Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Helenavee42
    Mondays always come too soon.

    Monday Check-in: Sadly my bfs internet was out this weekend so I was unable to log. I didn't get to walk as much as I wanted due to my leg being seriously sore. I woke up in the middle of the night on Friday with a horrible cramp in my calf. It took over 30 minutes to get it to go away. It is feeling better and I was working all weekend to get it to relax and loosen it up. I think I might actually be able to get farther than 2 or 3 blocks. My bf and I did take our puppy, Deputy, to the park yesterday and he absolutely loved it plus I got to get some exercise walking around with him and what not. we have 2 really long leashes that we hooked together so he had more running space while playing fetch. When we got back to the apartment he was exhausted. He took a good long nap. He also lost his first tooth yesterday. I didn't eat too badly this weekend. My leg hurt so bad I didn't want to go to the grocery store.

    Today will be better than the weekend. I am working on planning out my meals and grocery list and exercise plan.

    Have a great day!
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @Liz from Idaho - woo hoo! Congrats! I love when I hit a milestone like that!

    @Erienne -- congrats on the inches lost!

    @kah -- I know how you feel! It's like any walking or exercising doesn't count if you can't see it on your Fitbit!

    Good morning, all!

    I go back to my doctor tomorrow for my monthly check-in. I've only lost about 5 pounds this month. Last month I lost 13! So I hope she's not disappointed in me. But it always comes off fast at first, then slows down, and I've heard that when it slows down is when you're really burning fat. I'm actually not too disappointed in the 5 pound loss, because for once in my life I am doing this for HEALTH, not weight loss per se. As long as my insulin levels are going down, I'm fine with slower weight loss. But I won't have another blood test until next month, so I can only take it on faith that what I'm doing is helping.

    Besides, I had to hook my bra at the tighter hooks this morning. So either i'm losing inches, or my bras are stretched out!

    I bought myself a new indoor grill this weekend as a celebration for hitting the 25 pound mark. Mine had been damaged when I moved, but I still used it, then the non-stick coating started to flak off. So I bought a George Foreman grill. I live alone, so an outdoor grill just seems like too much work for one hamburger or whatever!

    I'm late for the Sunday personal update, but here's a little info for those who don't know...

    My real name is Beth, but I've used Desdemina so long as my handle online, I have real life friends who call me "Des"! I am 45 and live in Kentucky. I'm an instructional technologist for a community college system, working with online courses, and am finishing my dissertation for a doctorate in Instructional Technology. Not married and no kids, but been with the same guy for over 20 years. Please don't ask the "why aren't you married?" question! (No, he's not married either!) He lives in California, so we're doing the long distance thing.

    I started going to a bariatric doctor in December to help me lose weight because I have arthritis. My mom has had multiple surgeries and now uses a walker and a back brace because of her arthritis and being overweight. I didn't want to be there when I'm her age! But as a result of a battery of tests they give you at intake, they found out that I'm also pre-diabetic with very high fasting insulin levels. So I am doing EVERYTHING the doctor tells me, to the letter, because I want to dodge that bullet! Once I get my levels back to normal, I'll start having the occasional splurges and such, but until then, I'm being very strict.

    I love science fiction and fantasy, steampunk, videogames, knitting, and making jewelry. When I have time, which isn't much right now, with working full time, doing my dissertation, and doing some freelance work on the side. But yo have to make room for a little fun!
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    @ naceto – while this is completely different from your situation, I can say you are doing the right thing by coming here and letting your feelings out about the burglary. Three years ago, I was running regularly early in the morning – just around our parking lot because I didn’t want to go far from home with my son sleeping inside. When I came in the house, I heard my son fall off the bed (he’d moved into the bed in my room after I left to go run). He never falls of the bed. I went up stairs and he was having a Grand Mal seizure. He’d never had one before and it was horrible to see. I called 911, ambulance came, we spent all morning in emerg. Since that day, I gained all 60 lbs back that I’d lost, I stopped running completely, I couldn’t bring myself to go out that early in the morning. I still can’t to this day. It’s taken me 3 years to get back on the wagon. I work out right after work now. I don’t think I will ever be able to go on an early morning run again. I’m not sure I’ve forgiven myself yet for not being there when the seizure started. I have no idea how long he’d been seizing before I came in the house – maybe not at all, but maybe 30 minutes or more. Even with a treadmill in my basement and baby monitors in the room, I can’t bring myself to get up early and go downstairs to exercise. So, the situation is entirely different, but I understand the need to binge and eat for comfort etc. You, however, are smarter than me because you’re here telling people about it and wanting to get it under control. I allowed myself to be consumed by fear for a while and now I'm paying for it by starting all over again. I'm glad you have both counselling and this place to help you through.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Monday Everyone:

    I don't have much to share being I am very down on myself today. My weekend was filled with errands, shoveling, and making the hard decision to tell my now ex boyfriend to find a new place to live. In the end it boiled down to the fact that my son means more to me than anyone else. If the now ex is not willing to sit down and have a conversation with 16yr old to find out why he no longer likes being around him than in my eyes it is no longer a package deal and you need to move out. My ex just kept saying my son was the one with the problem so he doesn't see why talking it out matters. Ex feels son doesn't like him because there is now someone in the house so he can't get by with things like smoking cigs or weed when I am not around because he is always getting caught. Honestly, the real reason is my ex would constantly be on my son about not following chores or rules when his own kids do the same thing but he doesn't ride them. It spoke volumes to me when he refused to sit down and talk things out with my son...he really didn't love me because if he did he would of took the time to smooth things out with my kid vs just completely ignoring him. Before he became my ex -my son can walk right by him and he won't even say hello to him to me that is being an *kitten*.
    I must say for some reason I am feeling like crap about this whole situation like I am a fallure or something, Let me just say I know I am not a failure it just feels that way.

    All this emotional stuff over the weekend made me go from one extreme to the other. I use to binge eating everything in sight but yesterday I had no ability to eat my net calories was 457 which I know is not good.

    @Nicole- I am so sorry for all struggles you have going on right now. We all have demons that cause us to struggle from time to time. Stay positive and best wishes.

    @Skinny- Glad the play was good. It is always a blessing to see your friends succeed at their passions.

    @Everyone- all the talking about grills....I love to grill too and can not wait til summer so I can do so.

    I haven't gotten through all the posts yet that I missed over the weekend. More to come I am sure.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    @queen – congrats on your test! As for the ex situation, you know you've made the right choice. And as for your weekend eating - it was just one weekend. It must have been an emotionally draining weekend. I can't say I would have handled it any differently. But today is a new day so get back on track and carry on.
    @bailey – welcome to our thread
    @Kah – wow, what a great bunch of exercise on Sunday
    @jumpy – it’s hard to resist cupcakes so good for you!
    @Laurie – good for you for meeting those challenges. Not sure I could yet.
    @skinny – definitely a creepy story but I bet it did make an interesting play. Glad you enjoyed it. Hope you also enjoyed that steak
    @jt – sorry to hear of your brother’s struggles. It’s never easy to see family in that kind of situation. All you can do is continue to be there for him
    @Kaye – very sorry to hear about your friend. I have an Aunt who was just diagnosed. She was a smoker however, and because she’s got other issues because of her smoking, she is too weak for treatment. So they are simply making her comfortable.
    @Robin – sounds like a fun weekend of gymnastics.
    @Gorilla – oh boy, can I relate to being too critical about sports. I seem to channel my Dad when I watch my son play sports – and that is NOT a good thing, LOL. Congrats to your son on his medal.

    Monday check in – besides all the snow (although we are far better off than eastern Canada/US), there were no struggles this weekend. All is going along well. I think I’m going to get my son and I signed up for the gym we visited last week. I feel the need for better strength training and right now, the place for me to get that is at a gym.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Kaye~There are actually a number of foods that affect thyroid function. It was recommended by my doctor to avoid certain foods and he listed gluten, soy, cow’s milk, refined sugar, coffee, shellfish, among others – he believes stress, soy and gluten contributed to my thyroid issues. You can have starches, just need to avoid the ones that contain wheat, barley and rye – essentially the proteins that make breads chewy. If you have an intolerance to gluten your body treats it as a foreign substance, so while I don’t have celiac it does attack my thyroid gland. I don’t eat a lot of carbs anyway and I’m not a huge bread eater so it hasn’t been that difficult. There are substitutes starches such as brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes (actually there is a huge list) - but you don’t have to have them (I eat very little of it). I can tell you that it makes a difference. Soy is a lot harder to avoid, seems to be in everything! Oh, and I refuse to give up coffee! :yawn:

    @Beth~Two of my closest friends have been together for over 25 years, they even have separate houses in the same neighborhood but have never married. It works for them.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Shrinkrapt and Helena - Welcome back!!
    @MacBeth - It was very sweet of you to go in for a former co worker.
    @GrandmaKaye - You are doing GREAT with the GHD challenge! I'm so sorry to hear about your friend!
    @Naceto - I'm so sorry that you're struggling. Try to cut yourself some slack. This was a hugely stressful and emotional time for you.
    @Whomever it was that asked about Diet Pop. There are as many opinions on that subject as there are stars in the sky. I'm off the soda by my Doctor's suggestion. He was of the opinion that all sweet things just keep encouraging the craving so he suggested i go cold turkey when I was diagnosed with diabetes. Now, 10 months later, I have NO desire to drink soda and when I do buy diet pop as a treat.... it leaves a weird icky taste in my mouth that I don't appreciate any longer. I can't even get through a 20 oz bottle any longer.
    @Erienne - Welcome to the group!
    @Skinnyjeans - I used to play (and occasionally still fire up) the Lord of the Rings Online MMO game. When I track my walk I always smile because I can picture the beautiful landscapes in the game and picture the bridges, roads, and towns as the game portrays them. Also, I LOVE the Kraft Roasted Red Pepper dressing idea. Turkey burgers can be so bland and dry if I'm not careful.
    @Kah - I have a George Foreman indoor grill with removable plates (yay for dishwasher safe stuff) and I *LOVE* that thing. I use it almost every night.
    @JTConst - I'm so sorry your poor husband is still feeling poorly. I really hope they get it figured out ASAP.
    @Jumpy - Great deal on your fitbit and what a sweet dog :) This is the first time in my life I haven't had a dog of my own and I'm still pining a bit. I've been thinking maybe I should start slowly buying dog gear (crates, leashes, toys, bowls, etc) and saving up a little chunk of money in case I see one I just have to have (since I scour Petfinder weekly).
    @Susan - Woman, you are my hero. I totally want to be you when I grow up (I hope it happens soon). You bust your butt and make changes when you need too. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend as well. HOw terrifying for him, his family, and his friends.
    @Lizmil - Great job on the all time low!!
    @Walking Queen - So glad to hear that you've had 'the talk' with your boyfriend. I think that once you get his lazy abusive butt out of the house you'll start to feel more positive and be able to focus on you and your boy.
    @Kah - I keep looking at the paleo diet (as it seems to want to give most of those things) and I just can't do it. I don't think I would survive long with out cows milk. I eat cheese at LEAST once if not 2 or 3 times a day.... I love my yogurt..... and no way I'm saying goodbye to shellfish. I look forward to payday every two weeks so I can buy a Dungeness Crab for my dinner (and they are B1G1 FREE this week WOOHOOO).

    I've been doing lots of sewing to keep me busy and not bingeing. Last Sunday I was watching an old BBC show and I loved the woman's quilted half apron so that afternoon while I was watching the show, I whipped one up for myself. Then i loved it so much I decided I want to try for a light quilted bedspread for the bed. This weekend was spent cutting out perfect squares, ironing them all, and starting to sew them together. It's my first attempt at a quilt. If it works out, I can see something potentially addictive happening. Before I donated them, I always meant to make a 'fat quilt' with all of my fat clothes. Then I realized that most of my clothes were black back then.... not a nice color for a whole quilt. I also finished the hand braided rug I started before my stroke last year. It was made out of 5 thrift store bed sheets that I ripped into strips, and braided into one LONG rope. ANY THING to keep my hands too busy to shovel food into my mouth right now.

    Next I have a cork 'corkboard' that I want to make. I have all the materials, I just need to start cutting the thousands of corks in half and get them glued to the board. Friends and family have been gathering corks for me for over a year now. I swear those things are EVERY WHERE in the house. Especially since the kitten keeps getting into the bag and dragging them around.

    Weighed myself today, I'm 2lbs heavier than my lightest weight but I'm not prepared to be upset yet. This is the TOM where I always gain weight so I'll see what happens next Thursday or Friday. Since it's only 2lbs up I expect some sort of loss at the end of that...time.
  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    Good Monday Morning: I have been off the site for a few days (5 to be exact) for no other reason than my head and heart wasn't into it. It wasn't a rebellious thing of not tracking just couldn't. No aspiration to do it. This message board is so encouraging and sharing is definitely helpful for me. I don't think I have had shared truly about my weight, thoughts and struggles and have wondered if I need professional help several times. Last week was a questioning time for me and trying not to see this as a diet but a life change. I am doing this to lose weight, but it's for my overall health. I have a bad knee and bad foot that is interferring with my life. I am only 52 and have a 13 year old son. I don't want to act like I'm in 80's when I still have so much to do and enjoy in my life with my son and husband. I cry as I write this because at times its like a bad journey that will never end. I am tracking again today and even got on the exercise bike yesterday and painfully turned the wheel for about 10 minutes. I want this so bad, but it seems to dangle in front of me, out of reach.

