Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nicole--congrats on overcoming your fear of yoga--what a great NSV!!

    @jess--welcome and happy birthday!

    @caramel--sorry you got stood up--that sucks! :grumble: Love your attitude though--you're right, today is a new day!!

    @holly--I love the calorie burn I get doing yard work, but sometimes I agree that it would nice to have a smaller yard. :ohwell:

    @aurra--great job losing weight on your trip!!

    @robin--I like the 4 lbs challenge for August, so I'm in!

    Sunday Share:
    I'm Karen, a HS literature teacher from Chicago. I'm married with a dog I spoil like a child--his name is gunner, so you new folks don't have to wonder what it means when my exercise log says "walk gunner." :laugh:

    Monday Check in:
    As I mentioned when I returned from my trip, I really need to lower carbs (especially sugar) and up my protein levels. I did ok with it on Saturday and then yesterday I went to my parents house. I walked in right as my dad was on the way to Culver's to get concrete mixers for everyone. Without thinking I ordered a small chocolate with hot fudge and heath bar. I ate the whole thing and then my sister handed me the nutrition guide. Oh how I wish I had seen the calorie count before I ate it!! Recalling the occasional DQ blizzard I've eaten since joining MFP, I thought it might be 500-600 calories Um, try over 1000!!:noway: I almost never eat Culver's and probably never will again! I certainly haven't had it since joining MFP or I would have remembered that high calorie count!

    Today we took my MIL to lunch and I did okay. I ordered a spinach and feta cheese omelet and replaced the hash browns with sliced tomatoes. I did, however, indulge in the side of pancakes. I so rarely get good diner pancakes that I decided to eat them and just make sure they fit in my calorie allowance.

    Finally, I tried running yesterday for the 1st time in 2 weeks and that darn left calf started to tighten up again. For the life of me, I can't figure out what's wrong with it. :angry: When it happened before my trip, I thought maybe it was a hydration issue, but now I'm starting to suspect it's something more. Anyways, going to hold off on 30DS for a week or so since that's what I was doing the 1st time it started to hurt.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE
    Sun--run outside (w/ gunner) DONE
    Mon--walk gunner
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--run outside (w/ gunner)
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--Rugged Maniac!!!
  • Superskinnie36
    Superskinnie36 Posts: 39 Member
    i just joined the group last Friday, So this past weekend was ok, I was more cautious of what I ate. If I were to rate myself on a scale 1 to 5, I would give myself a 2.

    Today which is Monday, I'm off to a good start. I prepare my meals, have my exercise rountine mapped out .....I follow both meal and excerise plan. Today was a day of success!!! :smile:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Monday check in... Well after 5 full days in a wheelie chair I can hobble a LITTLE bit. Was able to make dinner above counter level (cooking sitting down was tedious) but now I'm exhausted.....broccoli cheddar quiche and a 'cheesecake' souffle for dessert. I'm tuckered out and think I might skip dinner and just have a piece of the souffle.

    I think I'll be able to hit work tomorrow with a single crutch to support that foot. I only have NINE days left before I get laid off, I sure hope they are understanding about this time off and still want to hire me back in 4 months after my break.

    WElcome to all the newlings! Skinny it's great to see you're back safe and sound!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    WalkingQueen - kudos on all your walking and yard work in the past few days. Maybe you can plan on planting some nice large shrubs in that yard to take up some space. Lilacs are always nice!

    Caramel - sorry for your pain - being stood up stinks - I know! But he must have been a loser so you're better off, I hope you see that! You've got a great attitude! HUGS!!!!

    judgejess - welcome and happy birthday! Its ok to celebrate a little on your birthday. A lot of us will "make up" for an over day by cutting out more calories from the following days, so a little treat for your birthday is not a crime.

    Naceto - I so love that you're excited about yoga and that its Hatha yoga. Can't wait to hear more as your classes proceed. THanks for the inspirational song as well. Simply lovely!

    Skinny - I hope you can find the answer to the calf muscle tightening up when you run problem. I've seen people stretch their calves before they run, but heard stretchings not good, I'm NOT a runner, so I won't advise you at all. If I were you I'd start a new thread and put it out there to the runners on MFP.

    Superskinny - good to see you again - glad your meal planning efforts are paying off. Well played!

    Mow - sorry you're bunged up again - hope these 9 days fly by for you and the crutches are easy to use and maybe you can gravitate to a cane before the 9 days are up.

