Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Helena-Welcome Back and of course I remember you. :bigsmile:
    Bella- So happy that you could pop in and visit with us. Wishing you the best in caring for your family members.:happy:
    Shrink-Welcome Back. It is great to see you again.:bigsmile:
    Hope everyone in the North East is surviving the snow. Take your time while shoveling you don't want to over do it. Small shovel half-full will go a long way. I still want one good snow storm but not a blizzard.

    Well the Feb. challenge has been difficult for me so far this month. In the beginning of the month I was sick and have finally started to feel better. But I did not really focus on the challenge. I thought about exercising everyday but that has not happened, I am trying to keep my carbs down and protein up. Still not sure exactly what I am focusing on for Feb. I still have a few exercise challenges to meet.

    Today, I opted not to hit the gym because I was tired from last nights climbing session. Tomorrow, I will be going to the gym and doing a full workout. Enough excuse making about not exercising or trying the challenges. I just need to do it.

    exercise plan for 2/2 to 2/8
    Saturday- REST
    Sunday- light exercise DONE
    Monday- upper body workout DONE
    Tuesday- rest -200 Squats
    Wednesday- Trainer workout DONE Base assessment
    Thursday-rest DONE
    Friday- Rock climbing DONE

    Exercise Goals for 2/9 to 2/15
    Saturday- REST DONE
    Sunday- gym workout
    Monday- Trainer workout
    Wednesday- rest day
    Thursday- gym
    Friday- Rock Climbing
    Saturday- gym
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Hi everyone! I happened to see this thread on my list of recent topics. I love all the support you give each other, and I like the group style. I would love to be a part of this, as I can use all the support I can get, and all the venting space. Of course, I'm always here to listen for anyone who needs to do the same!

    Saturday Success: I FINALLY got over being sick and my back is not giving me much trouble. This week, I decided I was going to train for a 5k using c25k, I mapped out a plan for what days to tackle, and I bought a pair of good running shoes with the money I earned last night having a very successful Pure Romance party! I'd say this week was pretty great! Tonight, I started training for my 5k out of curiosity and I am pleased with my new shoes!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    So sorry to be missing so much! This week just became a bit overwhelming to me. No excuses just was.

    Saturday success I think resisting the urge to over commit. It allow for much needed time with my family and self.
    Normally. I over commit which just creates stress and struggle with food

    @ebailey - welcom

    Everyone who is new welcome.

    Sorry so short but I am so tired.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    GHD challenge: 9/9 Good night.
  • Saturday Success - Cleared a path from my back door to the street and managed to shovel out the garage. Wow! That's a lot of snow. Then went in to work at my old job for a few hours to relieve a co-worker who got stuck there for 36 hours! Yikes, poor guy!!!! One of the many pitfalls of residential work, and a good reminder of how happy I am to have moved on! I didn't get in a wii workout or long walk today, but I did get 800+ calories for an hour of shoveling (it was more like two) and didn't eat any of them back. Plus, I took a nice, long soak in the hot tub to ease the aching muscles, so I'm calling it 9/9 on GHD Challenge.

    @Toots - I hope they figure out what's going on with your husband, and he gets on the road to a speedy recovery!
    @Nicole - everyone does have struggles, it is true, but don't be too hard on yourself. It takes some time to recover from such a major trauma. as Kaye & Kelley said, keep logging, keep visiting, and you will get back on track...
    @Robin - Great job with the walks and the Bailey's! You have a great reward coming up just around the corner for your efforts, so keep at it!!!
    @alison & karen - nice nsv's!!! Perhaps you should download "Pants on the Ground" as one of your running songs! :laugh:
    @shrinkrapt and tina - great to see you again!

    I know there were more I meant to respond to, but it is the middle of the night and I am exhausted from the day, with another long one in the works for tomorrow, sigh, so it will have to wait..... Keep on keepin' on!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    I just went back again to beginning of our latest from page one for I kept feeling I was missing something. Took awhile but I did it. Don't know if I have any replys that at this point matter. Sorry that during the last couple of weeks a bit self absorb.

    @Robin I wish I could take breaks I start at 8 and go till time to leave. We dont get breaks. We eat our lunch with our clients etc. It is just the way the job goes. I shouldn't complain for I am lucky enough to have a job.

    @toots sorry to hear about your husband.
    @Robin wonderful job on the walks.
    @Susan congrats on the new job.
    @Nicole don't be so hard on yourself everyone had struggles
    @Imackbethl wow good workout doing all of that shoveling
    @Kaye, Lin, and the rest doing so well on
    GHD challenge way to go!

    Today later is my weigh in. Excited to see the new numbers.

