Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy International and National Waffle Day
    Date When Celebrated :
    International Waffle Day- March 25th
    National Waffle Day- August 24th.
    Waffle Day is a day that you can waffle on issues and decisions. And, it certainly is a day to eat waffles.
    International Waffle Day
    This holiday originated in Sweden. It is called Våffeldagen. The holiday coincides with the Feast of the Annunciation. This day was also considered the start of spring in Sweden and Europe. It became a custom for Swedish families to celebrate the two events by making waffles on this day.
    National Waffle Day
    Celebrates the patenting of the waffle iron by Cornelius Swarthout of Troy, New York on August 24, 1869.
    The origin of the waffle: The waffle dates back to the 1300s in Greece. Greeks cooked flat cakes between two metal pans. At the time, they topped it with cheeses and herbs. Pancake syrup wasn't around back then.
    Waffles are commonly eaten as breakfast or a snack. They are also an occasional dinner meal for some people.

    “People only see what they are prepared to see.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Wed. Wishes hmm. I wish I was debt free. I wish my boss was not retiring. I wish I could afford to reupholster my furniture ( and the cats were declawed). I wish I could get new carpeting and hire someone to paint the interior and exterior of my house.
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    @AngelikaLumiere‌ - Ouchie! I've dislocated ribs a couple of times, and it hurrrrrrts. Fortunately it's a quick fix for the chiro, and the pain goes away quickly. Hope your son recovers quickly, too!

    @kah68 - My little guys are just turning 3, and this month we made our first trips to the vet since they were fixed at about 6 months. Frost is a little perkier today, but still not interested in eating. :neutral_face:

    OK, I know it's not Thursday Truth yet, but I have to 'fess up - my no fast food vow has fallen by the wayside in the last couple of weeks. The first 3 weeks it wasn't that hard to stay focused, but I recognize that the stress of the past 1.5-2 weeks is causing me to seek comfort in the familiar, i.e. fast food. Having my (grouchy, opinionated, smells like cigarettes) Stepdad around every day working on my living room ceiling, and not being able to clean my house until this project is finished, has been very disruptive. I'm trying to work through that, trying to take back control where I can, etc. It's a growth experience, right?
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Howdy all.
    Am not doing the best food wise and it concerns me that I really do not care enough to take measures to prevent a gain. I am still holding at the same weight but at the rate I am eating I do not have much hope. Water is not good either.

    Had a great talk at the lawyers office on Monday for my son. We pretty much know what he is facing. Because he had the 4th DUI within 5 years of the 3rd DUI, it is considered a felony. He is facing 3 years in prison. There is a chance he can be deferred to drug court where the judge has a lot of discretion and can make alternate sentencing. It looks like his court dates will be combined and will probably take place in August. That gives my son time to get through treatment and his work training. Right now we are waiting for his drug/alcohol assessment. This is done my a state worker in the next two weeks.

    We are re-financing the house to pay for son's legal troubles. He does have a plan to repay us and hopefully he will be able to keep his job so that will happen.

    Hubby is back to work!!!!!!!!! I am doing a happy dance right now. He has also stated that he is returning to his lower carb diet. He has cleaned out the freezer of his carby binge foods and we will be shopping tomorrow to re-stock freezer and pantry. He has been diabetic for the last 10 years, ate well until about 5 years ago. Hopefully he will start exercising as well.

    Work is overwhelming me. I feel like I am under water breathing through a straw to stay alive. I will have to put in some extra hours next month to catch up.

    So the good things in my life today -
    I am holding at 188 pounds.
    Hubby and I are continuing to talk regularly about most topics. Some are still a little sticky.
    I am buying new handle bars for my road bike so I will be able to ride without aggravating my carpal tunnel.
    Son is clean and sober for now and will be entering treatment in the next month.
    Sis got us tickets and she and I went to see Annie last night and it was so very good to have some laughs with her.

    Sorry I am out of time and cannot get to personals today.