    I never drank my wine the other night, I opted for chocolates instead. :wink:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good evening everyone. Hope all is going well in your universes. I have been pretty lazy today. I did get to zumba class and did some picking up around the house but thats about it. I seriously need it to rain. Between the pollen and the pollution in the air my allergies have my whole head and face feeling like they are on the verge of splitting open. Ok enough of the pity party. Welcome to the newlings. I still havent quite lost the few pounds I put on while hubby was home but I am hopeful for next week. I just finished dinner. Made some really good pork chops slow cooked in the electric skillet with a raspberry chipotle sauce. I had them with some far east quinoa. I am still unsure if I like quinoa or not but every so often I give it another try. I am so happy to hear you enjoyed your yoga class NAceto. It is on my fitness to do list. I would also like to try pilates again. I did it quite a few years ago and enjoyed it then. Walking queen I totally feel you on the yard work. We have put a lot of timne and money into our yard this year so now maintaining it is a must though the grass is in terrible condition because I refuse to water it. I live in western washington and having to water your grass is usually unheard of. Well hope you all have a fabulous night. I am going to nerd it up with some gaming and then off to bed a little early.:heart:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin- Chocolate always wins over wine for me. Plus I think it has some nutritional value. I am in for the squat challenge- I need to get those back in my routine on a regular basis again.

    Naceto- Congrats on the yoga class. I may need to try that next.

    Judge jess- welcome and happy birthday.

    Karen- How do you warm up before you run? My trainer has me doing leg swings, leg circles, bringing my knee up to 90 degrees, calf raises and jumping jacks plus walking before I run. It seems to be working and the longer I warm up the less calf pain I get. I did learn last week that the calf pain did disappear after several laps. You can also try the foam roller or doing some stretching- relax/ flex by pulling the leg closer to the chest.

    Mow- Hope you get rid of the crutches soon.

    Check in- Last night I could not sleep so I stayed up reading a book until 4am, then got up at 9am. Then this morning, a friend from Texas called to say that her Dad died this morning from a stroke. She is on her way to Maryland. I will be going to visit her and spend some time with her and her mom. They are very nice people and I miss her being close by. I wanted her to come Maryland but not for this reason. I will get the details later this week then I will leave it up to her on when she wants me to come. Overall, I am doing okay with this news but I don't think it has hit me yet. It does remind me that I am lucky to have my parents no matter how annoying my dad gets.

    Tonight I am hoping to get to sleep at a decent hour.

    Trainer workout tonight was great. Learned some new running drills today and found out that I can and should do the abductor and adductor machine for my legs managed to reach 100lbs on that machine today. She taught me a building plan to get the workout done. It should add a new level to my workout. On Thursday (if I am in town), we will discuss a workout calendar for the next couple of months. So all those workout plans I have posted will come in handy.

    Aug Challenges my thoughts
    Keep the 4lb loss
    Add an exercise challenge- squats ( which can be modified based on how low you want to go-form is more important than how low you go) or a new exercise
    Do something outside once or twice a week depending on the heat/weather in your area.

    Do any of you wear workout shirts that are sleeveless? How do you deal with your bra showing around the back? I brought a new sleeveless shirt today and the back allows my bra to show through so I need to find a way to make it work.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Catching up from the weekend. I don't usually have time to read what everyone posts Friday-Monday but I'm going to try and stay caught up and supportive (not just always talk about myself *Me-me-Me-me* lol). Sorry if I don't get to everyone very often!

    Mow - I sprained my ankle and couldn't get around for 2 days, then another 2 on crutches, I can't even imagine 5 in a wheelchair, then more hobbling. Hope you heal quickly and can get back on two feet!!

    SuperSkinnie - Sounds like you have a good plan! Hope it helps you bump your rating up :tongue:

    SkinnyJean - Welcome back from your trip. You did so good for being on vacation! I've never had Culver's...but after what you said I don't think I ever will!! lol What a bummer that it was double what you were expecting. Have you ever tried compression socks? That seems to be the new thing for runners and from the comments I've read it helps a lot with calf cramps. Might be worth a gamble?

    naceto - I like the "didn't die or fart, or collapse" comment, makes farting seem equal to dying. haha It sounds like you had a really great class and it sounds like your friend Becky is someone to keep around! And OMG I Love that song. I've never heard it before but it is now on my phone so I can listen to it while on my walks! I really like songs that feel inspiring like that so if you stumble on any more let me know!! lol

    judgejess - Good luck on your goal this week :) That night time eating is a pain-in-the-rear! But you can do this!

    caramel1920 - I'm sorry about your date! Glad you could put a positive spin on it and start fresh with a new day. If you run into him you should kick him in the *&#*$. LOL

    mnwalkingquee - Yard work...oiy...does it ever end? We are getting ready to till up our entire yard because of the dogs digging holes. Not looking forward to that...ready to just pour cement on it all and call it a giant porch...

