Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Kah-Prayers for your grandmother. I hope she passes quickly but it is still hard waiting for it to happen. I know she loves those phone conversations with you and they bring her comfort and joy.

    Cath- The squats in the pool count as well. That is a lot of squats way to go.

    Tom- Good luck getting everything done. It always seems that things happen at one time.

    Virgo- Good luck with the fundraiser. Did your cousin but out a call for volunteers for the event? That may help to attract a few more people.

    Karen- Great job on the fitness treadmill.

    Today, will be a slightly busy day. I am going bike shopping again with a friend today and will most likely end up with the Cannondale bike. Then I will be climbing tonight. I spoke to my friend Jenna today and I will be heading to Oakland Maryland on Tuesday. While there I will be helping to entertain the kids, teach a few lessons in Math (homes chooled kids) and spending time with Jenna and her mom. Her mom is glad to have me visit at that time since things will start to calm down. This solves my vacation plans as well. I was thinking about going to the mountains this year so it is perfect. I will stay for a few days.

    Lazy today - I ditto everything Laurie says in her personals - :laugh: she said it so well!

    Laurie - glad you're going to maryland to be with Jenna and her mom and doing your vacation at the same time - hope its a peaceful and relaxing time for you, but that you get your running time in while you're there!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--I hope you enjoy your trip to visit your friend.

    @tom--thanks for my medal! :wink: I hope you get all of that work done--it sounds hectic.

    @kelley--sorry to hear about you grandmother--I hope she passes peacefully. :flowerforyou:

    @virgo--hope your cousin's event goes well. I'm running in a 5k/music festival next week--they are lots of fun.

    @cath--I've heard of Skinny Fiber, but I don't really know much about it. I personally don't like to spend money on those types of products. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with them, I just don't use them.

    Friday Fitness:
    Well, I've done pretty good this week--even with my calf injury. Today is my rest day, though I will still take gunner for a quick walk before I head off overnight. This afternoon I'm heading to Rockford, IL to meet my friend to take her assistant out for dinner (it's her b-day). Then we will spend the night at her house in Lake Geneva, WI. The Rugged Maniac is at Wilmot Mountain in WI, so a fairly short drive from her house. After the race, I will go back to her house to shower and change, then I will drive to the Bristol Renaissance Faire to meet some other friends. A former colleague is working at the Faire as "Mother Mularky" so we want to see her in character.

    It should be a fun, but busy couple of days. I probably won't get back on here until tomorrow night, so hope everyone has a great Saturday! :drinker:

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE
    Sun--run outside (w/ gunner) DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--run outside (w/ gunner) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--Rugged Maniac!!!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    kah- hope your grandmother's passing is peaceful. Hold on tight to your great memories with her
  • sirtxt
    sirtxt Posts: 39
    Hello All,

    I would like to join the thread if that is okay. My name is John and I have been a loyal MFP now for 38 days!!! I absolutely get the app on my phone. It is convenient and keeps me current with the regimine I am following. It was amazing how far off base I was to what my carb/fat/protein daily breakdown was. I am a believer that KNOWLEDGE is power.

    I have 100 lbs to lose - more if you go by the height/ weight charts - LOL. I live in Dallas but was born in Puerto Rico. So, I am US by citizenship but HOT LATIN by culture : )

    So, I am going to post what I believe is required here - let me know if I am off base...

    7/29 - Mon - Past weekend was hard - I cant seem to stay busy enough - I keep thinking I am hungry - Sundays I tend to eat over my alloted daily intake - it is much healthier nutritionally but I am struggling. I even volunteer 4 hours on Saturday.

    7/30 - Tue - My goal is to keep logging my food daily and keep walking. I purchased an UP health wristband - AWESOME!! It buzzes if I have been sitting more than an hour and have not gotten up to move

    7/31 - Wed - While I enjoy the food logging/journaling, I hope some day I will have learned these new eating behaviors.

    8/1 - Thurs - Nothing to confess

    8/2 - Fri - I am walking at least 2 miles a day - not all at once - trying to build up stamina.

    Have a great Friday!

