

  • I'm sorry I don't have any specific knowledge of the Engine2, but as someone who trains in Muay Thai and does not eat meat I can say I have not noticed any strength issues. If anything I have more energy and strength when not eating meat, and I also find you tend to eat a much better overall diet when you have to source…
  • Cauliflower crust pizza: Load it up with veggies. If you want regular pizza, plan for it, eat it, enjoy it, move on.
  • Your now bum is awesome. Don't lose it.
  • I know people get crazy on here... so this is not an attack. But check out the documentaries, and do a little more research. The government is already making your nutritional decisions for you.
  • Soda just does not taste the same. I was once addicted and under its spell. Now, it's flat an unnatural, disappointing and unfulfilling. Water is the winner.
  • Yes, I do a flow every morning, a variation of a sun salutation flow. A lot of knee issues can be exacerbated or even caused by tightness in the surrounding muscles, hip flexors, IT band, etc. I find yoga to be very helpful and it has been recommended by both my orthopedic surgeon and my physiotherapist. You can do a quick…
  • I don't know the exact brand, but look at the ingredients. If the first ingredient is not a whole grain, the product is not whole grain. If it says whole wheat or enriched anything, it is not whole grain.
  • A whole grain includes, basically, the whole grain. A grain is made up of 3 parts; the bran, the germ, and the endosperm. The bran is the outer layer that contains all the vitamins and fibre. The germ is the inner layer which has the protein and carbohydrates, as well as some vitamins. The endosperm is the little 'seed'…
  • Have you ever tried boxing or any other punching sport? It is impossible for you to have flabby arms while boxing.
  • Thanks for your feedback! I'm really flip flopping for now but will go with whatever my gut tells me in the end. I am getting the sense that your activity level and commitment to rehabilitation after the surgery have a big impact on your outcome.
  • Haven't gone through and read this so not sure if it's already been said BUT... Do some research on resources in the area. A local community health centre, YMCA, or other youth organization may have just what you're looking for. It sounds like the entire family needs to be educated on nutrition, exercise, and overall…
  • Yes it is, I have it on mine. Go to the 'Play Store,' formerly known as the Market, just enter My Fitness Pal in the search bar and it will come up, you'll see the little blue box with the person jumping through the air. Sounds like the phone may be new to you... the Play Store is where you can get all your games, apps,…
  • Great job! Where is that bathing suit from?? I've seen it everywhere, want!
  • I usually go with what others have posted. Greek yogurt, string cheese, cottage cheese, and a nut butter paired with a fruit or veggie for my snacks. If you're not too big on dairy you can use beans or legumes. A bean salad is always nice. A favoruite snack of mine is roasted chick peas. Just toss them in whatever…
  • Peanut butter. I would eat all the almonds in one sitting and then die shortly thereafter. The consistency of peanut butter would at least slow me down a little bit from inhaling it all.
  • I don't find the exercise counts on here accurate at all. You are definitely burning calories when doing carpentry but I wouldn't rely on MFP calculations. If you are really interested in knowing the hard numbers you can get a heart rate monitor that will tell you how many calories you've burned. People on here will also…
  • If you had 85 lbs to lose you were carrying around extra fuel for your body to lose. When you are very overweight you can restrict your calories to that low, if you're not walking around with your own energy stores and you're not eating, you will starve. It's not a myth, it's not a scare tactic, it's not a conspiracy, it's…
  • Not normal. Intestinal health and overall health are one in the same. Talk to your doc, it is most likely just a change in diet. I take digestive enzymes to keep my gut in check, but again, talk to your doctor. Hopefully he or she can give your more specialized advice than strangers on the internet :) Good luck
  • That depends. Do you want to be skinny or do you want to be healthy? What is in it that is good and nourishing for you? What is in it that serves no purpose and is simply and additive for your body to process? And personally, I stay far far away from artificial sweeteners. If you have cellulite and you want it to stick…
  • You can't really compare yourself to others. I'm 5'9" now at 184lbs and wear a size 10, when I was 168 I was a size 6. For a lot of ppl 168lbs would have them in double digit sizes. A lot of people would find themselves in the plus sizes at 184 but I carry a lot of muscle. At 168 I was working out like crazy every day and…
  • You're right crunches will do nothing. Try core stabilizing moves, planks, side planks, twists, mountain climbers, etc. Just one example from Men's Health: Do cardio to lose the belly fat and stay away from processed foods and foods high in sodium to fight bloat. Good luck!
  • As far as protein goes, make sure your snacks are a complex carb plus a protein. ie. a fruit. veggie, or whole grain plus a handful of nuts, a nut butter (peanut, almond), or dairy (cottage cheese, millk, cheese string, etc.). If you're really struggling with the protein maybe make one snack a protein shake. I am also a…
  • If you're in Canada, President's Choice makes a good one. Only ingredient is peanuts, that's all you really need to look for.
  • Beautiful Boxer, the true story of Nong Thoom.
  • thanks everyone!
  • Do you know if Active Release Technology is interchangeable with Muscle Activation Techniques?
  • Just read your diary. Ditto on the whole foods, all those processed foods with all that sodium will zap you. Also, it looks like most of the time dinner is your biggest meal of the day, you're starving yourself throughout the day when you need the energy and then taking in the majority of your calories at night. Try…