    I am so proud of everyone's accomplishments and they encourage me. I am sorry for all of those who also have struggles. I hope that they all get better soon.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @kvan -- i'm so sorry to hear you're struggling. It is so hard sometimes, especially if there are emotional or psychological issues. I fight depression but when it's under control (with meds), it's easier to diet. When I'm in a depressive episode, I just don't care. If you're thinking you might need professional help, it's probably a sign that you do. I see a specialist for the depression, I see a specialist for the weight loss. I feel more in control of both of them, and less alone. The online support is great, but sometimes it's not enough.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Good Monday Morning: I have been off the site for a few days (5 to be exact) for no other reason than my head and heart wasn't into it. It wasn't a rebellious thing of not tracking just couldn't. No aspiration to do it. This message board is so encouraging and sharing is definitely helpful for me. I don't think I have had shared truly about my weight, thoughts and struggles and have wondered if I need professional help several times. Last week was a questioning time for me and trying not to see this as a diet but a life change. I am doing this to lose weight, but it's for my overall health. I have a bad knee and bad foot that is interferring with my life. I am only 52 and have a 13 year old son. I don't want to act like I'm in 80's when I still have so much to do and enjoy in my life with my son and husband. I cry as I write this because at times its like a bad journey that will never end. I am tracking again today and even got on the exercise bike yesterday and painfully turned the wheel for about 10 minutes. I want this so bad, but it seems to dangle in front of me, out of reach.

    I am so proud of everyone's accomplishments and they encourage me. I am sorry for all of those who also have struggles. I hope that they all get better soon.

    Kay - I can relate to your feelings so very closely. As Des mentions in her response, I too have depression and take meds for it. The meds control the depression but they are not a cure-all for the rest of my problems. I still have to push myself to do everything, and life is still a struggle. When you mentioned you had a bad knee and a bad foot, well, I said to myself, Thats Me! Handicaps like that really do put a cramp on one's style! But then I see inspriational video's about people with worse handicaps doing amazing things and I realize I can walk, the only think I cant' do is kneel, really, so what's to stop me from finding a way to exercise. And I think you doing 10 minutes on the exercise bike is fantastic. Sure its painful, but no pain no gain! Take a lesson from everyone one here and work through the pain and use that bike again today, even if you have to bike in 2 - five minute sessions, you will be so proud of yourself! All of us have struggles, and I value yours as important as anyones! BIG HUGS!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    @ naceto – while this is completely different from your situation, I can say you are doing the right thing by coming here and letting your feelings out about the burglary. Three years ago, I was running regularly early in the morning – just around our parking lot because I didn’t want to go far from home with my son sleeping inside. When I came in the house, I heard my son fall off the bed (he’d moved into the bed in my room after I left to go run). He never falls of the bed. I went up stairs and he was having a Grand Mal seizure. He’d never had one before and it was horrible to see. I called 911, ambulance came, we spent all morning in emerg. Since that day, I gained all 60 lbs back that I’d lost, I stopped running completely, I couldn’t bring myself to go out that early in the morning. I still can’t to this day. It’s taken me 3 years to get back on the wagon. I work out right after work now. I don’t think I will ever be able to go on an early morning run again. I’m not sure I’ve forgiven myself yet for not being there when the seizure started. I have no idea how long he’d been seizing before I came in the house – maybe not at all, but maybe 30 minutes or more. Even with a treadmill in my basement and baby monitors in the room, I can’t bring myself to get up early and go downstairs to exercise. So, the situation is entirely different, but I understand the need to binge and eat for comfort etc. You, however, are smarter than me because you’re here telling people about it and wanting to get it under control. I allowed myself to be consumed by fear for a while and now I'm paying for it by starting all over again. I'm glad you have both counselling and this place to help you through.

    Drojen, My heart goes out to you. My son had a grand mal seizure also while I wasn't at home. I got there just after the ambulance. It was bad...the walls shook. He has myoclonic epilepsy, but at the time , I didn't realize it. I put down some of the things he did, to being a 'lazy teenage boy' (aren't they all?) eg. being unresponsive. AFter witnessing one of his seizures, I got him to a doctor and he was diagosed. It's been tough as all this has happened in his second decade of life. It's hard for both him and me to accept. There's a lot of denial. It's hard to talk about. I've always felt guilty as I'm a special education specialist and I should have known the signs, especially in my own child. I've had teachers tell me both ends of the spectrum....he's either a genius, or, he needs to be in a special ed class as he couldn't cope...I couldn't understand what these teachers saw that I didn't see.
    I don't know if you are dealing with epilepsy, but on the plus side things have turned out well for him. he's a computer mathematician and very bright. He's interviewing with 'Blackberry' this week for a job.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    jt - so glad to hear your leg is getting better finally. Wish only good things for your brother and his kids.

    Lin - oOo - will we get to see pix of the new purchases? :laugh:

    Susan - I hope your day went well, giving notice and all........:bigsmile:

    Boho - glad your daughter wasn't hurt in the shower incident - I'd die of embarassment probably :blushing:
    great 3 lbs. loss, BTW!!!!!

    Gorilla - So happy your son earned his medal and its not the type of activity where all kids get medals just for competiing! Your bringing em up right! Like your exercise goals for the week!

    Kah - yes, your 90 Day challenge is more important that the GHD challege so stick to it! You and your trainer have obvious rapport, that is so good to read about. Hope you do well in your challenge!

    Helena - sounds like you and Deputy Dawg had a fun day! :wink: Hope your leg is better!

    Des - I like steampunk fashion - but at 61 in Omaha? Its not happenin' for this old gal.............only an admirer, not a wearer:smokin:

    Queen - I'm sure you do have mixed emotions about breaking it off with your now ex-bf. Thank goodness it manifested itself in not eating rather than the other way. My heart goes out to you for that difficult move, but I salute you as well.

    MowMow - your sewing and crafting make me want to do something too. I need lessons though! ANd money for supplies! Oh welll, tomorrow a friend is going to help me strip wallpaper in by dining "area" - not a very big area at all. That's enough craftiness for me for awhile.

    Have to go pack up my china cabinet - so that I can move it away from the wall for the aformentioned task of wall paper stripping tomorrow. Thank goodness a dear friend is helping me do it. Its still hard for me to lift my arms up by my head.

    GHD challenge - ok, didn't do LS the last 2 days but got in plenty of walking so I'm 9/11.
    BLNKSN Posts: 37 Member
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    @Shrinkrapt- Glad to see you back, you have been missed!

    @Susan- The Capriotti's by my work is @Warm Srings and Eastern.

    I have eaten poorly over the last few days and resting after moving those 292 cases of girl scout cookies. Today I'm back to eating better except I'll have to eat another piece of cake tonight. Yesterday I turned 55 years young!

    Hope you all have a healthy day!

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    @Shrinkrapt- Glad to see you back, you have been missed!

    @Susan- The Capriotti's by my work is @Warm Srings and Eastern.

    I have eaten poorly over the last few days and resting after moving those 292 cases of girl scout cookies. Today I'm back to eating better except I'll have to eat another piece of cake tonight. Yesterday I turned 55 years young!

    Hope you all have a healthy day!


    Happy Birthday :bigsmile:
    Hope you had a wonderful day!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good Monday mornig all. I hope you are off to a good start to the week. I am feeling a little lazy today but on the whole not bad or anything. I think it just feels lazy in comparison to yesterday when I got so much accomplished. I had a great weigh in today. I lost just over 3 pounds this last week. With the five I lost before I sarted MFP I am only one pound away form 50. :bigsmile: Needless to say I am very happy and excited:happy: I continue to worry about my brother and his family and help as I can but I am trying not to take on to much stress about it. It is one of the things I am trying to change about myself. I tend to want to try and fix everything whether there is any way I can or not. I used to stress about so many things out of my control I would make myself sick.My weight loss this week officially put me in the 320's which has been at least 5 or 6 years since I have been this low. Oh I was wondering if there was a way I could adjust my ticker so it showed the 5 pounds I lost before starting so I didn't have to add that all the time. I hope everyone has a great day and remember movement is good and water is awesome :drinker: :drinker:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Happy birthday, Tom!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @ Tom - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

    @Jt Const - I would go into the Home>Check In>Scroll down to the bottom for Edit Previous Entries> Scroll down to the bottom to Add Entry> and then add a date before you joined and plug in your weight before the 5Lb Loss.

    Hope that makes sense......
  • ALittlePixieDust
    ALittlePixieDust Posts: 91 Member
    Happy Monday! I just found this thread and thought I would join in. I need all the motivation and support I can get. Started this journey 10 days ago and at my weigh in day last Friday - I had lost 7.4 pounds so I am feeling pretty good about myself. Had a good weekend and stayed on track.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • ALittlePixieDust
    ALittlePixieDust Posts: 91 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    I have eaten poorly over the last few days and resting after moving those 292 cases of girl scout cookies. Today I'm back to eating better except I'll have to eat another piece of cake tonight. Yesterday I turned 55 years young!

    Hope you all have a healthy day!


    We had cookie delivery this weekend as well - I am the product chair and got to greet 2700 cases at 6AM on Saturday morning. Thank goodness for my helpers! Glad you got some rest. Happy birthday to you - I hope you had a great day!