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Just wanted to take a minute to let you all know I wont be on for a few days. When I woke up this morning my 9 yr old black lab was very sick. After going to the vet we found out there wasnt anything to be done and we are going to have to have her put down on Sunday.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    John and all the rest of the new folks- WELCOME! You will find a kind and supportive group here. Truly the hidden gem of MFP.

    Kelley, I am praying for you, your grandmother, and your family. ~hugs~

    MyMowMow- Thank you and good luck to you with the job interviews! I just completed what is hopefully the final interview for "the job", which I so desperately want. The last question I asked them was if they could see any reason not to hire me. I am trying to be brave... their answer was to tell me where my skills matched the position, and I was a very strong candidate. They have one more to interview, and I'll hear next week. The waiting part is the worst! Hopefully, you will get something quickly.

    RobinsEgg- LOVE your hair!

    Skinnyjeans- I'm glad to hear you are able to keep active, even with that blasted calf. I am a complete wuss when I'm injured, so I am always inspired to see others, who are not so wussy. You are a rock star in my book! :drinker:

    Well, it's been a of days.... Wednesday and Thursday, MFP was giving me trouble, so yesterday didn't even get logged right. Seems to be working fine for me now. I've gained back 2 lbs. I think that my weekend getaway (translate to night out drinking) and yesterday's pizza (okay, and maybe the tiramisu) caused me trouble. I did go to Yoga both Monday and Wednesday.... still love it! I get a student discount on the monthly fee, so I signed up. Maybe my activities can make up for my making bad choices with food? Okay, probably not as much as I would like..... but I will get there!

    I would love to do personals for everyone... so much to catch up with! But I need to pre-clean my house. I missed Thursday truth- my truth- I am kind of a slob. I'm working to change that though. My mom and best gal pal are coming over to help me get rid of stuff, before I reach the level of hoarder that needs her own reality tv show. Wish us luck! :happy:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Just wanted to take a minute to let you all know I wont be on for a few days. When I woke up this morning my 9 yr old black lab was very sick. After going to the vet we found out there wasnt anything to be done and we are going to have to have her put down on Sunday.

    Oh hon, I am so very sorry. ~Hugs~ and prayers.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - hope your calf is well in time for the Run this weekend and you do GREAT! Enjoy the Renaissance Fair as well. I've never been but always have wanted to go to one.

    sirtxt - welcome John - you did a fine job of posting! You don't always have to be so meticulous about it, but you got it right! Sounds like your doing a great job following MFP's guidelines. Don't despair if you have a day where you fall off the wagon - it happens to all of us - it matters that you just come back here and start again!

    jtconst - I'm sorry your baby is going to heaven this weekend. My heart is breaking for you and I want to offer you big HUGS!

    Naceto - a little pizza - a little drinkin' - hey, why didn't you call me? I could have used a girls night out!! Just kiddin' - so it hurt you on the scale a little bit - sounds like your serious about getting serious again, so we won't hold it against you!
    What fun - having 2 people coming to help you sort out your junque from your keeper stuff! Go for it - haul it to the curb and post it on CL for free and watch people come to the curb like ants!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Rushing to get some dinner so this is a fly by!

    Welcome SirTxt!

    Jtconst - i'm SO very sorry to hear about your dog. I hope she has a peaceful passing to the bridge.

    Naceto - Good luck on the job! I hope you get it and that it's all you hoped it would be!

    Kah - I'm so sorry to hear about your Gran!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Welcome John, Good luck with this weekend. What other types of exercises do you like? Dancing, running, weight lifting, yard work etc. try mixing them into your routine this weekend that will allow you to burn a few extra calories.

    JT-I am sorry to hear about your dog. It is very hard to put down a beloved pet. May you enjoy the time you have left with your furbaby. Sending you loving thoughts and hugs and I hope you can enjoy the time you have left with her. :cry: :flowerforyou:

    Skinny- Good luck with your race this weekend and enjoy the Renn Festival. I am hoping to get back to the one in my area this year, they are always a fun event.

    Naceto- Good luck with the job. Good luck with the cleaning, I have a place to clean up as well. Not looking forward to it but it shall get done before school starts.

