C is OK and I need to lower protein anyway.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    I got my blood test results today. Even off the Metformin for 3 months my A1C is still 5.4 and to be honest I wasn't very careful with my carbs the month of December and half of November. I'm thrilled. It looks like my diabetes is behind me. Yay for healthier living!

    The doctor still wants to see me. My BUN and Creatinine are quite high. I already have impaired kidney function and this test showed much higher numbers than just 6 months ago. That worries me, a little. I'm hoping it's just because I've been really pumping up my protein numbers lately and that I just need to back off the protein a bit. I see the doctor a week from Wednesday, so I guess I'll find out more then.

    Food today was icky. I'm pretty broke and out of everything so I had to piece meals together(and someone brought in Hershey Candy Cane kisses today). Tomorrow is pay day and my grocery list is HUGE. Looking forward to eating a bit more pasta this coming week since my A1C is OK and I need to lower protein anyway.

    I don't entirely understand all of the numbers... BUT "It looks like my diabetes is behind me." I understand! YAY- way to go! I am so happy for you. :)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    The weather today was perfect! Its starting to tease us with spring coming. I hope we don't get another blast of winter. So enjoyed a good walk outside. GHD challenge: 11/11 Good night.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check-In: Thanks everyone for thinking of me. I handed in my resignation this morning and gave my two-week notice. It went OK. My boss was actually pretty cool with everything and even apologized for not giving me the attention he should have. He knows this business is a tough one to adjust too and he should have helped me sooner. Oh well. It's done and two more weeks then I move onto the new job, which I'm so excited!!! I really appreciate all the support. You guys are AWESOME!!

    @Tom - Happy Belated!! I hope you had a great day. A little rest after unloading the GS cookies sounds well deserved.
    @MyMowMow - Awesome news about the diabetes! This is such a huge accomplishment. I would definitely keep the line of communication open with your doctor especially if you still have some concerns. Thank goodness pay day is around the corner. I know that's when I make really poor choices when my house doesn't have healthy options. Hang in there!!
    @Robin - I grew up in western PA so I was always a big Nittany Lions fan. Go Penn State!!!