Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Hello everyone!

    @ Rachael – we all have times we go incognito… life happens, don’t beat yourself up over it
    @ Kaye – I’ve started to have people at work noticing my weight loss too… helps motivate right now, because I’m a little “stalled”
    @ Alison – good thing ‘wardrobe purging’ isn’t an eating disorder, right?
    @ Toots – hope your hubby is better soon
    @ ShrinkRapt – glad to see you back, and congrats on your hubby being able to do the stay at home dad thing!
    @ Laurie – glad you’re feeling better. Looks like several of us got the ‘bug’
    @ Robin – don’t get stuck in the snow!
    @ Melancholy – diet pop really is horrible (for lots of reasons). I haven’t seen any studies on diet pop that is sweetened with Stevia, so that might be ok. Problems usually come from it tricking your system into using insulin incorrectly, or side effects/reactions to the artificial sweeteners themselves. Sucralose (Splenda) isn’t as bad as Aspartame (NutraSweet – or as I call it, Nutradeath). Aspartame breaks down to formaldehyde compounds at temps >about 104 degrees.
    @ Liz – wow! Super job!
    @ Eirenne – welcome & congrats!
    @skinnyjeanz – way to go on your ‘journey’! – I can figure out the miles I’ve done, but I can’t seem to get them to correlate to the hobbit thing…
    @kah – sounds like fun … I have a similar grill that gets a ton of milage..

    Sunday share -
    I think I'm mostly on the mend from the 'bug', but my weight loss is stalled (or my scale has really gone wierd) no matter what my numbers are. On the plus side, I plunked down the money today for my new gym membership (at YouFit), so I'm really excited to get back on track. They're a little less conveniently located than Blast Fitness, and don't have a Zumba class, but it's a much better neighborhood & nicer facility. And it's cheaper.

    I also picked up a glider machine (sort of like a gazelle, but not suspended) on Freecycle - it's brand new... I just have to figure out where to put it....
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    My NSV for the day: Hubby brought home cupcakes and chinese food today for the family for lunch. I ate a little bit of bourbon chicken and only 1 eggroll and 0 cupcakes. Normally, I would just shove it all in and keep going. I'm finding that I don't even want it right now. I don't have that "have to eat it all" ravenous appetite.

    Still keeping up with all of yall's posts but can't do personals right now. Just know you're in my thoughts daily and you guys are very motivational. Thank you for being you, supportive, wonderful, you.

    Good job, Jumpy! :flowerforyou:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Today, I met two other challenges that my trainer set up. The core for life challenge 3 sets in 15 minutes plus the 200 push up challenges. Completed that in 36 minutes. The last 25-50 were very difficult and challenging but it helped when I rested for at least 5 minutes between sets of 25. I do push-ups on my knees since I am still working on the strength to complete the full body push ups. I am pleased that I completed the challenges but my arms will be sore tonight and tomorrow. Then tomorrow I will meet with my trainer again for another workout. Now I need a nap. LOL.

    jumpy- Great job on avoiding the cupcakes.
    Liz-Congrats on reaching that milestone. That is a great feeling to reach a mini-goal.
    Welcome to all the new people- you have found a very nice group of people.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Sunday Share:
    So I mentioned I went to a play last night that a good friend wrote, directed, and starred in. It was so great! It's based on the true story of Dr. Carl Tanzler who, in the 1920's disinterred the body of a patient he'd loved (she died of TB) and kept her body in his bed for 7 years. He used his medical knowledge to keep her corpse intact. A really creepy story, but the play was a dark humor interpretation. Still creepy but LOL funny. My friend played Tanzler and did a marvelous job playing a man! She's so talented and has a wickedly dark sense of humor.