    I went outside this afternoon to bundle some branches and I was attacked by those pesky and blood thirsty mosquitoes, I think I had 20 bites in less than 5 minutes.:grumble: Needless to say I gave up and came inside to avoid those creatures. Most of the bites have disappeared but oh it it itched for a while. I at least killed many of them but they still got their fill. Note to self- outside and shorts don't work well.:sad:

    Fitness- A successful night of rock climbing since I added a another bruised knee to my collection. This time I was going for the last move to reach the top of the wall and my knee went right into one of the holds. It hurt but at least it is not bleeding or scraped to badly just a slight burn (think rug burn). Mostly for the new people my favorite fitness activities are: rock climbing, swimming, walking, biking and now jogging. When I started I was happy with walking and weight training, the past couple of years I have expanded the activities I participate in and have done many new things that I never thought possible. For example rock climbing and now running, the best part is that I enjoy both activities very much. Ironically, the number on the scale has not changed much in the past year but I have noticed these improvement in the past year.
    :happy: My core strength has increased ability to climb harder routes and more times in one session supports this conclusion.
    :laugh: My endurance in maintaining a cardio based activity (jogging) has improved very quickly can run 2 miles vs not even a 1/8 of mile 2 months ago. Granted a slower pace but still what a huge difference.
    :bigsmile: When I started biking 10 miles was enough now I can do 20 miles at one time and on a challenging course.
    :happy: Swimming has also improved my endurance and my speed and distance is increasing . When I started swimming I had trouble finishing 1 lap now I am swimming close to 1 mile with a few breaks in between laps. This shows how my endurance and cardio capacity have grown.

    These milestones are just as important if not more so than a number on a scale. It is so easy to get discouraged by the number on the scale that we forget that we are striving to make ourselves healthier and more fit than we were in the past. It is these accomplishments that we should focus on and celebrate in our lives. Three years ago, I never thought I would be climbing rock walls, running, biking and swimming because I was not physically able to do those things due to weight (268 lbs+). Now I can get out and enjoy life while building the confidence to try new things. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    In preparation for Saturday successes: What are your milestones improvements from the past couple of months or weeks etc? Where have you noticed the biggest differences in your life? :smile: :laugh: Cheers to our accomplishments.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    I’m dealing with my grandmother’s health declining. I’m sure I’ve mentioned before that she’s in congestive heart failure, has been in/out of the hospital a lot this year. Her lungs and heart are now failing, she has returned home on hospice – she’s a fighter, though we aren’t sure how much longer she’ll be with us. She’s 90 and I know that she’s had a good, long life – but I’m selfish too, she and I are so close and talk on the phone almost every day. I know she’s tired and she’s tired of fighting, she and I have talked a lot about this lately – so my prayer for her is that she goes peacefully in her sleep one night. I’ve been on an emotional roller-coaster most of this week trying to comes to terms, but it’s been hard. I did sleep better last night though and Zoe sure stuck to me like glue, I think she knows.
    My son works at a nursing facility and the resident dog and cat, who stay in one resident's room most of the time. When a resident is nearing death, they move into that room until they pass.... they sense when death is near. I can see your Zoe is sensing your grief and worry. I am glad you have her!!! Prayers for you and your Grandmother. It is ALWAYS too soon,
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    John ~ We welcome any "hot Latins" to this forum! :blushing: Seriously, you will not find a more motivating, inspiring bunch!

    jtconst ~ So sorry about your black lab. Hugs to you! :brokenheart:

    naceto ~ Asking if they could see any reason not to hire you was none less than brilliant IMO! Hope you get it! (ditto what Robin posted to you!)

    laurie ~ "These milestones are just as important if not more so than a number on a scale. It is so easy to get discouraged by the number on the scale that we forget that we are striving to make ourselves healthier and more fit than we were in the past. It is these accomplishments that we should focus on and celebrate in our lives." WELL SAID! :flowerforyou:

    kah ~ Hugs to you as you go through this with your Gram. It is never easy. :cry:

    Friday fitness: I have branched out a little and started working on the weight machines at the gym. I met with a trainer on Mon and Fri. Next week, I will meet with her M, W, Th, F, then my paid sessions will be used up. I hope to figure out a routine I can continue on my own.
  • his_kid1
    his_kid1 Posts: 177 Member
    Hi. I have found you again. I don't know if anyone remembers me. I have been here a couple of times. This time is going much better bc Dh is actually doing it, too! I am recovering from a month in bed with an unrelenting back spasm, and weeks before that with a strained acl in my knee, so any exercise is in baby steps right now. I had a ginormous nsv today that inspired me to come find you again and post here. I knew you guys would "get it". I grew up in southern California, but rarely went to the beach as an adult. The last time I wore a bathing suit was 4 years ago, when we moved away from the house with a pool. Well, I went swimming today. I wore a bathing suit with no shirt over it, at a community pool. This is so so so huge for me. I had fun and got good (but gentle) exercise, and spent great time with my kids. Overcoming that hurdle was the biggest thing for me, though!
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Lauri, it is AWESOME to be free from the a body that does not function well!!! Your high level of activity is a real inspiration!!!

    Hi Mowmow... bye Mowmow!!! LOL!!!

    Robin, It is amazing how great a new do can make you look and feel!!! It also takes a bit of courage!!! I LOVE short hair on me but with a hearing aid that is actually implanted in my skull and sticks out quite a bit, I have let embarrassment keep me from the style I prefer..... I am SO glad I took the plunge and went short again!!!

    naceto, I am not new here, just returning after a forced hiatus.... You are new to Me!!! Glad to get to know you!!!Have fun decluttering!!!

    jc, so sorry about your pup.... I hope she is at true peace soon ..... prayers your way!!!

    sirtxt, WELCOME!!! Glad to have you!!!

    skinny, your weekend sounds AWESOME!!!! Good luck on the race!!!! Know that there are LOTS of virtual friends cheering you on!!!

    Tom, I am somewhat of a lurker too!!! Please remember that you need care too in this busy time.... a healthy you will be a more productive you!!!

    I will catch up more soon, I promise!!!
    My Friday fitness is that I had every reason/excuse in the book to skip my C25K workout tonight.... but did it anyway!!!! OK, I did the wrong week and repeated an easier workout but the run TIME was the same, just shorter intervals and more walking.... it seemed ridiculously easy!!! I am not unhappy to spend a bit more time on week 3 since I spent 4 weeks on week 1 and 3 weeks on week 2.... only ONE week on week 3 is just RUSHING things for this fat girl!!! LOL!!!
    My next step is to try some CrossFit!!! Hope I survive!!!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I am amazed at how much my habits have changed over the last two years. I have been cooking for my parents this week and I have been cooking high calorie food, because they are both underweight. I have had no temptation to nibble as I cook or even save out a portion for myself... seems odd that is not the way I would have done it in the past. I have not had time to even log my food consistently this week. I am not sure how the situation with my folks is going to work out... So I will be seeing you when I can...
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    After the race, I will go back to her house to shower and change, then I will drive to the Bristol Renaissance Faire to meet some other friends. A former colleague is working at the Faire as "Mother Mularky" so we want to see her in character.

    I went to the Ren Faire this year for the first time and I had a lot of fun. It's good exercise too. Hope you have a great time.
    Hello All,

    I would like to join the thread if that is okay. My name is John and I have been a loyal MFP now for 38 days!!! I absolutely get the app on my phone. It is convenient and keeps me current with the regimine I am following. It was amazing how far off base I was to what my carb/fat/protein daily breakdown was. I am a believer that KNOWLEDGE is power.

    I have 100 lbs to lose - more if you go by the height/ weight charts - LOL. I live in Dallas but was born in Puerto Rico. So, I am US by citizenship but HOT LATIN by culture : )

    welcome. i'm half Latina, so maybe that makes me a lukewarm Latin? ;)

    Just wanted to take a minute to let you all know I wont be on for a few days. When I woke up this morning my 9 yr old black lab was very sick. After going to the vet we found out there wasnt anything to be done and we are going to have to have her put down on Sunday.

    how sad. so sorry for you and your family.
    I went outside this afternoon to bundle some branches and I was attacked by those pesky and blood thirsty mosquitoes, I think I had 20 bites in less than 5 minutes.:grumble: Needless to say I gave up and came inside to avoid those creatures. Most of the bites have disappeared but oh it it itched for a while. I at least killed many of them but they still got their fill. Note to self- outside and shorts don't work well.:sad:

    I read an article earlier this summer talking about how bad that mosquitoes are this year. that they are larger and more aggressive than ever. i even saw some mosquitoes around here, new mexico, and that almost never happens. luckily, for some reason mosquitoes don't find me a favorable snack and pretty much ignore me. however, the same can not be said of bees that are attracted to my red hair and are always buzzing around me.

    My Friday fitness is that I had every reason/excuse in the book to skip my C25K workout tonight.... but did it anyway!!!!

    nice work! C25K is hard too!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Naceto - I forgot to wish you well on the job prospect! best of luck!

    Laurie - what a great increase in fitness you're able to report! We all should be imitating you, seriously. You write a compelling an inspirational article, and I for one, have been inspired over the past years by your fitness regime and the milestones you have reached. :drinker: :heart:

    CathEsh - what a great start with your trainer, learning how to use the weight machines. You hopefully will get a routine down pat that you can do on your own! Remember all those steps you took at the Senior Open? You're a power house!

    his_kid - welcome back! Yes, I remember you! What a great NSV wearing a swimming suit out in the open. Sorry you have been down in the back, but remember most weight loss is caused by caloric restriction, not by exercise, so you can do this!

    Marca - yes, I am having fun with short hair - except waking up with a haystack hair-do in the am - its always worth a laugh ! Congrats on getting your C25K workout done - no matter which one you did, you did one and that counts!!! :drinker:

    Angelika - what is the situation with your parents? Are you caring for them full-time now? That is sure a lot of work including cooking meals for them round-the-clock. Avoiding temptation while making high-calorie meals is certainly a BIG NSV for you! Keep up with us when you can! HUGS!

    Toots - I see you're 8 lbs. down - what? No bragging?? Congrats!!!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Feeling a million times better today! I'm still hobbling, my foot is uber sore but I can get around and actually clean my apartment. Man, one week of not keeping after it and it feels like a decon team needs to come in with hazard suits! On my 5th load of wash now and decided to go ahead and wash all the dishes that sat out on the counter because I couldn't reach the cabinet from my chair.

    The boys got super groomings and pedicures today. About to dust the apartment and clean the bathrooms next. Then it's spot cleaning MowMOw's hairball spots on the carpet (why the hell can't they do that on the linoleum?), then sweeting/mopping/vacuuming!

    A little more about the job I applied for yesterday. I toured the Assisted Living Place while I was there. I sure as hell hope I can afford to live there when I retire (they have a retirement wing and an assisted living wing). That place is flocking AMAZING. It's like a 4 star hotel with a library, your own garden plot, 1&2 bedroom apartments, full dining room, and concierge service... This weekend they are bussing to the coast and staying overnight at one of Benavenue's place in Lincoln City. When I left they were just starting the double feature movie night in the MOVIE THEATRE built into the place.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Toots - I see you're 8 lbs. down - what? No bragging?? Congrats!!!

    well, i'm just making up for what i gained back now lol seems like bragging would be out of place. but thanks!
    A little more about the job I applied for yesterday. I toured the Assisted Living Place while I was there. I sure as hell hope I can afford to live there when I retire (they have a retirement wing and an assisted living wing). That place is flocking AMAZING. It's like a 4 star hotel with a library, your own garden plot, 1&2 bedroom apartments, full dining room, and concierge service... This weekend they are bussing to the coast and staying overnight at one of Benavenue's place in Lincoln City. When I left they were just starting the double feature movie night in the MOVIE THEATRE built into the place.

    that's the life i need right now :laugh:
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    Hey everyone. Hope everyone is doing fine. I have decided that I am not going to take this no weight loss problem laying down and am going to fight like hell to lose. Has anyone have any experience with natural supplements instead of taking prescribed medications. I was on a medication for low thyroid which made my body out of wack. After researching I have found that the natural supplements Aginine and Tyrosine help with this as well as fight my menopause symptoms.

    Went to the gym this morning to continue my c25k program. I did 20 minutes which was pretty good I believe. Also strength training as well is an important thing for me to incorporate back into my exercise regimen.

    Tomorrow is body combat: love that class!!