    RobinsEgg - I'm good with the 4lbs for August...squats on the other hand...thud-faint-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Kaye - Congrats on the weightloss and glad people are taking notice. Sometimes its nice when people see all the work that is being put into this journey. :flowerforyou: Family reunions sound fun. Hope you have a good time! What are Hawaiian haystacks?

    vickimieth - I'm from AZ too! lol Your job sounds crazy, I can't just imagine the stories you have. How long have you been doing it?

    Lauriek70 - I'm sorry to hear about your friends dog, that's tough and I can't imagine how it is while waiting to hear about her mom. The rowing machine is hard. My friend does that at the gym and in similar style had me join her once...I was also not happy haha.

    CathEsh - That's the worst when you have something long typed out and then in an instant it is allllll gone.

    GrammyWhammy - I'm sorry to hear about the boot on your foot. What a bummer. Hope your video works out though!

    Sunday Share (a little late): Just thought I'd share a little about myself since I just hopped back in. I used to post on this group with Robin back in 2010! Then life got all crazy and I never checked in :blushing: On that note, life is still crazy. I think I have this chronic problem of biting off more than I can chew. I'm 27, a step-mom (Been since she was 2, biological mom is not in the picture, and I've official adopted she's all mine :heart: ). I'm married to an awesome guy who is the only man I know that can handle my personality. He is always there for me and supportive. I run my own business as a wedding photographer (though this might be taking a hiatus until my daughter graduates high school) ...and I recently started a non-profit organization for animal welfare and am on the board (non-profit should come with a warning label "will make you poor while you try to help the world because you have no time to work...or in fact no time to do anything but be give your time for free to the organization" lol). I managed to lose over 70lbs with MFP, but gained it back + some after a bad bout of depression. Lesson learned from that - go to the doctor for help before throwing in the towel on life completely. Now I'm an advocate for happy pills. :laugh: Feeling down? Take this funny little pill... I joke...but getting help was the worst feeling for me. It took becoming suicidal before I considered it "serious" enough to see a doctor. Never again...If I'm feeling glum longer than a week or two I know its time to check-in. I'm no longer on anti-depressants but I'm also not against them like I was before. I'm currently at 270lbs and my overall goal is to be at 160lbs (and I would settle for being under 200 at this point!).

    Monday check-in: Lots 3lbs this week even after a not-so-great weekend. But I need to add in some exercise if I plan on winning any money in my dietbets (or at the very least not losing all MY money). I'm just starting out so I'm fairly sure a lot of my loss is water weight and bloat and I won't see numbers like that very much pretty soon. *sigh*

    School starts next Wednesday, 6th grade for my kid. Not looking forward to the school year as its a struggle every year. She is smart, but she is one of those kids who thinks they are SO SMART they don't need to pay attention in class or do their homework and then come home with D's. Yet if she wants something and her grades have to be up, she can get all A' I know its a choice she's making. This year is kind of a sink or swim year for her before middle school.

    Going to help my cousin with his fundraiser this weekend. Not sure how my food will be as I'm sure I'll be stressed out. haha Its a 5K for diabetes (he has T1) and then a music festival...all which he put together by himself! He has done great but is lacking volunteers so there will be about 5 of us setting up at 4am Saturday morning. :yawn:

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Forgot! I wanted to get some advice. We booked a wedding last weekend for January 25th 2014. THEN we found out about this awesome cruise that I'm dying to go on! It has all the bands I like and it goes to the Bahamas. Its not really in our budget, but I'm willing to shift things around so my husband and I can go...BUT its over the same time as the wedding. (we can't do the wedding and make a flight for the cruise, I was really going to try and pull that one off! But the airlines just refuse to change their flight times for us! lol) We just booked the wedding last weekend...and I'm thinking of just giving them a refund and letting them know we can no longer do it. But I feel like a total *kitten* (sorry). We just never get to do something like this, but it feels really unprofessional to cancel so we can go on vacation. They still have 5 months to find another photographer, am I feeling more guilty than I should about this?

    PS - this is the cruise
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member

    Do any of you wear workout shirts that are sleeveless? How do you deal with your bra showing around the back? I brought a new sleeveless shirt today and the back allows my bra to show through so I need to find a way to make it work.

    I have no shame, when it comes to bra straps. I mostly have colorful sports bras, that do show, but make me feel like a rock star. When I wear "Gertrude", my not so attractive, but very sturdy workout bra, I am usually walking fast, so nobody will have the time to be offended by the lovely shade of industrial bra beige, which pokes out of the sides of my shirt.

    All the gals at the yoga place had straps showing a little... I wore a teeshirt, because I was a little uncomfortable, and didn't know what to expect. Next time, I'll wear a tank and let the straps be visible. I think that everyone else is worried about themselves too much to notice my brazenness. :wink:
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    CathEsh - you and my hubby. He loves watermelon, the funny thing is I am better at picking a good one than he is and I am not really all that fond of them. My dog lays his head on my keyboard when he gets too jealous of my PC and I sometimes loose my message. I started typing them on a Notepad first and then cutting and pasting them to MFP

    Iwanttobehot & fannyfitz welcome to the group we are all very supportive.

    Robin like the NSV idea, sometimes it's hard to look on the bright side and that will help.
    Won't do a squat challenge because my knees won't take it.

    Caramel - His loss, you deserve better.

    I am at 3.3 pounds for this month and probably wont make it to 4 because my sweet baboo brought home Belgian chocolates tonight...yummm.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Monday Check-in: Of course, you all haven't heard how the scale has inched up-up-up the last few months, especially after my workouts were on hold for 7 weeks following THE PROCEDURE :embarassed:, but finally I have a little good news. I've lost FIVE lbs. since Friday! Granted it's mostly water weight following my post boot binge, but I've been really, really, really diligent for the last several days. (Following stern lecture to self and an aha moment on plane when I had to ask for an extender--something I haven't needed for more than 18 months!). Today a patient brought us a pan of brownies (sure wish they'd bring fruit), and after a small one, I actually put on the brakes and we tossed 'em.

    Thanks, all, for your kind comments about my boot. It's a combination of degenerative arthritis (DJD) and acute posterior tibial tendonitis. And it was ACUTELY painful, but feels okay while in the boot. Unbooted, still hurts a bit. I have to wear it until August 15th and can bear it, just. Imagine wearing snow boots in summer. Sure is hot in there! Going down steps can be a real TRIP too:laugh: !
  • Lori0510
    Lori0510 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi. You're all got great energy in this group. Is there room for another?
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Monday check in - completely blew it today.
    I was mugged by Ben & Jerry... something about chocolate....

    on the positive side (????), my guess is that i'm a little lactose intolerant... already paying the price (so to speak)... so maybe it won't stay around long enough to dump all the calories???
  • Thefivelees
    Thefivelees Posts: 12 Member
    Neurotic Virgo,
    I am 3 weeks new and really motivated to lose my 100 pounds. I am not a creeper! Just a teacher and a mom with 3 teenagers looking to get out of the 200's and into the 100's. I will be support for you!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Welcome to the newlings--there's always room for more; just jump right into the conversation. There are also daily topics if you're not sure what to say--check out the 1st post of page 1.

    @vickie--ben & jerry must have taken a hint from that culver guy I ran into yesterday...

    @marsha--glad the scale is moving in the right direction for you even with that evil boot--you are an inspiration!

    @angelika--congrats on the 3+ lbs--that's still pretty good, and I see you are creeping up on that 100 lb milestone!! :drinker:

    @virgo--wow, that's a tough call. Yes,they still have time to get a new photographer, but it does sound a bit unprofessional. I guess you need to ask yourself how much it will affect your overall business. You also mentioned you might be putting the entire venture on hold for several years until your daughter graduates from HS. If that's the case, then you don't need to worry so much about the impact, right? Thanks for the compression sock suggestion--I'll keep it in mind.

    @laurie--I don't care at all if my sports bra shows--to me that's a non-issue. If you're worried about a regular bra showing, I highly recommend Strap Perfect:

    These things are the best invention known to womankind for hiding those bra straps when you wear tanks.