    Wednesday Wish: I wish everyone connected to this thread has one hour of being happy today.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Wednesday Wish: That the boy who had the skiing accident gets transported to Denver without any issues. Apparently, there is a hospital that specializes in these types of injuries and they have another 17 year old that has similar injuries at a similar time frame. It will be good for him to have someone his own age to talk to so they can help each other through the next couple of months (which is the earliest they can hope to go home).

    Welcome to all the new folks here. You have found a great place to ask question, get some great advice, learn and laugh.
    @Kelley…no I have never thought of it as a potential full time business. There are so many cake places. If I can average a cake a week that seems to fit into my life right now. Sounds like a productive talkyou had with your trainer…probably just another step towards being “normal” again.
    @Brown-eyed… I hope they can get to the bottom of your stomach issues. Depending on the stress you are under, it manifests itself in many ways. When I needed to leave my husband, my body would itch…a deep, unscratchable itch. I checked with my doctor and there was nothing wrong. The moment I moved out, the itching stopped! Congrats on a new niece!
    @Cassy…What a show of strength. You can do this. You do have a lot on your shoulders, but it sounds like you are a strong person and will do what you need to do.
    @Karen…what is CKP? UGH Sealing grout is a pain in the butt…definitely something htat has to get done, but I hated it.
    @Kaye…inspiring many people in your life. Us and now a BIL!
    @Angel…yikes! A rib injury is bad…I’ve had bruised ribs and wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
    @Tom…might have to pull the waffle iron out again (we had it last week not knowing that this day was coming )

    AFM…Had a great time at dinner with my friends and the concert... for 50-60 year old, Joan Jett and the “Heart” sisters can rock it and move it!! It was funny to see so many 50-60 year olds with mullets. I had eaten very little yesterday so that I could indulge for supper. I even talked my waiter into giving me 2 for 1 martinis. YUM! I was over by 350 in calories, but when I take into account that I stood and danced for 2 ½ hours, I think it all worked out (although I’m pretty sure I didn’t burn as many calories as MFP said I did so I dropped it to 90 minutes of it instead of the 150 and still came out ahead).

    Today I was supposed to get to sleep in until my dentist appointment. Well, Jacob missed his bus so I had to drive him to school. Then my Mom called (to be fair, she thought I was up and working). It rained and then snowed last night so she needed a ride to her dialysis treatment. Now I am sitting here with both sides of my mouth numb from Novocain. Since I’m sitting here having to suck in spit every few minutes, it’s a good thing I don’t have a phone job or work around people!! HA! I’m so hungry and thirsty but can’t even drink out of a cup right now and don’t have any straws around.

    I plan on hitting Water Aerobics tonight before choir tonight. Not sure about calories since I can’t have any “hard” food today. That means I probably won’t hit my protein goal, but I should be able to stay within calories.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • brown_eyed_frog
    @skinnyjeanzbound Ah, it would be nice if I had a salary to help pay the bills, but we moved across country. I'm unemployed too! Hopefully that'll change within a week or two as well. It would be super nice.

    Which brings me to my wishes. I have a bunch, but I'll go with three wishes. #1. I wish I could win a lot of money in the lottery (like $100,000+). #2. I wish my husband and I get good jobs and can stay in this part of the country. :smile: Finally #3. I wish for the willpower to overcome all my cravings. I have a lot of them and I have very little willpower. :neutral_face:
  • jennbo83
    jennbo83 Posts: 62 Member
    I have been away for a week or so and wow I am behind on reading what everyone is up to!

    Today is not a good day. My moms dog (my furry brother) had surgery yesterday and isn't doing well today. Praying he will be ok. I am an emotional eater and so all I want to do is order a pizza. Luckily I am at work and will not be able to do this. I wasn't planning to go to the gym today but I think I will to get my mind off things.