    Tried to take gunner for his walk, but it's in the 40's so all of the snow is melting. This means ankle deep puddles mixed with snow, slush, and ice--needless to say we didn't make it very far before my feet were soaked and we headed back home. Will do my core work later tonight. DH will finish putting the grill together and cook some steak later. Right now I need to go grade and pick up a few things at the grocery. Will check back later.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--gym DONE (weights + elliptical + treadmill)
    Tues--rest day (have to teach an evening ACT class
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + core
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym NOT DONE but I shoveled very heavy snow for about an hour
    Fri--rest day ENDED up walking gunner + shoveling
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (long run)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + core

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 ACT practice essays

    February Challenge: 8/28 days of minimum 80 grams of protein
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Sunday Share: Since there are so many new people this week, I will briefly reintroduce myself. I am from a small town in Western Idaho. Actually, we are right on Idaho's "nose", at the bend in the Snake River. At 68 I am the oldest member of this group, and retired. I have 7 children, all with spouses, and almost 14 grandchildren. I've had one husband for almost 48 years. I joined MFP the very end of September 2012. I expressed concern about the impact of my weight on my upcoming knee replacement. My daughter encouraged me to make a plan and introduced me to MFP. I found this group almost immediately, and have loved it. The support and accountability have been very important to my success. I love to do needlework of all kinds and that really helps me keep my hands busy when I am tempted to find something to eat.
    I found out today that a very good friend of mine has cancer. It is in one lobe of her lungs, her lymph nodes, and her liver. They just found it. I am very sad for her and her family. She has lived a very clean life, definitely not a candidate for lung cancer.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi guys, I missed you all the l;ast couple of days. I jut spent the last half hour or so catching up on all the posts. Toots I hope they get the problem with your hubby figured out and under control soon. I agree with whoever it was that said to be as pushy as necessary to keep them moving. Susan I am so happy you got the new job. It is great to be excited about work. Welcome to all the new people I saw posting. You have foun a great site. Nicole I am sorry you are having such a hard time right now. What happened to you was so scary and you need to give yourself time to recover and not beat yourself up if your eating habits aren't perfect just now. Just take it one day at a time. Well my week just kept going downhill. First it was my leg and it just kept hurting more and more as the week progressed. Then on Friday my brother and his wife had a meltdown. Unfortunately she has developed a drinking problem and refuses to acknowledge it and when she has to much its like she becomes another person and that person really doesn't like my brother. So I was up all night friday trying to help and eventually bringing him over here since he is going to stay with us for awhile. He plans on telling her she can either agree to get help for the drinking and go to counseling with him or he is going to file for a leagal seperation and will try to get the kids. So Saturday was a long day of sore leg, no sleep, adn this all contributed to bringing on a migraine so the day just sucked. Oh and I started tom with all the lovely cramps. lol. The good news is I slept like a rock last night, the leg is starting to feel better and the headache is gone so today has been pretty darn good. I have got my house nicely cleaned up and done several projects around the house I had ben putting off. On the whole I think I am ending the week on a positive note so setting myself up for good things in the coming week:happy:
    Congratulations to all the NSV's and SV's I saw posted you all rock and should be so proud of yourselves. Have a great day everyone.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    @Kaye so sorry to hear about your friend!
    @jtconst yay for sleeping well! I love nights were I sleep so well I wake up fresh.

    This weeks fitness goals:
    Sunday (today)- gym or video at home (probably a video since it is nasty out)
    Monday- c25k at the gym
    Tuesday- core and legs
    Wednesday- c25k at the gym
    Thursday- chest and arms
    Friday- c25k at the gym
    Saturday- yoga
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @jumpy--love your new profile pic! Is that one of your fur-babies?
    @kaye--so sorry to hear about your friend--I read somewhere that 20% of people who contract lung cancer have never smoked or worked in an environment with known precipitators of the disease. It's very sad regardless of why a person contracts cancer, but I think it's a double shock when they've lived a "clean life" as you put it.

    @laurie--great job completing those challenges! You are a rock star!

    @vickie--my mileage rarely ever matches up perfectly with the hobbits' journey, so I just look at the total mileage in the left-hand column to see what's closest to my current number.

    Can't focus here at starbucks. There's a couple sitting across from me and they keep playing stupid videos without using their earbuds. It wouldn't be so bad, but there's already music playing in the store, so the audios from the their videos is competing with the music. Needless to say--very distracting.

