Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • ptimek
    I've been hearing lately that diet pop is really bad for you. I've been hoping it's just another hype. I try to drink mostly water but sometimes I want something different. When faced with choosing diet pop or regular I usually choose the diet. So what's the truth? How is it bad for you?
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Toots - your hubby sounds so sick with all of his treatments going on. Continuing to wish the best thoughts for him. I hope he's off work.

    he's definitely off work. he's missed seven days of work now and is not to return until they figure out what's going on
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    G-Kaye - I'm so happy people are starting to compliment you on your loss - and to think your trip jeans are getting to big - that's marvelous! Such a glorious problem!

    I did my Leslie video already today - yippee, so although I've missed two days at the very beginning I'm 7/9 on the challenge.
    I forgot who gave up chocolate for the challenge - I gave up Baileys liquor and I'm 9/9 on that!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Toots~I'm so sorry for your husband's continued health issues and everything you two are going through. I wish his CT scan was scheduled earlier - kind of surprised they put it off. I hope you both have answers soon - in the meantime, I'm glad he is home and getting the rest he needs!
    @Susan~Congrats on the new job, it sounds like a great opportunity for you. I hope resigning from your current job isn't too daunting come Monday!
    @Rachael~Excellent weight loss this week! Keep it up.

    I'm feeling better today, went to the gym for my run - which felt fantastic! I love any run where I feel like I can go longer, felt so great afterwards. I also had my official weigh-in for our 90-day challenge that starts this weekend and runs through May 11th.

    Menu is planned for the week, so next up is grocery store.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    I've been hearing lately that diet pop is really bad for you. I've been hoping it's just another hype. I try to drink mostly water but sometimes I want something different. When faced with choosing diet pop or regular I usually choose the diet. So what's the truth? How is it bad for you?

    I take it like other things -- all things in moderation! I used to drink 5-6 cans of diet sodas a day. Now that I'm drinking more water, I don't let myself have a soda until I get all my water in, and most days I don't even have one then. I have one maybe every 2-3 days, and it's like a treat! I don't think an occasional one is going to hurt you, and it's certainly better than regular!
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi all! I see I'm not the only one who vanished for a while and has been trying to catch back up with the wagon train. November's travel and eating out knocked me clean off my goals and I have been struggling to get back. Haven't even been logging daily in the last month, which is appalling but there you go.

    SO.... 9 days into the month, my February goal is to log daily, everything I put into my mouth. No cheating. I'm gonna have to reset my goals, too, as I've regained at least 15 lbs and haven't been exercising.

    The good news is that my hubby is going to quit work and be a stay-at-home dad starting next month (we're both very excited about this). This should help a lot with having healthy meals at home, and if I can get myself better-regimented about when I get to work (and especially LEAVE), we can do more fitness activities as a family.

    It's good to catch up with what friends here are doing, and to see all the new faces. I'm sorry to hear that several of you are facing new health struggles. To the back pain/spasm sufferers, I'll wave my flag for massage therapy again (in the long run, it works just as well as muscle relaxants but without the sedation or addiction risk). Toots, I sure hope they sort out what's going on with your husband. If they held off on the CT scan for nearly a week, they probably don't have a strong suspicion for pulmonary embolism (if they thought it was really likely, they'd have done it ASAP). My question is: have they done a cardiac workup (echocardiogram in particular)? Sometimes viral illnesses can cause heart troubles and that can lead to fluid in the lungs.

    For those having successes, congrats! :flowerforyou:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,183 Member
    Welcome home Shrinkrapt! Sorry things have gotten a bit off track but you're here now.

    We missed you and hope to see you often. :flowerforyou:


  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley--glad you are feeling better, and had a good run. I know what you mean about loving those runs; I had one last week, but not so much today.

    @robin--great job on the GHD challenge. You know you are serious when you give up your Bailey's! :laugh:

    @alison--so funny, I had the same experience while running at the gym today! A few minutes into the run, I realized my track pants were inching down. Fortunately, they have a drawstring, but I've never had to tie it before. I also 100% agree with you about the exercise. I actually weighed less about 9 or 10 years ago, but I was wearing bigger sizes b/c I wasn't exercising as much.

    @kaye--loved your advice to the newlings--it's so true! Also, congrats on the loose clothes. I know what you mean about buying new clothes. I've gotten hand-me-downs from my sister, and resisted shopping anywhere but Good Will until just recently. Now that I'm a bit closer to my goal weight, I don't mind buying a few things (on sale of course! :wink: ) b/c I know the weight loss will be pretty slow from here on out.

    @kris--that's so great that you've made the saturday workouts a routine.

    @rachael--congrats on the wonderful SV! :drinker:

    Well, I taught the ACT class this morning and then DH and I went to buy a new gas grill. He was talking about one that was around $400 and I told him that was fine. We've had the old one for many years and we do get a lot of use out of it. Plus, I'm spending literally thousands of dollars on my trip to Zurich this summer, so I don't think it's fair for me to begrudge him this purchase. Once we got to Home Depot, my husband actually talked himself into buying the smallest, cheapest gas grill they had which was only $100. I was like "are you sure?"--but he said yes, since we rarely entertain, there's no reason 2 of us need a huge grill. Ultimately, they only had the floor model which we didn't want. The next size up was $160 and they gave us $25 off since they didn't have what we originally wanted. He's putting it together in my kitchen right now b/c he wants to cook some steaks tonight.

    Later I'm going to a play one of my friends wrote and is directing. It's playing at a small neighborhood theater in Chicago--it's not Broadway, but it's still quite an accomplishment--very proud of her.

    Hope everyone has a great evening. And hope people dealing with the east coast blizzard are faring ok.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: What a week!! Between finalizing and accepting the new job offer to trying to wrap up the old one it's been busy. I got an hour walk in this morning. Blue skies, sun and a brisk temperature made for a perfect walk. I cleaned bathrooms, stripped/made beds, did some dusting/vacuuming and now finishing up on some laundry. I'm hoping to finalize my taxes this weekend as well. I then need to work on finalizing a couple of projects for work and then we'll probably go to church tonight. Tomorrow I'll still be working on those projects and then give my two-week notice on Monday. Nervous about their reaction, but so excited to start this new chapter. Enjoy your Saturday everyone!!!!
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Happy weekend everyone. Yesterday I had a snow day from work. We haven't had this much snow fall at one time in a few years. While I live in a townhouse condo and my snow is supposed to be removed for me, it came so fast, I did a little shovelling yesterday and again today. Had to dig the car out of it's parking spot. So I get to log some snow shoveling exercise today for sure.

    @ Toots - so sorry to hear of your husband's health troubles. I hope they get things figured out soon.

    @ Susan - congrats on the new job. Sounds like a great opportunity for sure.

    For those that have lost weight, congrats. I'm trying to stay off the scale until the end of the month - mostly because I get obsessed by the # and I don't want to do that this time. Next week I do have to take my measurements though and that should tell me something.

    I don't really have an NSV specifically - pants are getting looser, I certainly feel better, I don't seem to be quite as moody and tired as I once was. Exercise really does seem to provide me with some kind of natural high, I think.

    I've read all the posts, there are just so many. I'll try to do better tomorrow. But as always, congrats to those with great scale or NSV news and for those who are struggling, all we can do it take things one day at a time, so keep on keeping on!

  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: SHRINKRAPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I've missed you so! I had been gone for a few months, came back in January, and have been missing you since! I'm so glad you are back!! :smooched:

    I, too, gained weight while I was gone. Twenty pounds. Then during TOM, it went to twenty-seven pounds, even though I was watching, and I LOST IT! But those extra seven pounds left with TOM, and I should have gotten on the scale this morning, but didn't. :tongue: I've been good all week.... I just felt so BLAH that I didn't want to know! ANYWAYS, welcome back!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Toots- I am sending prayers for you and your husband. My heart goes out to you both. Stay strong and don't take a non-answer for an answer.

    Susan- Congratulations on the job! I am so happy for you.

    I have again, fallen off of the wagon. I am doing a lot of binge eating and some days not eating much at all. Yesterday, I had a whole wheat cheese quesadilla, latte, protein drink, and a bag of peanut butter m & m's. Today it was a (restaurant) caprese frittata and hashbrowns covered in hollandaise- toast with a ton of jam and butter, potato chips, chocolate covered marshmallows... um yah. You get the idea.

    Everyone has their struggles with emotional ups and downs- family tragedies and triggers for stress eating. I know it's not just me. How do YOU stay on track when the world seems to be falling apart around you? How can I get myself out of this hole? What inspires you to stay on track- and if you have fallen - what helped you get back up?

    Thanks in advance for any advice- sorry I'm such a bummer. After the burglary, it seems my life has changed. Nothing is as it was for me. I am trying to be positive...
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    Saturday success is not weight related. I got a 100% on my business test.

    @Kaye- cake must have been the bomb. We all have to indulge at times.
    @Des- heard dance centeral is real fun. I have never tried no rythm and 2 left feet
    @Tina- Nice to see you stopped by....hope all is well
    @Karen- Awesome burn walking Gunner and shoveling. Hope you enjoyed the play your friend wrote
    @Jtconst- Hope your hip and thigh feels better
    @Toots- Prayers for your husband and your sanity too.
    @New People- Welcome to our wonderful group
    @Macbeth- Wow that's a lot of snow
    @Alison- What an awesome clothing success
    @Robin- Giving up Bailey's what a huge accomplishment
    @Shrink- Glad your back
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    YAY!! SARA'S BACK!!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: It's so nice to see my shrinkrapt friend is back!! :laugh:

    @jennifer--I also love the "high" from a good workout! Sounds like things are going well for you--that's better than the big NSV's b/c it means you're doing all of the right things to be successful over the long haul.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Naceto I haven't had any major upsets lately, so I can't even imagine what its like to have been burglarized! I think that the best thing you can do right now is continue to log your food, all of it, no matter what. Keep coming here, too. We are here for each other. Have you considered getting some counseling? Perhaps your church leader could help you sort through this, or refer you to someone who can help. From what I've heard, that kind of an invasion is something that most people need some help to get over. My thoughts are with you. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Nicole~I wish I had some words of comfort to help you get over the burglary, its just going to take time. When it happened to me I was messed up for a really long time (even after counseling) - I had to change my hours at work because I could only sleep during the day and I turned into a hermit. My eating went into a complete tailspin and I refused to leave my apartment , my parents intervened after about six months and I ended up moving. I really needed to start my life over. After that, I was ready to conquer other things in my life. I'm not saying that is what you need to do (especially if you own your home) but its what I needed to do and the fact that I was renting at the time made it easier. Its easy to throw in the towel, especially when we've been through a traumatic event - when things happen to us we do things to try and make ourselves feel better. I think right now food has become a safety net, its easily accessible and it never lets you down. All you can do is take it one day at a time, one meal at a time. I wish I had the answer. No one is perfect, we all fall off the wagon from time to time - the thing I tell myself is that I don't want to go back to the unhealthy, unhappy recluse I was. The fact that you realize you are out of control is a great step and the fact that you came here for some advice is even better. You CAN do this, honestly just take it one meal at a time. You know what to do. Every time you go to the pantry or the refrigerator, ask yourself "why." Maybe keep a journal for a while and write down your feelings every time you eat - it really does help. Sending you lots of virtual hugs!!! :flowerforyou:

    Sorry, if I seemed to ramble...
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Thanks GrandmaKay and Kelley - for the advice and support. I do have a counselor that I see- but she has been sick. I took a week from my night class (Math) but am back at it and I am pushing myself to move forward each day. I think that I will log- regardless of what I eat (as you suggested GmaKay) and write in my journal. Kelley, what you went through I can't imagine. You are definitely a woman of strength.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Thanks GrandmaKay and Kelley - for the advice and support. I do have a counselor that I see- but she has been sick. I took a week from my night class (Math) but am back at it and I am pushing myself to move forward each day. I think that I will log- regardless of what I eat (as you suggested GmaKay) and write in my journal. Kelley, what you went through I can't imagine. You are definitely a woman of strength.

    Aw, thanks Nicole - you are too, you just need to channel her! :smile:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Toots, I sure hope they sort out what's going on with your husband. If they held off on the CT scan for nearly a week, they probably don't have a strong suspicion for pulmonary embolism (if they thought it was really likely, they'd have done it ASAP). My question is: have they done a cardiac workup (echocardiogram in particular)? Sometimes viral illnesses can cause heart troubles and that can lead to fluid in the lungs.

    good to see you. yeah, he's got that on the docket for wednesday too. they said that if he has an embolism it's probably pretty lodged in there and they aren't worried about it moving. which makes no sense to me. that's why they said if it changes then he's supposed to go in because it might have moved. sounds like crap to me. i sincerely hope they really aren't worried because if they are they are sadly incompetent.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,183 Member
    I am so sorry for those who are having a difficult time. My Grandmother use to say----this too will pass. Try to hang on one day at a time.

    TOOTS - praying your husband will be on the mend soon.:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    HOLLY - congrats on your 100% on the exam.:bigsmile:

    NACETO - hoping it is a brighter tomorrow. :heart:

    Sorry, too tired to think more. Good night.

    GHD challenge 9/9.