    Yesterday I had a burrito! I had enough calories available and I made better choices. I felt in control and it was 100% planned. (which I find to be important) The old me would have had sour cream, guacamole, steak and a flour tortilla. The new me had a wheat tortilla, grilled chicken, no sour cream, no guacamole added lettuce. Then the exciting part! I didn't eat the whole thing. I was full about 1/2 way in!
  • Rosethorne1
    Rosethorne1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone! I've been on MFP for a long time, but I've never actually participated in the discussion forums before. I have about 200lbs to lose, and they're coming off slowly but surely.

    My Wednesday Wish:
    I wish my PCOS and Thyroid issues had been diagnosed when they first started happening in High School rather then over a decade later. Maybe I would have had a fighting chance at keeping the incredible weight gain under control if it was.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Good evening everyone,

    It has been another busy week so far at least tomorrow I don't have anything planned for after work. Therefore, I can go to the gym and have a nice workout. Today, I managed to have a nice swim of 1600 yds before my meeting. I did complete 800 yds of free style without stopping so I can start preparing for the triathlon. Next step is to order a tri-suit, that way I don't need to change into running and biking clothes after the swim. Next focus is combining the 3 events and getting outside to ride my bike and run. The weather is not cooperating here either too cold or rainy and warm. Tomorrow is suppose to be warm and rainy then the weekend will be back in the 30's. UGH and YUCK. Hopefully, Spring break will be nice weather.

    Kelley- I have no problem going to Atlanta that weekend especially if Karen is busy with the wedding of her nephew.

    Have a great night and rest of the week. Sleep well.

  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    What is the purpose of this thread?
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Susan, Kelley, Karen and anyone else who is interested the Run for Hero's in Atlanta is September 7. Here is the link:

    Dallas is September 12 (Austin is also on this date)

    Here is the link to the cities hosting the runs in September

    Check it out, some cities also have a 1 mile fun run/walk for families. This is a great first event for those of you just starting out and it goes to a great cause.

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    We had a good visit with Daddy and lunch with a cousin and her husband. I only got to walk a couple of miles today. DH doesn't seem to be feeling well. He has gotten worse through the day and I just didn't want to leave again. He was so cold that he was trembling. We seem to have gotten him warmed up, but now he is just sleeping. His breathing is sporadically rapid and shallow, and his blood oxygen is 89. He is urinating way too frequently, too. I wish I knew what is wrong.
    It hasn't been a good food day. The good choices have been canceled out by the stress eating.
    No personals tonight. Just hang in there everyone.

  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    Do you really want to be sharing this on the Internet? Maybe to your friends list? Not really forum material.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    @D_squareG‌ - Sorry these things may be making you uncomfortable. These are the types of things we share on this thread. We are all here to be supportive and be supported by anyone who wishes to stop by and read or post here. This thread has been ongoing for several years. Participate or not, the choice is yours.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    edited March 2015
    @mountmary84-I am having trouble getting back into the habit of logging and posting too. But I know I need to in order to get this weight off.

    @kah68-Temperature is a funny thing, for some people 70 would be too warm, but it is always bad when you sit under a vent that is not adjusted to a comfortable temperature. I actually found a new job once to get away from that.

    @Morgori- That's great my son wanted waffles for dinner tonight, and the skinny little guy got them on International Waffle Day.

    @melifornia-I have a second visit tomorrow for the chiropractor to help me with the rib. It was out front and back, the back popped right in but the front is still very sore. But I know it will be fine soon. The boy loves is new red cast.

    @tlh0407-Oh don't you hate it when you think you get to sleep in and then you can't. This morning I was thinking I would be able to sleep in and then I remembered the garbage had to be taken out and DH can't do that for a while...

    @jennbo83- I hope your furry brother starts doing better. I like the positive steps you took to avoid "therapeutic" eating.

    @Rosethorne1-thyroid issues are an on going thing. I have been on medication for decades and it never fails that when I gain rapidly my medication needs adjusting. At least now you know what your challenges are.

    @Lauriek70-I admire anyone who has the discipline to train for a triathlon.

    What does AFM mean? As for me?