    I'm going grocery shopping then home for steak!

    Grading Goals:
    1. 4/16 ACT practice essays
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Hello friends - got lots of little things taken care of today. Spent time with "Leslie" again today. So GHD challenge 10/10. :wink:

    Turn your heads away if you don't want TMI
    I got some new *underthings* ordered today. On sale! And hopefully the right size.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


  • So excited! I walked Dirk today (on the Easywalker Harness) so no more pinch collar for him...he's graduated! And he did beautifully and then my old man, Roscoe, and I walked but "ran" at every every street opening or ever driveway we ran past and then walked when there was lawn. Never realized how many openings there were lol I was beat! And thennnn, I logged onto Verizon and saw they had the FITBIT as the accessory of the month and it was 15 dollars off which was even better than the last time I found it on Verizon. So I ordered it and it should be here on Tuesday. <3 !!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @Nicole - You're in my thoughts and prayers for strength. We've got so many amazing people on here who give such sound advice. I'm such an emotional eater and it's the hardest battle I've had to learn how to overcome. I'm not there quite yet, but it is getting better each day. Like Robin said it it's around I will eat it. My will power is still pretty weak. I guess for me I know how hard I've been working on my daily logging, squeezing in exercise, following this thread, encouraging my MFP friends that it's pushing me along in the right direction. I'm just trying to keep everything as positive as possible. Plus, for me, I also work something sweet or what I would consider a treat. This helps me to not feel like I'm depriving myself. So far so good!!

    @Jumpy - Awesome choices today!! I know how tough it is when food is brought in and your sitting with the family. Chinese is one of my favorites, but so hard to make good choices plus the sodium is off the charts normally. As far as the cupcake, great job passing!! Sweets are a tough one for me so I try to work something into my day. Not every day, but normally every other day. I know some people can't stop at one, but I just need that little something like 2 Dove Dark Chocolate squares. Yum!!

    @Kaye - I can totally relate with such sad news. I found out a few weeks ago my dear friends are struggling with a similar issue. They found cancer in her husband. I've known them for 20 years at least. I was there when the kids were born. His wife is like a sister to me and it's breaking my heart I now live 2,000 miles away. At least when I lived in Atlanta I was only 90 minutes away. He's only 39. Cancer sucks!!!!

    @Welcome new folks to a great support group!!!

    Sunday Share: Susan, 44, single mom to an awesome 10 1/2 year old son, Cyrus. Moved last year from Atlanta to Las Vegas for a new job. Not been happy and a new door has opened. I'm giving my 2-week notice tomorrow and cannot wait for the next chapter to begin. I've battled my weight for as long as I can remember. January 2012 I reached my highest weight at 325. I tried Medifast and lost 25 lbs super quick, but hated the food. I tried to maintain during the crazy months of the move cross country and didn't focus on my diet/exercise. Things settled down and in August my work dietician recommended MFP. I was 309 and got down to 272, but hit a plateau, then Thanksgiving/Christmas and gained 10 lbs back super fast. 12/26 I got right back on track and I'm down to 264. Woo Hoo!! I never thought I would be so happy, but I haven't seen this number in a very long time. I'm down a size and about to go down again. Pants are already getting baggy. Again, woo hoo!! I just got my notice for 190 days of logging. I never stuck to tracking before, but this time I am and guess what - it works!!!! We can do this!!!!

    Make it a GREAT week!!!! One day at a time.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I'm looking at my work week and trying to figure out how to fit in some decent exercise. It's going to be light week based on my schedule--I guess this is where I need to make sure I make better food choices. Not my strength, but today I ate close to my allotted calories and when I closed my diary MFP said "if every day were like today, in 5 weeks you would weight 179 lbs." I haven't been in the 170's since college! I'm going to try really, really hard to stick to plan!