    As for my warm up. The 1st time my calf tightened up I was doing 30DS, so I had done Jillian's warm up and was actually almost done with the routine. As for running, I walk/run the 1st lap (1.5 miles) with gunner and then drop him at home and run the 2nd lap by myself. Both times my calf started hurting I was more than halfway through the 2nd lap and very warmed up. The 1st time it really hurt and I had to limp my way home. My calf was also sore for another 24 hours or so. Yesterday, I was able to stretch it out and complete the run with minimal pain. Also, not in any real pain afterwards, though the muscle does have a certain tightness to it.

    @tammy--I :heart: quinoa! I don't think I could live without it now that I've discovered it.

    @robin--yeah, everything I've read says to NOT stretch cold muscles, but I may need to stop a half mile or mile into the run and stretch BEFORE the calf had a chance to seize up.

    @kris--aaagh! I apparently missed a post about your latest injury b/c I was shocked to read you are in a wheelchair. Needless to say, I'm sorry you are in this predicament and wish you a speedy recovery.:flowerforyou:

    @superskinnie--good job following your plan! I always do better when I plan my meals and exercise ahead of time. That's why you'll see several of us post our exercise plans in this thread. :happy:

    Well, I took gunner for 2 short walks today and I donated blood, so that's enough for one day. :wink:

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE
    Sun--run outside (w/ gunner) DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--run outside (w/ gunner)
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--Rugged Maniac!!!
  • raleyclub
    raleyclub Posts: 5 Member
    Good job. I'd do so much better if I set goals like you do. I really need to get serious. It sure doesn't get any easier the older we get. My biggest weakness is not exercising.
  • DoingThiisForMe
    Monday Check-in.... I haven't been doing the best, ive been exercising and eating alright, but I know im a slow loser.. I got on the scale when I shouldn't have and I had only lost 2 pounds and it disappointed me.. everyone keeps telling me they cant tell I gained 40 pounds in the last 6 months and its bugging the crap out of me.. I gain all over.. they don't dress me they cant see all the new back fat aka back boobs and how tight my pants are on my gutt, I really need them to keep quiet...

    Work has been horrible the last week I got in another "situation" with a manager, my schedule was changed from 5am to 5:30am and I loved it, it was suppose to be permanent. But my direct manager said he wanted me to come in at 5am from now on.. I told him I didn't want that, that I preferred the 5:30 shift and I was told it was going to be my regular shift... the lady that actually changed my shift chimed in with a blatant lie, she said she told me it might be my shift and that after 2 weeks i'd have to ask my direct manager. And she said me asking him to keep it the same was borderline insubordination.. I was super shocked at her whole statement, not only did she lie with a straight face she tried to threaten me, so I could concede.. my direct manager asked me nicely and I was just fed up and said i'd give it a try but if im not able to, I'd like for him to change it back... All the manager(s) seem to be snakes, unethical, unappreciative, insensitive, bold face insert issue here.... wishing I had never transferred, the job being closer isn't worth the head and heart ache.. I really need to learn how to play the game, my main objective is to move up even farther to take care of my future family... i'll have to grin, bare it and smile in there faces, yes ma'am no sir....and just play the game.

    I think my boyfriend is cheating on me... He's completely changed these last few weeks.. he doesn't text me right back.. he ask me to park on the side of his house when I come over.. he asked me to take his picture off my phone "for a nicer one" he claims.. but doubt it.. He never says goodnight anymore, I have texted him gnight all week and don't get a response.. He does text me G m every morning but the G m is new its usually Wake Up Baby.. or him yelling my nickname or Good Morning get up and take in the sunshine or something personal... the generic G m seems like something out of obligation.. I don't know whats going on with him, but I hope he snaps out of it.
  • judgejess
    judgejess Posts: 36 Member
    . I managed to lose over 70lbs with MFP, but gained it back + some after a bad bout of depression. Lesson learned from that - go to the doctor for help before throwing in the towel on life completely. Now I'm an advocate for happy pills. :laugh: Feeling down? Take this funny little pill... I joke...but getting help was the worst feeling for me. It took becoming suicidal before I considered it "serious" enough to see a doctor. Never again...If I'm feeling glum longer than a week or two I know its time to check-in. I'm no longer on anti-depressants but I'm also not against them like I was before. I'm currently at 270lbs and my overall goal is to be at 160lbs (and I would settle for being under 200 at this point!).

    I'm so happy to hear that you are doing better. Also, what you said was SO true. Two years after my bout, and I see the effects in the weight. Here's to continued health, physically and mentally. :)
    PS Your child and charity organization is lucky to have you!
  • polly2play
    polly2play Posts: 8 Member
    Hello to all ...... good grief I just realized I haven't been to bed yet. I've been reading "Community" and comments and blogs and looked through all 100 groups. This is NOT healthy. However, it's a beginning.

    I started MFP last year did really well. Then was away working with friends having medical issues for 7 months.....weight back on!

    Tuesday - Goal day, so here we go:

    Highest weight (at least when I stopped getting on the scales) was 267.

    Started 07.01.13 @ 260. Currently at 253. At 5' 1" --- I have a lot of work before me.

    My goal 1 year from now on August 1 - I would like to be 126. That's 10.5 lbs a month. That's a lot of exercise. :heart:

    On Aug 17th 2012 I quit smoking, so now it's time to deal with weight! Now that I can breathe again.

    The pedometer is on and the goal is 10k per day. Right now after starting this month, I've worked up to an avg. of 2752 per day; I've had a high of 7982 (mowing lawn and lots of other stuff.)

    Well, that's it for this newbie to the Community and to this Group. I'm still trying to figure it all out.

    Have a great day.

    polly aka great gram (to my grand-children and great grand children)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Rough night of sleep for me last night, my back was really aggravating me so found it hard to get comfortable – then I had this Maine Coon walking on my head a few times, then making biscuits on my back once (actually quite a nice little massage, just wish it wasn’t at 2am).

    @Nicole~I am SO proud of you!!! I’m even more glad that you enjoyed it and even had an a-ha moment.

    @Karen~Ouch on the calf and the calorie shock! I hope the tightness in your calf isn’t long-lived, if you have a foam roller try rolling it out after you run or walk (never before). I found a great video on You Tube for stretching the Achilles/Calf area with a foam roller, it really does help - One thing this PT doesn’t show in the video that my doc told me about was crossing your legs at the ankle and rolling the calf of the bottom leg (similar fashion to video), it helps to get deep into that calf muscle and loosen things up.

    @Judgjess~Welcome & happy birthday!

    @Kris~Glad your foot is doing somewhat better, hope you are rid of the crutches soon! Both the quiche and soufflé sound delicious!

    @Laurie~My trainer introduced me to the adductor and abductor machines a few weeks ago, first I was surprised since most trainers hate those machines – then I was surprised at how much weight I could move with those muscles, I always feel like it’s a weaker body part. :wink: Hope you had a better night sleep.

    @NeuroticVirgo~Thanks for sharing your story & what a great loss this week! I :love: to cruise; my favorite way to vacation – I have 2 booked for next year, one to Panama Canal and the other to Canada/New England. That cruise does look like fun, for me though it would be hard to take a vacation in lieu of revenue - I think Norweigen does those cruises annually, maybe you can book in advance for 2015?

    @Angelika~A 3# loss for the month is great!

    @Marsha~Awesome on that 5# loss since Friday!

    @Vicki~Ah, Ben & Jerry - Chocolate Therapy is my fave and it is NOT ALLOWED in my house, I could tunnel through that in no time flat (and also reap the ill-effects afterwards)!!!


    August Challenges~I like sticking with the 4-pound loss. I’m going to start with a new activity though and follow Nicole’s example – plan to go to yoga on Friday! There is a 4:30 yoga beginners yoga class on Friday’s – my plan is to go every Friday in August.

    AFM~Today will be a bit of a challenge. It’s my boss’ birthday so we’re going to Pei Wei for lunch and I made a chocolate-chip Bundt cake for this afternoon, he’s a chocoholic. :huh: I tasted the chocolate glaze when I made it, so probably had my fill of that! :laugh: I usually get the lettuce wraps at Pei Wei, but will look at the online menu and decide before we go. Exercise will be a challenge also as I have appt with the pain mgmt doc this afternoon and then have another errand to run – hope to get some activity in when I get home though.

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Trainer was still on vacay, so HIIT on my own DONE! :bigsmile:
    Monday~Rest Day DONE! :tongue:
    Tuesday~Depends on time, maybe ellip at home
    Wednesday~Trainer (yippee!!)
    Thursday~Arc Trainer
    Saturday~HIIT at Gym

    Have a great day!