    I am doing fine as long as I remember my limitations. When I forget the stabbing pain is a good reminder NOT. My husband seems to be adjusting to his back brace and has worked three eight hour days so far this week. He amazes me. Of course it is good that he has a desk job. Boy child had a sleep over last night so I had a very quiet restful day today. Back to motherhood now that he is home. I love him to pieces, but not terribly fond of preadolescence.
  • jennbo83
    jennbo83 Posts: 62 Member
    The doctor is concerned that my moms dog won't be able to walk again. He has been in our life for 10 years. I don't know life without him and his sister. I also learned today that a old coworkers husband died. They have 2 small children. It is so sad. Not a good day. I went to the gym afterwork and did a zumba class. Almost ate junk for dinner but instead I warmed up some left over turkey burgers. Really happy that I made better choices.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @jennbo--great job avoiding the emotional eating. So sorry to hear about your mom's dog-that's tough. Also sad about your former co-worker's husband. I am fortunate to still have both of my parents even as some of my friends are starting to lose theirs. It's even harder to watch younger people lose a parent.

    @angelika--I keep forgetting about my shoulder injury (like you with your ribs). Hope you heal quickly. Yes, AFM = As for me.

    @kaye--hope your DH is feeling better soon.

    @lori--glad you are getting some answers and have some good news to report.

    @laurie--thanks for sharing the link for the races. I hope you have nicer weather for your break than I'm having for mine. At least I have a great excuse for putting off any yard work. ;)

    @tracy--CPK is California Pizza Kitchen--it's a restaurant chain here. THe actual act of sealing the grout is the easy part--it's cleaning the floor in preparation that I hate. At least it's only a once a year job. In reality, I don't think I will get to it this week though.

    @kelley--I was really hoping for a better outcome since DH only worked part of the year. It is definitely better in that we will about break even after paying the prep fee, but not the large windfall I was dreaming of (but realistically knew wasn't coming).

    AFM--I made it to the gym and had a good workout. Ran intervals for about 2 miles--still working on recovering from faster intervals without slowing to a walk which is going pretty well. Need to run my monthly 8k Saturday or Sunday--not sure which day yet.

    I also met some friends at a local wine shop. This was great for me since I don't really like wine, so no worries about alcohol calories. However, while there they decided to order dinner from a place across the street that makes very decadent, gourmet burgers. It's been featured on Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives--yes, it's that good. Although I've had their burgers before and they are delicious, I wasn't craving anything too ridiculous so ended up substituting beef for a turkey burger. I also skipped the cheese since I don't care for cheese on my burgers.

    Afterwards I graded for about an hour before coming home, so I was at least a little bit productive today. :smile:

    Wednesday Wish:
    That I had accomplished ANYTHING from this list today. LOL :smiley: I think Friday will have to be my laundry day to finish #3 and #4 which makes the most sense since gunner will be at the salon. It's a lot easier to "de-fur" the house while he's out from underfoot.

    Tomorrow I have PT in the morning then it's off to the salon to get my hair and toes done. Afterward, I'm taking my sister to lunch for her b-day, then I will stop at Bed, Bath, & Beyond to see if I can find those sheers for the living room.

    1. clean fish tank (DH does this, but doesn't do a "great" job)
    2. seal bathroom floor grout
    3. wash all of the bedding
    4. wash throw rugs
    5. buy new sheers for living room (gunner finally put a paw through one of my silk organza panels and tore it completely in half. I already had them shortened when we first got him b/c he tore up the bottom with his big puppy paws, so I can't just replace one panel. Nor do I want to as they were super expensive--I bought them years before we had a dog.)
    6. DO TAXES!!! DONE

    March Challenge:
    At or under calories 5/7 days every week and at or under as a weekly average.
    Week 1: At/under calories 4/7 (but one day I was only over by 7 calories) UNDER FOR WK
    Week 2: At/under calories 5/7 OVER FOR WK
    Week 3: At/under calories 3/7 OVER FOR WK

    All-in strength challenge=core work 3 x/week; PT 1-2 x/week; run 3 x/week:
    Week 1: 1/3 core; PT DONE; 1/3 runs (sick most of week though)
    Week 2: 1/3 core; PT DONE; 1/3 runs
    Week 3: x/3 core; PT DONE; x/3 runs YUCK
    Week 4: 2/3 core; PT; 2/3 runs
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 55 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15)

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/64 AP essays
    2. x/16 AP analysis activities
    3. x/12 America Poem analyses
    4. 8/64 Wuthering Heights journals

    Exercise Goals: (week 4)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon--walk gunner NOPE
    Tues--walk gunner NOPE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
  • jennbo83
    jennbo83 Posts: 62 Member
    Feeling a little better about the dog. I did a lot of reading about paralyzed dogs. It's certainly not a death sentence. He could live a very happy life. I just hope my mother has the patience to take care of his extra needs.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited March 2015
    @jennbo83~Sorry about the prognosis of your mom’s dog. They are like part of the family—it will take some getting used to but I’m sure she will adjust to his needs for taking care of him. Good for you for getting to the gym to sweat out your stresses from the day.

    @Kaye~I’m really sorry to hear about DHs illness, he could have a kidney infection. I hope he is feeling better today, if not he may need a trip to an urgent care place for some antibiotics.

    @Angelika~Yes, AFM = as for me. :wink:

    @Karen~Your story about gunner and the living room shears reminds me of Zoe when she was a kitten. I have shears and a window scarf in my bedroom that I couldn't leave hanging until she was close to two, they were a toy to her. I have really long window treatments that run from ceiling to floor in living room that I couldn't leave hanging either—she literally climbed up them! :astonished: Oh and she is still crazy! :lol:

    @Laurie~Maybe we can make the Heroes Run an annual event for us—you all did NYC last year that I wasn't able to attend. This year we meet in Atlanta, Chicago next year and then maybe Dallas the year after (everyone is welcome to stay with me, too).

    @cblue315~Lots of positives in your post yesterday, so glad to hear hubby is back to work! Very glad you and your sis had a good night out, away from the stresses of work and life. :smile:

    @rosethorne1~Welcome to the thread. I have thyroid issues as well, definitely frustrating at times. You found a great thread for support and motivation. We've become a close-knit group over the years; participate in the conversation when you feel ready.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Thursday Truth: I wanted ice cream so bad for a few days now (which is odd as I don’t normally like it). And since I don’t normally like it, I assumed it would go away. Yesterday, I was over on my calories and decided to just go with it. Ice cream is now out of my system.

    @Jennbo…that’s some tremendous improvement on your burrito. Sorry to hear about your mother’s dog.
    @Kaye…hope you can figure out what is wrong with your husband – both so he can feel better and that you can have a good time with your visiting.
    @Angel…yes AFM = as for me. As a mother of a teenager, I totally get the “yay! A sleepover!!” thing.
    @Karen…ok, I’ve actually heard of California Pizza Kitchen (not that we have one, but…). I agree with you about wine…bring it on and I will get more water in. HA!

    AFM…Had water aerobics last night and we did some new to me deep water workouts. I then had choir practice from 7:45 – 9:45. We have our Cantata on Sunday and we only have one more rehearsal left. Last night was the first night that we practiced in the sanctuary with microphones and all. I sure hope it goes better on Saturday during rehearsal. Ready or not…twice on Sunday!! Like I said above, over on calories yesterday and didn’t get my water in. My mouth was sore all day and even this morning, my bottom lip (where they had to stretch it out to get to the cavity site) is sore.

    Water – 75 oz per day – 3/5
    Calories – 3/6
    Lifting – 0/2
    Cardio – 2/3

    My plan today is to get to the gym and do some lifting tonight. I have a football cake to do today. Those are pretty simple, so no stress here. Other than that, I’ve got to kick some housecleaning into gear. I will be babysitting my 3 & 7 year old nephews this weekend and my house is not ready for it. Bedding has to be washed, floor shined, crap the 3 year old can’t have put away (definitely not child proofed anymore). SIGH…I missed the wish for a maid that works for free yesterday.