    Exercise goals for week of 2/11:
    Mon--walk gunner? (I donate blood at 5 pm, but if I hurry home I might have time for this)
    Tues--rest day (I have a union meeting and dinner plans w/ a friend)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + core
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (long run) + dancing at Gaelic Storm concert!
    Sun--walk gunner

    It's not an ideal week, but I'll have to make it work.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - the Gymnastics will be televised Tuesday on the Big Ten Network only. Our group is the ONLY Penn State fan group there so they filmed us several times. There was only 9 of us in navy and the rest of the auditorium was in Husker Red - :laugh: - and Penn State lost by just a few tiny points - so sad. But had a great time!

    Naceto - glad you're gonna keep trying' , I didn't mean to starve your son ..... poor baby....

    Lizmil - WOOT - HAPPY DANCE FOR YOU!!!!! a new low , you go girl! so happy for you Liz, getting down so low, that is awesome!

    Oh Skinny - I envy you know where you are on the roads - my pedometer is still out and I'm just befuddled ! The descriptions make adding up the miles so much m ore enjoyable don't they!

    Kah - I have a little indoor grill too - mine even goes in the dishwasher - I adore it!! But no panini's! My you had a lot of energy today - what did you decide on the run?

    Jumpy - that's a hell of a victory over the cupcake - hooray for you! Cute pic of the doggy too!

    oOo Vicki - don't you just love Freecycle - excellent move on getting the glider - hope you can squeeze it in somewhere!

    Skinny - sounds like a ghoulish but funny play - something that could catch on with the right crowd. I think I recall hearing the story told before. , hee hee.

    Kaye - sorry for your friend. I'm sure she is very dear to you and I'll keep her in my prayers. It must have been an upsetting day for you today to have just heard the news. - :brokenheart:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thanks for all of your kind thoughts and prayers. GHD challenge: 10/10 Good night.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Ptimek -- I personally avoid diet soda. I had a friend who had a serious reaction to aspartame and I've avoided it ever since.
    @Robin -- mmm Baileys.
    @Sara -- good to see you back! Since I've been at home full-time, we've all been eating much better food. We're all a lot less stressed too.
    @Karen -- we need to get a new gas grill this summer. We looked at the old one at the end of last season and concluded it was so ratty it wasn't worth putting it away for winter. So, time for a replacement. I like having one because it actually entices my husband to cook.
    @Jen -- hang in there -- I had a really slow patch after I'd lost about 15 pounds, when I felt discouraged, nobody could tell I was losing weight, I thought I looked and felt just the same... luckily I kept going and it all feels a lot better now.
    @Nicole -- It takes a while to get over a burglary; just give it as long as it takes. You need to put your weekend eating behind you and just keep logging and get back on track. One or two days doesn't matter at all in the long run. I know that exercise makes it much easier for me to keep on track; but also I like high-protein, high-fat snacks like cheese, and if I feel like EATING ALL THE PIES I often just have a couple of ounces of cheese and that's enough to manage it. Yes, I miss my target by 200 calories, but that doesn't actually matter at all.
    @Holly -- Yay for the business test!
    @Toots -- still thinking of you and your husband. Hope he's well on the mend soon.
    @Erienne -- welcome! Running's been so good for me.
    @lmackbeth -- well done on the shovelling! It's great strength exercise too.
    @Kaye -- I'm so sorry to hear about your friend.
    @Susan -- I'll be thinking of you as you go into your old job today. Change is exciting and scary.
    @Liz -- Under 250! That's FANTASTIC!
    @Kelley -- I've had a couple of days where I've just burnt 'way too many' calories. I just rest up the next day. I think it's good overall though, especially as I've got the half marathon coming up.

    Sunday share: Well, yesterday was momentous. My daughter was having the first shower in the finished bathroom, caught the edge of the new shower screen, and it fell right off! Luckily it didn't break and she wasn't hurt. And once we'd finished being shocked, we all laughed. Mostly at my husband. At least all the re-sealing is done and the bathroom is waterproof again, so we can shower. But he's going to have to find a more secure way to fix the screen!

    I wanted to run yesterday, but was too busy doing homework again. I hate Sunday deadlines; I'm always busy on Sundays. And then it snowed (only half an inch -- not like all those people with snow up to their letterbox), so it may be too icy to run today.