    Will be back later for Sunday share
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Small loss this week, .8. It wasn't enough to show on the ticker, but that's okay. I guess that's what I get for eating some of exercise calories so I could have that cake. :wink: It was worth it. I'll be back later for an update. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Shrinkrapt - so good to see you! Great news about your hubby being a stay at home dad. Some of the best kids I know had a stay at home dad type homestyle. It will be wonderful for you to be grounded in that lifestyle too. No more weird timetables for you - I'm so happy for you and your family. Welcome back! :flowerforyou:

    Skiinny - great deal on the grill - an added benefit will be all the grilled foods you'll be eating now - won't that be fun!

    Susan - I wish you the best on your "announcement " at your old job tomorrow. I hope they are gracious about it.

    Naceto - I've read the advice other's have given you, and its all good. Excellent in fact. I can only add, perhaps can you consider a room-mate? Maybe on a temporary basis if you don't want to do it for the long run. Having someone else there, like an adult female who you can feel comfortable around, might take some of the stressors off.
    Otherwise, to stop the binging, get all the food out of your home. Just get rid of it, and don't buy it. Stock up on liquids, lots of liquids. (Non- alcohol :laugh: ) that's the ONLY way I can avoid a binge!

    Laurie - you are doing a GREAT job considering all the problems you've had with your infection. Not a problem you're still casting about for a GHD challenge - you'll find one. Good reminder to those shoveling to take it easy. We've found out here that if you spray Pam or another cooking spray on the shovel the snow slides right off - its a great trick!

    eBailey - Welcome - you've found a great place for companionship on this great journey! Good luck on your c25k!

    mackbeth - great job shoveling - you definitely get to count it - see my note to Laurie by the way!

    Today my bf and I go to Lincoln, NE to see his grandaughter from Penn State compete in Gymnastics. Her parents flew from Houston to watch, so it will be a nice little reunion - and an occasion to watch my eating. Does cheering burn extra calories?
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin- Cheer your heart out. The cheering may not burn calories but the walk to and from the meet may burn a few calories not to mention stairs if you need to go up and down any. Enjoy the competition. Will the event be televised?

    Getting ready to run a few errands then hit the gym. I have a core workout planned for today so hopefully it goes well.

    I will check back in later.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @nicole I don't know if this helps, but when my life is spiraling out of control, I try to remember that while I may not have control of a lot of things, I do have control over what I eat. And by taking control of that, it makes me feel better about other things, too.

    @ebailey Welcome to the friendliest place on MFP!

    I ended up not exercising yesterday as planned because my arthritis was really painful. But it feels good today, so Dance Central, here I come!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    I've been hearing lately that diet pop is really bad for you. I've been hoping it's just another hype. I try to drink mostly water but sometimes I want something different. When faced with choosing diet pop or regular I usually choose the diet. So what's the truth? How is it bad for you?

    I believe that it is really bad for you. My doctor said that aspartame can poison you. He had a patient with 'aspartame poisoning'. Also, I have recently gone 'cold turkey' as I'm really addicted to the diet coke. My goal for Feb. is to not drink any diet pop. I already feel better without it. I believe it was causing me dizzy spells. My son would kill me if he knew I drank it. It can cause symptoms similar to MS..
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member

    Naceto - I've read the advice other's have given you, and its all good. Excellent in fact. I can only add, perhaps can you consider a room-mate? Maybe on a temporary basis if you don't want to do it for the long run. Having someone else there, like an adult female who you can feel comfortable around, might take some of the stressors off.
    Otherwise, to stop the binging, get all the food out of your home. Just get rid of it, and don't buy it. Stock up on liquids, lots of liquids. (Non- alcohol :laugh: ) that's the ONLY way I can avoid a binge!
    @nicole I don't know if this helps, but when my life is spiraling out of control, I try to remember that while I may not have control of a lot of things, I do have control over what I eat. And by taking control of that, it makes me feel better about other things, too.

    Robin and Desdemina- Thank you. This makes sense... taking control of what I have the power to control. Perhaps it will flow into other things. Robin I like the idea of getting rid of all of the food... but my son may object ;)

    I actually feel a lot better today. Last night- venting a little and releasing it. It helped. It especially helps to know I am not alone. Y'all are so wonderful and supportive. It means a lot to me. I made a couple of decisions last night... not entirely directed at food- but I know it will flow over into helping me with that.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hi I just want to celebrate with you all! I weight in down 3 lbs under 250 for the 1st time since I don't know when maybe 15
    years ago? My daughter was very young cause I remember going to for a checkup being weigh and was 255 being upset -trying to comfort myself saying you can get this under control just 56 lbs to be under 200 lbs again. But of course I didn't went on to gain way more over 300lbs. There are still so many pounds to go but I am going to celebrate this moment wanting to say thank you to for all of your support.

    Liz from Idaho
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome!!

    Sunday Share: My name is Erienne and I'm turning 23 this year. I have a wonderful husband who supports me in every way, and even tags along for my workouts sometimes. No children yet, but am hoping to once I reach my fitness goals. And after we buy a house.

    I took measurements this morning and lost another 2 inches on my waist!! WOOO!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Hi I just want to celebrate with you all! I weight in down 3 lbs under 250 for the 1st time since I don't know when maybe 15
    years ago? My daughter was very young cause I remember going to for a checkup being weigh and was 255 being upset -trying to comfort myself saying you can get this under control just 56 lbs to be under 200 lbs again. But of course I didn't went on to gain way more over 300lbs. There are still so many pounds to go but I am going to celebrate this moment wanting to say thank you to for all of your support.

    Liz from Idaho

    CONGRATULATIONS LIZ!!!!!!! Way to go.:drinker: :drinker:


  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @erienne--welcome! I used c25k to start running a year and a half ago, and I LOVE being a runner. There are plenty of people in this group who have gone from being non-runners to runners, so you'll get lots of support and advice here in that area--as well as the general support and motivation the wonderful folks in this thread provide.

    @liz--congrats on being under 250!! What a great milestone!! :drinker:

    @nicole--I was going to say exactly the same thing desdemina said--I also find comfort in taking charge of my health and fitness when other aspects of my life are chaotic or stressful. Sorry you are struggling right now and glad to hear the venting and support here is helping.

    @melancholy--I used to be a Diet Coke junkie--couldn't get going in the morning without a can, cans littering my car, etc. I quit cold turkey several years ago b/c I was home for winter break, there was a blizzard, and I ran out of pop. I had never had any adverse symptoms as you describe, but I'm sure it contributed to being overweight and it was a huge expense. I switched to brewing my own tea to make iced tea and that's what I tend to drink at home if I'm not drinking water. I still will drink diet coke in a cocktail and occasionally I'll purchase a can as a "treat," but I don't keep it in the house anymore. I don't know why, but for some reason it's only the *cans* of diet coke that taste really good to me.

    @robin--yes, my DH is a big fan of grilling! He even puts the gas grill right outside the back door in winter so we can "cold-weather" grill. Our gas grill died last spring and we relied on the charcoal grill all summer and fall, but it doesn't work so well in winter. Can't wait to have a delicious grilled steak tonight!.

    @kaye--almost a pound is still a great loss!

    @lmackbeth--glad you managed to dig your way out of that snow!

    Will be back later for Sunday Share.
  • OMG....i am italian and love a good you make your own?????....and GREAT JOB btw....awesome!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Just logged my miles from yesterday, and I passed the 100 mile mark! I'm in a beautiful wooded section of Hanover County, VA on the virtual TransAmerica Trail.

    On the LOTR Bag End to Rivendell, I've just left Tom Bombadill's and am traveling through the Barrow-downs, "a place of great dread: inhabited by evil Barrow-wights from Angmar." Scary!

    On the Hobbit Bag End to Rivendell I'm staying "at The Forsaken Inn: the last inn along the Great East Road." More than a quarter of the way done with this trail.

    @featherkiss--I use ground turkey. It dries out more easily than beef or pork b/c it's so much leaner. My trick to working with it is to add a little bit of Kraft Roasted Red Pepper Parmesan dressing. You could probably use any oil based dressing or plain olive oil. I like that version b/c I love the red pepper flavor and it's very low calorie. I also add the dressing when I make turkey burgers--my husband, who is very picky about his burgers, loves them!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi Everyone.

    I'm grilling indoors today, I have a Cuisinart grill that grills, makes panini's, etc. I love it! I just grilled some chicken thighs for salads this week and in a bit will be marinating some pork loin to grill for dinner later.

    I can't believe this but I went to the gym this morning - got on the elliptical, then trained with my trainer, got in the sauna and am now trying to talk myself out of going for a run! Its so nice outside and I have so much energy, hate to waste the beautiful/warm sunshine, but I've already burned my allotment of calories for today. What to do, what to do... :laugh:

    Fitness next week:

    Tuesday~Off Day
    Thursday~Off Day
    Friday~Zumba or Elliptical
  • My NSV for the day: Hubby brought home cupcakes and chinese food today for the family for lunch. I ate a little bit of bourbon chicken and only 1 eggroll and 0 cupcakes. Normally, I would just shove it all in and keep going. I'm finding that I don't even want it right now. I don't have that "have to eat it all" ravenous appetite.

    Still keeping up with all of yall's posts but can't do personals right now. Just know you're in my thoughts daily and you guys are very motivational. Thank you for being you, supportive, wonderful, you.