    Monday check-in -- well, I lost three pounds! I'm pretty excited about this. The big loss came on Tuesday, the day I ran nearly ten miles and accidentally fasted; but luckily I've sustained it through the week.

    Looking forward to another great week everyone!

    -- Alison
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Good morning everyone... did a quick readthrough from all your weekends and as always we had some successes and challenges, Monday morning back to the grind!!!

    Well my weekend was a mixed bag... Snow had my gym closed on Saturday so I did not get my lifting in.. I did however dig out a couple cars, went sledding with the kids and built a snow man... probably not enough exercise to counter act the beers/chilli that I had throughout the day though...

    Then Sunday I had to have my oldest son to wrestling for 8... so not time for the gym. BUT the most infuriating thing happened, after being told we could not be late or we would be disqualified... that cut off did not happen until after 9 and the first match was not until 10:30 almost!!! So I missed the gym, had a crappy breakfast sandwich from Dunkin AND spent over two hours sitting on a bleacher with my thumb in my.. When the wrestling started it at least was a little better. My son got the Bronze for his weight class and had lost a close match (his first of the day) to the kid who went on to win the gold.

    - Sunday Sharing time... I am WAY to critical of my kids at sports. They are both much more athletic then I ever was but especially my oldest can just have absolutely no focus sometimes... yes, he is 9... yes I am too hard on him... but I do make a point to praise and encourage him the best I can... He was super happy with his medal.

    Exercise goals for week of 2/11:
    Mon-- Run the Stairs during wrestling practice (weather is not good for outdoor running)
    Tues--Workout B - Squat day!
    Wed--Spin Class
    Thurs--Workout A - Deadlift day
    Fri--Morning gym cardio- maybe 30 minutes treadmill
    Sat--Workout B
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Monday check-in~Had a busy but good weekend. SInce I had already burned my alloted calories for the day, I did not go for a run yesterday like I was contemplating - but did go for a walk just around the neighborhood. My trainer worries about me overtraining, so I stuck to a leisurely stroll while enjoying the sunshine.

    I changed my goal so much for the GHD challenge that I can’t remember what I said, I think it was protein. I’m being pretty strict with myself right now so that I do well with this 90-day challenge, so that truly is going to be my goal for GHD – no alcohol, no eating out, eating gluten-free (good for thyroid anyway), staying within my macros (20% carbs, 40% fat, 40% protein), and sticking to my exercise plan is my goal for the next 90-days. If I can do this the potential is there for me to drop half the weight I have left to lose. So far I’m doing well. They gave us wristbands to wear during the challenge, so it will be a good reminder to myself to stick to my goals. Last night was hard, I really wanted a glass of wine with dinner but did not have it. This is more of a Tuesday Goals topic, but wanted to put it out there (so I'll repost this tomorrow).

    @Susan~Good luck today!
    @Alison~Awesome weight loss!!! Kind of funny about the shower door, glad your daughter wasn’t injured in the process.
    @Tammy~So sorry for the continued struggles your brother is going through in his marriage, sounds like moving in with you for a bit will be good for him. I hope his wife can get it together and agrees on some counseling – at least for the sake of the children.
    @Gorilla~I think non-focus is common at that age, my trainer has a son about the same age (he just turned 10) and he says the same thing. :laugh: It sounds like he really likes wrestling though, so kudos to him for a close match and winning a medal! Great plan for fitness this week.

    Have a great day!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I FORGOT MY FITBIT TODAY!!! :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. My challenge has been knowing that there was still some of that chocolate cake around! I finished it off last night and stilled stayed under my calorie goal. For me this isn't about depriving myself of anything. Its about fitting the things I really want into my plan.
    I noticed that kah and others talk about being gluten free. My I ask why. If you don't have an intolerance for gluten, why leave it out of your diet. It is the protein in wheat. The substitutes for gluten are just starches.
    Well, just my thoughts. Have a good day. kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Bump :smile: